Using Credit Cards For Age Verification Online?

SpeedRunner said:
That's pretty much the reason why I haven't bought DOD source.

Your more likely to have your CC info stolen from a live store then over the internet, same with identiy theft.
Dear Activision:

I hope you realize by now it's against CC user agreements to simply ask for that kind of info just to access your website.

I'm telling everyone I know to let the Visa/Mastercard boys know what you are doing in order to bring in the "big guns" and get you shut down on this lame idea.


For the forum:

This little form is to let Visa know about this abuse of their cards

This little form is to tell Mastercard about this.

You know what to do. :D

Kyle, is there any way to put this on the front page so we can get tons of people behind it? I have a feeling if Mastercard and Visa get behind this, it's not long for this world.
To me its like thoes porn sites that want CC numbers to vertify age...and while this is ALOT more trustworthy, i think i will just go to another site.
What we need is banks to create an age verification system.
You have a bank/checking account, they generate a Special hash just for you to use for age verification. It's not used for anything else.

Sites use that. Ppl get verified. I dont have to give out my FUCKING CC NUMBER GODDAMNIT WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD .... Ok, im calm, I'm calm. All is well.
Hell NO
This is just retarded. Porn sites don't usualy require that much info. Some have checks based on CC but there are tons out there that just say "Are you 18? Really? ok you can look at midgets get it on with goats"

I give it less then a week before they change their minds.
I have refused to do this since I first went on the internet in 1994/5. And, I will continue to do it for the foreseeable future.
Is this just plain wrong: yes, Will i do it: no, Is it justified: yes

But, what is the reasoning behind it, This is a knee jerk reaction to the stupidity that is encompasing our country. you have idiot governors like granholm and swartzeniger (sp?) that pass laws that prosecute vendors from selling m rated games to minors that are more strict than selling cigarettes or porn to them. then you have congress that is more worried about a mod that can be activated in a game (hot coffee) than in the state of our economy or the farce of a war that the son of a bush got us into. I dont believe it will go away soon, in fact i would almost put money on other companies doing it as well and after a time it will be the norm, just so the game companies can avoid legal trouble from the "moral minority" that is driving this travisty to the entire gaming industry. (i also wouldnt doubt that if things keep going the way they are, in a couple of years if you want to buy an M rated game youll have to go to a porn-shop because they will be the only ones carrying them ie. big name stores, wallmart, bb, etc.. just wont bother with the legal hassles)
r_shortt said:
Hell NO
This is just retarded. Porn sites don't usualy require that much info. Some have checks based on CC but there are tons out there that just say "Are you 18? Really? ok you can look at midgets get it on with goats"

I give it less then a week before they change their minds.

Aye, tis true. Iffen they ask for me CC number Ill be askin for thar teats and midgets. Arr arr arr. The'll be no tradin o secrets with no promise o plunder!
Umm...maybe it's just me, but don't you need a credit card to actually buy the games online? Why verify just to browse? If you're that concerned about who sees the site, don't post M-rated content. Screenshots don't have to demonstrate every aspect of the game, and I seriously doubt that anything they show right now qualifies as M-rated anyway. If it does, they need to rethink their marketing.

If a porn site can have a non-X-rated preview page, surely Activision can use non-M-rated pages to sell their games.
I hope you realize by now it's against CC user agreements to simply ask for that kind of info just to access your website.

Says who? i dont ever recall it being illegal to ask someone for their CC # - if so then any store purchase that asks for your CC is breaking the law?

Can you point me to where it states this law that people can not ask for your CC for verification ?
Not a chance they are getting my CC info!
I Refuse to provide it to da porn sites, i am sure as heck not going to provide it just to look at some screenshots.
I never go to the official game sites anyways (others have more info) but now ill definitely never go to them.
i am not 18 yet, but if i was and had a CC i would never give that shit out to sites like that, even if they are "secure" there will always be a hacker who wil lfind a way to steal your info, that is simly retarded, and unless activision wants to go out of business they will end it soon.
If I actually ever wanted to go to their site, then no I wouldn't mind. I have my number memorized so it doesn't take much effort to enter it in.

But I don't think they should be doing this.

Some people don't have credit cards. Some don't feel like taking their card out, or giving their info to look at games. And kids can get access to these games (or any other adult material) from another site.. it doesn't have to be through activision.
fatrat said:
Dear Activision:

I hope you realize by now it's against CC user agreements to simply ask for that kind of info just to access your website.

I'm telling everyone I know to let the Visa/Mastercard boys know what you are doing in order to bring in the "big guns" and get you shut down on this lame idea.


For the forum:

This little form is to let Visa know about this abuse of their cards

This little form is to tell Mastercard about this.

You know what to do. :D

Kyle, is there any way to put this on the front page so we can get tons of people behind it? I have a feeling if Mastercard and Visa get behind this, it's not long for this world.

Perhaps one for Discover and Amex?

Activision's site still does the Credit Card requiest pop up.

This definitely won't last long.

Unless their goal is to reduce internet traffic to their site.
Maybe they were going over their bandwidth limits, and want to keep it low for awhile? :p
