Top the world in 81 days


Aug 24, 2004

w00t! i just noticed that the [H]orde team 33 has been really gaining on the Aussies. a week or 2 ago we were 120 days or so to the overtake. Now it's 81. [H]'ers - show your colors and fold for humanity with all the awesome boxen you guys have!!!

Now curiosity got the better of me, and i wanted to see who would get to 100 million first.
Current Stats:

[H]ardOCP: 15,328,508 points to 100mil, 209,258 points per day
OC Aus : 11,846,324 points to 100mil 166,502 points per day

OCP - (15,328,508 pts / 209,258 ppd) = 73.25 days to 100 million
OCAU- (11,846,324 pts / 166,502 ppd) = 71.15 days to 100 million

WE CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!!! they will beat us to 100 million by a mere 2 DAYS!!!
Fellow [H]'ers, rally your boxen! If we increase our productivity by just 10 thousand points per day we can take 100 million in 69.91 days!!!! and beat them by a day.

Many of your systems compare and usually beat out my specs, and I will probably be close to 200 points per day. Given that, if we were to add just 50 users at 200 points per day, or 100 users at 100 points per day to the folding team, we would hit our goal. w00t!

(btw forgive my overzealous [H]ardPatriot demeanor - its 3:30 am)
it will be a tight race to the end. Give me a week and I will be putting in 185 ppd. Not much but I have just doubled production. It will really be upto our big producers to ramp up.
^ anybody in particular? Hope it is only temporary holiday losses. Next week I will try my very best to get my high school b0rged. About 40-50 comps there. Wish me luck.

magnusvir said:
^ anybody in particular? Hope it is only temporary holiday losses. Next week I will try my very best to get my high school b0rged. About 40-50 comps there. Wish me luck.

Toasty just had use of major #'s of computers for the holiday vacation. His numbers should drop back down into the low 2000's, probably.

Hito Bahadur said:
Toasty just had use of major #'s of computers for the holiday vacation. His numbers should drop back down into the low 2000's, probably.

We're still hoping that he'll be able to keep some if not all the extra systems but we're not holding our breath.

If all goes according to plan I expect to have a nice permanent PPD increase on Tuesday :D:D:D:D
I'm giving her all I got Captain!

That's gonna bite if they hit 100 million, then we hit #1 a few days after. Hit 100 million and take over #1 in the same day would be nive.... :D

Nothing to do but try!

And I just bought the missing parts to bring 950mhz online...WOOP!! :eek:
about to head out to the store and get a few parts to bring 5 ghz back online --

also did a 'general OC', turned up the clocks/multipliers on most of the rigs in my farm, added a collective 3ghz or so :cool:
Bodega said:
about to head out to the store and get a few parts to bring 5 ghz back online --

also did a 'general OC', turned up the clocks/multipliers on most of the rigs in my farm, added a collective 3ghz or so :cool:

All my boxen are belong to [H]orde. I'm running my desktop at 2017 mhz (11.5x175) and hitting my maximum comfort zone for thermal output (56 deg C). But that is stock cooling. I bought that ThermalTake Extreme Volcano 12+ from Digital Wanksta and hope to be able to add about 300 mhz to my current OC (11.5x200 = 2300). hopefully that adds a bit more folding power. and i'm thinking of b0rging my dad's new computer (athlon 64 2800+)

oh yeah, and what are those colored [H]'s you guys have? do they represent your position in the ranks or somethin?
Maybe I can hook up that old 400mhz Celeron machine we have in the garage. I don't think it would do much, but it still works and thats still 400 more mhz for the [H]orde.
It will churn out more than you might think. My webserver sits in my loft on 24 / 7 basically hosting my pics and meager web page, but also folds on with just 350mhz p2. it has already contributed several work units in 3 weeks, which are deadlineless. all you really need is a power cable and a network cable (shoot or wireless NIC), and you can remote desktop into it or anything like that. good luck
Yea were down to a daily gain of 32k. At this rate I don't think we will beat them to 100,000,000.

That's still a huge daily gain for them to make up.
WraithOD said:
Current projection for overtaking the Aussies: 04.14.05, 2pm / 94 Days

It changes daily depending on our daily take. Some days are better than others. For instance, my projected production for April 13 was like 25k. Then, my machine finished a 600 pointer and it went up to 35k. It will go back down tommorow unless I can push out another WU. Unfortunately, it takes my main comp like 3 days to cruch a 600 pointer, but that time should decrease now that school is back in session and i can only use my comp betwen 4-5 PM and bedtime(10:30 PM).
I will be doing better if this P3-450 that works a couple hours a day ever squirts a WU out ofr that Efficeon....damn 241 pointer!
I should be getting my new mobo for tachyon at the end of the week/early next week
Gonna do what I can to help. I've got three other boxen that run UD when they're on, in addition to the two dedicated F@H boxes I have. I am going to run only F@H on two of the UD machines and run them as much as possible. May not be alot, but if we can get a few others, than maybe we can push for the 100 million points and get the prestige from that. :cool: :D
We our entering the winter and they are entering the summer. The winter always seem to produce more results, been that way for years on all the DC I have been doing.

Wish I could get some of those 600 pointers:(
OC-AMD said:
Hrmmm... I wonder what 40-70K a day would do to the overtake date? :D
Evil...there you go starting that whole thing about you folding for hire again!!!! :p
Just kidding!

No tease... I'll consider it. There aren't any other personal goals for me to reach... I'm number 1 in the world, broke 400K points in a single week, most WU's folded. I have made it known i'll occasionally jump from team to team for the fun of it. I've helped another team out in the past and plan on doing it again. I just can't let ARS pass 2CPU so I'd need to figure in the overtake days in both cases.

and of course my power is it's not for hire, it for the project no matter who I fold for.

The only thing I'll get yelled at for is having multiple OC-AMD accounts in the top 100 :D
I just added a dual 2.8 ghz xeon running 2 clients, 900 mhz p3, two 2ghz p4, 800mhz p3, 1 ghz p3
OC-AMD said:
The only thing I'll get yelled at for is having multiple OC-AMD accounts in the top 100 :D

Feel free to use my name... :D
i suppose it should be worth noting that those statistics are plenty old, considering how often they get updated. however, this thread contains a more recently calculated version. It almost looks like we are on the decline. It should also be noted that, unless we add a pretty good sized herd, we are not likely to overtake to 100 million. sorry for the depressing outlook, but fold on Troops. heh maybe with some luck i can convince my new college to allow me to add all their boxen to my flock and put a dent in those numbers.

:mad: Jesus Christ, i cant find my amdin.. i was hopeing to have them added by today... a couple of ghz more from my school.. but i guess that will take a while.. :mad:
I've got my 6 boxes folding. Hopefully have another 5-10 more folding within a few weeks.
The overtake day has been stretched to the middle of April already. The folks down under refuse to roll over. They aren't waiting for us to catch them. We have had some really good recruits join the fight lately, and the Aussies manage to keep pace.

OC-AMD, if you choose to go rogue for a bit, perhaps to help America's premiere team, fold for Relic. It will drive him nuts.
Leadman584 said:
OC-AMD, if you choose to go rogue for a bit, perhaps to help America's premiere team, fold for Relic. It will drive him nuts.

I wholeheartedly and very loudly second this.

Agreed!!! Though, having OC-AMD put even a small percentage for the 600+ PCs he has crunching away would probably push Relic over the edge... It'd be more like "Get Relic to 500!!" instead of 100 :D

Any help is much appreciated... We all technically fold for the same team...

Keep on Folding!!

I still haven't figured out how the Aussies are in first. Is every computer device available in their country folding for them? I mean, there aren't that many people that live there. It just seems odd, esp. when hard should be a more global operation, but I imagine most of the folders here are in the US/Canada.
We do have a few Aussies folding for the [H]orde though :D

Keep on Folding!!

Technically team "Default" is in first, and team "Google" is in second. Folks who just wanna help, but could care less about the team competition, I'm guessing. Personally, it's kinda fun being a very small part of America's best team. My teammates are an interesting lot.

There are over a thousand different American teams. If you look, in the top 100 teams, there is a Vietnamese team, a Malaysian team, a Tasmanian team, even a Russian team. The folks at OC-AU carry the flag for an entire continent. Divide and conquer works.

The competition we have with our esteemed opponents down under, is one in which 2 fairly well matched titans, push each other to greater heights. Who wins? Science, and hopefully mankind. I'd still like to get about 10,000 of the Default folks folding for the [H]orde :D .

PS. The overtake date is now 103 days away. We are gaining, but more slowly than when this thread was begun. Hopefully somebody on the team wins Steve's Killer Gaming Rig. We need all the help we can get. Anybody that hasn't done so please enter the contest, daily, at Hypothermia. Where are those Default folks hiding?

PPS. (I could care less about running up a post count) Relic is the soul of this team, but the guy I'd fold for, with access to unlimited boxen, would be our own one armed bandit, Tigerbiten.