Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

HoodooGuru said:
Specifically, what resolution are you running BF2 at? (Native 2405FPW res or something scaled lower) and on what videocard?

Also, what are your video options set to? Low/Medium/High? Any framerate results you could post, like FRAPS averages?

I have an ATI X800XT card that has a hard enough time pumping out 1280x960 with 2xAA and most settings on high & medium.

I run native resolution Transparency SS AA , 4x 8x AF Hight quality. God I have not done Fraps but will do for you when i get time, but I have never felt any hitching at all in single and on a few occasions i got hitching do to network issues during online game play. Also , I know it is subjective but since i went dual core the game is smoother most likely do to affinity allocation of back ground services.
jacuzz1 said:
I run native resolution Transparency SS AA , 4x 8x AF Hight quality. God I have not done Fraps but will do for you when i get time, but I have never felt any hitching at all in single and on a few occasions i got hitching do to network issues during online game play. Also , I know it is subjective but since i went dual core the game is smoother most likely do to affinity allocation of back ground services.

PS: I did not think it could run smoother until I went 80x drivers last night .wow.
hagbard said:
From the off state, how long before your monitors reach full brightness? Mine takes about ten minutes to warm up.
Mine's instant, i've never even noticed a warm up :)

I'm playing BF2 at 1920x1200, everything on high except for no AA, no problems at all.
Ducklake said:
Mine's instant, i've never even noticed a warm up :)

I'm playing BF2 at 1920x1200, everything on high except for no AA, no problems at all.
What are your rig specs?

Ah, just saw them on your profile. I'm surprised you can run fine at that res with all High settings, as I have a similar rig (P4 2.8Ghz OC'd to 3.2), 1Gb Corsair RAM, X800XT videocard and my BF2 seems to struggle at higher resolutions (1280x1024 and higher) with all High settings.
Ducklake said:
Mine's instant, i've never even noticed a warm up :)

I'm playing BF2 at 1920x1200, everything on high except for no AA, no problems at all.

How about I just pretend you guys don't know what you're talking about? :D I find it hard to believe that two of these monitors I've tried take about five minutes to reach "full" brightness and yours doesn't.
Have you tried running with no AA, it makes a big difference.

What brightness are you guy's running at?
I have mine hooked up with DVI, the brightness at 0 most of the time, except when gaming or watching a movie. That's probably why :eek:
Ducklake said:
Have you tried running with no AA, it makes a big difference.

What brightness are you guy's running at?
I have mine hooked up with DVI, the brightness at 0 most of the time, except when gaming or watching a movie. That's probably why :eek:

I thought the brightness level might account for why some don't see the warmup time, but I too have mine to zero, actually, less than that, since I've also lowered it in my video card software (ATI). I'd say it takes a good ten minutes to reach full brightness, but hey, I notice things than most people never do.

Damn! I just noticed something odd. First I thought it was a stuck pixel, but its larger than that. Very faint light gray stretching about three pixels long but it isn't really the pixels, seems to be something under the pixels. Could it be dust behind the pixel?
What brightness are you guy's running at?
I have mine hooked up with DVI, the brightness at 0 most of the time, except when gaming or watching a movie. That's probably why

yeah, i keep mine at a very low setting for every day use...its a REALLY bright monitor
been using mine at defualt settings,.... come to think of it , it must by my eyesites got worse
clarkkent333 said:
I'm trying to calibrate this thing and I can't seem to access any video settings other than red green and blue. Is there some sort of special menu I need to be in to access brightness, contrast, sharpness, tint and everything else? The options are listed but greyed out so I can't select them.

Those are controlled by your video card interface. You may be able to access it with a right click on the desktop. Otherwise, you can get there in XP through Control Panel > Appearance and Themes > Display > Settings > Advanced.

If nothing's there, go to the video chip maker's site (e.g., ATI Technologies) and download some of their drivers or graphical user interfaces.
who1zep said:
Those are controlled by your video card interface. You may be able to access it with a right click on the desktop. Otherwise, you can get there in XP through Control Panel > Appearance and Themes > Display > Settings > Advanced.

If nothing's there, go to the video chip maker's site (e.g., ATI Technologies) and download some of their drivers or graphical user interfaces.

Thanks for the info. I know I can calibrate my GPU settings. I was just thinking there might be a service menu, or some sort of backdoor entrance into the monitor settings.
Just got one of the $779 ones at work today and it is essentially identical to the one I have at home. Perfect display in any way (no dead px, no backlight), but it does have an ever so slight sag, about 1/8".
I have always wonder this question...

When you guys say that you have a "Perfect" screen what do you mean? Perfect as in that you can tell? I find it hard to believe...since nothing is perfect :p

I guess whatever floats your boat, anyway, I just got one and another one is on the way from Seattle this week :)
Perfect meaning no dead pixels or sub pixels as tested in a darkened room. Also meaning no nasty backlighting or hotspots. So the panel itself is perfect in that sense. The entire thing is not quite perfect as the screen is sagging a little.
I'm perfect!...sike...another great feature I just found out which involves both the 2405fpw and logitech z5500 is that you can do picture in picture and listen to the tv AND mp3s!!! for YALL multitaskers. Since I like to listen to music, work on the comp, watch and listen to tv all at once. This is NICE!!!! I mean PERFECT! :p
hagbard said:
How about I just pretend you guys don't know what you're talking about? :D I find it hard to believe that two of these monitors I've tried take about five minutes to reach "full" brightness and yours doesn't.

Mine does the same, its a CCFL tube so it has to warm up.
When I first got this one, I tested it and it looked like no backlight bleeding. Tested it later, and it looked like it had a tiny bit in the upper left corner. Now I check again, and really, it is uniform but not black at all but gray. Anyone getting black in full screen? I do get good black in Windows boxes (like the background in Hardforum) but not full screen black. Normal?
Well over here I do get very dark blacks...though I have set my brightness at 0. Try that, and see if it fixes your problem. :)
OK, so what I am seeing from this site and others is that the 2405FWP actually sits at 17.5 inches from bottom of stand to top of screen with the stand in the lowest setting and no tilt on the screen. Is that correct? Dell apparently has the height wrong in their specs and states that the lowest it can sit is 22 inches. I have called them on this and they insist their specs are accurate but I coul dnot get anyone there to actually measure it. Can any of the actual owners please measure and post the truth? I only have 19 inches of vertical space to put this thing and I want to be sure it will fit before I buy it. Thanks!

Reedogeo: the 2405FPW is exactly 45cm in height, or 17 3/4" with nothing to spare. I can guarantee you that the 19" you have is plenty of space for the 2405FPW. ;)
Thanks for sticking your ad on the end of my post. I have using my PC to search for Aliens for years now. ;)
reedogeo said:
Thanks for sticking your ad on the end of my post. I have using my PC to search for Aliens for years now. ;)
Hehe, I combine all of 'em, so BOINC automagically switches to another project after 60 minutes. :)
I have had my 2405 for several months now, just for the record, it is the best monitor I have ever had, once I got the colors tweaked. I came from a 22" CRT.
I just got a 2045fpw and while it looks great I am having a big problem with it. I use Photoshop and Illusrator CS quite a bit and while my workspaces and images are huge my tools and palettes are so small that they hurt my eyes (this problem has affected all of my programs including all of my Macromedia programs, Adobe Programs and Microsoft Programs such as worsd
.) I have changed the the DPI the font sizes, scroll bars etc. and everything is large and easy too read except for the tools and palettes in all of my programs. Besides changing the resolution, is there any way to fix this problem? I love how this screen looks but will have to take it back if I can't figure out an answer to this problem. By the way, calling Dell was no help at all because the only way they would answer my questions was to charge my credit card first because they said it was a software issue and not a hardware problem. Any solutions to this problem would be greatly appreciated.

My sytem info if needed:
WIndows Xp Home Edition
Amd Athlon 64 3500+ 2.21 ghz and 2 gigs ram
geforce 6800 Ultra
grumpyuncle said:
By the way, calling Dell was no help at all because the only way they would answer my questions was to charge my credit card first because they said it was a software issue and not a hardware problem.
What else would it be? :rolleyes:
I understand its a software issue but at least they could of told me if there is way to change the display in XP if they want me to keep a monitor I just spent $900 on.
damn it, after almost a year i now have a stuck pixel. This sucks, i tried massaging it and using some color video tests and still no luck. I guess ill have to just hope it goes away.
shadylx said:
damn it, after almost a year i now have a stuck pixel. This sucks, i tried massaging it and using some color video tests and still no luck. I guess ill have to just hope it goes away.
isnt it still under warranty ?
Just wondering if you guys have this problem....When ever I watch HDTV on the monitor through component video, after an hour or so, I start to get horizontal lines moving throughtout the screen. I am wondering this is because it gets heated or something along the lines of that. I have timewarner with Scientific Atlantic 3250HD box and the DVI is hdcp protected so I cant use DVI.

I have used DVI on Cablevision box that didnt have hdcp protection and that worked perfect without any problems with the horizontal lines. Any info will be helpful.

Had my 2405 for a while now, since August I think. Seems small now. I want 30" or more after getting used to the 24. Otherwise I havent had any problems, one red pixel I can live with. Included card reader has come in handy.