Toyota Employees Taped Watching Porn In Customers Truck

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How would you feel if every time you took your car in to be serviced at the dealership, the employees repeatedly stole your stuff and watched porn in your car? Well, that is what happened to this guy so he hid a camera in his vehicle and busted them in the act.

I have been deciding what to do with this video footage. I would hate for it to go to waste; therefore I have decided to make it available to you. My next course of action is to make it available to the media outlets in Acadiana. Both the local newspapers and TV stations will receive the same DVD and letter I am providing to you.
When i was at my mazda dealer a lady called up screaming that someone left a turd in her back seat, she was a witch so i wouldn't blame them lol. I heard the phone conversation, she asked the guy how much he weighed, he replied "350 lbs" she said this must be yours, i looks like a fat ass's turd.

So to the topic, watching porn in my car would be find by me, as long as the mechanic provides it and there is no jerking of anything.
im sure if i ever let someone touch my truck they wouldn't have any trouble finding porn on my carpc....
When i was at my mazda dealer a lady called up screaming that someone left a turd in her back seat, she was a witch so i wouldn't blame them lol. I heard the phone conversation, she asked the guy how much he weighed, he replied "350 lbs" she said this must be yours, i looks like a fat ass's turd.

ROFL This post made my day! AMAZING!

Back on topic, I wouldn't know what I'd do about it if that happened to me... unless the asshole left the pr0n dvd on my car, or paused it or something for the gf/wife/significant other to see, then I'd be really pissed lol
Sad to think that guys job was worth $.75....

Watching porn on the laptop though is awesome but at the same time doing it on company property is stupid. I am surprised that Toyota doesn't require strict IT security compliance at all their dealerships.. content filter ftw..
If I were Jason, I'd have sent that DVD to corporate (I think he did too), alerted local news, written that letter to the dealership, and alerted local authorities.

This dealership is damn lucky this Jason guy didn't go legal.
Toyota got off pretty cheap in total since they reacted quick enough. Imagine if this would have been picked up by a major new network. This kind of shit would (especially with the quality of the video) would have been primetime fodder. The $2k they spent to shut this guy up was smart.
Imagine getting the car back from now on: "Ummm, there wasn't a stain on the seat there when I... EWWWW!!" :D
Awesome catch there. I hope he gets that dealership raked over the coals for that. The change I can see, it happens a lot, but the pills... wow, just wow.
When i was at my mazda dealer a lady called up screaming that someone left a turd in her back seat, she was a witch so i wouldn't blame them lol. I heard the phone conversation, she asked the guy how much he weighed, he replied "350 lbs" she said this must be yours, i looks like a fat ass's turd.

So to the topic, watching porn in my car would be find by me, as long as the mechanic provides it and there is no jerking of anything.

Crank Yankers.
When i was at my mazda dealer a lady called up screaming that someone left a turd in her back seat, she was a witch so i wouldn't blame them lol. I heard the phone conversation, she asked the guy how much he weighed, he replied "350 lbs" she said this must be yours, i looks like a fat ass's turd.

So to the topic, watching porn in my car would be find by me, as long as the mechanic provides it and there is no jerking of anything.

I've heard that call before on the local radio morning show.
Waffles, three tards fired for the price of one.
There's probably a 350 pound guy at every dealership in the U.S.

QFT. The GM joint I visted recently there was this three desk work area and parked there were three large male hambeasts who's stubby flabby arms could barely reach their keyboards. They were all reclined back in their jumbo aeron chairs flailing at their keyboards like a round t-rex. It was comical.
Sad to think that guys job was worth $.75....

No, it is not about the dollar value. It is an ethics issue. Someone who would steal from a customer is not trustworthy and is a risk. Noone can be 100% sure if that was all he ever did. It was just what he was caught doing. If I can't trust someone, they don't work for me.
The customer's truck is a Toyota Tundra which is made in San Antonio, Texas, USA. :D
Maybe so but it's classified as a foreign car. It may be made in America but all the profits go home to Japan. If you really want to be proud and help your fellow Americans then buy a American made vehicle.

On topic the fellow should have held out for something differant. Said thing is I bet he will still be missing quarters after the next oil change. Nobody like thieves, and the video linkage would have been nice.
The customer's truck is a Toyota Tundra which is made in San Antonio, Texas, USA. :D

THIS is your response???? That Toyota vehicles are made in the USA??? Do you think people who live in Bahrain pride themselves in the fact that 30% of Intel chips are made there? What about the fab labs is Israel?

Just because American employees are getting paid, doesn't mean the profit stays in American hands. Toyota is a Japanese company.

You want to make this country better? Stop espousing the fact that over-seas automakers find it more economically feasible to assemble vehicles here vice import them across the ocean. Twisting this into a belief that just because American employees had a hand in assembly, that the vehicle is "American made", is ridiculous. Ultimately, the profit those American's "made" is going straight back into Japanese hands. Paying Japanese taxes, improving the Japanese economy, and stabilizing the Japanese auto-industry.

Of course, if you don't want to make this country better (unscrew our piss poor auto-industry suffering from the misaligned brainwork you stated above), you can just move out. I try to always buy AMERICAN products built by American hands with the profits going to AMERICAN businesses. That's because I love this country, fight for it, and want to make it better.

Chemist, Computer Scientist, and Captain of Marines

And now with the flaming I've just delivered -- official internet Troll.
When it comes down to it, its all about cost.

Aside from cars, everything else is cheaper imported.

THIS is your response???? That Toyota vehicles are made in the USA??? Do you think people who live in Bahrain pride themselves in the fact that 30% of Intel chips are made there? What about the fab labs is Israel?

Just because American employees are getting paid, doesn't mean the profit stays in American hands. Toyota is a Japanese company.

You want to make this country better? Stop espousing the fact that over-seas automakers find it more economically feasible to assemble vehicles here vice import them across the ocean. Twisting this into a belief that just because American employees had a hand in assembly, that the vehicle is "American made", is ridiculous. Ultimately, the profit those American's "made" is going straight back into Japanese hands. Paying Japanese taxes, improving the Japanese economy, and stabilizing the Japanese auto-industry.

Of course, if you don't want to make this country better (unscrew our piss poor auto-industry suffering from the misaligned brainwork you stated above), you can just move out. I try to always buy AMERICAN products built by American hands with the profits going to AMERICAN businesses. That's because I love this country, fight for it, and want to make it better.

Chemist, Computer Scientist, and Captain of Marines

And now with the flaming I've just delivered -- official internet Troll.
When it comes down to it, its all about cost.

Sure, promoting self-interest is instinctively the first action we take, but try to picture the future when all of our wealth has been transported to foreign powers.

Trust me. If that happens, it's not gonna be good.
THIS is your response???? That Toyota vehicles are made in the USA??? Do you think people who live in Bahrain pride themselves in the fact that 30% of Intel chips are made there? What about the fab labs is Israel?

Just because American employees are getting paid, doesn't mean the profit stays in American hands. Toyota is a Japanese company.

You want to make this country better? Stop espousing the fact that over-seas automakers find it more economically feasible to assemble vehicles here vice import them across the ocean. Twisting this into a belief that just because American employees had a hand in assembly, that the vehicle is "American made", is ridiculous. Ultimately, the profit those American's "made" is going straight back into Japanese hands. Paying Japanese taxes, improving the Japanese economy, and stabilizing the Japanese auto-industry.

Of course, if you don't want to make this country better (unscrew our piss poor auto-industry suffering from the misaligned brainwork you stated above), you can just move out. I try to always buy AMERICAN products built by American hands with the profits going to AMERICAN businesses. That's because I love this country, fight for it, and want to make it better.

Chemist, Computer Scientist, and Captain of Marines

And now with the flaming I've just delivered -- official internet Troll.

Sorry, Ill spend my money on the better product. American car companies want my money? THEN FUCKING EARN IT BY MAKING GOOD FUCKING CARS. Im not gonna buy a flaming piece of shit just because it was made by a completely irresponsible company that bows down to the unions and overcompensates all of its workers, therefore not actually having any money to develop good cars. Iv owned 3 GM vehicles, 2 used and one brand new. All three had problems out the ass (and yes I kept up with mainenence). Hell the brand new one (which was actually manufactured in Mexico) actually CAUGHT FIRE 4 months after I bought it, because of a defect in the electrical system. So after that I finally broke down and bought a Nissan...haven't had a SINGLE problem yet.

The only American car company I would consider buying from at the moment is Ford.
Geez, this thread went WAYYYYYY off topic. So much anger over American or non-American.

Rest assure, three AMERICAN's were fired over this.
I'm American - I drove a 1993 Town Car until January this year. While I love the town car I wanted something a little shorter so the rest of the family wouldn't complain so much if they had to drive. I went to go look at the new Lincoln MKS (first model year car) with no reliability factors etc due to it being a new model. They wanted $45K+ for the loaded model and only offered a 4 year 50,000 warranty.

I bought a 2006 fully loaded Infinity M35x in the 20's certified pre-owned with a 5 year 100,000 mile warranty. It had 47,000 miles on it already so I essentially got a 3.5 year 53,000 mile warranty on a car with some fantastic reliability ratings.

I wanted to buy American, but the product was overpriced and unproven vs what the Infinity offered with a proven track record. This of course was pre-bailout.

While Ford is still alright in my eyes I REFUSE to ever buy GM or Chrysler ever again. Why we bailed out a NON-PUBLIC company (Chrysler) just floored me. GM has been the architect of their own doom for decades now. Let them fail, the bail outs have done nothing positive but save jobs that needed to be shedded (union) and reallocated to other areas.

It also baffles me that people still think that GM/Ford are American. You realize these companies are publically owned, anyone anywhere can buy a stake and large institutional investors own (or owned pre-bailout) a sizeable portion of those companies.

Interesting aside: A few years back I saw that Ford made a profit overseas that just about covered the loses they incurred in the US.
Sure, promoting self-interest is instinctively the first action we take, but try to picture the future when all of our wealth has been transported to foreign powers.

Trust me. If that happens, it's not gonna be good.

This has already happened, China now owns us from a debt perspective.
I'm sorry, what does the nationality of the truck have to do with the story?
GM has been the architect of their own doom for decades now. Let them fail, the bail outs have done nothing positive but save jobs that needed to be shedded (union) and reallocated to other areas.

Dam no edit button - The bailouts have done nothing positve, they have saved jobs that needed to be shedded (union) and reallocated to other areas.
That's why you buy American.
I fail to see how that matters. I'm guessing that the service employees at the dealership were locals to Escondida and not migrants from Japan ;).

That's why you don't have piss-poor managers that employ thieves and bad workers. Obviously the manager shared their practices, or he was clueless and that makes him equally guilty. Glad they got fired.

Of course, if you don't want to make this country better (unscrew our piss poor auto-industry suffering from the misaligned brainwork you stated above)

That doesn't quite fix the fail companies with shitty practices, planning, etc. ;)
ALL cars are made of shitty parts, the difference is in the manufacturing of the vehicle itself...thats all that seperates a Toyota from a Chrysler (I work at a company that consults at both for manufacturing and training purposes).

The unions were not something that GM was allowed to do anything about. Everytime they tried the supreme court would threaten them and the workers would strike. They should have filed 10 years ago before it got this bad, instead they were paying dudes $30 hr + medical benefits for the worker, his immediate family and his grandkids neighbors all to keep count of the rivets or something

If I were him I would have held out until they gave me free tires for life or something too.
The people who are railing here about buying American cars are the same ones that were bitching that Symantec is crap and saying you should use Avira (a non-American product) a few threads over.

My question is this: Why is he keeping money or medicine or anything else valuable in his car? Cars are necessarily insecure and can be broken into or stolen at any time. Why keep valuables in them, and why would you trust the car dealer? Any why would you care if they watch porn, as long as they fix your car properly? As others have said, as long as they don't get all Doogie Howser in Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle on the seats, it is okay.
ALL cars are made of shitty parts, the difference is in the manufacturing of the vehicle itself...thats all that seperates a Toyota from a Chrysler (I work at a company that consults at both for manufacturing and training purposes).

The unions were not something that GM was allowed to do anything about. Everytime they tried congress would threaten them and the workers would strike. They should have filed 10 years ago before it got this bad, instead they were paying dudes $30 hr + medical benefits for the worker, his immediate family and his grandkids neighbors all to keep count of the rivets or something

If I were him I would have held out until they gave me free tires for life or something too.

When i was at my mazda dealer a lady called up screaming that someone left a turd in her back seat, she was a witch so i wouldn't blame them lol. I heard the phone conversation, she asked the guy how much he weighed, he replied "350 lbs" she said this must be yours, i looks like a fat ass's turd.

So to the topic, watching porn in my car would be find by me, as long as the mechanic provides it and there is no jerking of anything.

There was a whole series of incidents a while back where someone was pooping in cars in the dealer's service lot. Can't find the article, might even been here on [H].
You want to make this country better? Stop espousing the fact that over-seas automakers find it more economically feasible to assemble vehicles here vice import them across the ocean. Twisting this into a belief that just because American employees had a hand in assembly, that the vehicle is "American made", is ridiculous. Ultimately, the profit those American's "made" is going straight back into Japanese hands. Paying Japanese taxes, improving the Japanese economy, and stabilizing the Japanese auto-industry.

It's debatable whether most US companies actually pay taxes that would improve our economy, etc...