Using Credit Cards For Age Verification Online?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
From the front page:

Are you willing to provide your credit card info to access a website selling M rated games? Activision is doing it but I have a feeling that they won’t be doing it for long.

What about you? Will you give up your CC info to log on to a M rated game site?
Nice, that'll just keep the people off of there that don't use/can't get credit cards, while rich snotty kids just use daddy's credit cards.

Yeah, that'll really work. :rolleyes:
Why on earth do they care? Just why? I bet three people visit the site over the next month.
Personally no i woulnd't. I can't really explain my feelings on it, but proabably the most simple explanation is that im getting sick and tired of having to fork out more and more personal information simply because some 13 year old kids are smart enough to cheat the system.

Go ahead, put a system like this in place. now instead of kids looking at this stuff online without permission, with a credit card, they may just go ahead and purchase themself a copy while their at it.

Steve said:
From the front page:

Are you willing to provide your credit card info to access a website selling M rated games? Activision is doing it but I have a feeling that they won’t be doing it for long.

What about you? Will you give up your CC info to log on to a M rated game site?

Nope. CC info for "verification purposes" always seems fishy to me.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm almost 20 years old and I have no credit card. I have a debit card, but no credit. I really hate when I have to use a CC to buy something. In that case, I have to use my mom's. I wish this would change.
I'm so paranoid about giving my credit card over the net, I'd never do it just to access content. They will lose a lot of visitors with that policy. :rolleyes:
inotocracy said:
I'm so paranoid about giving my credit card over the net, I'd never do it just to access content. They will lose a lot of visitors with that policy. :rolleyes:

That's pretty much the reason why I haven't bought DOD source.
not a chance , over the last few years too many corporations have been careless or lying when it comes to using personal information. to put it simply i don't trust too many people these days and unless i have a damn good reason to i don't give out ANY information, be it CC#/name/address/phone numbers/email. maybe i'm a bit paranoid but seems like more and more that might be a good thing.
Oh no, I can't access the Quake 3 site!

In all seriousness, this won't last long.
Activewho...see if I ever stop by their website much less purchase any of their games. I wouldn't give my fiance my WOW account information what makes you think I would give them my financial information?
I would never use a credit card to verify my age. This is just getting stupid. I dont see the problem with all this M rated games BS.

We teach things like shakespeare as early as grade 6 and it can be extremely violent. Hell I remember watching godfather when I was like 5. Give it a rest guys. I am not a violent person and I have grown up with the same if not more violence then most people around me.
Jonsey said:
Nope. CC info for "verification purposes" always seems fishy to me.
I agree. Seems a little to pr0n site-ish. Things of that nature have a (deservedly) bad reputation.

Get real assovision, the only place that gets my CC# is Newegg...
I know of quite a few banks that issue debit cards (with credit card logos) to account holders who are under the age of 18. This won't stop anyone from accessing their site except for folks without a credit rating, and people who protect their personal information.

Why don't they just pull your credit rating while they are at it? If your beacon is below 450 you only get to look at games below $19.99
Why don't they just pull your credit rating while they are at it? If your beacon is below 450 you only get to look at games below $19.99
That's hilarious but it wouldn't surprise me, to be honest. Well, too much anyway.

Regardless, I would NEVER give out CC info just to access a site. It's ludicrous.
It only goes to show that Activision doesn't possess the testicular fortitude to stand up to a few mindless, uninformed politicians.
No i will not give a CC#

And i bet if corporations/companies were liable for theft of information this kind of pandering/tactics would soon come to an end...
Steve, you should probably put that link above (the one AznAnarchy99) on the front page, with props to him.

Its hilarious that this is already bypasses by such stupid means, no offense AznAnarchy99, I just mean its stupid that its so simple.
Its not going to last. Maybe for BUYING a game, but not for viewing the site which was free yesterday. This is bullshit. What happens if theres a game coming out that you wanna check out and cant becuse of the damn CC check while not having one? Its definitely not going to last long. BAD MOVE activision.
Just another attempt by a megacorp to violate individuals privacy and collect demographic information for directed marketing campaigns. How's about a big steamy bowl of shit pudding for the marketing asshole who green lighted that one.
Why???? when you are in the movies the previews are approved for all ages. Duh....just make the web ads the same way. Give a credit card for what???? Are these people really that NUTS!!! I like what the kid said link it.....another Duh.

This is utter nonsense.
No one is saying it's fool proof. You can get a debit gift card at almost any mall now and sites like give virual numbers. Like the old enter your birthday, it's just further protection against bs lawsuits.

As for the backdoor, it'll be fixed they just haven't gotten to it yet. ;)
whats funny is i would have never even thought about going to their site had i not heard about this and wanted to see for myself if it was true.
Looks like we can still go on All we have to do is put in a B-Day and thats it. Same with Doom 3. I don't get it why they would do that on their site but not the official sites?

Politics suck
Just tried this old trick, and it works fine.

For the b-day, put in a date that makes you at least 21 years of age.

For the credit card, put 4111 1111 1111 1111
This is a test number, and the initial "4" represents a Visa card. A beginning "5" represents Mastercard.

Basically, since this method worked, the code behind the page is not actually hitting a credit card authorization site, but is simply checking the number structure. Whether or not the numbers are captured is another matter entirely, but I highly doubt Activision would do that.
I'm baffled as to the point of this really. as far as I can tell, the content really doesn't matter in any way whatsoever, so, umm, yeah... thanks bye.
Only in america :rolleyes:

What a load of shite. Simply click on any other region at the Activision start page and you won't be insulted with such preposterous measures only a litigious yank society could bring about.
Does it need an actual credit card, or does a regular debit card work? Because there are many banks that give debit cards to minors, as well as places like Simon malls that sell debit "gift cards."

Either way, this is completely stupid.
common sense should tell someone not to use a credit card for an id. I'll bet they save them in some password protected file that no one can hack in to.
Hi, I am 21, but with no CC, and I am not interested in getting one just yet (I have my reasons). Damn, might as well ask for your SSN/SIN

Have fun but I know of 5 less customers that they would have.

Good luck to those US companies that insist on abusing personal info, what comes around goes around... someday :)