Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

bench261 said:
u gotta tighten the nut while forcing the swivel the other way......mine doesnt sag anymore, it can also be because i broke it in as well

I don't see how that will help. There is a peg that is directly connected to the swivel mechanism. That is what is in the way. It's what controls the LCD swivelling at each end, but unfortunately it stops the LCD a little bit too soon in the landscape setting. The only chance I can see is constantly pushing down on the left side of the LCD, and hopefully stretch the material a little bit.
chapichapo said:

Just got the 2405... It's all good except:

- a bit of sagging to the right (0.2"), although I don't really notice it anymore after a few hours of usage.

- scaling doesn't work very well: with DVI scaling is disabled for any 16/10th resolution and in DSUB scaling is possible but the positioning is terrible (the picture is too far to the right)

Maybe it's my video card?
I have a radeon 9700pro which works very well in DVI 1920x1200 for 2d apps but for recent games the card isn't really smooth at this resolution, which is why I'm rather disappointed scaling doesn't work properly especially with DVI !

You should read my previous posts which directly answer both of these points.
chrism said:
I don't see how that will help. There is a peg that is directly connected to the swivel mechanism. That is what is in the way. It's what controls the LCD swivelling at each end, but unfortunately it stops the LCD a little bit too soon in the landscape setting. The only chance I can see is constantly pushing down on the left side of the LCD, and hopefully stretch the material a little bit.

i think that is it then...i kept doin it so much it just stopped(i put a good amount of strength in it in my frustration)..i guess some are more broken in than others
chrism said:
You should read my previous posts which directly answer both of these points.

Scaling indeed works in 1600x1200 (I set it to Aspect) but I can't get it to work with widescreen resolutions like 1320x825 or something similar (in HL2 for example).
These odd resolutions don't seem to be scalable in DVI :(
Simple question, and probably simple answer, but I need help. I want to use a progressive scan dvd player to use with this monitor and when I hook up via composite and also tried s-video the picture looks like crap. It looks that way under fill mode and aspect mode. The 1:1 mode is a great picture, but only about 7 inches and is in the middle of the screen. I understand component is the best standard, but shouldn't (or can I) be getting a clearer picture with s-video. Is there anyway to set the ratio on the monitor to get optimal size and picture quality. The paperwork really isn't that helpful. What does your s-video dvd playback look like? Help is appreciated.
component displays the best picture, in fact it is the only component that can display dvd players progressively, of course dvi can as well, but as far as composite and s-video, those formats are older.

In terms of picture quality it goes, composite < s-video < component
adama0 said:
I asked this on a video card thread, and got one report from someone who had lots of problems with his MSI AGP 6600GT (same model as mine) at 19200x1200 over DVI -- I wasn't sure if he properly added the res to his settings, though (was a bit hard to understand what he was describing). Think I also saw one positive report with a 6600GT as well. Anyone else using a 6600GT, and if so, did you have to reduce the blanking interval to make it work, any "noise" (what precisely does such noise look like, anyway?), etc.?

My 2405 should arrive tomorrow, but tomorrow is also my last day to return my recently purchased 6600GT, so I'd like to solicit some more reports if there are any to be had.


I'm using a Chaintech 6600GT and I havn't had one problem. Detected the resolution off teh bat and I just switched it over. No special settings or DVI noise. Looks good. It's even somewhat playable in 1920x1200 in HL2.
I pushed mine all the way down and it clicked in place, now how the hell do I get it back up?
EnderW said:
I pushed mine all the way down and it clicked in place, now how the hell do I get it back up?

lol, same happen to me when i 1st got my 2005fpw

u press and hold the button and push the panel all the way down and let go
bench261 said:
lol, same happen to me when i 1st got my 2005fpw

u press and hold the button and push the panel all the way down and let go
ahh...I couldn't find the button at first

hey what are you guys using to play movies on this thing? component on PS2 and Cyber DVD both look bad at full screen
ImLazZzy said:
The pix pitch is .27 or .258? Do you think a smaller pix pitch would be better?
Nah, I can't make m out as it is, unless you put your face right on the screen.
Hi there !

I was curious about something.
Before buying a 2405 FPW (waiting for delivery), I used to have a Samsung 193P display.
As some may know, this LCD had no OSD menu or any mechanical settings. Everything was software controlled, with a soft called MagicTune.

On "Portrait Displays'" site, it is said that MagicTune works with all DDC/CI-equipped SAMSUNG displays. Below is a list of video graphics card's controller chipsets that have been tested and Portrait Displays-certified when used with the following Microsoft® Windows® operating systems: 98SE, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP Home, and XP Pro.

Since the 2405FPW has a Samsung panel, do you think, or has anyone tried, using MAgicTune instead of the OSD functions.
I ask because Magic Tune has a very understandable and ergonomic wizard to correctly set your color calibration, Brilliance etc etc... (at least for the newbie that I am).

If you have an answer.... (and oh, I am not an employee from Portrait Displays...) :))

adama0 said:
(what precisely does such noise look like, anyway?)

Looks like you have another report of the 6600GT working, so hopefully you'll be OK.

Answering your noise question, the noise I saw on my 23" HP L2335 when using the inbuilt ATI 7500 on my laptop was occasional short yellowish horizontal lines (maybe about 2-3" long). No such problem when using a better card (ATI X850 XT PE).
Ok well got my monitor yesterday.

I tested it last night and everything is going smooth!!

Pics of dell 2405:


This is the stress test @ High quality 1920/1200 with 2x AA and 8x AF= 93 FPS


stevenj said:
what's that ???? On my 2405fpw

We can't see it on your screenshot :cool:

You need to take a photo

If I was going to take a stab at guessing what the problem is, my first guess would be that it is a DVI transmission quality issue.. Lots of people with those problems report lines and weird crap on their screens. Try it with another video card / or cable / or analog VGA
replacement question?

if you ask for a replacement, would they charge you another on ur cc till they get one back?
can you hold one till you decide which one you want as well? i'm asking cuz mine not only came with a sagging problem which i sorta fixed, but came with as dead pixel as well

here's some advice for the new owners, once u do a pixel test and not find any don't look 3 or 4 more times cuz you could dissapoint yourself...the screen is soo big plus viewing angles makes it so hard to find all of them
depends on the terms and condition. either you send yours off to dell and they send you a replacement


they send you one and the delivery guy picks the damaged one up
bench dead pixels do not always show up right away either - I've had them appear out of noowhere usually within the first couple days of usage. The second dead pixel on mine didn't how up until approx. 14-20 hours of operation had passed.
Mcklain said:
Ok well got my monitor yesterday.

I tested it last night and everything is going smooth!!

Pics of dell 2405:

This is the stress test @ High quality 1920/1200 with 2x AA and 8x AF= 93 FPS


I was about to say, "good Lord, how the hell is he getting 93FPS at 1920 X 1200?"

(and then I noticed your sig with the FX chip AND an X850 XT PE..... :p )

man, you've got one hell of an expensive machine there... :)
Maad said:
We can't see it on your screenshot :cool:

You need to take a photo

If I was going to take a stab at guessing what the problem is, my first guess would be that it is a DVI transmission quality issue.. Lots of people with those problems report lines and weird crap on their screens. Try it with another video card / or cable / or analog VGA

I try without connect the cable to the pc, do auto test = vertical green line was there
I try vga cable = again the same line was there
I try "of course" dvi cable = the same line was there
So if I try without connexion monitor-pc and I saw this vertical green thin the problem come from monitor ??
bench261 said:
replacement question?

if you ask for a replacement, would they charge you another on ur cc till they get one back?
can you hold one till you decide which one you want as well? i'm asking cuz mine not only came with a sagging problem which i sorta fixed, but came with as dead pixel as well

Well, I think the sagging problem is inherent in all of these. Does anyone have a 2405FPW that doesn't sag to the right (please only answer if you've actually measured it)?
I was quite impressed myself.

Before with the 2005 I was playing @ 1680/1050 with 6x AA and 16x AF and in the stress test I was getting about 95 FPS.

Playing now @ 1920/1200 with 2x AA and 8x AF gives me about the same FPS. Plus running at that resolution AA is not that important cause the res is so high.

So the bottom line is that I am not loosing any performance at all playing at a higher res wich was one of my main concerns before pushasing this panel.

stevenj said:
I try without connect the cable to the pc, do auto test = vertical green line was there
I try vga cable = again the same line was there
I try "of course" dvi cable = the same line was there
So if I try without connexion monitor-pc and I saw this vertical green thin the problem come from monitor ??
If the monitor isn't plugged in to anything (except power) and you STILL can see the green line, then it's definitely a problem with the monitor. Call up Dell and have them send you a replacement. You seem to have received a dud!
Riptide_NVN said:
bench dead pixels do not always show up right away either - I've had them appear out of noowhere usually within the first couple days of usage. The second dead pixel on mine didn't how up until approx. 14-20 hours of operation had passed.

how do you sleep at night? j/k lol......seeing how ill probably keep this for a long long long time and im the only one thts gunna use it i guess i can live with it...yeah i was pretty sure i saw none at 1st and then BAM!
Mcklain said:
I was quite impressed myself.

Before with the 2005 I was playing @ 1680/1050 with 6x AA and 16x AF and in the stress test I was getting about 95 FPS.

Playing now @ 1920/1200 with 2x AA and 8x AF gives me about the same FPS. Plus running at that resolution AA is not that important cause the res is so high.

So the bottom line is that I am not loosing any performance at all playing at a higher res wich was one of my main concerns before pushasing this panel.

Hate to break it to you, but there's a lot bigger difference between 6xAA and 2xAA and the small resolution bump you got.
chrism said:
OK, 2 of my problems with the 2405FPW have been resolved.

1) If you try turning the LCD on the swivel when the stand is not all the way extended, you get that plastic rubbing sound. So just make sure the stand is all the way extended. :)

2) If you set your desktop resolution to 1600x1200, you can change the scaling. When you go back to 1920x1200 the setting is remembered (even though you can't tell from the onscreen menu).

Still having the sagging to the right problem. This appears to be structural with the stand, not related to the weight of the LCD. There's a lock on the swivel in the stand that prevents the LCD from turning too far left. I don't think adjusting the screw will make any difference because the lock is built right into the panel. Unfortunately, it stops a little to short, leading to the sagging. You can push down on the left side to straighten it, but it doesn't seem to stay that way. I'll try pushing down regularly to wear it in, or maybe hanging something heavy on the left side.

Check this out if you havent already. the Rotation of Your Monitor
chrism said:
Hate to break it to you, but there's a lot bigger difference between 6xAA and 2xAA and the small resolution bump you got.

Well I aint seeing a big difference on this panel.

Have you tried it?

Mcklain said:
Well I aint seeing a big difference on this panel.

Have you tried it?


I haven't, because I don't have the game. However, it's difficult to believe that a 30% increase in resolution is better than 3X the FSAA and 2X the AF. I'd say that's a lousy trade. I think you're just in awe of the size of the screen.

Of course, running the game at a lower res on an LCD leaves a lot to be desired, so you really don't have much of a choice but to take the quality hit.
Has anyone else had a message come up saying USB Device not recognized when they turn the monitor on and the mem card reader is unusable? Sometimes if I just turn the monitor off and then back on it works fine but a lot of the time it brings up this same error. This very well be a windows problem not a dell problem.

I never said it looked better. I said that it was pretty equal.

And I stand by what I posted.

Just got mine last night really nice screen way too bright nice blacks zero dead pixels (for now tested it and not even a dead subpixel) the colors look good but I find them deeper if I lower the gamma to about .75

I keep it at 50% brightness. what can I say I'm happy I got it and returned the benq 23" fp231w this is way better I was afraid the build quality would be bad but is good. Not as nice looking as the benq (was all aluminum like the apple cinema) but for the price the screen quality is very good.

Well I'll stop ranting you all know how good it is already :)
chrism said:
I haven't, because I don't have the game. However, it's difficult to believe that a 30% increase in resolution is better than 3X the FSAA and 2X the AF. I'd say that's a lousy trade. I think you're just in awe of the size of the screen.

Of course, running the game at a lower res on an LCD leaves a lot to be desired, so you really don't have much of a choice but to take the quality hit.

I have the game, and the 30% increase in resolution is beautiful. I play HL2 and CS:S quite often (2+ hours a day) and there is no trade-off by lowering the AA when playing in 1920x1200 (I keep AF at 16x).

at 1920x1200, there's very little difference between 4xAA and 2xAA. Granted, that I am absolutely in awe of the screen, but I have every reason to be as it is superior to the 2005FPW in every way.

If we were to poll people to choose a or b, I bet more people would choose b:
a) 20.1" Widescreen @ 1680x1050 with 4xAA 16xAF
b) 24" Widescreen @ 1920x1200 with 2xAA 8xAF
wats the diff between a dead pixel and subpixel? is a dead one completely burnt out? congrats on ur flaw free panel...heres some advice never check again once ur satisfied
bench261 said:
wats the diff between a dead pixel and subpixel? is a dead one completely burnt out? congrats on ur flaw free panel...heres some advice never check again once ur satisfied

Dead pixel has a pixel that shows 0 color and is completely lacking luminence. A pixel is actually made up of 3 colors: red, blue and green. A bad subpixel is when one or more of the three colors are bad and can only be notice in certain color backgrounds. This is why pixel testing should be done on several color backgrounds: black, white, red, green and blue.
kilmar said:
I have the game, and the 30% increase in resolution is beautiful. I play HL2 and CS:S quite often (2+ hours a day) and there is no trade-off by lowering the AA when playing in 1920x1200 (I keep AF at 16x).

at 1920x1200, there's very little difference between 4xAA and 2xAA. Granted, that I am absolutely in awe of the screen, but I have every reason to be as it is superior to the 2005FPW in every way.

If we were to poll people to choose a or b, I bet more people would choose b:
a) 20.1" Widescreen @ 1680x1050 with 4xAA 16xAF
b) 24" Widescreen @ 1920x1200 with 2xAA 8xAF

I choose B Kilmar!!!

bench261 said:
wats the diff between a dead pixel and subpixel? is a dead one completely burnt out? congrats on ur flaw free panel...heres some advice never check again once ur satisfied
There is also another imperfection out there that I've seen on more than one monitor. My 2000FP had one and so does this 2405FPW. It is a pixel, or at least it sure looks the size/shape of one and is in the right spot, but it is gray in color and shows up best against a white background. Looks like a speck of dust or imperfection in the coating but it's not - it's definitely underneath the coating.

Looks just like this, only mine didn't move around like this chap's.
i have a hp media center pc with the radeon x600 pro graphics card. i searched the thread and found nothing on this, so i apologize if this a duplicate question

anyone running this particular setup with the 2405? comments? advice? wise remarks? ;)
