Verizon doing away with unlimited data. Thoughts?

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How does miles driven affect your car insurance?
The more you drive your car, the more possible it is for you to cause an accident.

A long time ago I used my personal car for a work-related task. I got hit by an SUV, totalling my car. When I got my car replaced my insurance company sent me a nice letter explaining how they were raising my rates since I used my car for work.

The more you drive your car, the more possible it is for you to cause an accident.

A long time ago I used my personal car for a work-related task. I got hit by an SUV, totalling my car. When I got my car replaced my insurance company sent me a nice letter explaining how they were raising my rates since I used my car for work.


Yeah. They can actually decline to pay a claim or at very least dock you big time for falsifying info. For instance, go ahead and tell them you only drive 1000 miles annually and get in a wreck after putting 10k miles on it in a year.......

This all kinda makes the point that there are terms and conditions that those of us with any shred of moral integrity try to stay within after agreeing to them. There's a saying that will be true in every instance. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."
Yeah. They can actually decline to pay a claim or at very least dock you big time for falsifying info. For instance, go ahead and tell them you only drive 1000 miles annually and get in a wreck after putting 10k miles on it in a year.......

This all kinda makes the point that there are terms and conditions that those of us with any shred of moral integrity try to stay within after agreeing to them. There's a saying that will be true in every instance. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."

Absolutely, and you know what, that applies to businesses as well as people.

take a look at this clip position in an interview with Elon Musk talking about SpaceX

in particular he mentions what he "will not do" around the 55m 40s mark, that being milk the government and other companies looking to put things in orbit for as much as possible. Just because you can, does not mean you should.

The rationale for doing so is that you primary, if not only concern is making the most money you possible can while providing the least amount of service you can get away with (keeping costs lower for more profits).

Is it such a horrible thing to want to make money AND provide greater service for people? Even if it costs you some margin due to more investment in infrastructure? Is the ONLY rationale for doing so more customers? Maybe so, and with fewer carriers the need to do that gets slimmer and slimmer with so few controlling the pipes.

You see that story about Time Warner writing legislation to stop localities from providing high speed internet?

More specifically, MUCH HIGHER speed internet at lower prices?

... wow, getting too tangenty
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