UnitedDevices: "D to 200" Thread

Say what you will about Moose (and most of you do so at every opportunity ;) ), but he is a man of his word.
KodiakStar said:
Uhh. why didn't you just put it under HIS name? :rolleyes:
You'd need his password. One more advantage UD has over FAH - nobody can pull a Marty without your knowledge.

Not that I resent it or anything, it was worth a laugh. But if he'd been a team 24'er trying to sabotage us, not so funny anymore.

Just be happy I'm running computers for the projects at all and we will call it even ;)
You know, ive been regularing these parts for about a year and a half now... and I still have no idea. WTF does the "D" mean?
I actually started UD about a week ago on my gaming machine. It's not on all the time like my mini-garden, but it's something I've been meaning to do.

So... 68-1=67

I could swear that I've returned two results. Oh, well... More to come.
GameALot said:
I could swear that I've returned two results. Oh, well... More to come.

UD doesn't publish their external stats feed as often as Stanford does. UD publishes once daily where Stanford published every 3 hours. Also, in recent weeks, the UD stats have had a few hiccups here and there as they've migrated to a new datacenter.

Viper87227 said:
I saw that, and it doesnt asnwer my question :rolleyes: :D

I know what D stood for, what I really meant was why? How did we end up with "D" from "add more boxen".
What, it doesn't make perfect sense to you?

65 - 5 = 60

One of my Xeons, one of my PIIIs, my sig system, one of my HTPCs, and my main server are all on UD now.
59-2 = 57

Added a Dual Core Opty 175. Old 3700+ is only folding part time though...but it is folding.

blakex said:
59-2 = 57

Added a Dual Core Opty 175. Old 3700+ is only folding part time though...but it is folding.

You do realize this is the UD thread, right?
I was going to say that, but I did not want to seem antagonistic. ;)

59 - 1 = 58

P4 3.65 GHz Formerly runnerup boxen in the First Annual [H]ordeBowl !

RPhArrow --\\\------------>

Well, lets see, 6 comps on UD, but one is a Dual Xeon 2.66 running 2 instances of UD. So does that count as 7 CPU's?

58 - 7 = 51

Feel free to adjust my numbers if we are only counting boxen.

Added a OCed 2.4 P4 @ 2.8GHz to UD. My first UD boxen :eek:

50 - 1 = 49


34 - 1 = 33

Even named after Moose, just for good measure! :p
minus one once i get vmware set up on my linux box... so a pre-emptive 31. i'll edit once it actually gets there. probably in an hour or two.

gotta find that 2k cd...
bumpity with the news that i got win2k going on vmware, so i am running UD on one processor of my linux box. FAH to come when i get around to putting it there :eek:

32 - 1 = 31

i imagine that the points will just come flying in from the p3 930 :/

the black knight always triumphs!