Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

$779 from Dell? Let me know how you do that. All I get is around 980 no matter how I try to get lower than that. They are currently listed at 1119 with 1-2 weeks wait on shipping date.
Ok I'm going to be buying a 2405 since I tried out the Apple 23" today at the mall and liked it. There was a Apple 20" sitting right next to it so I got to do a side-by-side comparison. The 20" definitely has better color saturation but the 23" was just so much bigger that it seems worth getting. To think my 2005 is barely a month old and I'm already going to be selling it soon! Hopefully I can get $450 for this sucker since it has no dead pixels or light leakage at all, it is PERFECT so it's going to pain me to sell it. Anyone know of some coupons coming up soon? I don't want to pay more than $800 for a 2405 since a lot of people here didn't.
gplracer said:
What is the best price that someone has gotten lately? If I could get one for $779 or less I would order now. I hate to pay more since they were just at that price.

2 weeks ago, with the right 3 coupons, the right reps, and a stroke of luck..... I got my 2405 for $650.
Pinipig523 said:
2 weeks ago, with the right 3 coupons, the right reps, and a stroke of luck..... I got my 2405 for $650.

Wow that's an awesome deal.
Pinipig523 said:
2 weeks ago, with the right 3 coupons, the right reps, and a stroke of luck..... I got my 2405 for $650.

now thats awsume!, i got mine for roughly £600.
It has changed the way I work, the 19" LCD look small now hmmm, and my DELL P990 well thats unplugged laying on the floor...
Pinipig523 said:
2 weeks ago, with the right 3 coupons, the right reps, and a stroke of luck..... I got my 2405 for $650.
Hmm, I would like to finance mine through my Dell Preferred Account, not sure if I can make an argument that I only have $650 to spend on it to a sales rep. I don't currently carry a balance and the limit is way above $650.
zervun said:
I posted this in another thread but thought it might be more appropriate here.

My 2405 when going from windows xp booting screen (where line scrolls across) to desktop does a full screen green squiggly lines for about a slit second - looks kinda like when it loads the driver and changes resolution.

Anthony else have this problem? It doesn't do it anywhere else.
I don't know if Anthony has this problem, but I don't. ;) Perhaps it's a driver issue, or just one of the many bugs that plague Winbloze. :(

IceWind said:
I must be fucking insane but I was browsing last night and I started looking at pictures of peoples 2405fpws and I cried in stupidity and sold Hyundai L90D+ today. I managed to beg my way through a Dell lady salesmen and I got one coming for $850!!!

Can't wait but I hope I don't have dead pixels!!
Don't worry you're not insane...I did the same thing! :p You'll love your 2405FPW once you see it in action, trust me! ;)
Based on the deals that I have read about here. I would think $779 in the near future would not be a unreasonable hope.
It's 15% off and free shipping at Dell USA right now, but that still leaves you with a total cost of $1,019.15 - which is more than I am willing to pay for it. /sigh
Sure hope for some awesome deal during the Labor Day weekend.
I just got my 2405 today and it is an amazing moniter.

I figured that I`ll sit in front of this thing for the next few years for at least a hour to 5 hours a day so might as well get the best.

As for games we played quite a few sessions of unreal tournament today and they all looked really good even on a TI4200. Should be even better when the 7800GTX arrives.

The bad thing now is it takes longer for the mouse pointer to cross the screen and I have to turn my head to see the recycle bin... :p Yea I know its a crying shame.....

If your going to buy a new moniter definately save for the 2405 as it is simply awsome.

BTW.... I don`t hear anything coming from my moniter, not a single sound. Either I`m 1/2 deaf or you guys are too damn picky. LOL....
maxxim said:
I just got my 2405 today and it is an amazing moniter.

I figured that I`ll sit in front of this thing for the next few years for at least a hour to 5 hours a day so might as well get the best.

As for games we played quite a few sessions of unreal tournament today and they all looked really good even on a TI4200. Should be even better when the 7800GTX arrives.

The bad thing now is it takes longer for the mouse pointer to cross the screen and I have to turn my head to see the recycle bin... :p Yea I know its a crying shame.....

If your going to buy a new moniter definately save for the 2405 as it is simply awsome.

BTW.... I don`t hear anything coming from my moniter, not a single sound. Either I`m 1/2 deaf or you guys are too damn picky. LOL....

WOo hoo, mines shipped today!!!!!
Daaaamnit....this looks like serious backlighting issues on mine. WHat do you think I should do guys??

Yeah it's really aweful on the top right shouldn't be that way. If I were you, I'd just tell them to send you a new one (if you're within the 21 days). :)
Took me three days after work to finish all the 134 pages. Learned a lot. Ordered yesterday. The sales rep said should be arrive early next week. Glad to be in the team soon. :D
pzGrenadier said:
Took me three days after work to finish all the 134 pages. Learned a lot. Ordered yesterday. The sales rep said should be arrive early next week. Glad to be in the team soon. :D

assuming you really did read all 134 pages, then let me be the first to congratulate you :).
Sgt_Strider said:
assuming you really did read all 134 pages, then let me be the first to congratulate you :).

Aye, I spent half my day at work last week reading the huge 133 page long sucker but it was well worth it.

I wanna have this monitors child :D
will have this beauty delivered to my workspace. hope my boss would go nuts after seeing it and make it standard issue for us. :D :D :D
IceWind said:
Aye, I spent half my day at work last week reading the huge 133 page long sucker but it was well worth it.

I wanna have this monitors child :D

lol I only read a couple of pages and off I went to call Dell :D.
Someone should make this thread sticky. It contains a ton of info that might get lost after a while.. just my 0.02¢. :)
I have a 90 day old 2405FPW and it periodically flickers significantly. This is not to be confused with the refresh-related flickering you see in CRTs. The brightness on the entire flat panel pulses up and down eratically. I am wondering if this could be due to a bad power converter and I'm hoping when I call Dell they can just send me a new power cable/converter and see if that fixes the problem. However, I wanted to check this forum first to see if anyone has had this problem. I searched through more than a few forums and did not see anyone else with this issue. Thank you for any suggestions on how to isolate\troubleshoot this.
The 2405 has an internal power supply, so if Dell sent you a new power cord, it wouldn't do any good.
Just got mine today, and I seem to have gotten a perfect one right off the bat, no backlight bleed, no dead pixels, and only a very minor buzz when you hold your ear up against the monitor. My only problem is that the colors are nowhere near as vibrant as the 2005fpw I just upgraded from, and that seems to be a fairly common complaint here. Can people post their OSD color settings their using?
MJGunn said:
Just got mine today, and I seem to have gotten a perfect one right off the bat, no backlight bleed, no dead pixels, and only a very minor buzz when you hold your ear up against the monitor. My only problem is that the colors are nowhere near as vibrant as the 2005fpw I just upgraded from, and that seems to be a fairly common complaint here. Can people post their OSD color settings their using?

Change it to 50/50/50 and it will be much better, the default settings are ugly.
Hey guys, I was just wondering if you have this problem as well? When I watch a movie or any multimedia file in full screen, the right edge of the screen would flash non-stop. Does this happen to you guys? Thanks.

P.S: This is for the Dell 2405FPW.
No, the only problem I have with my 2405 and Im sure a bunch of other ppl have it to, is tearing.
if you get tearing in games, then you need to turn on the v-synch mode in the games gfx option
1c3d0g said:
Someone should make this thread sticky. It contains a ton of info that might get lost after a while.. just my 0.02¢. :)

Perhaps if the person who started this thread renames it? (Since it's been officially shipping for months now)
is there any software that helps me to find if there is any wrong pixels on the monitor?

can anyone post a pictures of the monitor when playing BF2? does it run smoothly?

were can i find some widescreen wallpapers (1900x1200?)
Phat^Trance said:
is there any software that helps me to find if there is any wrong pixels on the monitor?

can anyone post a pictures of the monitor when playing BF2? does it run smoothly?

were can i find some widescreen wallpapers (1900x1200?)

1.) If you cannot see an issue then who cares?
2,) She plays great on BF2 but make sure you have some horse power
Well I should be a member anyday now. I ordered friday and it shipped out same nite. But I didnt get any tracking number and I really dont know who the carrier is. Who does dell usually ship thru? No ones home during the day and I work a lot of hours. So be cool if I could at least see when ti is in town and make arrangements to go and pick HER up.
I'm trying to calibrate this thing and I can't seem to access any video settings other than red green and blue. Is there some sort of special menu I need to be in to access brightness, contrast, sharpness, tint and everything else? The options are listed but greyed out so I can't select them.
From the off state, how long before your monitors reach full brightness? Mine takes about ten minutes to warm up.
jacuzz1 said:
2,) She plays great on BF2 but make sure you have some horse power
Specifically, what resolution are you running BF2 at? (Native 2405FPW res or something scaled lower) and on what videocard?

Also, what are your video options set to? Low/Medium/High? Any framerate results you could post, like FRAPS averages?

I have an ATI X800XT card that has a hard enough time pumping out 1280x960 with 2xAA and most settings on high & medium.