Unholy Wars - Darkfall 2.0, Release November 20th


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 12, 2004

For those of you like me that do not care for the shallow fluff that is MMORPG releases these days (Rift, SWTOR, GW2), a new version of Darkfall will be releasing. A complete wipe and fresh start of the current game server for the new game. If you like a little "hard" in your core PvP MMORPG game-play, give it a look.



**Visual Updates**
- New motion-capture animations
- New character models
- Revamped world, new textures
- New dynamic light system
- Plethora of new and revamped item skins

* New sound system
* New Crafting System (including recycling system)
* Introduction of market (auction house)
* Newbies start the game cut-off from the world during their tutorial while they familiarize themselves with the game.

**Character Development**
- Role System - You can pick (and change whenever you want) a basic role for your character, for example, Warrior, Mage, Skirmisher. These "roles" will define what armor you will be allowed to wear. Different roles will provide different bonuses or penalties towards different armor types (heavy, medium, light).

- Specialization System - You can no longer be jack of all trades, master of everything. You will have to specialize in certain discipline, or disciplines. For example, you can choose to specialize in Water Magic as your primary and Earth magic as your secondary discipline. This is different then having Earth as your primary and water as secondary.

Furthermore, opposite schools will lock one another, so if you pick Fire, you can not pick Water at the same time, or if you pick earth, you can not pick air at the same time.

There are many specs to chose from, including a "healer" spec for example.

It's important to note that you can switch between specs by talking to NPCs. This also means that you can still master/level everything in the game, but you can only use certain amount of abilities at any one time. This will make it so new players can quickly and easily develop their character in a certain spec and be just as effective as every veteran, while at the same time, veterans that put more time into developing their character can switch back and forth the specs if the chose to develop more than a single spec.

- Resource Monoliths, where people get rare materials for controlling an area
- Momentum mechanics
- Wobble mechanics

* Territory control by linking player villages and player Cities.
* Features to make battle preparation easy and intuitive
* More features that reduce downtime after death, including limbo system.

* New GUI!

- New network code (no load lag)
- New crafting system
- Market place trading hubs added to racial citys
- Ship combat improved
- Citys/Hamlets/Villages redesigned, relocated and renamed.
- Full world redesign NPC/Chaos Citys included (based off the shape Darkfall 1 map had)
- Market trade hubs will be local only (you can see all items globally, but you'll need to go to the right one to pick up the items)
- Land Fortresses
- New epic world boss mobs
- Revamped dungeons, traps, tierd system where you unlock new levels inside eventually leading to a boss
- Multi-core support
The armor system has been totally revamped..
Orginal posts from darkfall online forums (added few points from the comments)

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Looks like it will be launching November 20th. Might want to add that to the OP.

I liked the first one, but none of my friends tried it with me, so I quit relatively quickly. I'll definitely be checking this game out, just to show my support for the sand box genre.
we will see if it works out this time.. I always looked forward to it and when it came out it was so clunky that I had to pass. I REALLY want this to succeed
Looks like it will be launching November 20th. Might want to add that to the OP.

I liked the first one, but none of my friends tried it with me, so I quit relatively quickly. I'll definitely be checking this game out, just to show my support for the sand box genre.

The date is in the thread title. ;)

we will see if it works out this time.. I always looked forward to it and when it came out it was so clunky that I had to pass. I REALLY want this to succeed

Ya, I hope the game gets a nice boost in population. There are just too many easy-mode themepark MMORPG's out there. Time for a more difficult and "dark" game like this. With the new changes, it should appeal to a lot more people now.

This is what a dungeon is suppose to look like:

Awesome news:


I would like to address a couple of issues that have been on the community’s mind for a while now and I apologize that we haven’t done so already.

Regarding the question of a “wipe”, I have to say that despite our best efforts, our old characters from Darkfall Online cannot be transferred to Darkfall Unholy Wars, and to explain further:

These are different games and the DFUW character system is incompatible with the old characters. These are two completely different worlds, there is a different skill acquisition system, different skills, different stats, all the way down to the story-line everything makes them incompatible.

Assuming we forced things and made it possible, the DFUW characters would completely destroy the Darkfall Online characters, and I make this comparison to also give you a practical idea of the incompatibility.

I understand that you may be concerned about needing to grind to viability again. This won’t be an issue; we have made it our goal to make it possible for new characters to become viable very quickly in their chosen role. The character progression of Darkfall Online left us with many lessons learned.

Finally, I believe we all need a fresh start.

So why did it take us so long to communicate this? We honestly tried to find the best possible solution, for a long time. If you recall we were initially talking about a “re-launch” of Darkfall Online. After we made the decision to start a new game it became more and more apparent that it makes little sense to keep the old charaters. Even so, I wanted to make sure that this option was alive for as long as possible. In the end we needed to make a decision on what was the best thing for the game and for the players.

So what happens to the old characters? We will preserve them for several reasons. One reason is to commemorate them in a Darkfall Online tribute/memorial after the original Darkfall is over. Another is to keep them for Darkfall related side-projects we are considering. We’ll give you more details on all this after the DFUW launch.

Regarding Darkfall Online, in its current form, we will shut it down to make room for Darkfall Unholy Wars.

As far as Darkfall Online players needing to buy Darkfall Unholy Wars or not, we will keep our promise and give everyone who ever bought Darkfall Online the opportunity to get the new game just for the price of the subscription. Even though we had promised this before we decided to make a new game, it’s the least we can do for our community.

Thank you for reading.

I really tried to love the original but couldn't get past what was long dragged out PvP battles at times. I then jumped on the Mortal Online bandwagon, a game with a vision that I truly shared but it still hasn't lived up to it's own standards. Ironically though I believe the team behind MO is smaller than Dark Falls.

I think I will give this new Dark Fall a chance if I can find the time.
I really tried to love the original but couldn't get past what was long dragged out PvP battles at times. I then jumped on the Mortal Online bandwagon, a game with a vision that I truly shared but it still hasn't lived up to it's own standards. Ironically though I believe the team behind MO is smaller than Dark Falls.

I think I will give this new Dark Fall a chance if I can find the time.

Ya, I think DF has a much more solid footing than Mortal Online. The MO expansion in August seems to have failed and the game is pretty much dead.
I looked forward to Darkfall for years, I followed it for quite a long time. Their goals were great, unfortunately not only did they fall short on them, they completely abandoned core concepts. I'm sure it was a budget issue, but wow....did they drop a game on us completely unfinished. Living, breathing towns full of npc's turned into statuesque NPC's with no dialog and just sold useless goods. NPC guards that were supposed to defend the town from hostile actions ended up being stationary towers that "zapped" you with 2 frames of animation.

I'm all for Darkfall as I love full loot pvp, but please don't throw that kind of shit at us again. I hope this "2.0" they speak of fixes all that.
I bought darkfall way back when, can I just reactivate my sub and play this or do I need to buy this "new" game?
Holy shit, I remember hearing all about Darkfall.

"It's the real PVP game!"
"Hardcore PVP"
"If you don't play Darkfall, you're a noob!"

No idea what ever happened to it. Must have not done so well.

For those of you like me that do not care for the shallow fluff that is MMORPG releases these days (Rift, SWTOR, GW2), a new version of Darkfall will be releasing. A complete wipe and fresh start of the current game server for the new game. If you like a little "hard" in your core PvP MMORPG game-play, give it a look.

And it begins again... LOL.
Holy shit, I remember hearing all about Darkfall.

"It's the real PVP game!"
"Hardcore PVP"
"If you don't play Darkfall, you're a noob!"

No idea what ever happened to it. Must have not done so well.

And it begins again... LOL.

It has always had a steady subscriber base. Although not a large base, it must be large enough to support development of this new version. So there you go.

And yes, Darkfall is not for carebear PvE only type players.
For someone who did not purchase the original Darkfall what will this new one cost?

Nor will they. Like the original Dark fall they'll hype it up get a lot if interest from the PvP community then release a barely finished product and not communicate with anyone other than drop a breadcrumb or two here or there.
I bought darkfall way back when, can I just reactivate my sub and play this or do I need to buy this "new" game?

For someone who did not purchase the original Darkfall what will this new one cost?


Yes, they posted that if you have a Darkfall account all you do is re-activate the monthly sub for $9.99 and you get the new game for free.

As for if you buy the game on release day, speculation is around $29.99. Although you can just start a regular subscription now for $9.99 a month (there is no client fee) and then you are automatically rolled into the new game for free.
Darkfall: Unholy Wars is a new game, and upon its release, Darkfall 1.0 will be shut down. Characters will not be transferred over. Everyone will start over with a brand new character.

Players who have ever purchased a Darkfall account will not have to purchase a client for Unholy Wars. They will simply pay their subscription fee.

Fall damage has been increased to reach the cap of the game, and if a player takes enough fall damage to kill them, that player becomes incapacitated. The 'Slow Fall' spell is a great utility added to the game to counteract this, but it is on a long cooldown. People can become incapacitated from bunny hopping.

No specific new races have been announced, and no races have been removed (as far as I've seen). Melee reach is supposed to be more normalized and balanced. For example, look at the Ork and Human pictures on facebook and compare the two. The Ork is definitely beefy but he isn't much larger than the human. It is probably safe to assume that a similar approach has been taken for the other races as well.

Players will be able to switch between roles, but only have one selected at any given time.
Roles are not classes, but temporary specializations. The game will include four (4): Elementalist (mage), Primalist (priest), Warrior (fighter), and Skirmisher (ranger).

Warriors can wear heavy armor. Skirmishers can wear medium armor. Spellcasters can wear light armor or robes. There is evidence to believe that some robes will affect spellcasting.

A Warrior has access to a range of melee, defensive, and combat oriented skills. A Skirmisher has access to light weapon and bow skills. A Primalist has access to priestly magic. And an Elementalist to powerful magery.
The Warrior and the Skirmisher role will also offer a choice of 4 schools each which will be opposing in pairs exactly like the magic schools. The Warrior role is probably self explanatory but the Skirmisher is a medium armored role that can be either close combat oriented or use a bow to deliver deadly hits from a distance. There are quite a few things we believe you will find interesting that are related to this role system and we will present it in detail in the future.

*Insta-cast offensive ray spells have been removed from the game, due to their imbalance.
There are two types of magic: priest (primalist) and mage (elementalist).
The mage is intelligence based and can select two schools from Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. Fire blocks Water and vice versa. Earth blocks Air and vice versa. The mage will also select one school to be primary and the other to be secondary. This will further diversify mages. For example, a player who selects Fire as the primary school and Earth as the secondary school will have a considerably different playstyle and spell selection compared to someone who selected Earth as their primary and Fire as their secondary. Another example: Fire is supposed to be more useful for longer-ranged attacks against multiple targets, while Air will be more favorable for close combat in smaller numbers.
The priest is a wisdom based spellcaster and can select two schools from Life, Pain, Law, and Chaos. Simliar to the mage, Life blocks Pain and vice versa. Law blocks Chaos and vice versa.
New spells and spell effects have been added.
There are more robes, which can affect gameplay.
Minor Incantations is both intelligence and wisdom based. It is also available to all characters, no matter what they are wearing. There are five utility spells in this school, and none of them require reagents to cast.
Major Magic will also be available to anyone.
Mana Missile – Your typical low level damage dealing spell.
Heal Self – The standard self healing spell for all characters.
Light – Can be cast on enemies to illuminate them or on allies to illuminate dark areas. Our differed lighting system is what makes this possible.
Slow Fall – Falling damage is quite perilous in Darkfall 2.0. The cap for fall damage has been increased quite a bit and you will take such damage for shorter drops than in the current game. Also falling damage will leave you incapacitated if it exceeds your current hit point total. If you are out alone or with friends that is a minor inconvenience as you will either recover on your own or get revived. If you are being chased by an enemy though, a gank is more likely to follow. Slow fall will be life saving in such situations but it needs to be timed quite accurately to be effective.
Beacon – A spell for marking targets.
A lot of work has been done in balancing magic and making the effectiveness of spells make more sense.
The primary factor when determining spell effectiveness is the governing attribute. Intelligence and Wisdom levels will play a major role on how much of an impact you do while casting spells. Of course Intelligence based spells only take this attribute into consideration with Wisdom based ones doing the same.
Staves have been rebalanced and their rank now plays a more prominent role in the effectiveness of the spells you are casting.
No word has been spoken about Witchcraft, Necromancy, Spell Chanting, or Arcane magics. It is probably safe to assume that these schools have taken on new names and reworkings in the Priest role.

Yes, there will be some more "boss" monsters, both roaming around and some guarding dungeons.
Also, most monster loot, namely high-end, has been rebalanced to better suit the risk vs. reward scenarios.

They have been implemented but should only very slightly affect gameplay. It will definitely hinder the "squirrely-ness" of some people engaged in melee combat.
Movement affects the amount of crosshair wobble.
Most cities have been reworked to be easier to navigate by sorting them into districts. For example: cities now have a magic district or a crafting district, etc.
There will be four NPC cities per racial area, three faction cities, and one capital.

Teleportation chambers have been removed.
Many cities that were previously accessible via a mountain or other terrain have been reworked to require either spells or the provided entrances. All cities have at least two entrances now.

A lot of the empty areas of the map that were filled with water have been removed, or brought closer together.

Pre-suring is supposed to be removed.

When crafting, as you skill up to new levels, you'll stop gaining from lower levels items. In order to gain up to higher levels, you'll need to make items close to or at your current level.
Failures are also handled in a different way. While the failure rate has been increased a bit, the closer you are to a recipe not giving you skill gains, the more likely you are to succeed in crafting that recipe. Additionally, failing will not mean that you lose all of your materials every time, but there will be a chance to loose all, some or no materials at all.
To give you an example of all of the above, a weaponsmith starting at skill level 1 will be able to create, among many other items, a Crude Militant Greataxe. This is a rank 0 Greataxe of the Militant style. As his skill increases, he will be failing less and less and at skill level 25 he will have an almost guaranteed success at crafting this item as well as all other items of this rank. Once he hits 25 he will need to switch to a rank 1 recipe to continue increasing his skill.
All crafting skills now have a mastery to go with them. Some new skills have been introduced as well. Shields will be crafted with the shield crafting skill. Staves will be crafted with the staff crafting skill. Tailoring is used for cloth items, such as robes and bags. Leatherworking is the skill used to make leather armor.
Tools for crafting no longer exist. You simply need to be at the appropriate crafting station and have the required resources.
Rare ore plays a major role in a variety of crafting skills. In addition to being used in crafting weapons and armor, it can also be used to infuse other materials like wood and leather. Higher ranks of items require an infused variant of the specific material. Woodcutting can be used to infuse wood with rare ore to produce materials like selentine wood, furthering the depth of crafting.
Tanning and weaving are two new conversion skills. Skinning some creatures produces raw hides instead of leather. These hides need to be cured to become usable leather. You can combine raw hides with rare ore to make materials like neithal leather. Cloth, which can now be crafted, will be made with the weaving profession. Herb gathering nodes can now produce cotton, which can be processed into cloth, or infused with rare or to produce materials like leenspar cloth.
This system spreads the rare materials across all professions.

When a player becomes incapacitated, he slowly regains hit points until he is above zero, at which point he can press the spacebar key to revive himself. If the player fails to press the spacebar in the alloted time, he will be returned to his bindstone. This change makes ganking enemies more crucial in fights, and allows a little more room for error in some situations that aren't related to PvP. It also makes higher-end monsters more dangerous, because if a damaging hit would take you below -10 hit points, it kills you outright.

The limbo state is one that has been in discussion for a while. Basically when a character is ganked, he is able to quickly re-equip himself, hopefully with an already prepared bag, from his bank and return to an area relative to his corpse. There isn't much time granted to do this so players have to be prepared. Also, this feature has a gold cost related to the value of the items you decide to equip during this limbo (the re-equipping). This is aimed at reducing a players downtime so they can continue to play, should they decide to risk more of their gear to re-enter the fight. The limbo feature will have a sensible cooldown. The gold cost increases for using the limbo feature successive times. There is a limit on how many times someone can use this feature in any given 24-hour period. Again, the respawn location is fairly large and completely random, so the player takes a chance at spawning right in the middle of his enemies after using this feature.

There will be a new chat system, offering more flexibility and customization, while being less intrusive and more user friendly.
There is a ton of work being done to graphics, world-building, lighting, GUI, etc.
Some dedicated item hot bars have been added for items such as weapons and reagents.

The training areas consist of a series of chambers where the players can train before they move on. Training works like a gauntlet tutorial, beginning with movement and scaling all the way up to spellcasting and combat. This is sure to be a fun experience, and well worth the wait, even for veterans, because the training process has an epic ending! After training, the player is transported to the actual world. The entire system is to enhance the new player experience and lessen the learning curve at the beginning of the game.
Mount ownership is being reworked to fit the alignment system. When a player dismounts, the mount will remember its owner for a brief period of time. If a different player jumps onto the mount, that player will be flagged a criminal and anyone can attack them without penalty. Guard towers will also attack players flagged criminal from this. This is a simple implementation to lower the risk of dismounting in crowded areas or NPC cities. This also helps newer players out, because they are usually the ones unaware of Darkfall's mount thieves when they first get a mount.

The grind is theoretically lessened, due to the player's ability to become viable more quickly within his chosen role.

The initial market plan: The market exists in all racial capitals and chaos cities. Players can buy and sell any item in the game here, but also place orders to buy and sell. If an item was not placed onto the market at the market you are buying it from, you can pay a courier cost to have it delivered to you, or you can travel to the market it is located at and pay the listed price.
Player concerns have made the implementation of the market delayed, due to the nature of Darkfall. It will not be implemented at launch.

There are some new ships to be crafted, as well as a mastery version of the skill. This mastery skill will open up new ships aimed at naval warfare. Speed, armor, layout, and maneuverability are all features giving each ship it's own area of expertise. All ships will be craftable using all NPC holding workbenches.
There is a Fishing Trawler, which is used strictly for fishing. The ship has only one cannon at the back. You can only fish with this particular ship and all fishing equipment has been removed from other ships (Not sure how this affects fishing poles without a ship).
The Launch ship is a smaller ship that can be used by smaller parties to participate in naval combat.
The Coastal Runner has no cannons but is easily the fastest ship on the seas. This ship is useful for transporting goods or people across the water as fast as possible. This ship will have a very low amount of hit points.
Another ship is the Sea Scraper. This ships act like an underwater submarine, scraping across the bottom of the ocean. This ship moves slowly, but can uncover hidden treasures and bring them to the surface.
Siege equipment and mount crafting are receiving similar reworkings.
Some thought is going into whether or not larger ships can push smaller ones.

There will be a point system implemented. This point system is a way for players and clans to monitor their progress and provide more gameplay options.
The first points are player points. PvP, PvE, harvesting, crafting, etc. grant player points. These points can be used to perform other actions within the game. There is also an achievement system, which is linked to the point system.
Clans can also gain points. Clan members gain points for themselves and their clan while participating in related activities. This also comes with an achievement system.

Villages will essentially belong to player holdings around them but not just to one holding. There will be an ownership overlap for all villages and clans that own a holding will need to secure the villages that correspond to it if they want to reap the rewards. Clans that do not own a holding or want to profit from a village that is not within their holdings influence can still do so as there is a pillaging mechanic that serves exactly that purpose.
Essentially, a clan holding gives to the clan that owns it potential sovereignty over specific villages. Neighboring holdings will also have potential sovereignty over these villages. There will be a constant struggle between neighbors for control of villages and in turn resources generated by them. Add to this the occasional pillaging clan that will try to profit from poorly defended villages and you can hopefully see why we are so excited about this feature.
Clan holding resources nodes will remain within city walls, but won't perform as well or yield as much if the surrounding villages aren't in that particular clan's control. The nearby villages have a direct effect on what the resource nodes provide.
Areas that have a higher risk to gather from potentially have a greater reward or yield.
Resource Monoliths are control points scattered across Agon which can be used as a more profitable way to harvest crafting resources, creating a PvP hotspot. Any player can capture a monolith by grabbing the ownership mark from it if it isn't already captured. The current capture holder of the monolith will have resources added to his bank and backpack, similar to how Villages work with gold now. The player can lose control of the monolith if he logs off, leaves the control area, or is killed. When someone loses control, the ownership mark returns to the monolith, becoming free to grab for anyone else.
Clan cities are no longer the almost-exclusive way of getting rare resources, such as ingots. Sea Fortresses, player villages, and resource monoliths, all being outside the relative safely of player holdings, will provide the bulk of materials for crafters to create the best equipment with. This will create many more PvP hotspots.

Permissions for access to clan features can now be individually assigned to members, they are no longer grouped into arbitrary and inflexible ranks. Permissions are organized into “categories” like Membership, Politics, Conquest etc. For each category there is also a management option that allows any member with it to assign or remove permissions of that specific category to other members. There is also a Master permission that is automatically assigned to the clan leader and allows him to edit any and all member permissions.
Also to make things simpler, permissions are linked. That means that if for example someone is assigned the “Edit Recruits” permission, they automatically receive the “View Recruits” permission. If a management permission is assigned to a member, that member automatically receives all permissions in their category.
Each permission will have an associated title, the clan member can chose one of the titles from their assigned permissions to display as their clan role. For example, being assigned the “Edit Recruits” permission will give that member the option to display the “Recruiter” title.
Military Ranks still exist but are now related to PvP related performance and they are granted automatically upon achieving specific goals. The do not however grant any clan related permissions.
This will provide a lot more flexibility to Clan Leaderships as well as a way to let specific members handle tasks they are good at.

Apart from that, work is also being done on a new contract system. At this moment this system is being developed to be quite open ended so that it can be used in various ways if we so choose. The first application of it however has to do with mercenary like contracts. We feel that sieges is an activity that even small clans that do not own a holding must experience as it’s a quite unique feature of Darkfall.
To that end we are implementing this contract system to serve as an organized and structured way for such clans to participate, contribute and even profit from siege related activities. Of course our aim is for the system to be also usable by clans that want to have mercenary work as their primary source of income.
I'm too sissy to play a PVP game. I'm always afraid of getting ganked. Hope it works out for you though. I wouldn't mind seeing some gameplay video though.
What's wrong with getting ganked? Especially when you can return the favor. ;)
I don't mind getting ganked but what I am not a fan of is losing you're gear.

I'd agree with you if the game revolved around gear, say like EQ. Each item in that game could take weeks to get. But Darkfall isn't that gear dependent and everything good comes from crafters. It's a win/win situation. You get the exhilaration of fighting and possibly losing your stuff, and if you do lose, you keep your crafting skills/members and economy going when you go to replace it. Also remember that if you are killed, you go into a "bleeding state" and can still recover. So if you are killed in a group and your group protects you, you get rezzed and/or your group saves your items when they loot your grave.

I think if more people tried it they would be pleasantly surprised. Games with zero risk are boring... Hello virtually every MMORPG released in the last decade.
It's a good thing to mention that gear isn't a huge time investment I think you're right a lot of people don't understand that about full loot games.

Think of loot like skyrim loot, leather, fur, mail, plate armor, steel, iron, etc weapons. You can get decent enough gear prett easily there's not huge uber weapons that take months to grind and get, everything is pretty much replaceable immediately with a bit of money, in fact after a while you wwill probably have a bunch of backup sets in the bank anyway.
It's a good thing to mention that gear isn't a huge time investment I think you're right a lot of people don't understand that about full loot games.

Think of loot like skyrim loot, leather, fur, mail, plate armor, steel, iron, etc weapons. You can get decent enough gear prett easily there's not huge uber weapons that take months to grind and get, everything is pretty much replaceable immediately with a bit of money, in fact after a while you wwill probably have a bunch of backup sets in the bank anyway.

Yup, but I guess a lot of people can't wrap their head around that. People are so risk adverse, even when it comes to losing pixel items. They don't understand a certain level of risk is what makes games exciting. If you don't have risk, you get snore fests like say, GW2. ;)
I played the Darkfall 1.0 trial a few years ago. I liked it alot, but I didn't subscribe/continue because I kept hearing of Darkfall 2.0 and starting over with new characters. So all I can say is... About time.

I did get ganked a few times, but I actually found that more people at least in the noobie zone were just trying to level and would keep to themselves if you left them alone. In the times I was ganked, all they did was loot my 2 copper pieces and left my gear there.
If you don't have risk, you get snore fests like say, GW2. ;)

You know it's possible to like both kinds of games, right?

They are different experiences that offer different types of entertainment. I get that you prefer one over the other, but you might want to cool it on the rhetoric a bit. You will probably atract more people to DF without shitting all over games people like.
You know it's possible to like both kinds of games, right?

They are different experiences that offer different types of entertainment. I get that you prefer one over the other, but you might want to cool it on the rhetoric a bit. You will probably atract more people to DF without shitting all over games people like.

I highly doubt that anyone that loves GW2 would like Darkfall. Darkfall's purpose is not to attract theme-park MMORPG players, but to captivate those that want something a bit different. That is what makes it good.
I get that you prefer one over the other, but you might want to cool it on the rhetoric a bit. You will probably atract more people to DF without shitting all over games people like.

Right. That's why you do exactly that constantly on other MMO's that you don't play?

I don't see how Vega pointing out that DarkFall is different gameplay-wise from GW2, a theme-park ride, and that many people wouldn't like one that like the other. Thanks for the info in this thread Vega, I'm probably going to try it for a second experience to play alongside TSW, myself :D.
Right. That's why you do exactly that constantly on other MMO's that you don't play?

I don't see how Vega pointing out that DarkFall is different gameplay-wise from GW2, a theme-park ride, and that many people wouldn't like one that like the other. Thanks for the info in this thread Vega, I'm probably going to try it for a second experience to play alongside TSW, myself :D.

GW2 and TSW are both themepark games. This isn't about liking every game on earth. All I said was I don't see why liking darkfall would mean you can't also like themepark games.

I bought and played darkfall back when it released, as well as mortal online, although that game ended up being too broken to even really play effectively. I have also played many themepark MMOs and enjoyed them.

I just don't agree with the idea that anyone who likes a thempark game could never like a sandbox based game, I imagine almost everyone who plays darkfall has played a themepark game as well at some point.
I try out all MMORPG's I think have even the smallest chance of success. I've most likely beta tested just about every decent title in the last ~12 years.I just give my honest opinions on them.

Just because this is a Darkfall thread doesn't mean I am going to not mention the current "new" game on the block. If anything, hopefully attract players that find GW2 as woeful as I do and are looking for a new home.
Darkfall Online for Free

Today we stopped charging for Darkfall Online since we’re going to shut down the Darkfall Online service in a month, on November 15th, to make more room for Darkfall Unholy Wars.

We would like to thank our players, past and present, with a small token of our appreciation, by opening up our game servers. The game will be free for all players, of good standing, who ever bought the game.

We hope to see you in-game as we all enjoy our final month of Darkfall Online.

I highly doubt that anyone that loves GW2 would like Darkfall. Darkfall's purpose is not to attract theme-park MMORPG players, but to captivate those that want something a bit different. That is what makes it good.

Ironically I am a huge fan of both game types! One scratches the itch for gear and raid advancement, while the other gives me a real thrill only matched by FPS, RTS, and the like but in the same MMORPG environment that I have called home many times over in the past.