Update your WinRAR installs!

7-zip is great, I actually use it most of the time now.

For some archival on media which can degrade, I like WinRAR with the damage recovery. It saved my bacon in the past.
СССР (Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, LOL!
The acronym in Russian for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. You know, that lovable bunch with the indomitable Uncle Joe.
Thanks, just updated!

Also just realized WinRAR doesn't seem to be the norm anymore haha, maybe I'll try 7zip or just Windows.
I still use CCCP for my media playing needs. It has been great for the last 20+ years, and never ran into anything it couldnt play.
Is it still the codec of choice for anime watchers, I don't think I have it installed my current rig, been using stock Pot Player.
Still use, great compression and encryption options and split volumes, still better than 7Zip for that if you use it.
Ah, CCCP, now there’s a name I haven’t heard for a long time. Along with KLCP (K-lite?) and KCP (Kawaii Codec Pack). I’ve been using LAV Megamix for a few years now.
Been using it since the 90s and still use it.
Even has a multi threaded benchmark built in haha!
Love the ability to open an executable without having to extract anything, it just works. Unlike win built in.
And it's fast.
Bought a license too over 20 years ago and it's never asked for another fee to upgrade ever.
The gift that keeps giving. How many other programs can do that legitimately?
I prefer WinRAR over 7zip because it has out-of-the-box support for multiple select -> right click -> extract each archive to separate folder.