Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

I was also able to obtain very nice color rendition, close to equal of the 2005FPW, with the use of lower gamma settings. But that is, as someone else mentioned earlier, kind of jury rigging it / a software fix. It would be much better if we could find some settings (RGB/brightness) that equal the results of changing the ATI gamma settings.

I'm pretty happy w/tesfaye's settings but it's still not the equal of the 2005 in that regard.
So anyone been able to try some 576i/576p video through the component yet? really curious as to whether the unit supports 50hz hd modes since the specs and manual absolutely state nothing on what the component input supports.
Can someone do a quick height and width measurement? I know what Dell's website says, but I've also seen pictures which look contradictory.

I need to know how high it is on its lowest setting - mainly because I have one of those hutch desks...and I hope it fits beneath the shelf! While someone's at it...the width would be interesting to know too.

Thanks guys....I can't wait. I ordered mine last thursday...but it hasn't shipped yet. I'm probably gonna get it Tuesday *sigh*.
Hey Blue Knight,

My panel is about 20.25" from top to bottom. I can lower it some more but I have my speaker in the way. I would estimate about 19.5-20" at the lowest height setting.
tesfaye said:
Hey Blue Knight,

My panel is about 20.25" from top to bottom. I can lower it some more but I have my speaker in the way. I would estimate about 19.5-20" at the lowest height setting.

Thanks tesfaye, but I need a more precise measurement. My hutch is exactly 18 & 7/8" in. tall. Think it'll fit? Not a big deal if it doesn''ll sit in front of the area..but it would be nice to get some deskspace back (my old 2000fps didn't fit).
Blue Knight said:
Can someone do a quick height and width measurement? I know what Dell's website says, but I've also seen pictures which look contradictory.

I need to know how high it is on its lowest setting - mainly because I have one of those hutch desks...and I hope it fits beneath the shelf! While someone's at it...the width would be interesting to know too.

Thanks guys....I can't wait. I ordered mine last thursday...but it hasn't shipped yet. I'm probably gonna get it Tuesday *sigh*.

I haven't received my panel yet but from this picture someone posted it looks to be about 17.5 inches.
Blue Knight said:
Thanks tesfaye, but I need a more precise measurement. My hutch is exactly 18 & 7/8" in. tall. Think it'll fit? Not a big deal if it doesn''ll sit in front of the area..but it would be nice to get some deskspace back (my old 2000fps didn't fit).
17 1/2" at it's lowest.
tesfaye said:
Here is a pic from the Fifth Element.
Just to get an idea on the colors. I was a little shaky and too lazy to setup the tripod. This is the superbit version by the way.

Looking at the girl, you can easily see the vertical lines on her skin (leg), is that the limit of today's LCD technology?
Hey folks,

how about the audibility of that monster? Is there any noise by a fan or maybe the power supply??? If yes this would bother me running a silent system!
Certainly it depends on the noise level of the other components used in your system.
I'm sure that some of you guys are driving silent too so please prick up your ears to figure this out.

about ghosting on this lcd ? is it a true 12ms ? as good as dell 2001 with sips panel?

Our 3 just arrived :)
Pity i'm at work...might crack one open at lunchtime though.

The 4th box is 3 UK power cables.

I'm guessing games testing at lunch is out of the question? ;) Will you be able to report back on that tonight?
paulspiteri said:
you better believe it. and photos

i can't believe no PC here has DVI out

welcome to the stone age! :cool:

Still, haven't heard what the vga output is like on this screen yet. Maybe now's the time to find out (if you can find a graphics card capable of outputting 1920x1200x32)
Happy Hopping said:
Looking at the girl, you can easily see the vertical lines on her skin (leg), is that the limit of today's LCD technology?

Some of it will be down to the exposure of the camera and some of it to the limit of today's DVD technology (noise and bitrate becomes much more obvious when displayed on a very sharp screen)
Hey guys,
I just ordered mine and having it on da way. Does anyone here play Delta Force ? And how does it look when it scales from lower resolution ?
anyway, I am going to auction my CRT 17" ....who'll bid it for $20? :D
Has anyone spotted other reviews besides the extremetech one? You'd expect a lot more reviews on this one..
i've opened one up, tested it for 20 whole minutes (dead pixel scouring, using DPB)
it's perfect! that's so convenient. anyway that one is now stashed under my desk

the other two are currently unopened as the owner isn't here at the min.

initial impressions are pointless as i was using it on a shitty graphics card over analog
max res seemed to be 1600x1200 (so i stretched it to test the edges)
paulspiteri said:

Our 3 just arrived :)
Pity i'm at work...might crack one open at lunchtime though.

The 4th box is 3 UK power cables.
lucky bugger
pooter03 said:
Has anyone tried it out with XBox yet? Mine shipped today so I should have it by Wed. :)

Check my post on pg. 44 for comments from a guy on the Anandtech forums.
zerong said:
about ghosting on this lcd ? is it a true 12ms ? as good as dell 2001 with sips panel?

the new samsung spec on this panel is actually 8ms
btw could we have a confirmation... Has anybody yet to experience screendoor on this screen?

JonDo[H] said:
btw could we have a confirmation... Has anybody yet to experience screendoor on this screen?


I think everyone who has the monitor now has said there is no screendoor effect on these. woohoo!
woohoo! mine is here

some quick pics


yes, the resolution is like 1280 x 1024 because I just did a fresh intall and haven't had a chance to install videocard drivers or anything

and here is a shot of my awesome computer case
Wow, returning to dell was hassle free! I called them up a few minutes ago and the guy is already coming out to pick it up my 2005fpw after 5pm. The rep even offered me a $90 off coupon if I kept the monitor. 2405 here I come!


That's a comparison to my 18.1" Samsung 181T
They look very similar (as the 181T was the best in it's day, and is still better than any TN panel for image quality)
This just looks bigger and quite a lot brighter. I'm very pleased.

S-video in gimmick i was testing then. Works ok though I think tvtuner+dscaler would yield better results for deinterlacing & scaling to 1920x1200
wow i've just set up the 181T on the analog port of my radeon9800p and i can't believe the difference......
It's so much better it's quite unbelievable actually. I know the 181T is 2 years old and the backlight is probably fading, but it just seems....dull


This is so good.
L0ony! said:
The moniton never looks as big as it really is in photo's!! Strange that!! :confused:
That's just what i was wondering about.. I'm currently on a 22" CRT and the 2405 almost looks small to me.. hope its just the pictures. Could someone tell me what the height of the actual screen itself is (so just the viewable area)?
Good news:Got my tracking number and delivery is tuesday!

Bad news: Dell shipped my panel UPS. I can only imagine the damage the box is going to have to it. I hate having computer parts shipped UPS. I prefer fed ex.
Equalizer said:
Good news:Got my tracking number and delivery is tuesday!

Bad news: Dell shipped my panel UPS. I can only imagine the damage the box is going to have to it. I hate having computer parts shipped UPS. I prefer fed ex.

When did you place your order?