THE PREDATOR Final Trailer (2018)


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
The Predator series of movies is one of my favorites of all times. I've been looking forward to the latest release and they've been kind enough to put out their final trailer to make all of us drool. This one looks like a lot of fun and I can't wait to see it. BTW, there is some NSFW language in the trailer so turn it down. Predator, you're one ugly motherfu.....

Watch the video here.
Shane Black has given us some real turds at the theater recently, but I'm trying to remain cautiously optimistic.
Alien and Predator, some of the best sci-fi worlds made with arguably the worst naming schemes in movie history.
Oh this looks awesome. I can't wait!

I feel like Glover and the Austrian should have cameos
Reminds me of Aliens 4...

Is this supposed to be a complete reboot?
Shane Black has given us some real turds at the theater recently, but I'm trying to remain cautiously optimistic.

As excited as I am to see a new Predator movie coming there's a reason I haven't seen anything past Predator 2. And to be honest this trailer feels a lot like the rest of the trash we've seen. Looks cool but feels cheesy. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.
Looks like a different take on the Alien series and a good popcorn movie. Might actually see this in theaters.
Most of the predator rehashes lack the feel of the original. The predator was cloaked through most of the first film stalking and observing, so you never really knew what it was. In the new ones, stealth and the stalking doesn't seem to be in the characters. Only viscous death. And this one, at least by the previews, doesn't seem to express the dread of the eventual victims like the first.

Redbox for me.
Its official Hollywood is out of ideas!!!!!!!!!

Ideas and execution are two different things. I think the idea here is sound but as usual the execution is going to suck. They will be too focused on appealing to EVERYONE and/or SJWing.
Welcome to ERF, b1tch! Why do all these established franchises have to be turned into action/comedies? Predator dogs? Are they going to have predator bling?
I thought the predator looked better in the orginal. I'll watch this, but I don't like the "grab ass" vibe the trailer has going.
can i have a Predator film like the first one? because this one is pure trash and disgrace to the franchise.
Actually, the Assembly Cut of Alien 3 is pretty ok. This looks terrible.

I have to admit, when I watch Alien 3 now, I view the Alien as the protagonist. A more likeable character than any other on the screen. It's a much more fun movie that way.
The Predator series of movies is one of my favorites of all times. I've been looking forward to the latest release and they've been kind enough to put out their final trailer to make all of us drool. This one looks like a lot of fun and I can't wait to see it. BTW, there is some NSFW language in the trailer so turn it down. Predator, you're one ugly motherfu.....

Watch the video here.
I still watch the original predator and the new 4k of it is awesome. Can't wait!
Shane Black has given us some real turds at the theater recently, but I'm trying to remain cautiously optimistic.

After seeing the trailer I am a bit more cool on it. On the one hand it looks funny too and good but to be fair rap music in my movie doesn't make me too happy =\
I'm sure the rap is just in the Edgy, Youth Oriented Trailer(tm). I would be very surprised if there was more than 10 secs in a movie (allowing for rap intro music for a Super Cool Character).
looks semi-awful...Predator design still looks cool but the movie itself looks cheesy with a terrible cast...