Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

chrism said:
So you're saying all I have to do is temporarily lower the resolution, set the scaling, then bump the resolution back up to 1920x1200 and it will remember my scaling setting?

I wonder if this is a bug in the monitor's software.

I didn't play around with it too much, but yeah, I set scaling to 1:1. Then when I rebooted the DOS and Windows Boot screens were very small, so I wanted to switch it back to Aspect. 1920x1200 scaling blocked. 1920x1080 scaling blocked. 1600x1200 scaling can be changed. Sounds like a bug to me.
chrism said:
I can only see one of those pictures (from NauticaX) at work because I'm blocked from the site of the pictures. NauticaX's does look tilted, but I wonder how much of that is the angle he took the picture at.

yeah his does, i didnt notice, i was referring to me if u want me to email it to u
chrism said:
I was referring to a creaking/cracking noise when I turned the LCD up for easier access to the inputs. I haven't noticed any ambient noise coming from the LCD.

On three of my 2001FPs (which I have all sent back) there was a high-pitched whine coming from the monitor whenever it turned on. Absolutely horrible - hope that the 2405FPWs don't have that problem.
Double post this is, but i know people here want to know about this here too.

Allright! I got my pixel perfect 2405 in today and have been working on the color settings to get a result that is as close to my Lacie 22 blue IV CRT monitor as possible.

I have to say that the colors this dell beauty can produce are really astounding. Although I really love the default SRGB color setting at brightness 50% it’s not usable for doing graphic/print design. So, as a designer I have been tweaking my settings with print/graphic work in mind.

These are the setting I currently have set:
Red: 26
Green: 27
Blue: 30
Brightness: 15
Windows (nvidia) Gamma: 0,78
After this I ran Adobe Gamma again to neutralize the grays.

I have to say I’m very amazed about the color range, contrast and sharpness of this monitor when I compare it with my CRT Lacie (graphics )monitor. Photos that (now) look a little woolly and without detail on the lacie totally come to live on the 2405. Only downfall for me is that, as with all lcds, the colors change a little when changing the angle of your head towards the screen. It’s mostly the dark areas and shadows that suffer from this, and it’s not a showstopper for me as I still have my Lacie as a secondary monitor for final color checks. In conclusion I have to say this has been one of the best upgrades I have done in a long time (competing with the Epson Photo R800 printer).

In about 2 weeks I will get my Lacie calibration spider in so then I might change my mind on the color settings that I am happy with now. We will see.

So you did end up having to adjust software gamma sliders in the driver away from default in order to tune it properly? I was kinda hoping to avoid that if possible...
dadj said:
After this I ran Adobe Gamma again to neutralize the grays.

One odd thing I noticed when I ran Adobe Gamma was that it said the hardware was set at 5000K (6500K is normal, I believe). My 2005FPW showed 6500K when I ran Adobe Gamma.

What was your final temperature (hardware and software) when you were done?
Riptide_NVN said:
So you did end up having to adjust software gamma sliders in the driver away from default in order to tune it properly? I was kinda hoping to avoid that if possible...
I was trying to avoid it too but still had to as you can read above. worth it though.
chrism said:
One odd thing I noticed when I ran Adobe Gamma was that it said the hardware was set at 5000K (6500K is normal, I believe). My 2005FPW showed 6500K when I ran Adobe Gamma.

What was your final temperature (hardware and software) when you were done?
It actually came out Custom for me: x: 0.3054 y: 0.3216
I was not sure what fosphores to use though, which did u set?
dadj said:
It actually came out Custom for me: x: 0.2901 y: 0.3051
I was not sure what fosphores to use though, which did u set?

I didn't even look at the phosphors setting. I was looking at the temperature dropdown, which could be modified by that neutral gray test.
chrism said:
I can only see one of those pictures (from NauticaX) at work because I'm blocked from the site of the pictures. NauticaX's does look tilted, but I wonder how much of that is the angle he took the picture at.

I didn't notice any tilt but I will double check again when I go home.
Just got my monitor.

This might be a dumb question but where do I change the brightness??

I am at 1920/1200 using DVI.


Got another one.

Anyone know how to add custom res in win xp??

I installed the drivers for the 2405 but it doesnt give me 1680/1050 resolution in the slider of the diplay properties.

I dont wanna use 1680/1050 in windows, but I think this is the reason why I cant play at 1680/1050 in counter strike source. They give me 2 resolution options in 16:10 wich are 1280/768 and 1920/1200.

How can we play source in 1680/1050??

Well, I just received mine but I have a problem with it. I saw green vertical line (very thin) across the monitor . This line was located at 3/4 of the screen. I do auto test without connected the monitor to the pc and the line was there again. So according to you, what is it this problem ?
dadj said:
yes, for now at least :)
Looks good, though I wasn't able to do anything with adobe gamma. Definitely not as bright but the deep blues are back to being deep again. :)

Let us know if you find some settings on the monitor that produce the same effects w/o the software gamma adjustments.
Mcklain said:
Got another one.

Anyone know how to add custom res in win xp??

I installed the drivers for the 2405 but it doesnt give me 1680/1050 resolution in the slider of the diplay properties.

I dont wanna use 1680/1050 in windows, but I think this is the reason why I cant play at 1680/1050 in counter strike source. They give me 2 resolution options in 16:10 wich are 1280/768 and 1920/1200.

How can we play source in 1680/1050??


Search or visit Following ur logic about extraneous threads, ur posts like this one are extraneous as well. After all, all ur questions have been answered elsewhere, why post again? :D :p ;)
Just placed my order with Andy. Really nice guy! My order is already posted on Dell's site even though he said it may take 6 hours. My total was $930 after tax.
OK, 2 of my problems with the 2405FPW have been resolved.

1) If you try turning the LCD on the swivel when the stand is not all the way extended, you get that plastic rubbing sound. So just make sure the stand is all the way extended. :)

2) If you set your desktop resolution to 1600x1200, you can change the scaling. When you go back to 1920x1200 the setting is remembered (even though you can't tell from the onscreen menu).

Still having the sagging to the right problem. This appears to be structural with the stand, not related to the weight of the LCD. There's a lock on the swivel in the stand that prevents the LCD from turning too far left. I don't think adjusting the screw will make any difference because the lock is built right into the panel. Unfortunately, it stops a little to short, leading to the sagging. You can push down on the left side to straighten it, but it doesn't seem to stay that way. I'll try pushing down regularly to wear it in, or maybe hanging something heavy on the left side.
TehQuick said:
Search or visit Following ur logic about extraneous threads, ur posts like this one are extraneous as well. After all, all ur questions have been answered elsewhere, why post again? :D :p ;)

now thats the dumbest thing I've read so far today.

you're telling someone not to post something in THIS FORUM because its already been answered in a DIFFERENT FORUM?

good God..... and you are who? :rolleyes:
It took Dell 5 business days to get the replacement panel to me. It was scheduled for delivery today but they missed the dropoff time on Wednesday so it's going to be Friday instead. I'll let you all know if the replacement is worse than the original.
ozziegn said:
now thats the dumbest thing I've read so far today.

you're telling someone not to post something in THIS FORUM because its already been answered in a DIFFERENT FORUM?

good God..... and you are who? :rolleyes:

Being ironic... now get off my case :D No need to be so hostile ;) 'cause I wasn't
chrism said:
Still having the sagging to the right problem. This appears to be structural with the stand, not related to the weight of the LCD.

Do you think the sagging problem might be a result of your forcing the monitor into portrait mode without fully extending it first?
I observed saggin on a couple of 2001fps as well, so I guess it just design flaw of the Dell monitor stands, and gets more pronounced in larger and heavier monitor. If u measure 2001/2005fp, I bet there will be a slight misalignment :)
Shamann said:
Do you think the sagging problem might be a result of your forcing the monitor into portrait mode without fully extending it first?

Probably not - My group of 2001FP monitors (before I returned them) had the same problem, and I never swiveled them.

Just got the 2405... It's all good except:

- a bit of sagging to the right (0.2"), although I don't really notice it anymore after a few hours of usage.

- scaling doesn't work very well: with DVI scaling is disabled for any 16/10th resolution and in DSUB scaling is possible but the positioning is terrible (the picture is too far to the right)

Maybe it's my video card?
I have a radeon 9700pro which works very well in DVI 1920x1200 for 2d apps but for recent games the card isn't really smooth at this resolution, which is why I'm rather disappointed scaling doesn't work properly especially with DVI !
I have the sagging problem with my 2405FPW as well but it's not signifigant. I had it with my 2001FP as well. I think it has something to do with the panel rotation feature. They should have included a lock button for it so it would stay still and be level. Oh well. I have to try out dadj's settings to see if I notice a change in the color. I convinced a buddy at work to buy this panel and he is complaining about ghosting in Grand Turismo 4 of all games. In the video he showed me I did see something that resembled ghosting but I think it was his video camera not handling bright white to black too well. I'm not totally convinced about CRT's not being prone to ghosting. I have noticed that some models do in fact respond slower than others and you can see a bit of smearing or light trails on the screen. Anyhow, I love this baby and it is not going back! :)
I asked this on a video card thread, and got one report from someone who had lots of problems with his MSI AGP 6600GT (same model as mine) at 19200x1200 over DVI -- I wasn't sure if he properly added the res to his settings, though (was a bit hard to understand what he was describing). Think I also saw one positive report with a 6600GT as well. Anyone else using a 6600GT, and if so, did you have to reduce the blanking interval to make it work, any "noise" (what precisely does such noise look like, anyway?), etc.?

My 2405 should arrive tomorrow, but tomorrow is also my last day to return my recently purchased 6600GT, so I'd like to solicit some more reports if there are any to be had.

chrism said:
OK, 2 of my problems with the 2405FPW have been resolved.

1) If you try turning the LCD on the swivel when the stand is not all the way extended, you get that plastic rubbing sound. So just make sure the stand is all the way extended. :)

2) If you set your desktop resolution to 1600x1200, you can change the scaling. When you go back to 1920x1200 the setting is remembered (even though you can't tell from the onscreen menu).

Still having the sagging to the right problem. This appears to be structural with the stand, not related to the weight of the LCD. There's a lock on the swivel in the stand that prevents the LCD from turning too far left. I don't think adjusting the screw will make any difference because the lock is built right into the panel. Unfortunately, it stops a little to short, leading to the sagging. You can push down on the left side to straighten it, but it doesn't seem to stay that way. I'll try pushing down regularly to wear it in, or maybe hanging something heavy on the left side.

u gotta tighten the nut while forcing the swivel the other way......mine doesnt sag anymore, it can also be because i broke it in as well
adama0 said:
I asked this on a video card thread, and got one report from someone who had lots of problems with his MSI AGP 6600GT (same model as mine) at 19200x1200 over DVI -- I wasn't sure if he properly added the res to his settings, though (was a bit hard to understand what he was describing). Think I also saw one positive report with a 6600GT as well. Anyone else using a 6600GT, and if so, did you have to reduce the blanking interval to make it work, any "noise" (what precisely does such noise look like, anyway?), etc.?

My 2405 should arrive tomorrow, but tomorrow is also my last day to return my recently purchased 6600GT, so I'd like to solicit some more reports if there are any to be had.


Just to clarify, I'm not asking about gaming performance per se at that resolution (though I'm curious about any reports on that, too), but more about just general desktop use at the the native 19200x1200 (and maybe mpegs/DVDs, etc.).