Viewsonic VX2025wm arrived! First impressions and pics

I'm considering getting this monitor as my first LCD, but I'm worried that in the future, when video games require even better video cards then the one I have, that I won't be able to run games in the LCD's native resolution. Is this a valid issue? how big of a difference would native resolution make in games?

Also, how do you guys think this compares to the Dell 2407WFP?
Ordered mine from ZipZoomFly today.

Only because they offered 2 day Fedex for only 12.99.

So for an extra $10 compared to NewEgg
I will have it by Friday!
I can't wait until Monday!

The guy I spoke too at NewEgg told me to have a Eggcellent day.....
Has anyone tried HD on this thing?

How does 720p look?

1080i is bigger than the native resolution.

Does it scale it down?
Im in the family now. Just picked it up at bestbuy for 399 cdn.
Looks great and cant go wrong with performance vs price range.
Latter i might wanna add that new lcd stand to give it hight adjustment.

Crap just noticed dead pixel... what to do what to do.
[CaM]Spoon said:
Im in the family now. Just picked it up at bestbuy for 399 cdn.
Looks great and cant go wrong with performance vs price range.
Latter i might wanna add that new lcd stand to give it hight adjustment.

Crap just noticed dead pixel... what to do what to do.

Try to call or talk to your local distributor.. That's what I did when I discover 1 dead pixel in my LCD. Luckily they are kindly enough to replace it with a new one. :p
just bring it back to bestbuy and ask for exchange, that's the only good thing buying from bestbuy, no question asked.
I flicked the monitor where the dead pixel is with my finger nail, and it fixed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL! YES!!!!!! love how smashing electronics fixes stuff!.

I remember reading about this too like 6 years ago.
I can't seem to add the resolutions 1280x800 and 1440x900 to the list of resolutions this monitor can display. I am using an Nvidia 7800gt, and when I got to add the refresh rate, it says, "The custom resolution cannot be added." Also, has anyone figured out how to use "centered output" or "fixed aspect ratio scaling" with the 7 series? I'm using drivers 91.31. These two things are my main, and major gripes with this monitor.
[CaM]Spoon said:
I flicked the monitor where the dead pixel is with my finger nail, and it fixed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL! YES!!!!!! love how smashing electronics fixes stuff!.

I remember reading about this too like 6 years ago.

With your nail you could of caused more damage to the monitor by scraching the glass then you'd have a much bigger probleme... :eek:

But glad it worked lol :D
I just ordered mine form Newegg. Should see it sometime this week. Im really excited to be leaving my A90F+ Viewsonic behind. It was a great monitor, but I really want a nice LCD and this looked like the perfect one for me. This thread basicly sealed the deal on which to get :D
Not finger tip but the base of finger nail as if your flicking something. Plus you cant stratch a monitor with your finger nail anyway.

I love this monitor. I had it last month at $499 and bestbuy wouldnt price match another store which sold it for 439. I told them that if you wont price match then why should i keep it and why would you want me to return it? They are stupid people at bestbuy and the manager said he will add 15 % extra over the 439 becuase that store charges restocking fee. Mean while that works out to be same price and i told them i want the monitor and dont plan on returning it but again they were hardheaded. So F them i returned it.

Finally bestbuy lowered it to 399 so i picked it up! ahAHAHAHA.
This one is actually better (now that dead pixel is fixed) I have hardly and backlight bleeding which my other one had and the picture is beutiful.

Highly recommanded for peopole looking for performance on a budget. Its a steal.
I was able to buy mine for $343.60 USD. Figured it was a great price for the reviews the monitor did recieve. I cant wait to get my monitor this week =D only problem is they shiped UPS lol;;
Vashypooh said:
I was able to buy mine for $343.60 USD. Figured it was a great price for the reviews the monitor did recieve. I cant wait to get my monitor this week =D only problem is they shiped UPS lol;;
I picked mine up from the local ups office and there was a large tear in the box.
I had the ups worker note it and he let me open the box and inspect the contents.
Lucky for me that the monitor had no problems.
UPS sucks at taking care of delicate electronics.
Yea, I will imediately deny shipment if its physically damaged. Newegg will understand that lol, they are big on tryin to help. I will take pictures etc etc. They are good on that aspect
This is my first LCD and first widescreen. I decided to make the shift and I AM HAPPY. Wonderful monitor, clear, sharp. Im amazed by the difference between an old 17" CRT and this thing.

If you are thinking about getting this monitor or are new to the widescreen or LCD scene, Please do yourself a favor and BUY THIS THING. :cool:
I really wanna buy this monitor but I'm worried about dead pixels (as many people were/are). I don't have a Fry's near me, so that's out of the question. Should I just order it from Newegg or ZZF?
Skelaton4 said:
i would go with newegg but.. just b/c i love newegg.. but i havent ever tried Zip and zoom

Yeah, I think I'll just go with it, hopefully I won't have 7 dead pixels in the middle of my screen, :(
i got a open box one and it came perfect.. no dead pixals or anything.. i gues si was lucky but its sweet
hey guys, i just registered so i could join in on this thread, so i want to know your thoughts
on a couple things,

1. this is the card im thinkin about getting:
BFG GeForce 7800 GS OC AGP 8X 256MB GDDR3 Video Card
will i have any probs with this card? like the no signal thing, or the DVI problem,

2. im worried also about dead pixels, who has the best/easiest return policy, compared to Newegg, i dont wanna get burned on 7 dead pixels... any thoughts?
if your worrierd about dead pixels then buy it from store not from online. Its only like 1-10 youll get a dead pixel. Just give it a tap and youll never know it might fix it like mine : )

dead pixels are normal for lcds though. So dont be suprised and dont be a picky baby.
I was gonna keep mine even with the dead pixel. 1 dead pixel is nothing, only makes you look like a fool for waisting time returning it. But thats me.
I noticed most poeple in this forum are soooo picky.
couple of questions.

right now I have an x800xl but my new system(as soon as conroe hits) will have an x1800xt
512m ( have one in the box).....will these run the res needed?

I know there were tons of post about will it or won't it support lower res games.
Like diablo that is fixed at you get stretched or will it just do the game with black borders?

thanks big time for info

Will my 6600GT have problems with this monitor (DVI issues)?

Also, looks like tiger direct has a good policy on returning LCD's, can anyone confirm this?
animasaki said:
Quick warning to anyone getting this monitor:

Using tweaked drivers for your videocard can be dangerous if you have this monitor connected via DVI. For instance, I had the ForceWare Ultras installed (I'm not sure which version) from Guru3d, and decided I would uninstall them to try out the latest betas from nVidia's site. What actually happened was when I uninstalled them, its more-thorough uninstall process effectively rendered the DVI port on my VX2025wm useless, and sent me back into 8-bit color mode.

A reformat solved my color issue (no big deal, one must expect the odd problem with tweaked drivers), but after weeks of trying different methods to get the DVI port working on my ViewSonic (along with sending it back to ViewSonic for repairs!), it remains broken, and I am continuing negotiations with their lacking support department.

In short, please note that tweaked videocard drivers can, in fact, sometimes permanently destroy seperate components if you aren't completely knowledable on what you're doing. This is not to bash the ForceWare Ultra driver sets, as I believe them to still be some of the higher-quality tweaked drivers around, but just to serve as a warning to those who may not realize the possible danger involved. :(

Do you mean that an uninstall on the computer would uninstall something in the monitor to render it useless, or just on the computer? Would the monitor work with other computers? Just something similair happened to me when uninstalling things which seemed to have rendered my monitor without 1680x1050 on the VGA, even when trying with other computers, reformat and so on.

Did you solve it at the end? I'm still having no success after trying almost everything.
I just picked one of these up over the weekend (I'm getting all of my preparations done for a Conroe system later this month) and I'm loving it.
Pretty much every game I have will work with it via little tweaking. Even old games that only do 4:3 still look terrific in a 1280X124 w/ bars on the side. In a dark room, you wouldn't even notice ;)

I've got a 6800GT and thus far all of my games that I used to run at 1280X1024 run more or less the same speed at 1680X1050 with no detail changes. Once I get a 7900 or 7950 I should have FPS to spare.

Once nice thing is that the colors seem to have been pre-set out of the box. When I ran the nvidia optimizer, everything was perfect with no adjustments. Blacks on this monitor are GREAT, too.

2 thumbs up from me!
Well thats nice to hear and that a good idea closing the lights and you wont notice haha i'll dot that when am playing Tiberian Sun thanks! Now i can't wait to pick up this monitor!
I recently used the 2 DVI ports in my card to compare my dad's 19 inch AOpen LCD with my 20 inch CRT, and overall I think I prefer the LCD. The blacks are much darker, though there was a lot of it and it was sometimes difficult to differentiate between really dark shades and colors. The colors were much more vibrant, and looking back at my CRT, it looks like it's in the middle of a fog or something. Call of Duty 2 looked great on the LCD (I played the D-Day mission, bright colors) but it was less impressive in FEAR, with all the dark shadows.

I'm also having some technical problems with my CRT (it was a refurb, and fairly cheap, I think it's time to replace it). I'm thinking that LCD is the way to go (and widescreen rules), and this one particularly as any larger models with higher native resolution may be problematic with games down the road. I won't be using it for consoles or DVDs, I have a big nice HDTV already, but for computer games, working in Photoshop, surfing the internet and so forth.

I guess my question is how does this LCD handle dark colors? And are the pixels really obvious and prominent?

I'm also a little unclear about HDCP. Will the monitor show PC games and downloaded videos in full resolution even without HDCP support?
I had a Sony 19" LCD and the blacks on it were horrendous. The closest thing you could get was a dark grey color. In a game like Doom (which isn't great to start with), it was AWFUL.
The 2025WM is the closest thing I've seen to a CRT in terms of black levels.
In terms of pixels, I suppose it just depends on what resolution you're used to. This one is native 1680X1050, so it's pretty big...BUT if you're used to something larger or running in a non-native res you might have issues. Of note 1280X1024 looks terrific on this monitor, too. If you have to play in 4:3 mode, that's the perfect resolution to use. It looks like a native res only with black bars.
yeah i got mine i love it zero dead pixels <3

Huh, thanks for the info Domingo. I just saw one at office depot, but it was in the light and I wasn't able to play games and such, but it looked great. I'll mostly be playing in pretty dark conditions too, so it's hard to tell how I'll like it, but from what I saw, I was impressed.

So does anybody know the answer to my HDCP question?
Skelaton4 said:
no it doesnty support HDCP

I'm just a little mixed up on what HDCP will do, once Vista comes out. I won't be playing DVDs or Blu-Ray/HD-DVD videos on my PC, nor will I be hooking this monitor to my PS3/360. I'll be using it for PC games and downloaded videos and the like. Will HDCP still be a problem?
How does the VX2025 perform under conditions with a lot of light? I am almost certain on getting this monitor but I will most likely be using it in a good amount of light, and i just want to make sure it will be OK.
[CaM]Spoon said:
if your worrierd about dead pixels then buy it from store not from online. Its only like 1-10 youll get a dead pixel. Just give it a tap and youll never know it might fix it like mine : )

dead pixels are normal for lcds though. So dont be suprised and dont be a picky baby.
I was gonna keep mine even with the dead pixel. 1 dead pixel is nothing, only makes you look like a fool for waisting time returning it. But thats me.
I noticed most poeple in this forum are soooo picky.

Well yeah, of course they are going to be picky. I almost emptied my bank account on my Samsung 215tw, and if it had one dead pixel, I would have taken it back, plain and simple.
Good day guys!

Just got my newly replaced LCD.

Just have one problem though. Don't know particularly if it's because of the LCD or the VideoCard..

The problem goes this way..

I'm playing for about an hour and what will happen is the monitor will just turn off and on and off and it will go that way forever. But I noticed that the CPU is still working, fans are ok, all is OK but the monitor is off.

Now, what I will do is force shut down the CPU and after 5mins turn it on again and there you go, all is fine but it will suddenly go off again after hours of playing..

what could be it guys?

Thank you very for your help!


Videocard= Inno3d 6600 vanilla
PSU= TASK 500watts brand new
CPU= Intel 2.8 with HT lga775
Monitor= Viewsonic VX2025
may want to take some time to check your video card temp. that sounds like it might be overheating. Play a game while monitoring VGA temp. if it gets to like 70-80 you may want to concider something simple like applying Arctic Silver and seeing if there is improvement. 70-80 IMO is on the borderline overheating, some cards will work just fine in that range, some cards will go very emo and turn themselfs off.
Vashypooh said:
may want to take some time to check your video card temp. that sounds like it might be overheating. Play a game while monitoring VGA temp. if it gets to like 70-80 you may want to concider something simple like applying Arctic Silver and seeing if there is improvement. 70-80 IMO is on the borderline overheating, some cards will work just fine in that range, some cards will go very emo and turn themselfs off.

The problem is there's no temp monitoring "enabled" in my videocard.. unless you flash the BIOS or something like that which is dangerous in my opinion.. However I do tried touching the Viedocard after I shut it down and it's not that "hot" afterall..