Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

HybridHB said:
WTF, i got my tracking number and dell sent it ground instead of 2 day air like i paid for. Did they do this to anyone else?

Same thing here!! I'm hoping that'll change monday but otherwise I guess I'll be on the phone for awhile.

According to UPS mine is coming ground and is in Nashville as of 6PM Friday.
I just wish I could get a tracking number of just an email saying it was shipped. I'm still stuck on "in production" and there are already people getting replacements before I'll probably even get my first one.
Equalizer said:
I just wish I could get a tracking number of just an email saying it was shipped. I'm still stuck on "in production" and there are already people getting replacements before I'll probably even get my first one.

I hear ya there.....I ordered mine first thing Tuesday morning and I'm still "In Production" too. And what makes it worse is my Estimated Ship Date is March 23rd.


Sir Slick
I ordered mine yesterday night and the Estimated Ship Date is 3/18/05, still in production. I don't think anything is going to change over the weekend.
Does anyone know of a free utility out there that will force gamma settings in games and @ 2D desktop?
Riptide_NVN said:
Does anyone know of a free utility out there that will force gamma settings in games and @ 2D desktop?

Rage3D Tweak might do the trick.

I hope these pics satisfy some of the things you wanted to see..

My fecKing batteries in the camera need recharging :( so will not be able to do anymore tonight!!
Looking good! :) You could cut yourself on those desktop shots - very sharp. The Far Cry shots look incredibly bright. Have you got SM3.0 HDR enabled on them? Also, how come the top Far Cry piccy looks so grainy/interlaced? Is that because it's a super-close up shot?
tesfaye said:
Rage3D Tweak might do the trick.
Thx I'll keep that in mind. For now I've just adjusted the gamma in each game and for some reason it seems to have quit kicking it back to default when I exit. Don't know why... But I'll watch it and see if it starts freaking out on me again.
Loony, would you take one more photo for me? (in the morning if your batteries completely gone) You've managed to nicely capture the colours on your screen using your camera, so would you try taking a picture of your screen displaying the following image:-

I use that as my own background on my 2005FPW, though obviously with a lower resolution version. It's a good picture as it displays lots of nice, vivid, primary colours. If you wouldn't mind uploading a photo of that, that would be great for comparison. I could even take a photo of it on my screen and do the same, so others could get a good idea.

Thanks for all the photos so far! :)

How is this?

L0ony! said:

I hope these pics satisfy some of the things you wanted to see..

My fecKing batteries in the camera need recharging :( so will not be able to do anymore tonight!!

Big time screen door affect, wouldn't you say?
bandit390 said:
Big time screen door affect, wouldn't you say?

I don't know why his pic came out like that but I know the screendoor effect and this panel doesn't have it. The 2001FP does to a certain extent. You had to be upclose on it to see it on the 2001FP.
tesfaye's looks better than mine does pre-gamma adjustments, at least as far as the red and oranges in that background go. But it's hard to tell for sure from an image like that. I might try and take a comparison later after putting everything back to default.
can we please have an unbiased opinion about the screendoor effect? don't lie to yourself because you just spend $900+

i'd like to hear it's not present.

Also, Looney, what resolution was Far Cry running at when you took those pics?
I run mine at native 1920x1200 on my L2335, and i don't remember it looking that shitty.

and if you are not running it at native, do it anyway even if u get 4fps, just for the sake of the picture.

Also, does anyone think those pics look like they have washed out colors on the Far Cry shots?
Riptide_NVN said:
I had a 2001FP.

It's not present in the 2405. Good enough? ;)
I hope you're right. I've got a 2001FP and I've never noticed the screen door effect, even with my nose an inch from the screen. I'll give my 2405 a workout when it arrives, on Wednesday, but Loony's Far Cry picture sure looks lousy.
I know I'm right. I had no problems seeing the screen door problem w/the 2001FP. It's not there with the 2405FPW.

Regarding the screenshots... They have a tendency to get washed out when you take them with the camera like that IMO.
Jawad said:
can we please have an unbiased opinion about the screendoor effect? don't lie to yourself because you just spend $900+

Hey Jawad,

What do you consider unbiased. I owned a 2001FP and it had the screen door effect when viewing up close and only in certain situations. I lived with it for a year with no complaints. I have the 2405 and it is not present. This has nothing to do with spending $1100 for it. Don't worry, Im not hostile but I don't know where you are comming from with that comment. I think everyone here has been pretty honest in thier opinions about this panel.

What you're seeing in the top pic from Loony isn't actually screendoor anyway! It's just the gaps between the pixels, which are present on all tft monitors. The smaller the dot pitch, the less easier it is to spot, but the gaps are still there! My guess is that photo was taken in "macro" mode on his camera, so it's focusing heavily on the monitor screen close up and amplifying it, thus emphasising the spaces between pixels.

There's definitely screendoor on the 2005fpw and 2001fp (I've had/got both), so to hear there's none of the 2405 is music to my ears! About why the pictures look a bit over-exposed (too bright), I believe Loony may be using a 6x00 card with the latest patch for Far Cry. This takes advantage of HDR, and creates a kind of blinding "blooming" effect. I could be wrong of course. It may just be the over-exposure of his camera. How does Far Cry look for you Riptide and Tesfaye? Could you capture a photo to set everyones' minds at rest.

Thanks Tesfaye for capturing that background on screen. The colours look just as vivid as on the 2005, only a little darker imo. Maybe down to you having the brightness turned down? Looks good anyways, cheers! :)
Riptide_NVN said:
BTW, I can confirm that at least in the case of Catalyst 5.2 the gamma settings are crap. When I go into a game, even if the gamma set to .8 under "Full screen 3d", they revert back to 1.0 while in the game. Worse yet, when I exited UT2004 it took the desktop back to default as well.


To me saying that you have to adjust for gamma on a screen using display drivers is a not a solution. There are way too many inconsistencies and problems in Windows when it comes to software gamma. The kind of issue you've run into with the catalysts has been happening on and off for years. I own a 2005FPW and remember many were saying that turning the gamma down leads to richer colors, this may be true but it also leads to inaccurate gamma (the 2005FPW is accurately calibrated to 2.2 gamma which is the Windows default) and the sorts of issues you're talking about. Plus after spending some time with it I'm finding I really like the color reproduction on the 2005FPW (one of the advantages of S-IPS), to me its seems more accurate than my old Sony CRT. If the screen is truely as desaturated as some people seem to think then it's possible we've just run into the "issue" people are going to have with the 2405FPW, it's surprising though since most Samsung PVA panels I've seen seem to err on the side of having oversaturated colors.

There is no screen door effect, thats my shit camera.

I can assure you that it looks nothing like that lol

I thought that shot would get some of you worried hahahaha!!! :D

Im really not that bothered about how much this panel cost, I am unbias. If the monitor was not good enough it would be going back,,,, its superb take it from me..!!!

Ofcoarse if; after mine and everyone elses posts saying just how good this monitor is,you dont have to believe that. Its entirely up to you!!!
Man, you would think that there is a major crisis with colors being "washed out" with this monitor. These are pictures of a screen shot, not actual screenshots, and if they were actual screenshots your monitor would display it differently than it actually appears(based on your personal preferences). Let's not get carried away just yet.
Exactly! Loony, most of us realise the camera is responsible for the over-exposure on those pics. I take it it actually looks far less glarey in person. Perhaps you could take a shot of Doom3 - a game that isn't as bright and sunny as Far Cry. Might be easier to make out the detail then.

Here's my 2005FPW displaying the picture I linked to before for comparison with the 2405FPW on the previous page. The camera has picked up wavy lines on the screen: let me assure you - before people start ranting and raving - these are NOT present to the human eye! ;) The colours on it seem slightly brighter than those you posted Tesfaye. This was taken with colours set to this screen's defaults (100/100/97) and with brightness at 75%. What were your settings?



Unfortunately, that's the largest I can post these pics as the crappy free host restricts image sizes. I must get round to getting a new one.
Here is a pic from the Fifth Element.
Just to get an idea on the colors. I was a little shaky and too lazy to setup the tripod. This is the superbit version by the way.
{smug mode}

hehe I'm pretty pleased with those pictures colour-wise actually, they've come out really well! ;)

{/smug mode}


p.s. in case you missed it first time, the wavy lines have been picked up by my camera!!!
excellent pic of the 5th element btw! Is that running through your pc?

What colour/brightness settings are you using again?
JonDo[H] said:
There's definitely screendoor on the 2005fpw and 2001fp (I've had/got both), so to hear there's none of the 2405 is music to my ears! About why the pictures look a bit over-exposed (too bright), I believe Loony may be using a 6x00 card with the latest patch for Far Cry. This takes advantage of HDR, and creates a kind of blinding "blooming" effect. I could be wrong of course. It may just be the over-exposure of his camera.
Screen door on the 2005? Are you sure about that? I don't think I've run into that problem with my 2005 anyway. It's obvious to me on the 2001 though.

Regarding the pictures I'm no expert but IMO it's going to be real difficult to capture accurate images of your screen with a camera. Reference my earlier 5th Element DVD screenshots back in the thread. They look a bit washed, but I assure you it was not that bad. Same goes for those CS:S screens. Perhaps a professional photographer with a better camera could do better.
Thanks Tesfaye for capturing that background on screen. The colours look just as vivid as on the 2005, only a little darker imo. Maybe down to you having the brightness turned down? Looks good anyways, cheers! :)
Assuming that's an accurate shot, what blows me away is the reds that come out near the landing gear of the plane. I don't know why his looks so nice. But mine definitely doesn't come close to that as far as the depth of those colors there at stock settings.
We'll have to wait for tesfaye to tell us what settings he's using first, as that might explain the difference. But as you say there are so many factors to take into account that will change the image: type of camera and level of brightness in the room for example. I've taken my pictures at night but in a fairly well lit room. IMO, the images on my screen have come out looking a lot brighter than the images on Tesfaye's screen, but I know that can't really be the case due to the contrast ratio being so much higher on the 2405FPW :p

But at least we can get a ballpark idea of what the colours are like. And it really helps that Tesfaye's pictures are so large! (unlike my crappy, small ones)
ajabbari said:
To me saying that you have to adjust for gamma on a screen using display drivers is a not a solution. There are way too many inconsistencies and problems in Windows when it comes to software gamma.
I agree which is mainly why I've been busy the last hour trying to get a solution that works as well as adjusting the saturation with the driver. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to equal it yet. I've played with the brightness and RGB settings but it still doesn't seem to have the same effect as the gamma settings in that driver. This is unfortunate because I really want to avoid having to rely on the driver to get around this issue.
The kind of issue you've run into with the catalysts has been happening on and off for years. I own a 2005FPW and remember many were saying that turning the gamma down leads to richer colors, this may be true but it also leads to inaccurate gamma (the 2005FPW is accurately calibrated to 2.2 gamma which is the Windows default) and the sorts of issues you're talking about. Plus after spending some time with it I'm finding I really like the color reproduction on the 2005FPW
I agree. Stock out of the box I think the color reproduction on the 2005 beats this 2405. Just MO, and I've only seen one of each to judge from, but as it stands now the 2005 looks better color-wise and doesn't need adjusting out of the box.
If the screen is truely as desaturated as some people seem to think then it's possible we've just run into the "issue" people are going to have with the 2405FPW, it's surprising though since most Samsung PVA panels I've seen seem to err on the side of having oversaturated colors.
I've tried not to overstate this issue as the 2405 is not horrible in this regard, but the 2005 does look better out of the box w/regard to colors. Blues are darker. The taskbar is a good example. It seems faded with the 2405 vs. the 2005.

I'm going to keep playing around here but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get this ironed out with the OSD.
By the way Riptide, I can definitely see screendoor on my 2005. I do like to keep this screen bright, and when I'm close up its definitely noticeable - sometimes moreso than on my older and dimmer 2001fp. I'm talking if I sit a couple of inches away, it's detectable when things move about on the screen. What I take to be "screendoor" is like a tiny, tiny grid that overlays the image whilst it moves. This is only viewable at a very close distance. However, I've also found that if I get even closer, I can't discern it at all. Also, turning down the brightness makes it far less apparent. But it's definitely there.

Maybe I'm wrong about what screendoor is ;) Whatever, it's never REALLY bothered me!
MethylONE said:
Same thing here!! I'm hoping that'll change monday but otherwise I guess I'll be on the phone for awhile.

According to UPS mine is coming ground and is in Nashville as of 6PM Friday.

Mine came out of TN as well. I know ill be on the phone monday getting my shipping costs back.
Riptide, I know we agree it's not the best method ever, but how about capturing the "board" image of the plane on your screen with your camera and uploading it for comparison? Perhaps we can get an idea of how you think your colours are nowhere near as deep?
got a question

anybody know a program that is similar to Virtual desktop manager powertoy but instead of only being able to show 4 divided screens, but a program that actually can divide the screen in half or in 4 areas and stay that way?

i want to open up IE in full size on one half and watch dvd in full size on the other half.. etc..

OK, stock settings in the driver and on the monitor.

25% brightness, Gamma .8 w/ATI driver.

First of all, both of these images show more red near the landing gear than you will see if you were viewing this in person. I believe it is the camera causing that.

That said, the second image if studied VERY carefully... I think you can see just a tad deeper red near the gear. It is very hard to see the difference though. I think these images aren't going to be able to accomplish much.

But neither image is something that will give you a good indicator of what I'm seeing over on my end, especially when I have the luxury of a 2005FPW sitting over here on another PC to compare with. And as I mentioned... I believe these images taken with the camera are hardly accurate.

You're just going to have to trust me. ;)
The first one definitely looks a little biased towards blue, and the colours don't look too vibrant. The second looks improved, but still not as good as Tesfaye's - like you said. I'm just looking at yours now and then scrolling up to mine: it's like the colour has been drained. But of course, the problem is they're pictures taken in totally diff environments with different cameras.

Here's an idea... Perhaps you could take a snap of the picture on your 2005fpw! Then we'd be able to make a good comparison, since both pics will suffer from the same inaccuracies caused by the same camera :)