The Witcher

I'm not sure how much time I've put in, but I'm a fair ways into act 2. It's good to see an RPG with some serious meat on its bones. Baldur's Gate II + Throne of Bhaal totally spoiled me for game length.

By the way, does anyone recall the developer walkthrough video that showed Geralt fighting two opponents, one on either side, parrying blows from each while wielding two swords at once? I believe it was in the video where the dev demonstrates using alchemy to create a bomb, then using the bomb when ambushed by a bunch of assassins inside a building. It was pretty impressive looking, but I haven't seen or heard mentioned of this being in the retail version of the game.
well i've probably put in 5-8 hrs a day since last thursday playing the witcher... minus a day or two here and there... so 35-40 hrs i guess :) i just started chap 3 last night too...
^^ sweet.. good find!

I'm having fun with it, but I can't figure out how to make a cat's eye potion or where to get a torch. I can't do the quest in the crypt for Mikul becuase I can't see anything. Anyone care to share some info here?

do you have the alchemy skill yet? under the intelligence attribute? if you have that, then you just need the ingredients.. loot everything you can (bodies, barrels, cupboards, in houses and huts etc..) for stuff for potions.. or buy from Abigail or the Inn keeper.. you'll get enough to make a cat potion.. I was able to make one and then found another one on someone.. right around the middle of chapter I.

I didn't find a torch until I was in the crypt I think.. it was on the body which was way in there.. sort of a catch 22.. but I think they are in random spots also.. in barrels and such.. you just need to keep searching.
Well looks like I'll have to pick this up after reading this thread. Thanks again [H] users.... another $50 not going towards beer, my body thanks you all.

I got HGL for my bday from my friends, so I CAN buy this! Woo
I finally got some time to just sit down and play yesterday. I put almost 4 hours straight in. Let me just say, ahhhhhh feels good to play an epic story driven RPG again. Sandbox RPGs like Oblivion and Two Worlds are great and all, but there's nothing quite like a linear story driven RPG.
Soo...I completely missed this comign out. Had to look it up yesterday to see what it was about. :eek:

Judging from impressions, epic length PC RPG, I think I'll go grab it after work, and not sleep this weekend. :cool:
I'm at chapter 4 now and I haven't had this much fun or immersed in a storyline since Planescape Torment. Its that good.
For anyone playing have any of you found all the teeth to the dentist quest guy? I read somewhere he gives a kick ass reward.
I'm at chapter 4 now and I haven't had this much fun or immersed in a storyline since Planescape Torment. Its that good.
For anyone playing have any of you found all the teeth to the dentist quest guy? I read somewhere he gives a kick ass reward.

I skipped the dentist dwarf quest, but this should help you out.

I really am ejoying this game. This is a true PC game. I just finished chapter 3 last night. I have probably put in at least 25 hours. I finally got enough runes to put on my witcher sword.

I died at least 8 times last night trying to do the kikamore queen segment. I love all the easter eggs in the game too.
Also, turning the view distance all the way up looks incredible, but it also kicks my fps down quite a bit. Turning it down a notch provides me with a big FPS boost.

I can't bring myself to leave it that way though. It's just too pretty.
when grass is enabled the game stutters every second, goes from 30 fps to 1. when grass is disabled it plays fine. im using cat 7.10
when I got to the swamp in chapt 2 I had to kick the grass details down to medium to improve the fps.. this game is very nice looking, but doesn't perform too well.. imo. Oblivion's environment looks as nice and it seems to perform better.. i dunno.. prollly just a limitation of the engine.. they did hack this engine up quite a bit to make it look all purdy like.. speed tree and more.. it's probably maxed out on what it can do visually.. I still can't run with any AA at all.. but have AF on at 16x, shadows on low, but all other settings pegged out. 1920x1080 res.. it's one of those games where I can indeed wander around and just look at stuff oooo'ing and aaaaa'ing. lol.
Can someone suggest a way for me to make money in this game? I can't seem to ever get ahead in the orens - the main reason being books are just so goddamn expensive in this game. I'm trying to allow my character the abilities to pick more herbs and skin more monsters - which are all learned through books. Yet, these books cost around 600 orens each. Even non-skill books, ones that just add flavor to the games' storyline, are around 200 orens. It just seems the whole pricing of books in this game is way off.

Anyways, I'm a little ways into the 3rd chapter now and I've just hit my personal maximum of 2000 orens. There are still books I want (need), but I'm trying to save for that second upgrade of armor (5000 orens).

I do most of the sidequests, I search for free books when I can, I try not to waste money on stupid stuff, etc... But I still don't seem to make enough. Am I just not meant to buy that armor until later in the game?

What are some other things people do to make money in this game?
Can someone suggest a way for me to make money in this game? I can't seem to ever get ahead in the orens - the main reason being books are just so goddamn expensive in this game. I'm trying to allow my character the abilities to pick more herbs and skin more monsters - which are all learned through books. Yet, these books cost around 600 orens each. Even non-skill books, ones that just add flavor to the games' storyline, are around 200 orens. It just seems the whole pricing of books in this game is way off.

Anyways, I'm a little ways into the 3rd chapter now and I've just hit my personal maximum of 2000 orens. There are still books I want (need), but I'm trying to save for that second upgrade of armor (5000 orens).

I do most of the sidequests, I search for free books when I can, I try not to waste money on stupid stuff, etc... But I still don't seem to make enough. Am I just not meant to buy that armor until later in the game?

What are some other things people do to make money in this game?

I play dice over and over again with anyone I can until they are broke :D
Can someone suggest a way for me to make money in this game? I can't seem to ever get ahead in the orens - the main reason being books are just so goddamn expensive in this game. I'm trying to allow my character the abilities to pick more herbs and skin more monsters - which are all learned through books. Yet, these books cost around 600 orens each. Even non-skill books, ones that just add flavor to the games' storyline, are around 200 orens. It just seems the whole pricing of books in this game is way off.

Anyways, I'm a little ways into the 3rd chapter now and I've just hit my personal maximum of 2000 orens. There are still books I want (need), but I'm trying to save for that second upgrade of armor (5000 orens).

I do most of the sidequests, I search for free books when I can, I try not to waste money on stupid stuff, etc... But I still don't seem to make enough. Am I just not meant to buy that armor until later in the game?

What are some other things people do to make money in this game?

Not wanting to spoil it for you, but dont get the 5000 oren armor. You can make it to the later chapters with potions and stamina upgrade. Then you get a really good set of armor through quests.The books are expensive and as you probably know, certain side quests cant be done until you know what you are killing. The first three chapters I really got into alchemy and spent most of my money on books to learn the plants and monsters. I only got the books on monsters till I had a quest that involved the said monster. Made a good bit off of plant picking. What would help is if you could always loot weapons and sell them, but the inventory wont allow it. I used the storage in the swamp alot and sold off the loot when it was full. The swamp is full of money. Stealing helps too, and the game wont punish you for it.
Anyways, I'm a little ways into the 3rd chapter now and I've just hit my personal maximum of 2000 orens. There are still books I want (need), but I'm trying to save for that second upgrade of armor (5000 orens).
Hrm, I had about 7,000 orens not too far into chapter 2, and bought the 5k armor in chapter 2 plus spent about another 2k on books and a rune, and right now still have about 2,200 and I just entered the swamp in chapter 2 for the first time.

Are you looting everything ? Entering every house and holding down the ALT key to see what has loot ? Playing poker as much as possible ? Doing all the side quests ? Giving "gifts" and showing "rings" instead of bribing ? Barfighting as much as possible ? If you do quests for hookers and don't take any reward, then later on you can have sex with any hooker in the chapter for a gift like a rose instead of paying for it.

I probably have the ALT key held down 25% of the time I play.

I like the money system in the game so far, generally in most RPGs due to the "pack rat" way I play, long before the end of the game the economy is broken cause I'm so rich already. But in this game so far the economy has held up pretty well so far.
I"m doing the quest to get the tower in the swamps. I've got like 8 seriphot, but I can't figure out how to activate the golem?? is selling The Witcher international version without censoreship.

Just don't select german as your language when you install because the game may replace your sword with a candy cane, the monsters with teletubbies, and blood with apple syrup. (pun at german Hellgate).

LOL! Very funny....

I picked up Two Worlds and I get a message "This game cannot be played in your region, please contact legal support department". Well I changed my system time from Berlin time (I live in Germany) and viola it worked fine! Crazy.
does anyone else find the camera rotation to be clunky? Like the game is really good so far but moving around seems to be a pain sometimes... is there a way to make Geralt turn (not strafe) without rotating the camera?
does anyone else find the camera rotation to be clunky? Like the game is really good so far but moving around seems to be a pain sometimes... is there a way to make Geralt turn (not strafe) without rotating the camera?

Change your camera view in the game options. There are 3 different camera views. I like the over the shoulder, not sure which view that is though. Feels like WOW's camera angle, except you cant zoom in and out.
Yeah just press F1, F2 or F3 to change the camera mode.
I would have used OTS, if only the camera wasn't retardedly off to the side, and unnecessarily close to Geralt.

Which is why I play in F2 mode, but with the middle mouse button depressed 90% of the time. So its as if I'm in OTS with the camera centered and out further back (which is what I would have liked OTS to be in the first place).

Its annoying, but the game is too awesome to not play due to camera issues.

PS. Hellgate London may be the most bashed game of the year, probably deservingly so, but if anything they did right was the third person camera controls.
I just got the game, was wondering what settings and resolution you guys are playing at. I got a 7900 go in my laptop and getting some choppyness. Need to know what to expect from this game.
Anyone playing on a mobile gpu? What're you getting for performance?

I can do like 1440 x 900 with aa on 2x and holds pretty steady; however, when npcs start showing up on the screen i get a drop it performance. Was wondering if there was a another person with as similar system who plays this.
Anyone playing on a mobile gpu? What're you getting for performance?

I can do like 1440 x 900 with aa on 2x and holds pretty steady; however, when npcs start showing up on the screen i get a drop it performance. Was wondering if there was a another person with as similar system who plays this.

I'm playing on a GeForce Go 7900 GS and I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I have a Dell XPS M1710 with the following:
Intel Core Duo T7200 (2.0 GHz)
2GB Memory
GeForce Go 7900 GS w/ 84.63 mobile drivers

I also play in 1280x960. How do you enable widescreen resolutions? I have AF at 4x and AA at 2x. My vid settings have textures at high and mostly everything else at medium and it runs very well. I do notice a dip in performance too when I get a lot of action on the screen, but for the most part I'm fine with it. I usually flip-flop between turning AA on and off.
the widescreen resolutions were available for picking right in the display options. I'm also using the nvidia 169.09 drivers from The yet to be released patch is supposedly to make a performance increase and lowering load times. So, I'll be looking out for that.

I wish I could leave the 2x aa on, I really hate the jaggies. Though I really think the CPU is also limiting my performance.
The Witcher is the first game I have ever installed that actually detected my monitor and set default res to 1680x1050 widescreen.
I can't get past the load following the scene where all the witchers set off in different directions at the start. It just crashes to desktop each time. :(

Forceware 163.75 / XP-32
Maybe update your drivers? My game hasn't crashed yet.

Latest drivers already without going to betas. Browsing the official forums I noticed most people found the crashing goes away if fullscreen is disabled. Low and behold it works windowed but not fullscreen. I think I'll wait for the 1.2 patch before playing any further, hard to be immersed not running fullscreen and the performance hit is a bit much.