Vista RTM: Your imprssions?


Sep 22, 2004
I really like the RTM, it seems to be a very solid operating system, im not going to lie but it seems faster then XP Pro. What are your guys thoughts?
I'm waiting for it to be available on my MSDN VL Subscription before I try it.

Where did you get yours, pray tell?
The Donut said:
I'm waiting for it to be available on my MSDN VL Subscription before I try it.

Where did you get yours, pray tell?

Same here, Waiting for it on MSDN
Chances are good that on mid range and better hardware it will perform better than XP. I'm looking forward to switching over to it ASAP.
If it performs anything like RC2 I won't be impressed.

I ran Vista RC2 for about a week and my general impression is that it's slow, overly complicated, and buggy compared to XP. Granted the 'buggy' part could be due to immature Vista drivers for my X1950XTX or X-Fi, but I'm sure the slow part is due to nothing but good old fashioned bloat in the OS.

This experience was on the system in my sig.

The only really great thing about Vista is Aero... it's nearly jaw dropping when you first experience it.
Why do people keep saying Vista RTM like it's a version? It isnt a version! RTM (released to manufacturing) is synonymous with going gold. Micosoft announced Vista went gold by saying it went RTM. The version you have, assuming it is build 6000 and no crazy late show stoppers come up, is final.
It's simply awesome, period. Kudos to the developers for pulling together and getting it finished as quickly as they did (yeah, I know about the 5 year thing, I meant from Beta 2 to what it is right now as of today).

The 64 bit version is currently running pretty damned nicely on my Core 2 Duo laptop - so nice in fact that I decided to create a website for future 64 bit related information that I hope will turn out to actually go somewhere. Be on the lookout for coming soon. :D

It's very nice, and I think once people throw off the shackles of XP and past Windows versions and just accept it, they'll start finding all sorts of cool stuff to use Vista for.
yea im running the 32 bit on my AMD 64, i was in too much of a hurry to try it out. But i dont see no problems, its freaken fast too
I am liking it so far on my Asus Laptop Core Duo (T2400) 2GB DDR2-667 Geforce Go 7300 80GB 7200RPM HDD

Pipen said:
i can't find the gadgets.. how do i add them to my desktop?

right click on the sidebar > add gagets

to download more sidebar gagets use the add gagets window link, download, install :)
I read somewhere that Vista RTM will expire on June 7 2007 (if you activate through MS).
Flyboat said:
I read somewhere that Vista RTM will expire on June 7 2007 (if you activate through MS).

hmm alot of companies are going to have some problems if thats true, doesnt matter thats 8 months away
Flyboat said:
I read somewhere that Vista RTM will expire on June 7 2007 (if you activate through MS).
Vista RTM isn't a 'version' of Vista. It's the final release, released to manufacturer. It won't expire if you activate it, Beta 2, RC1 and RC2 will expire however. I believe their date was somewhere in June 07.
The Donut said:
Vista RTM isn't a 'version' of Vista. It's the final release, released to manufacturer. It won't expire if you activate it, Beta 2, RC1 and RC2 will expire however. I believe their date was somewhere in June 07.

yea thats what i think he meant, all the betas expire in june 2007
just crashed vista ultimate x64 installing star trek armada II -> still has some bugs in it

Edit: Also major driver issues with betas -> XFI and Nvidia
so far the big thing holding me back is of course... Creative Labs drivers suck...
Budwise said:
so far the big thing holding me back is of course... Creative Labs drivers suck...

A better question is, why are you still using creative?
the nvidia drivers - the vista rc 2 ones dont work. I try and install and they dont work. Cant get 1680x1050. Oh well, I hope they bring out better drivers soon. I was looking forward to trying out some games too :(
gurgle said:
the nvidia drivers - the vista rc 2 ones dont work. I try and install and they dont work. Cant get 1680x1050. Oh well, I hope they bring out better drivers soon. I was looking forward to trying out some games too :(

It ships with more recent drivers than the RC2 one's. You need to go back to the original drivers... system restore maybe? or a repair install...
Agree Creatives drivers for Vista are abolutly horrible atm.

Budwise said:
so far the big thing holding me back is of course... Creative Labs drivers suck...
I like how this thing with all the new security features is cracked three months before you can buy it. :rolleyes:

If MS can't protect their money better than that I'm not buying into whole security hype.
As I Lay Dying said:
I have only run vista via vmware, I guess I could try but does photoshop cs2 install and work on vista?

I'm running it too.. Works just fine..
stefan231 said:
Agree Creatives drivers for Vista are abolutly horrible atm.
What is so horrible about the drivers? I have yet to experience a crash in RC2 due to sound driver issues and I haven't run into the stuttering issues that plagued the early beta releases. I think most of the problem was with Vista itself and not so much the drivers. I'm sad that EAX is a no go for now but I never purchased my cards for EAX anyway but I'm sure the loss of EAX and Direct Sound will be a big deal for some.
The X-Fi drivers are enough to get speakers working, but thats it and only 2 speakers. Luckily i can get 5.1 to work in BF2 via a OpenAL workaround. The Audio Console has cause BSOD's a few random times too...

tesfaye said:
What is so horrible about the drivers? I have yet to experience a crash in RC2 due to sound driver issues and I haven't run into the stuttering issues that plagued the early beta releases. I think most of the problem was with Vista itself and not so much the drivers. I'm sad that EAX is a no go for now but I never purchased my cards for EAX anyway but I'm sure the loss of EAX and Direct Sound will be a big deal for some.
"The only really great thing about Vista is Aero... it's nearly jaw dropping when you first experience it"

How so? I don't see anything out of normal with it. Just some simple window-animations (which don't even always occur for some reason) when I select then and a little bit of transparency.
The Donut said:
Vista RTM isn't a 'version' of Vista. It's the final release, released to manufacturer. It won't expire if you activate it, Beta 2, RC1 and RC2 will expire however. I believe their date was somewhere in June 07.

That's like saying leg ain't part of human body.

RTM is also a version of Vista - doesn't matter if it's final or gold or whatever. Besides, service packs and updates will come -> not final in the true meaning of the word.
Cuthalu said:
That's like saying leg ain't part of human body.

RTM is also a version of Vista - doesn't matter if it's final or gold or whatever. Besides, service packs and updates will come -> not final in the true meaning of the word.
The acronym RTM doesn't define a version, it defines a state.

It's not Windows Vista RTM, it's simply Windows Vista. RTM merely denotes that it has been released to the manufacturer.
anyone get the 64bit verison, how fast is that compared to the 32bit, any compatability issues?
as with RC2, it looks great

i'm only missing drivers for my Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1 and nForce4 AMD

the newest graphics drivers from nVidia for Vista works beautifully, 1920x1200 Vista looks gorgeous and silky smooth, i noticed it right away compared to WinXP

well so much for testing Vista, back to WinXP because Vista was missing my sound card