Time Best Games of all time


Supreme [H]ardness
May 13, 2012
Although these lists always get controversial (especially coming from a non-gaming publication and combining both console and PC choices) this list is actually fairly decent ... they definitely captured the easy additions of Tetris, Doom, Diablo 2, and others.

The 50 Best Video Games of All Time Ranked
It's not a bad list....

But Galaga at #35? I play that game almost weekly.
It's more like the 50 most known games of all time. Certainly Flight Simulator X has no business being there. And even if it does why that exact version? It was a continuation of a long going franchise.
Witcher 3 not #1 ok. But not even on the list? Fail. Especially with Rise of the Tomb Raider on it, game was good but not one of the greatest. And where is Deus Ex for that matter?
Street Fighter 2 is a massive, massive omission. Especially with MK and Smash on there.

I like Rise of the Tomb Raider as much as anyone, but that's a VERY odd choice. I'm not even sure it's as good as the previous title, let alone the games that inspired it. It's strange that with some games they went with the original inspiration (Mario Kart, Castlevania) yet others (RotTR, Final Fantasy 6 & 7, Mario 64) they went with sequels.
It's more like the 50 most known games of all time. Certainly Flight Simulator X has no business being there. And even if it does why that exact version? It was a continuation of a long going franchise.

Witcher 3 not #1 ok. But not even on the list? Fail. Especially with Rise of the Tomb Raider on it, game was good but not one of the greatest. And where is Deus Ex for that matter?

Street Fighter 2 is a massive, massive omission. Especially with MK and Smash on there.

I like Rise of the Tomb Raider as much as anyone, but that's a VERY odd choice. I'm not even sure it's as good as the previous title, let alone the games that inspired it. It's strange that with some games they went with the original inspiration (Mario Kart, Castlevania) yet others (RotTR, Final Fantasy 6 & 7, Mario 64) they went with sequels.

They appear to have forgotten Earthbound, Super Mario World, and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
It's TIME magazine. What do you expect?
Street Fighter 2 is a massive, massive omission. Especially with MK and Smash on there.

I like Rise of the Tomb Raider as much as anyone, but that's a VERY odd choice. I'm not even sure it's as good as the previous title, let alone the games that inspired it. It's strange that with some games they went with the original inspiration (Mario Kart, Castlevania) yet others (RotTR, Final Fantasy 6 & 7, Mario 64) they went with sequels.

Ya the Mario Kart one surprised me. Super Mario Kart was fantastic, but the series really came into it's own with Mario Kart 64, which truly is one of the greatest games of all time.

Also, Baldur's Gate anyone?
Personally I would have pick Resident Evil 2 to represent the franchise, but I do agree with many of the games being in that list (order aside)
Personally I would have pick Resident Evil 2 to represent the franchise, but I do agree with many of the games being in that list (order aside)

Yeah the order is outta whack, but the games are pretty solid. I personally would have Half Life as my #1 game of all time.
The best at what? Influence? First playthrough experience? Total Sales?
Asteroids?? Age Of Empires?? Crysis??

And Time has a shitty website. (n)
Asteroids?? Age Of Empires?? Crysis??

And Time has a shitty website. (n)

To be fair, I think the original Far Cry was a better game than Crysis. While everyone were waiting around for HL:2, Doom 3, and Halo 2 to usher in a new era of gaming, Far Cry snuck in and beat them to the punch.

2004 was a hell of a year for games.
Did I blink or was tie fighter not on the list? The game that is consistently in the everyone's top five published top games list?
^^ (bears repeating)

NFL 2005 :)

So, they do SC2 instead of SC1, then they go ahead and use Wolf3D instead of Doom?

and where's Thief or System Shock :(

Also I just noticed no Lunar Lander
Mostly old games, should be renamed 50 best old games of all time. Didn't even include Master of Magic or Xcom. Since when is Time an authority on gaming?
The half the list is crap. Portal >> Portal 2. Bioshock should be a lot higher. Two Final Fantasy games and no Baldur's Gate? Just the beginning of what is wrong with that list. Gold Box series >> Final Fantasy junk. C'mon...Pong? If you have that you need to have Atari Football and I'm not advocating either.
The half the list is crap. Portal >> Portal 2. Bioshock should be a lot higher. Two Final Fantasy games and no Baldur's Gate? Just the beginning of what is wrong with that list. Gold Box series >> Final Fantasy junk. C'mon...Pong? If you have that you need to have Atari Football and I'm not advocating either.

It's almost like people have opinions different from yours!
Red Baron 3D. That was one of my personal greats, right up there with Diablo 2. Certainly ranks above MS Flight Sim X.
These "best games of all time" articles never make sense to me. How can you even have a list with a game like pong and wow in the same list? Yeajust they're both games but from completely different times. And comon, tribes 2 is the best game of all time.
Listing top games is very difficult as it is very much based on opinion. I would have added F.E.A.R., Castlevania 3 instead of 1, and SMB3 or SMW instead of SMB1, which a great game just no not on the same level. I think I would have swapped out about 10 games based on my own experience. It is always good to see these lists and be like ohhhhh, I need to fire that game up again!