The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Official Thread

That statement is pure damage control, confirms/denies nothing and puts the blame on random forum users that compiled most of those downgrade images in the first place.

Meh i was more interested in the first game they showed not this new one. I'll be honest i didn't care for the witcher 1 & 2 at all and throughout most of development W3 the pc 'community' hyped the game to be next big thing to push the boundaries and show what pc gaming was really capable of.

Now that no longer appears to be the case i have little care in the game itself, it was never going to win me over with the characters and story that i had no interest in. (Why would i start with the 3rd game and never finish the others if i did?) The only thing left is the combat system but from the looks of it that isn't going to rival DS or dragons dogma any time soon in depth or challenge, though it will be better then skyrim but that really isn't a hard thing to do.
Meh i was more interested in the first game they showed not this new one. I'll be honest i didn't care for the witcher 1 & 2 at all and throughout most of development W3 the pc 'community' hyped the game to be next big thing to push the boundaries and show what pc gaming was really capable of.

My exact feelings regarding Watch_Dogs, and now this.
I want to believe there is no downgrade, but the evidence just keeps on piling up and I'm not the type of person to bury my head in the sand.

I am still getting the game because the story/characters are more important to me then graphics ever will be.

However all they would have to do to quell the downgrade "rumors" and at the same time get all the pc players PUMPED up and even more hyped (which would make sense from a marketing/PR standpoint) is to show current-build footage from the same areas in the older videos with the same graphical fidelity, that's all they'd have to do. So why don't they? It would shut everyone up all the "downgrade" talk and also generate even more hype (thus more sales). The only reason not to is because there was in fact a downgrade so all they can say is PR speak, which amounts to basically re-directing a question without actually answering it (IE "we don't comment on rumors, but >insert response that doesn't answer the question<") which is exactly what their response was.

On a happier note, there's lots of live streams of the game today (I guess since the review embargo is out they are allowing them now, lots of press outlets are streaming including IGN). Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
So much outrage over the homogenization of platforms.
I understand people with dual 980's and Titan X's want to able to push their hardware to the limits, and part of that means playing games with really high graphics settings.

But I'm not going to be personally insulted if the games I play also look identical to the PS4 version. Oh no, how will I ever convince the world my platform is superior when the screenshots look the same as consoles?! 60+fps doesn't show up in pictures, after all.

If you really want to push your SLi setups and $1,000 video cards then buy a 4K monitor.

"Are all models and textures the same?"

Yes, there&#8217;s only one version, without it we wouldn&#8217;t be able to deliver the game on time. We would have to strip it down, build and test separately on all 3 platforms which is infeasible. To we do it all on one foundation and then distribute it to all devices.

We manage the memory differently on platforms that have less of it. Less complex models are loaded, it all depends on what happens on the screen at given moment. To sum it up there are not many differences between PC, PS4 and Xbox One, they rather fix certain problems than change the configuration"

I will say, in a few years from now the problem is going to exaserbate.
"Are all models and textures the same?"

Yes, there&#8217;s only one version, without it we wouldn&#8217;t be able to deliver the game on time. We would have to strip it down, build and test separately on all 3 platforms which is infeasible. To we do it all on one foundation and then distribute it to all devices.

We manage the memory differently on platforms that have less of it. Less complex models are loaded, it all depends on what happens on the screen at given moment. To sum it up there are not many differences between PC, PS4 and Xbox One, they rather fix certain problems than change the configuration"

Well that sounds horrible lol.

Given I am driving 2.5 times more pixels than consoles and want them at least twice as fast (60hz vs 30hz), might still tax my Titan X's a little. Plus DSR.

I'll still wait and see. There are some nifty PC features that will surely help too (Gameworks).
Between the PS3/360 and PS4/One they had 7 YEARS! Yet the hardware jumped maybe 2. Feels like consoles are on the 50 yard line of a football field while PCs are in space.
The previous generation of consoles offered performance which was vaguely competitive with a reasonable gaming PC when they launched, but this current generation trailed out of the gate, and who knows how long it will be until the next.

Still, if you're upset because you were foolish enough to buy into typical video game hype and now feel that the developers have personally betrayed you, simply don't buy the game. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Of course, we all know you'll still play it one way or another, especially now the positive reviews are coming in. And then you'll complain that you didn't like it just to be edgy or, better yet, after you've already admitted you didn't like the previous games.
So much outrage over the homogenization of platforms.
I understand people with dual 980's and Titan X's want to able to push their hardware to the limits, and part of that means playing games with really high graphics settings.

But I'm not going to be personally insulted if the games I play also look identical to the PS4 version. Oh no, how will I ever convince the world my platform is superior when the screenshots look the same as consoles?! 60+fps doesn't show up in pictures, after all.

If you really want to push your SLi setups and $1,000 video cards then buy a 4K monitor.

I will say, in a few years from now the problem is going to exaserbate.

It's not about games looking similar, it's when they show videos/demos as "in game footage" and then downgrade them by the time the game gets out.

CDPR said themselves this "wasn't" the case back then, and they even went as far to say the game would look BETTER.
Between the PS3/360 and PS4/One they had 7 YEARS! Yet the hardware jumped maybe 2. Feels like consoles are on the 50 yard line of a football field while PCs are in space.

Was anyone paying attention when the console features were announced? These are basically Home Entertainment systems, of which games are only a part of what they can do. They aren't built around just games anymore.

GPU wise, consoles got an upgrade from 7800 GTX/2900 XT variants to 7000 series GPUs. That's a significant upgrade. RAM too got a large upgrade, though I'd argue less the games will require (though having fixed HW helps solve this a little).

CPU wise, this generation is a DOWNGRADE in performance. The 360 CPU could pump about 110 GFLOPS, and the Cell could output ~170 GFLOPS on average, with a theoretical max of 240 GFLOPS. The CPU in the XB1/PS4? About 105 GFLOPS. [Fun fact: The 4770k using AVX2 only gets about 177 GFLOPS. Kinda shows how much of a BEAST the Cell CPU really was.]

So yeah, if they initially developed assuming a much stronger CPU, they would have had to take things out. That's why I always caution that pre-beta builds are ALWAYS looking better, because things get removed as the performance budget shrinks during development.
Still, if you're upset because you were foolish enough to buy into typical video game hype and now feel that the developers have personally betrayed you, simply don't buy the game. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Of course, we all know you'll still play it one way or another, especially now the positive reviews are coming in. And then you'll complain that you didn't like it just to be edgy or, better yet, after you've already admitted you didn't like the previous games.

Who the hell are you talking to? Lots of stupid assumptions in this statement. This ain't reddit, ya know.
Looks like I wasn't reaching at all. They had to completely change the render system for something less resource intensive and blood splatters were sacrificed as part of that.

CDPR already confirmed it was a bug and could be fixed. Furthermore if blood spallters were supposedly sacrafised, why did they still exist for monsters and wildlife?
CDPR already confirmed it was a bug and could be fixed. Furthermore if blood spallters were supposedly sacrafised, why did they still exist for monsters and wildlife?

Lots of "experts" popping up in this thread. LMAO.
CDPR already confirmed it was a bug and could be fixed. Furthermore if blood spallters were supposedly sacrafised, why did they still exist for monsters and wildlife?

Don't try to justify it. CPDR will save whatever it takes to mitigate the fallout at this point.

Level of horizon detail (essentially the draw distance had to be completely tuned down to tax the consoles less)
Volume based translucency
Ambient occlusion and foliage density / tree count
Flexible water simulation / tessellation we resorted to a (script texture effect similar to most games than physical based simulation)
Ground/building tessellation
Forward lit soft particles (this is the fire, smoke, fog that you would encounter while going through thick terrain into open space)
Real-time reflections in the water are completely off and replaced with a cheaper render solution estimator (this is a primary reason blood splatter was also removed from water)
Pretty sad, really. This shoulda been kept PC-only.

I'm inclined to disagree. PC only would surely mean less sales, which lower budget, which means less game. Just look at tgr scope of this game compared to TW2, which was made with only PC in mind.

I know everyone loves to bitch about catering to consoles, but think about it a little more logically. They are the cash cows. They are the reason why AAA games get the massive budgets they do these days.
Lots of "experts" popping up in this thread. LMAO.

It was indeed a bug (hence why it was showing for other creatures but not humans or drowners, and also someone pointed out in a video that it appeared for a split-second and then instantly disappeared.

A dev responded after the thread got quite large about it:

"I checked the issue with people in the company and the lack of blood decals during a fight, of human opponents, monsters and Geralt, is a bug that can be fixed. "
It was indeed a bug (hence why it was showing for other creatures but not humans or drowners, and also someone pointed out in a video that it appeared for a split-second and then instantly disappeared.

A dev responded after the thread got quite large about it:

"I checked the issue with people in the company and the lack of blood decals during a fight, of human opponents, monsters and Geralt, is a bug that can be fixed. "

I'm not arguing that blood splatter decals are not in due to a bug. I'm arguing that the fundamental underpinnings that allowed stuff like blood splatters on water are not in the game and were removed due to console limitations - and that's just the tip of the iceberg on what was removed.

Will the game still be pretty? Sure it will. Will I still buy it? Of course I will.

I will not, however, just ignore that CDPR gutted a good deal of it to get it to work on consoles.
Don't try to justify it. CPDR will save whatever it takes to mitigate the fallout at this point.


They don't really have a choice. Which feeding hand do they bite? Retribution from MS or Sony would be stronger in the long run than from PC fans, I'd guess.
They don't really have a choice. Which feeding hand do they bite? Retribution from MS or Sony would be stronger in the long run than from PC fans, I'd guess.

Fair business decision. But PC gamers MADE CDPR. Some honesty in saying that, yeah, stuff was cut - they were hard decisions - but the game is still looking and playing great - that's all I would hope they would provide for the community that made the company what it is today.

Treat your core fans with some intelligence -- don't try to explain away screenshots and Youtube videos to some sort of subjective nonsense. We are all big boys and understand the game had to be adjusted downwards to work on the consoles. Don't say otherwise.
Honesty goes a long way. I think all of us here understand that compromises need to be made, but some transparency and honesty would be awesome. Instead, they're just trying to wave their hands, "These aren't the screenshots you're looking for."

CDPR just dropped the mic...end of graphics downgrade talk/ ...CDPR is saying wait till the game comes out and get ready for an amazing experience...

plus haven't people read any of the PS4 reviews from yesterday?...the word masterpiece is being thrown around...average scores in the 9/10 range and this is just the console version!!...meaning the gameworld, characters and story are pretty much perfect and if the console graphics look that good then the PC should be on another level...
In-between "masterpiece" I keep hearing "incredibly buggy and unstable", so... It can't be both.

of course it'll have bugs...any open world game of this scope and size is bound to have some...bugs can be fixed...will probably take 3-4 patches but the game still sounds amazing...some of my trusted review sites are gushing over the game (Eurogamer and Destructoid)
Don't try to justify it. CPDR will save whatever it takes to mitigate the fallout at this point.

Level of horizon detail (essentially the draw distance had to be completely tuned down to tax the consoles less)
Volume based translucency
Ambient occlusion and foliage density / tree count
Flexible water simulation / tessellation we resorted to a (script texture effect similar to most games than physical based simulation)
Ground/building tessellation
Forward lit soft particles (this is the fire, smoke, fog that you would encounter while going through thick terrain into open space)
Real-time reflections in the water are completely off and replaced with a cheaper render solution estimator (this is a primary reason blood splatter was also removed from water)

People keep linking this but the article starts with "take this with a grain of salt".... it doesn't even read professional. "cheaper render solution estimator " yeah that inspires confidence.

Can't we wait a few days to go on a rampage? :D
People keep linking this but the article starts with "take this with a grain of salt".... it doesn't even read professional. "cheaper render solution estimator " yeah that inspires confidence.

Can't we wait a few days to go on a rampage? :D

Pretty much this. Who here has even heard of WhatIfGaming? Since when did some random ass website that appears to pretty much only do crappy movie reviews become a reliable, absolute factual source?

Any reason to bitch, right?
ive been ignoring most info about the game, just going to wait and play it when GOG galaxy unlocks it.
Pretty much this. Who here has even heard of WhatIfGaming? Since when did some random ass website that appears to pretty much only do crappy movie reviews become a reliable, absolute factual source?

Any reason to bitch, right?

When the statements match up 100% to what people are seeing in screenshots and videos, I don't care if the article is only 50% right.
Yeah I'm not buying it. Sure, there was a downgrade, but not for those reasons.

Does anyone really believe by 2013 CDPR had no idea what the specs of the consoles would be?
The same year other developers released PS4/X1 games?
Hidden text in the new trailer!
Fresh off the press.

Cleared up:

After 3 long years The witcher: Wild Hunt is finally ready to go The reviews are already out, and the reception is amazing. We can't wait to hand our baby over to you.

It's a very important milestone for all of us here. We went from 50 people on the first Witcher to over 200 creating a massive open world of Wild Hunt.

It's a grand scale now, but the nuance and soul of the series are intact. We wouldn't have it any other way.

This one is for the fans who supported us all this time; Those who cheered for a different kind of fantasy

One that's dark, unsettling and personal. Here's something to sweeten these last days of waiting. Here's "A night to remember", a short, spoiler-free cinematic.

PS: In terms of scale, let us just say that the town of Novigrad in our game has over 2000 openable doors! Imagine the mass of load time it would generate in the Witcher 1 ;)
I think it's going to be awesome and you're all being trolled.

Actually not even trolled, they told you to frigging wait and see for yourselves. :D
It was indeed a bug (hence why it was showing for other creatures but not humans or drowners, and also someone pointed out in a video that it appeared for a split-second and then instantly disappeared.

A dev responded after the thread got quite large about it:

"I checked the issue with people in the company and the lack of blood decals during a fight, of human opponents, monsters and Geralt, is a bug that can be fixed. "

Yeah, I was agreeing with the guy I quoted who quoted another guy who said something along the lines of "I knew it they changed the whole renderer" and stuff.
Gameplay > Graphics any day for me.

There's a reason plenty of old (and crappy looking) games I've got still get played, and its not because of lens flare or textures.

If this game has solid gameplay, I'd be satisfied no matter what they had to do to the visuals to make it work.

Granted, I also grew up in a generation when graphics were sprites, and gameplay mattered more because that's how you sold the game. Now they try and sell based on how pretty it looks, and looks doesn't equal "fun".