This is something new...


Apr 2, 2005
So I have been folding for a few weeks now and I have seen my share of 2500 frame WU's. Well today I look down at my little system tray icon and it says:

F@H: Working (450/7500)

This is going to take a while.

i take it you only get the systray icon if you're running the graphical client?
crumshot said:
i take it you only get the systray icon if you're running the graphical client?

Yep, so you can control and bring up the client, and set the various options. It will allow you to make changes on the fly whereas without using the -config flag, the console is much more static in its operation.

I like the graphical client. I play a lot of games and I like to pause it while I am playing. This just makes it so much easier. I don't know how many points it is worth.
uncleb said:
I like the graphical client. I play a lot of games and I like to pause it while I am playing. This just makes it so much easier. I don't know how many points it is worth.

Well there has been discussion of .bat files to start and stop the console client. That's at least my preferred method, normally though I don't even see any impact on my gaming from F@H. The thread with info on the .bat files is here.

Yeah on one of my 2500+ its supposed to take like 2.5-3 days to do the 7500 WU

mine started Sunday and will finish tonight

GOL said:
Yeah on one of my 2500+ its supposed to take like 2.5-3 days to do the 7500 WU

mine started Sunday and will finish tonight

Your only doing 100 frames, which equal 1 work unit. Your 1 work unit wil equal "X" points depending on which one it is.

Look here for what project you are working on and it's end value:

I swear they never give me anything big.

I am runing dual xeons and they give me these crap 100 pointers... I WANT 600!!!
MTXR said:
I swear they never give me anything big.

I am runing dual xeons and they give me these crap 100 pointers... I WANT 600!!!

My sole producer right now keeps getting big Tinkers. I went out of town and it took a shit in the middle of one and rebooted. 7 days=241 points :eek:
How come they don't give them to me....this sucks, i don't think i ever even had one.
MTXR said:
How come they don't give them to me....this sucks, i don't think i ever even had one.

You don't want the big tinkers. SSSLLLLLOOOOOWWWWWWWW folders they are.
Heh, my Celeron is now on it's 8th 57 pointer in a row. Talk about going nowhere fast. :)

Not to rub it in...
but I just finished a 600 Pointer and imediately downloaded another one. :D

I think that this is my 5th or 6th in the past month or two.

I've got a 241 pointer on my little Duron right now.

And my running average is 209.9pts per WU

I can't wait till I get my farm going!

Same thing just happened to me on my p3... finished the 600.. got another...

191 hours for it though... damn p3.

MTXR said:
I swear they never give me anything big.

I am runing dual xeons and they give me these crap 100 pointers... I WANT 600!!!

All i get on my dual Xeon (2gig ram) are the QMD cores....I want to see how fast it will chew through a 600 pointer though....
I've been geting mosly bit Tinkers and 600 pointers although I have recently nabbed a couple of the 364 point Gromacs. I just wish my P4 would stop getting the Tinkers and concentrate on the 600 and 364 pointers. I also have it set to nab the QMDs but haven't seen one of those yet.

The P4 had a bit of a problem this weekend. After finishing the WU it had it snagged a 241 point Tinker and started on it. FAH threw a fit about a WU that couldn't be returned for some reason but finally sent it back due to the deadline or something. Anyway, it seemed to start on a second Tinker while the first one was processing. I ended up stopping and restarting the client because there was only supposed to be one client working. Both clients shut down at that point and when I started it up again, it started from the beginning of the WU. I lost every bit of work the system had done over the weekend. It didn't say there was anything wrong with the WU either. It just started over from the beginning.

i have been gettin galot of these p2002's this month... i really dislike them it takes forever for these things to get done and they aren't worth that much

oh well fold on...
