Unreal Tournament 3 PC or 360?


Jul 25, 2005
Quick and easy question: which version has a larger community, the 360 or PC version? I really enjoyed Unreal Tournament 2004 with all the vehicles but I've heard not many people play this game. I'm sure I'd be happy with either version if there are enough people to find online.
In general, UT3's dead across the board, but there's more life on the PC version. On the consoles, unless the game's name is Halo, Gears, or COD - MP is destined to be dead quickly.
I bought Lost Planet Colonies Edition (the one where ALL of the achievements are for MP) for $10 and couldn't find a game to save my life.
The whole UT franchise is basically dead. They recently announced they won't be making another game for some years, and I suspect that will be at least 6 years, possibly never.
Well if it's dead we killed it!!! The game was no where near as bad as people complained and the update helped too. But for 10 bucks you can find some pretty good matches for this style of gameplay.
pc version : customizable graphics(you can pretty much remove all this hdr bloom and shiny stuff and so can your enemy just fine without even using bright skins ) , super smooth framerate free online play, superior controls once you figure out how to remove the terrible in-game mouse accelerations plus tons of mods http://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-3/mods /THREAD
You should skip it and spend the $10 on something else...really :p
If it has to be UT3 then PC. However if you haven't had the pleasure of playing UT2k4 I recommend that above UT3 by far. People still play it online too.
Well if it's dead we killed it!!! The game was no where near as bad as people complained and the update helped too. But for 10 bucks you can find some pretty good matches for this style of gameplay.

I know that having less game modes than UT2004 really is hard to swallow right?
In general, UT3's dead across the board, but there's more life on the PC version. On the consoles, unless the game's name is Halo, Gears, or COD - MP is destined to be dead quickly.
I bought Lost Planet Colonies Edition (the one where ALL of the achievements are for MP) for $10 and couldn't find a game to save my life.

This is so true.
I would say PC, that game is no good on consoles, you need a mouse and keyboard to really enjoy that game. Its too fast paced for a console.
If it has to be UT3 then PC. However if you haven't had the pleasure of playing UT2k4 I recommend that above UT3 by far. People still play it online too.
I reinstalled UT3 a few days ago, then i reinstalled UT2004 last night (and the popular packs). I preferred UT2004's game play more.
PC platform, buying it for the x360 would be a big mistake

Custom user created content are only available on PC and PS3 platform ( even then, some good maps are not available on PS3 either ). You would want to havel those user created contents, whether its a mod or custom map. There are a lot of great map out there, and the Community Bonus Map Pack

Without those, you will quickly get bored with UT3 original maps

Personally, there are many custom map out there that are much better than default ones. These days, I rarely play default ones, except for the single player campaign
I have it for both and I don't think you win/lose either way. Both are pretty quiet. Game is a lot of fun though and it's a shame it didn't pick up more of a crowd. I think too many delays hurt the sizzle.

If you get it just expect smaller DM type of gameplay.
I installed the pc demo and keep getting the following error on startup: "modified executable code is not allowed. Please reinstall the game." How can I fix this to try the game?
I know that having less game modes than UT2004 really is hard to swallow right?

dont forget they took out the lighting gun..not sure which one they also removed, dodge jump or double jump...

i know they removed wall jump as well...

<<<fellow UT2004 veteran
PC definitley, besides I can't aim worth crap on a controller...


I remember those from the first UT...thats the one I played most too. I still happen to find myself saying those when playing new games.