Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

Actually, I just want to ammend my comment on the buzz noise during DVI use. I've just leaned in REALLY (and I MEAN touching!) close to the right-hand side of the screen, and it's possible there is still the tiniest of buzzing sounds. I may have mistook it before for the slight hiss that comes from my centre speaker. I really can't actually tell though: I can't hear it above my -1000000db (or something stupidly low, you get the point! ;)) PC fan. Also, if it's there, then it's much quieter than when the screen first powers on in DVI mode.

Did you send yours back for another, Cal? I'd be interested to know now whether the replacement you get has absolutely no buzzing or whether this is a common occurance.
JonDo[H] said:
Actually, I just want to ammend my comment on the buzz noise during DVI use. I've just leaned in REALLY (and I MEAN touching!) close to the right-hand side of the screen, and it's possible there is still the tiniest of buzzing sounds. I may have mistook it before for the slight hiss that comes from my centre speaker. I really can't actually tell though: I can't hear it above my -1000000db (or something stupidly low, you get the point! ;)) PC fan. Also, if it's there, then it's much quieter than when the screen first powers on in DVI mode.

Did you send yours back for another, Cal? I'd be interested to know now whether the replacement you get has absolutely no buzzing or whether this is a common occurance.

Thanks for both of your detailed posts. Mine is definitely apparent whenever it's on, even over the laptop hum, so it's probably something that varies in degree from panel to panel. I have not yet received my replacement yet - it's been sitting In Production for 2 days now - but will definitely post when I get it. I hope it doesn't have any bad pixels or backlight bleeding since this first one is "pixel perfect," as they say. The Incredibles DVD looked ...well, incredible on it!

When you test it with your computer on, I recommend turning off all other devices - speakers, ceiling fans, etc, to make sure you're isolating what is the monitor and what might be something else. I'm sure you already knew that. =)

In all cases of your buzzing quieting down, do you have additional inputs plugged into the monitor? I only have the VGA connector in mine. I don't have any component devices I could test right now.
CalKenneth said:
In all cases of your buzzing quieting down, do you have additional inputs plugged into the monitor? I only have the VGA connector in mine. I don't have any component devices I could test right now.

I only have the DVI and VGA connector in at the moment. When running the PS2 last night I had a component cable attached too. Still very strange that during component I couldn't hear the buzz whatsoever. Especially as I've got one of the new pstwo's that are next to silent. I'm wondering if the resonation of its dvd reader was on the same wavelength as the buzz? I'd have to get REALLY anal about it to find out about that ;)
Riptide_NVN said:
ctishue, I think that is normal. We were talking about that earlier in the thread. Open up My Computer on your desktop and drag it from side to side - you will see what looks like tearing. Drag it up and down and the effect isn't there. This shows up with my other LCDs as well. Is it ghosting? Maybe, not really sure.

Try gaming and tell me if you see much ghosting though. I don't. :)

Just to let you know... this happens on my CRT too. I don't think it's a videocard issue, since it doesn't happen in games (I find tearing in games incredibly annoying, and I would notice it.) so I imagine it hase something to do with Windows GUI code...
Thanks for confirming that. To tell you the truth I suspected I had seen that on CRTs before as well but I didn't want to say so until someone else confirmed it. Plus it would be easy, without being able to prove otherwise, to pass that off as ghosting problems due to the LCD technology.
JonDo[H] said:
I only have the DVI and VGA connector in at the moment. When running the PS2 last night I had a component cable attached too. Still very strange that during component I couldn't hear the buzz whatsoever. Especially as I've got one of the new pstwo's that are next to silent. I'm wondering if the resonation of its dvd reader was on the same wavelength as the buzz? I'd have to get REALLY anal about it to find out about that ;)

I really think it's odd that your buzz would be on loudly for the first few minutes and then quiet down to almost nothing when the monitor warms up. I'd almost think it would be the other way around since after a few minutes of warm-up the monitor is displaying at full brightness.
JonDo[H] said:
Just turned my brightness back up to 75% and things look pretty peachy. Possibly a little on the reddish side of things - things look a little too "rosy".

Now then, this looks more natural:-

R: 33
G: 33
B: 32

More fiddling is reqd.
I'm pretty sure that everyones RGB settings are going to be different from monitor to monitor.
Which is odd because the settings I got from arstechnica worked exactly the same for my monitor as they did for the original poster there - producing 2.0 gamma almost exactly. Maybe his monitor and mine just happened to be close matches somehow.
Quick question,

I have a 2405 (my first LCD).

People have been mentioning the ability to watch 4:3 ratio stuff fullscreen without stretching--with black bars the sides.

What do I need to do, to do this? (I have an ati x800xl card btw)

Everything I've run at 4:3 (a couple games and 3dmark05) stretch out to fill the screen.
Glayde said:
Quick question,

I have a 2405 (my first LCD).

People have been mentioning the ability to watch 4:3 ratio stuff fullscreen without stretching--with black bars the sides.

What do I need to do, to do this? (I have an ati x800xl card btw)

Everything I've run at 4:3 (a couple games and 3dmark05) stretch out to fill the screen.

Go into a non-native resolution, like 1024x768. Enter the OSD, go to 'Image Settings', go to 'Scaling', and choose either 1:1 or Aspect. You probably want aspect.
CalKenneth said:
I really think it's odd that your buzz would be on loudly for the first few minutes and then quiet down to almost nothing when the monitor warms up. I'd almost think it would be the other way around since after a few minutes of warm-up the monitor is displaying at full brightness.

It's not ever loud. It's just slightly more noticeable when I first power the screen on in DVI mode (when I lean in close to the screen). It really might just be that I can't hear it over my quiet fan, I don't know. But if that's the case, it's really, really quiet then, and not anything like the noise you've described yours as making :p

EDIT: for instance, I never would have noticed this noise if it wasn't for your post about it ;)
Glayde said:
People have been mentioning the ability to watch 4:3 ratio stuff fullscreen without stretching--with black bars the sides.
W/regard to DVD's and .avi files, just maximize the player or tell it to go full screen. It should keep the aspect ratio and fill the screen top-bottom, leaving black bars on the sides. Follow the other advice posted here w/regard to games that someone posted above this.
Riptide_NVN said:
Which is odd because the settings I got from arstechnica worked exactly the same for my monitor as they did for the original poster there - producing 2.0 gamma almost exactly. Maybe his monitor and mine just happened to be close matches somehow.

Must be, chief! In fact, I'm starting to warm to the sRGB colours on this screen now (36, 44, 42). And this is with brightness quite high - around 50. Even brighter during the day time if I can help it. I have found reducing the gamma to around 0.91 helps heighten the colours a bit, but I'm not sure if I prefer it that way (looks less natural to me). The only reason I might return to user colours is to increase the red up a little from default sRGB. Otherwise, I'm a happy camper :)
Riptide_NVN said:
W/regard to DVD's and .avi files, just maximize the player or tell it to go full screen. It should keep the aspect ratio and fill the screen top-bottom, leaving black bars on the sides. Follow the other advice posted here w/regard to games that someone posted above this.

Assuming he's running his screen in a widescreen resolution in the first place! ;)
JonDo[H] said:
Assuming he's running his screen in a widescreen resolution in the first place! ;)
Well yeah... But you would tend to think that a safe assumption. I know I wouldn't have bought the monitor if I had intended to run 4:3 resolutions most of the time - after all what would be the point then? I would've kept my 2001FP. ;)
2001fp buzzes a lot more than 2405fpw I have, and even that I can notice running it off a silent laptop (by silent I mean no fans running ATM) and deep at night when the ambient sounds are all gone. I guess there are different manufacturing tolerances and different batches of 2405s may emit varying amounts of noise. :p
TehQuick said:
2001fp buzzes a lot more than 2405fpw I have, and even that I can notice running it off a silent laptop (by silent I mean no fans running ATM) and deep at night when the ambient sounds are all gone. I guess there are different manufacturing tolerances and different batches of 2405s may emit varying amounts of noise. :p

Does your 2405FPW buzz a tiny little bit then? (kinda like in my case, where you have to be in a silent atmosphere with your head next to the screen?) This buzzing issue could just turn out to be a common occurence on the 2405FPW screens. For all I know my 2001FP could have "buzzed" too - I never checked! :)
JonDo[H] said:
Does your 2405FPW buzz a tiny little bit then? (kinda like in my case, where you have to be in a silent atmosphere with your head next to the screen?) This buzzing issue could just turn out to be a common occurence on the 2405FPW screens. For all I know my 2001FP could have "buzzed" too - I never checked! :)

Haha, that's funny. Sounds like we all used to own the 2001FP at some point. I bought one and had to exchange it a million times until the 2405FPW came out. At that point I just said F it and returned it for a credit (which I still haven't received yet, by the way). The 2001FPs I had did not buzz, but they did whine quite a bit, which was definitely much more annoying and noticeable than the buzzing.
I own both the 2001fp and the 2405fpw. My 2001fp dosen't buzz nor whine, however; it did make a plastic cracking sound for the first couple of weeks of use. I believe it was just the plastic casing settling during warm up.

My 2405 only makes a buzzing sound for the first couple of seconds that it is turned on. After the post the buzzing sound stops and the monitor is totally quiet. I also have my LCD plugged into a apc backups so it could be the cause of the moniotor buzz when I first turn on the computer.
I didn't try to detect noise on purpose, this is just my observation. When I am using 2001fp, I hear clearly its noise (in silent conditions that is, normally it drowned in the noise of my desktop). In the same conditions, I don't hear thing from 2405 :cool:
Equalizer said:
I own both the 2001fp and the 2405fpw. My 2001fp dosen't buzz nor whine, however; it did make a plastic cracking sound for the first couple of weeks of use. I believe it was just the plastic casing settling during warm up.

My 2405 only makes a buzzing sound for the first couple of seconds that it is turned on. After the post the buzzing sound stops and the monitor is totally quiet. I also have my LCD plugged into a apc backups so it could be the cause of the moniotor buzz when I first turn on the computer.

Equalizer, sounds like you have a similar situation to me. The buzzing sound is only audible at first when turned on, then just disappears. I say audible in the loosest possible sense, since you have to really listen out for it.
got my replacement today. Still buzzing, so I am keeping it. No dead pixels on this panel either. The buzzing was never so loud as to be a distraction, but I wanted to at least say I tried. 3 year warranty eases my mind quite considerably. Amazing monitor for the price.
BigBalla said:
got my replacement today. Still buzzing, so I am keeping it. No dead pixels on this panel either. The buzzing was never so loud as to be a distraction, but I wanted to at least say I tried. 3 year warranty eases my mind quite considerably. Amazing monitor for the price.

Does yours buzz like JonDo[H]'s in the sense that it goes away after a few minutes of power-on?

By the way, for all of you guys who do report buzzing - are you running DVI or VGA?

Heh, I wanted to just post DVI but apparently 3 characters isn't good enough for a message on the [H] forums. Obviously not [H]ard enough! ;)
Right, here are my latest RGB settings that I'm happy with:-

R - 38
G - 44
B - 40

Brightness - whatever you like (it's evening, currently @ 37%)

ATI Gamma - 0.91 (looks good, 1.00 doesn't look much different mind you)

How do those settings look to all you ATI owners out there? You might notice they're not much off the sRGB values. TBH, I just had a feeling that the screen was lacking a bit of red and so I compensated...
i tried other ppl's settings and it looks like shiat....i dunno maybe mine is just not as bright as other ppls...but this is as vivid as i can get it without looking unaccurate

mine is

brightness 88

gamma .8
brightness -15
contrast 126
I've played around some more and actually have hit upon that for some reason on my screen the sRGB looks the absolute best. I tried upping the red a bit before, but in reddish levels on UT2004 colours come out as too red, so I dropped it back down again. I guess we're starting to find these monitors really do vary somewhat! Just to check, has everybody got the same sRGB numbers as me? (36, 44, 42)

Am running the above with 50% brightness and no gamma alterations in the ATI CP. In UT2004, I found the gamma was up from the desktop gamma of 1.0 by default (it was set to 0.79 in UT2004 terms - no idea what that means in real world terms). I lowered that ingame to 0.76 and the result was great (though still brighter than default desktop).

50% brightness is possibly still a little too glary for middle of the night use (eyes take some strain). But it looks soo good! I'm actually concerned that maybe I'm sitting too close? (a bit over 2 feet away) I can't believe how fantastic UT2004 looks, and it runs darn fast at 1920x1200 (4xAA/16xAF) to boot! :eek:
bench261 said:
i tried other ppl's settings and it looks like shiat....i dunno maybe mine is just not as bright as other ppls...but this is as vivid as i can get it without looking unaccurate

mine is

brightness 88

gamma .8
brightness -15
contrast 126

That's some HEAVY brightness there mate! :)
JonDo[H] said:
That's some HEAVY brightness there mate! :)

believe me i am like one of those mogwai's from gremlins when i react to bright light, when i 1st received my 2005fpw i would get dizzy from the brightness but somehow this isnt as bright. that is why i dont understand why some ppl have it so low, when i get my replacement i'll find out
How do your guys' monitors look when you first turn them on? Do you have to wait a little time before it warms up to the normal brightness?
CalKenneth said:
How do your guys' monitors look when you first turn them on? Do you have to wait a little time before it warms up to the normal brightness?
Yes I have this problem too, it takes several minutes for it to warm up to normal brightness.
CalKenneth said:
How do your guys' monitors look when you first turn them on? Do you have to wait a little time before it warms up to the normal brightness?

Definitely takes a while for it to warm up! At first, the screen is just less bright (bright/sharp etc) than usual. I haven't timed how long it takes to reach peak (it's very gradual), but it's definitely 5 mins or more. If you were to power on, go away for 5 mins, then come back, you'd be able to tell the difference for sure.
Purely subjective, but due to Microsoft's flaming product activation merry-go-round I've been running (mainly installing) both WinXP-Pro and Win2k-Pro these last couple of days.

I'm convinced the 2405 looks better under XP than 2000 even with the same drivers and monitor drivers (and desktop colour changed to match).

Could XP have better colour profiling/set-up to match what the monitor is telling it?

Currently back on XP as it activated properly the second time with the same hardware changes as the first time ?????????

Thanks for the calibration link - I've just done the 17" Trinitron tubed Dell (Nokia) I use here at work. I'll do my 2405 when I get home.

Has anyone managed to take any pictures of the 2405 running an HD feed through component?

I'm currently on the fence thinking about selling my dual Dell 17" - 1703fp's for a single 2405. I have brighthouse networks HD DVR downstairs and would love to pick up a second HD box and run it through component into the 2405, but only if it will look good...

Has anyone tried such yet? (I tried looking through as many pages of this thread as possible, but didn't notice any pictures of anyone trying an HD feed through component)
Anyone else get a blue outline around their PIP box when using this function? I noticed my 2405 has this blue outline where my 2001fp dosen't have this blue outline.
Anyone know if the 2005fpw has this blue outline?
JonDo[H] said:
I've played around some more and actually have hit upon that for some reason on my screen the sRGB looks the absolute best. I tried upping the red a bit before, but in reddish levels on UT2004 colours come out as too red, so I dropped it back down again. I guess we're starting to find these monitors really do vary somewhat! Just to check, has everybody got the same sRGB numbers as me? (36, 44, 42)

Until someone takes pictures of two (or more) 2405's at the exact same angle, distance and using the same ambient light for each (and with the same camera/film/settings for that matter), and the results show visibly different brightness or colors displayed, it's all subjective. I have this sneaking suspicion that the [H] forums are full of *extremely* picky people. (I'm not criticizing, mind.)

sRGB looks horrid on mine, I had to set RGB to 37/43/41. :p
Ok, I'm at home now and have just been using the Photosentia site to check out both my 2405 and my pair of 1800FPs.

And I have to say that my 2405 is pretty much bang on the 2.0 gamma setting - there is the merest hint of colour showing but I guess it would take a real pro calibrator to get that out. My two 1800FPs are at 2.2 and 2.4 respectively - liveable with as I'll be doing web and photo stuff on my 2405.

Now then, I haven't touched the colour settings of my 2405 at all. It appears to be set up correctly straight out of the box. For those interested coz I know you'll ask :D the RGB settings for my monitor are (...goesinto menu...) 38,43,38.

Still wondering if XP is far more colour savvy (knowledgeable) than 2000. Hmmm.

Still keeping my fingers crossed about dead pixels and lack thereof.

Equalizer said:
Anyone else get a blue outline around their PIP box when using this function? I noticed my 2405 has this blue outline where my 2001fp dosen't have this blue outline.
Anyone know if the 2005fpw has this blue outline?

Hi there,

Yes, I have it. Didn't notice it 'till you mentioned it though. :p Seems fairly unobtrusive.
Forgot to mention in my "Gamma" post above that I use a brightness setting of Zero (nothing, nil, nada, zip) on my 2405.

I did test for you guys though :cool: and my gamma results stand at all brightnesses.

For those Anoraks that must know, my 1800FPs are both set at 36 :D :D :D