Ultimate Robot Costume

Ha ha ha! It doesn't look like that guy's real body is up to the task of carting around that decidedly un-mechanized shell.

Nice work, though.
$1000? you could have got like 3xGTX 580s for that!!!

Are they a child or is it really big?
awesome costume, too bad he won't be able to get through a doorway, haha

Dont need to go thru a door to trick or treat and with a costume like that you will get plenty of candy at each stop so you wont have to be out for very long!
"Put down your weapon. You have 20 seconds to comply"
+1 for awesomeness

to bad it was such a short vid, I REALLY REALLY wanted him to walk out into traffic
Good job, but cover over the legs, even if he used a painted Stromtrooper leggings.
That's pretty cool, but the real question is - does that chaingun really work? :D


Nice RoboCop reference.

I honestly thought the costume was designed base on a robot from the Robocop movie. Not that ED robot, another one which I forgot what its name was

It was in the Robocop vs Terminator video game too, Delta City Under Construction level. :p
Sheet metal, aircraft aluminum, and other parts: $600.
Rivets, bolts, hardware: $250.
Tool purchases/rentals: $200.
Spraypaint: $90.
Truck rental to carry costume: $210.

Not getting laid: priceless.