Ubisoft Shows Off Beyond Good and Evil 2 Gameplay


Mar 3, 2018
Beyond Good and Evil 2 is one of those games that was probably announced too early. Ubisoft unveiled it way back in 2008, and it was a winner in Wired's 2016 Vaporware Awards. We got a brief glimpse of the game in 2017, and in a livestream today, Ubisoft finally showed off some more detailed gameplay.

There's quite a bit of info in the full livestream, and you can check out Ubisoft's shorter gameplay clip here.

The latest Beyond Good and Evil 2 Space Monkeys stream gave us a closer look at a whole bunch of new gameplay, featuring augments, ship-to-ship combat, combat skills, the scope of seamless co-op, how you can begin recruiting characters to your crew, and more. This recap gives a small taste, but for more, be sure to check out the full Space Monkeys livestream, with Senior Producer Guillaume Brunier and Associate Creative Director Emile More.... Journey to System 3, for the prequel to one of Ubisoft's most beloved games! Fight alongside unforgettable characters in a stunning new solar system, as you struggle for freedom and the right to determine your own fate among the stars. Play the adventure by yourself or with friends in a vast and seamless online playground.
i can't believe it, a ubisoft game that doesn't borrow assets from other ubisoft games ? i mean the animations are nothing like AC or WD, well maybe the repeatable side quests of FC will be there ... this is a good IP i hope they don't fuk it up by making it just another asset flip before release, even that clanky animation is a refreshing change.
Looks like there will be plenty to do and explore, as long as the planets and moons all have something on them.
With what looks like a lot of time and effort put into this world, I'm shocked they haven't mentioned all the micro-transactions they'll be adding to recoup; ships, ship parts, power ups :) and of course the usual Ubisoft favourites of skins, xp boosts, and multiple versions, but no lootboxes no siree it's not like they're EA/Blizzard.

Edit: I liked the original, so I'll still buy it once it and the season pass are on sale.
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Looks cool, but, is it even relevant?

How many people have no idea what Beyond Good & Evil is?
I'll pick it up if it's good. I liked the original, but I feel like the target audience is smaller than what they're hoping. At least they got marketing behind them, but I don't think that'll move as many copies as they want.
Color me not impressed. This looks horrible but maybe too soon to tell? Just watching some of those controls and animations made me cringe.
So ubisoft is all good again? No history of showing game videos that end up being much better quality than actual game upon release?

(goes back under his bridge)
Beyond good and evil 2 is a game built on the remembered nostalgia of the first hour of the original. I don't think many people got much further than that.
i can't believe it, a ubisoft game that doesn't borrow assets from other ubisoft games ? i mean the animations are nothing like AC or WD, well maybe the repeatable side quests of FC will be there ... this is a good IP i hope they don't fuk it up by making it just another asset flip before release, even that clanky animation is a refreshing change.
new animations is what we need...
Color me not impressed. This looks horrible but maybe too soon to tell? Just watching some of those controls and animations made me cringe.

I didn't want to say anything, but.. I've seen mobile games with better animation. Hopefully its still just early.
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Looks really slow and sluggish to me and honestly, not that great over-all, the game play and design that is. Looks very pre-alpha and I'm not sure showing this to the general public was the right thing to do. Also, this has unreal engine or some engine written all over it. Just not feeling this at all.
Color me not impressed. This looks horrible but maybe too soon to tell? Just watching some of those controls and animations made me cringe.
Pre- Alpha man. I’m a little surprised they are showing it in this stage.
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For the record: Building huge empty cities, void of content, just to have huge cities, doesn't do anything for your game.
Looks alpha? Stiff animations, loads of texture pop in, ai that keeps pausing(watch the enemies)


Also looks nothing like the original? Feel like this should be a different IP.
I predict another huge, open world Ubisoft game with a lot of extremely uninteresting stuff to do. This quantity over quality trend in video games lately can fuck right off.
Beyond good and evil 2 is a game built on the remembered nostalgia of the first hour of the original. I don't think many people got much further than that.

As someone that has played many video games (over 40 years), the original BG&E is one of the most enjoyable single player games of all time; easily in my top 20 for adventure games. I will add that it is one of the few single player games where I literally had any interest in the story it was telling. This along with Pyschonaughts are on a "must play" list for single player 3D adventures.
As someone that has played many video games (over 40 years), the original BG&E is one of the most enjoyable single player games of all time; easily in my top 20 for adventure games. I will add that it is one of the few single player games where I literally had any interest in the story it was telling. This along with Pyschonaughts are on a "must play" list for single player 3D adventures.


It was a highly praised game and beloved by many. Myself included.
I certainly hope this is alpha. These animations are ugly. Like watching mud try to grow legs and use them.