Verizon Doubling FiOS Speed to 300Mbps

Please don't hate me but I'm getting upgraded to a 50/25 connection. The wife said she wants to get something cheaper and I almost cried. I assured her that every other service is more expensive. ;)

Well since you said please, I won't hate you. You're so lucky you said please because I was ready to pull your spine out Subzero style.
I'm in the area that went to Frontier and I'm on a 75/75 right now. 300 would be pretty kickass. :D
Fuck Verizon. I can get it in Virginia Beach but I can walk across the street to norfolk and Nope its not there. Verizon needs to expand map coverage before the increase speed. Fucking pricks.
I'm in the area that went to Frontier and I'm on a 75/75 right now. 300 would be pretty kickass. :D

I'm also in the Frontier area, as was told 35/35 was the best Frontier offered. Which again, isn't bad, but is no 75/75...
RAA just bought a pix515e upgraded its memory and processor, now I have to get an ASA for my FiOS. :mad::eek::p

I pay for 35/35 biz class with static IPs and have servers.

What kind of actual download speeds to you get? I ask because Charter seems to put a priority on speed tests these days. My downloads average 19Mbit and peak briefly at around 22 (when I say briefly, I mean for about 2 seconds) and occasionally hit 26 for about half a second. Yet, here is speed test result (that ping is an anomily; it's usually under 30):


Charter claims "up to" 30Mbit, but I only signed up for 12 in the first place so I'm not complaining.

Just curious about Verizon's claims.
I have the 35/35 plan on Fios currently. I average about 45/40. Love the service.
I wish verizon would get FIOS in my area. Its actually available in my town, but not my neighborhood(funny since my neighborhood is relatively new compared to others around me). All I can get is phone service and their DirectTv :(
I read this as them adding another Tier to their current offerings.
So speeds wont increase unless you change tiers (pay more).

This is lame, this isn't an upgrade. It's just a new Tier and price point that wont effect current Tiers and pricing.

But then again, that article basically says nothing so i guess we will see.
I'm bordering a Frontier area, I keep calling and asking buddies who are engineers there to help push into my area. I'd switch my business line over in a heart beat. Damn line was run all over my street by Verizon before they sold to Frontier. Someone just need to finish the connection at the bottom of the hill and turn it on.

I don't need anymore download than I have (20/5 setup), I wont turn more down though, what I need is more upload, but Comcast is has terrible tiers.
We're all Frontier Fios here in WA, bunch of idiots running a nice fast service. Once you get it set up and aren't dealing with tech support and billing over the phone the speed is great, I'm only on the 25/25 plan, but I had 35/35 in the last place... Too expensive for my blood, but better than anything comcast offers without the bullshit of caps.
We're all Frontier Fios here in WA, bunch of idiots running a nice fast service. Once you get it set up and aren't dealing with tech support and billing over the phone the speed is great, I'm only on the 25/25 plan, but I had 35/35 in the last place... Too expensive for my blood, but better than anything comcast offers without the bullshit of caps.

I have friends working there in all aspects. I'm just outside their current range. I'm looking at the business line pricing though, and it's amazing compared to Comcast. Not to mention Comcast has been having a ton of dropouts for me lately (evenings and mornings for hours on end). I'm ready for a change, and if Frontier pushes faster speeds than they have now to keep pace with Verizon, that would be great. So long as they hook me up.
If I'm doing something that needs 300 down, I would think I'd need more than 65 up.
verizon is not laying new copper lines in existing markets so some day , they will replace with fiber and offer fios only, its just a matter of time, i just hope the copper lines i have outside fall apart sooner then later
verizon is not laying new copper lines in existing markets so some day , they will replace with fiber and offer fios only, its just a matter of time, i just hope the copper lines i have outside fall apart sooner then later

Its kind of sad when you consider how much dark fiber is out there from the late 90's early 2000's when a ton of tele comm's thought they were going to rake in the money and rent these to the big guys (AT&T, Comcast, Cox, TW, etc.).
Yeah I don't get it: You can get FIOS in the Portland suburbs of Beaverton and Gresham but not in Portland itself. Probably some Comcast exclusivity deal with the city.

Moving into a townhouse in a month and ordering the 75/35 plan immedietely after. My pfSense should handle it nicely :)

I can also confirm, seeing as how I download and upload over 1.5TB a month, there is no cap for home users.
Not getting why some people are getting worked up over this. The cost of this is going to rape still. Unless the price is cheap or they bump us to higher speed when the new package comes out, i could careless. I'm happy with my 32/23 fiber...
Not getting why some people are getting worked up over this. The cost of this is going to rape still. Unless the price is cheap or they bump us to higher speed when the new package comes out, i could careless. I'm happy with my 32/23 fiber...

Thing is, they ARE bumping people up, for the same price.
Fuck Verizon. I can get it in Virginia Beach but I can walk across the street to norfolk and Nope its not there. Verizon needs to expand map coverage before the increase speed. Fucking pricks.

Only 1 place in Norfolk has FIOS and it's down the street from me at East Beach where the $1million+ homes are.
Called to confirm and I'll be upgrading to 300/65 in a week or so when they go live. I was told to call back on price but if its more than $20 extra than I may not even bother.

150/65 is already fantastic for a home user. 300 would be sick but not required. We'll see.
hope this makes cable companies upgrade their dosis 3.0 to those speeds.

If you live in a low density area thats close to a hub that would be nice. Where I live, 50Mb/s cable gets slower than dial up modems in the afternoons. DSL is the only way to go, AT&T Uverse is nothing but a scam here too.

Nice to live in a big city.
Called to confirm and I'll be upgrading to 300/65 in a week or so when they go live. I was told to call back on price but if its more than $20 extra than I may not even bother.

150/65 is already fantastic for a home user. 300 would be sick but not required. We'll see.

At those speeds, short of just a couple of sources I can think of, there are just so few ways to even come close to saturating that speed unless you have multiple users. For a business though it's pretty killer.
Ultimate first-world internet problem...

My FiOS is so fast, no speedtest site can accurately test the upload.

But really, bonded or not, niether of my two fios lines ever comes close to being measured right on or Torrents max them out perfectly fine.
I don't really see the point of this kind of speed for a home user. My connection maxes out around 20Mbps down, and at most I hit that for maybe 1 hour every month. How often would I be able to hit 300Mbps? And then if you add in a bandwidth cap, how am I realistically supposed to use a 300/65 connection?

It's a luxury service. If you got the money, you will find a way to use the bandwidth.
Currently living in an Orlando apartment that only allows Brighthouse. If/when I move out I absolutely will be making Verizon FiOS availability the top priority.
I'm currently on the 35/35 plan, so the free upgrade to 75/35 will be nice. On the other hand, the 150/65 plan looks like a tempting upgrade...
What kind of actual download speeds to you get?

I get exactly what the speed test shows. I have no problems downloading files at 5.1 megabytes/second. Upload tho, not quite as consistent. I think they have something that throttles uploads. I used to have problems uploading over 700kb/s but since I've switched to a pix, seems 2.4mbytes/sec is the new fastest I've done. Still well below what I should be able to do (to a single destination). Multiple uploads at once seem to be ok, never really benchmarked it, it's more than fast enough.
I get exactly what the speed test shows. I have no problems downloading files at 5.1 megabytes/second. Upload tho, not quite as consistent. I think they have something that throttles uploads. I used to have problems uploading over 700kb/s but since I've switched to a pix, seems 2.4mbytes/sec is the new fastest I've done. Still well below what I should be able to do (to a single destination). Multiple uploads at once seem to be ok, never really benchmarked it, it's more than fast enough.

yep., I'ts great to download multiple gig game updates from steam at close to 5 megabyte/s :D
I get exactly what the speed test shows. I have no problems downloading files at 5.1 megabytes/second. Upload tho, not quite as consistent. I think they have something that throttles uploads. I used to have problems uploading over 700kb/s but since I've switched to a pix, seems 2.4mbytes/sec is the new fastest I've done. Still well below what I should be able to do (to a single destination). Multiple uploads at once seem to be ok, never really benchmarked it, it's more than fast enough.

There's a particular source I can down from at 9.3MB/s (yes that's a big B) all day long with little variation. Upstream to a few FTP's I use tends to cap out between 5MB-8.5MB per sec, but I think that has more to do with their end and the distance.
At those speeds, short of just a couple of sources I can think of, there are just so few ways to even come close to saturating that speed unless you have multiple users. For a business though it's pretty killer.

I actually work at home and move large amounts of data too and from a storage server so I could justify it as a "business expense" but lets me honest , I'd really be getting it for bragging rights :cool:

Having 150/65 is quite amazing already , I can have everyone in my household on it at the same time doing whatever they want to do and still anytime of the day its ready to give me full unrestricted bandwidth. I really don't miss the days of using cable for an ISP , so many weird issues to deal with.

I've actually got a friend in Chattanooga , TN who has EPB which is a fiber service provided by the community down there and he pay's around $250 a month for 1Gbps up and down service a month. He can barely saturate it for his own uses but he absolutely loves it.
Just to bitch a little more from my previous post, I have AT&T DSL Elite, which is the best money could buy in my development (for consumer level ISP) and it only gives me 6 Mbps down (and 512 kbps up). I'd give either of my nuts, maybe both (j/k :eek: ) to get even 30 Mbps down, let alone 300 Mbps. :(
I cant imagine a double dose of this , but I'm willing to try it..:)

We're all Frontier Fios here in WA, bunch of idiots running a nice fast service. Once you get it set up and aren't dealing with tech support and billing over the phone the speed is great, I'm only on the 25/25 plan, but I had 35/35 in the last place... Too expensive for my blood, but better than anything comcast offers without the bullshit of caps.

Where in WA? I just put in several zip codes including Seattle and Spokane and none of them had Frontier FIOS.