Vista RTM: Your imprssions?

Funny how things work out sometimes...

Jim Allchin himself might explain it better than I:

Updating A Brand New Product


"But, what is even more significant is that at the RTM for Windows Vista, we already had an additional 11,700 device drivers on Windows Update compared to just 2,000 for Windows XP when it RTM’d in 2001. And while we will have significantly more drivers online by official availability, we will continue to add more drivers even after the launch. Because of the improvements in Automatic Updates for Windows Vista, users that choose the recommended setting for Automatic Updates will have the latest drivers installed and available when they add a new device."

Is there a website that keeps track of Vista drivers?

I still need drivers for my

HP 2570 Printer
SmartLink 2800SL modem
Avermedia M150 TV Tuner
I doubt it's possible to keep tabs on *every single driver* if you're not Microsoft itself, nor would I think Microsoft would create any kind of publicly accessible database for checking for such things. Even the HCL is getting a bit long in the tooth for such things.

Right now all you can really do is play around with Vista (if you have an MSDN account or you're still using one of the beta or RC candidates) and learn about how it works. Once it's "official" then the drivers will really start to appear, but not until then I'd say.

We can always hope for the best...