The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

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ok, i have 12, this is how its going to work, trying to have some fun, this is the second go.
No noobs.
First 12 peeps to post at least 1 non-nude female hottie pic in this thread get them. Ill distribute in the morning or as i see them tonight. Have fun.

Oh ps. be sure to also post the information i need to send you invites.
enjoy ladies

[email protected]
removed, since people are still considered noobs just because they don't post or don't have any reason to.
ashram said:
removed, since people are still considered noobs just because they don't post or don't have any reason to.

hey someone hook this guy up with an invite, he's been here almost as long as me
removed, since people are still considered noobs just because they don't post or don't have any reason to.

Most of the people are giving back to the community that has given to them and it seems as though some people that have not posted before suddenly has a reason to post when they want something. I might be wrong, but i dont think so. Just start posting and asking questions, answering some, Ill even hold you an invite for when you get out of noob status.
GJSNeptune said:
I have four more invites. Limp Gawds and over who don't have any GMail accounts already only.
Thanks man, I now got gmail! I'll return the favor to fellow [h]'rs when I get any invites!

ashram said:
removed, since people are still considered noobs just because they don't post or don't have any reason to.
still need an invite? pm me!
BTW, I've got 2 more invites for people with status > n00b or a join date > 3 months ago.
sp00 said:
still need an invite? pm me!
BTW, I've got 2 more invites for people with status > n00b or a join date > 3 months ago.

thanks, someone just hooked me up, and once i have a few invites, i'll spread them here
Still have 1 invite, anyone and everyone invited to pm me (i cant get rid of these things!)
Just a short time ago we couldn't meet the demands of people who wanted gmail invites. Now, we can't even get rid of ours.

We should just keep inviting ourselves now and rack up 20+ gigs of storage on Gmail accounts.

p.s. I have 1, count it, 1 more juicy and succulent GMail invite left.
BillLeeLee said:
Just a short time ago we couldn't meet the demands of people who wanted gmail invites. Now, we can't even get rid of ours.

We should just keep inviting ourselves now and rack up 20+ gigs of storage on Gmail accounts.

p.s. I have 1, count it, 1 more juicy and succulent GMail invite left.

me me! please?!
I have 5

Send me an email (with your email in it) at dougburchatgmaildotcom and I will give them out in the order I recieve the emails.

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