The Witcher

this game has been pretty good so far... but im starting to get very tired of GO TO THE SWAMP, GO TO THE TEMPLE DISTRICT, GO TO THE TRADE DISTRICT...

without giving away to much i just got through the thing at the bank and the thing with alvin and the choice between the two

I need a change of scenery FFS
Ya, I got pretty bored of the city pretty fast. Just go chill out in the swamp and do some quests out there. Thats what I did, and it helped the boredom.
I like the Witcher better than Oblivion. It's much more focused, and the best part of it is the main quest. This is in stark contrast to Oblivion, where the best series of quests was for the Dark Brotherhood (a group of assassins that you could join and rise up through the ranks of and completely unrelated to the main story). Even though one of The Witcher's weakest points is the combat system, I still prefer it to Oblivion's system, which just felt odd. Oblivion does win if you're just looking at sheer content/time invested though. I would rather play a shorter game that was consistently great than a longer game that wasn't as consistently good.


Anyone think there will be a "patch" to convert the US version to the EU version? Or do you have to purchase the EU version?

Anyone know where the EU version can be purchased?

EDIT: Just got the EU version from for the same price as the US version. I wonder if I'll be able to copy over my saves....

Shop around,the uncensored version is out there in stores in North America.I played through twice with the Euro version,and you dont miss all that much.I just started again
a third time today.Load times dont seem all that bad for me.
Running at 1920x1200 every setting maxxed The Witcher blew me away in areas I wasn't expecting but FAILED in areas I was thought it would deliver.

The graphics, story, cinematic presentation in this game are SUPERB, the best story presentation of any RPG I've played I wasn't expecting that.

The combat, controls, inventory system however in this game are DATED. You can call it what you want this isn't 1996 anymore.. Time to advance the system not go backwards but besides that I'm loving it.
what a diaper load the voice acting can not get any cheezier seen better good graphics
Finally got up to Act/Chapter 3... taking it really slow. Only took me about a month to get there.

The series will be continued, but it's not decided whether what comes next will be an expansion or a sequel.

Hope so!
what a diaper load the voice acting can not get any cheezier seen better good graphics

Yeah, the voice acting is pretty amateur stuff. It kind of ruins the atmosphere and I'm afraid to turn the volume up in case my wife laughs.
Patch 1.2 is out.

Gameplay and text bugs fixed:
- Fixes for Alina not being at her home when she should (Act 4).
- Wife's Tears Potion fixes.
- Fixes for usable doors on the swamps (Act 5).
- Fixes for Alchemist in manufacture giving quest items to Geralt (Act 3).
- Fixes for some items to be found in Fields (Act 4).
- Fixes for a disappearing enemy in quest Haunted House (Act2).
- Fixed problems with Alvin's spawn (Act 1).
- Few minor text fixes for all languages.

Code bugs fixed:
- Loading times are much faster!
- Saving is much faster!
- Another portion of stability improvements.
- Fix for rare "red rectangle" effect on loading bar.
- Quest tracking fixes.
- Some cursor fixes connected with finishers in tight places.
- Quest now won't update when Geralt is dead causing multiple problems.
- Autosave mechanism fixes (numeration).
- Savegame files fixes – some irrelevant information was sometimes generated inside.
- The game won't make an autosave if Geralt has an effect preventing him from talking (like knockdown, stun, push) - the result would be no talking at all for the rest of the game.
- Now you can't attack neutral NPCs if you input the second (etc.) sword sequence in them, while first attacking a hostile.
- Dandelion's music won't be 'echoed' while changing location twice.
- The game can handle broken savegames now – it returns to main menu.
- Motion blur effect won't stay active despite Blizzard potion wearing off – drinking, then changing location, then cutscene.
- Final fixes for weapons disappearing from enemies’ hands.
- Grass and small stones being multiplied – fixed.
- Fixes for receiving damage from Striga while being far away.

Art bugs fixed:
- Few level decoration fixes.
- Fixes for barghest attack animation.
been waiting for this patch to come, hopefully the load times really are much faster. That and now that I have a 8800GT shouldn't have any problem w/ graphics lag in the trade district :)
The combat, controls, inventory system however in this game are DATED. You can call it what you want this isn't 1996 anymore.. Time to advance the system not go backwards but besides that I'm loving it.

I like the combat and UI a lot better than Oblivion. I find the "time based clicks" to be more engaging than furiously mashing the moust at all times.
The patch screwed up my affiliation with the Knights of the Flaming Rose.

I can no longer buy / use the armorer services after applying 1.2.
The patch screwed up my affiliation with the Knights of the Flaming Rose.

I can no longer buy / use the armorer services after applying 1.2.
Thats most likely because you have recently gotten a quest where you have to choose to go with pro knights, or pro squirrels - and their shops / services won't reopen to you until you make a choice.

This behaviour happened before the patch, its intended I believe and I do not think its patch related. Keep playing and they should re-open to you a little later on in the chapter.
The game is a grower. If you can get past the cheesy dialogue then the game is a good one. Inventory system & level up is well implemented.

I've had a few crashes to desktop already, the game is pretty buggy even with the 1.2 patch.
Witcher 1.3 is available now. This is not the bonus patch for the enhanced version. Details and link below:

The Module Edition Upgrade package updates the Witcher to version 1.3 and adds the functionality of running a user editable module. The sample module has been provided, offering a couple of hours of additional gameplay, which can be altered by the user using the Module Editor. The New Game main menu offers two options now: starting the regular game, or starting new adventure (new module).

WARNING! The Witcher 1.3 Module Edition is only partially compatible with saved games from previous versions (1.0, 1.1a, 1.2). Loading older saved games is still possible but may lead to unexpected behavior and other problems. The players are advised to restart the game from the beginning using The Witcher 1.3 Module Edition.

Gameplay and text bugs fixed:
- Fixed various localization issues for English, French, Italian, German and Spanish languages,
- Fixed combat abilities 'Patinado' and 'Sinister' issue when proper modifier has not been applied correctly under given circumstances,

Code bugs fixed:
- Fixed a few random crashes in Prologue and Chapters 1, 2 and 3,
- Fixed crash in Act 4 when running near exit to lakeside from village to inn,
- Fixed game crash when using Alt+Tab, especially while loading location or game,
- Fixed dialogue camera shots on standing up characters,
- Fixed issue with 'Game Paused' text disappear occasionally after exiting game panel when game was paused during opening of a panel,
- Fixed issue with disabled attack when player holds block for a long time and then immediately tries to strike,
- Fixed various issues regarding mousedrive steering and pathfinding,
- Fixed weapon enchants not updating properly when switching weapon slots or dropping weapon from inventory panel,
- Fixed issue with Geralt not attacking immobile creatures or not approaching objects from a certain distance,
- Fixed issue with blocking middle mouse button during some cutscenes and when fistfight starts,
- Fixed occasional issues with sheathing weapon after combat and on Alt+Tab,
- Fixed issue with breaking meditation mode if Geralt is attacked when entering meditation

Here is the info on the editor:

The Witcher D'jinni Adventure Editor v1.3

The English language D’jinni beta adventure editor will let fans craft complete new adventures for Geralt using the existing graphical assets, maps and environments in the game. By creating new stories, cut-scenes, graphical effects, dialogue and gameplay actions, users of the adventure editor can let their imaginations run wild predicting the turmoil and tests waiting in Geralt’s future, or even filling in the missing years between the close of Andrzej Sapkowski's last Witcher novel and the start of the game.
Enjoying the hell out of this game. So I decided to resurrect this thread.


Gonna play it soon, was hoping to wait for the new version to come out, but im gonna bite the bullet and play now :)
I just bought this game today and I'm loving it at 1920x1200 max settings. I'm kinda glad I missed the bad loading times, because they aren't bad for me with the 1.3 patch. I'm looking forward to working through this sweet campaign.
I have to play this again, once the enhanced version comes out...I stopped playing it waiting for the new version.

I love the fight mechanics implemented. The different stances and their coresponding animations were awesome.
I need to get my charcter more moves because I do get a little bored with some of the same animations.
Igot this game for free with with gts. Ithought it was a retard game since i never heard of it but ill give it a try. Is this like Dark Messiah?
Eh, not really.

It's more like Isometeric style rpg's (NWN, BG, Icewind dale, etc).