The Official Prescott discussion Thread


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
Well all the sites have thieir reviews including a very trusted source Anandtech...

SO what do you all think?
Anand's comment about the Prescott and their performance when compared to similarly clocked Northwood processors was rather interesting.
I just wanna see how they overclock as the P4 is much more based on raw Mhz than stages, pipelines, IPC and all the other geek jargon.

As for the temps being HOT, I am certain there will be a revision of this proc, in the same way AMD went with the Tbred B over their original tbred.
Slightly dissapointed at stock speeds, but impressed with what Anandtech dubbed 'Prescott's Little Secret'. I'll wait until xtremesystems gets its review up before passing any real judgement though.
Now if we could get Pressy in an alienware case it could really (A throwback to an infamous thread....obviously I'm making a joke)
Originally posted by Vagrant Zero
Slightly dissapointed at stock speeds, but impressed with what Anandtech dubbed 'Prescott's Little Secret'. I'll wait until xtremesystems gets its review up before passing any real judgement though.

I just reread that and found it to be very interesting; I wonder how they did it....
Originally posted by batotman
Now if we could get Pressy in an alienware case it could really (A throwback to an infamous thread....obviously I'm making a joke)

haha :p

I bet we'd get at least 200 - 400mhz more out of it.

I'm not buying anything until LGA, be it home made or AW.

You know, after reading xbitlabs review of the 'Pressy' I was about to jump ship to Athlon64 3400+...but I'll wait and see what Ted can get out of his 2.8E ,3.0E ,and 3.2E. Still, I find it strange that there's dozens of reviews on the net but all of them lack decent OC numbers. That's not normal is it?
some people say all the review site got the early stepping version of the Prescott and the one for the consumer are now in the 3rd stepping and "should" overclock better and produce less heat. We'll have to see
Originally posted by Vagrant Zero
Slightly dissapointed at stock speeds, but impressed with what Anandtech dubbed 'Prescott's Little Secret'. I'll wait until xtremesystems gets its review up before passing any real judgement though.

Talked to fugger, waiting to hear back to hear back on when his review will be up.
Personally from what I read, Its not a bad chip, it wins some and loses some...

But the ability to OC to about 3.8Ghz Like anandtech did is tempting, cuz it will win everything there...

I want to see what kyle has to say about it....
God is it me or does the Super Bowl totally make you want to fall asleep......two teams I couldn't give a crap about playing boring.
Originally posted by Vagrant Zero

I'm not buying anything until LGA, be it home made or AW.

You know, after reading xbitlabs review of the 'Pressy' I was about to jump ship to Athlon64 3400+...but I'll wait and see what Ted can get out of his 2.8E ,3.0E ,and 3.2E. Still, I find it strange that there's dozens of reviews on the net but all of them lack decent OC numbers. That's not normal is it?

yeah, im waiting for LGA. man, as of now, Presscott has to be the biggest upset for the year...sigh, now to see if the 64-bit is actually worth anything...sigh...
Since I am selling my computer (in sig) I dunno weather i should get a prescott or a A64 now.....

now im lost :confused:
The hardOcp review is on the front page
. Saw it on a link from another site.

Didnt think Kyle reviewed anything anymore??

Im really confused Prescott is takeing a beating in benchmarks and games every where else. How is kyle's doing so good and even better than The northwood @ same mhz.

using the same board as others.

Not everyone can be right, but i want to believe the Hard review, Id love to because i have 3 coming. but how can i when everyone else is reporting different??

I'll know tuesday i guess.
Taking a beating? Most of the benches I've seen [Anandtech/Xbitlabs/HardOCP] fall right in line with the standard. The Es win some and loose some. Nothing to drastic either way. The only benchmark that the P4E gets creamed in is the Commanche4 one, and we'll just chalk that up to a fluke or something.
And we're forgetting a huge positive; the electricity savings in the winter...
No hards are showing the prescott winnning in game3d, the others are not fairing so well. Probably because they are using 3.2's and the Prescott's catch up mhz for mhz at higher clock speeds.

Going by anandtech report here

Has anyone seen a OC'd review, Say 3.6ghz Northwood against 3.6 ghz Prescott.

I have never seen this happen where not one Overclocked benchmark on a cpu?? they always have those

I'll wait for my own i guess and draw my conclusions.
Originally posted by Bar81
And we're forgetting a huge positive; the electricity savings in the winter...

I have 8 F@H rigs 22ghz in the basement and another 12ghz upstairs. I dont even hardly have to turn my Heater on in the house.

But i do have to send the electric company $350 per month.

And to let you know, I pay half per Kw what my cousin does in california.
Originally posted by Tedinde
The hardOcp review is on the front page
. Saw it on a link from another site.

Didnt think Kyle reviewed anything anymore??

Im really confused Prescott is takeing a beating in benchmarks and games every where else. How is kyle's doing so good and even better than The northwood @ same mhz.

using the same board as others.

Not everyone can be right, but i want to believe the Hard review, Id love to because i have 3 coming. but how can i when everyone else is reporting different??

I'll know tuesday i guess.

If you are going to make those kinds of statements I suggest you back them up with facts. I think you are just talking trash personally. Please show me where "everyone is reporting different".
Not trashing it Kyle, I actually believe your review. Not trying to start anything believe me.

I have 3 coming. Some sites are dissapointing. Give me a minute to get some links here.

One other shows prescott doing good in games. I have to assume the Anandtech story here.

that it scales more on a upward curve per mhz than linear.
Originally posted by Tedinde
Not trashing it Kyle, I actually believe your review. Not trying to start anything believe me.

I have 3 coming. Some sites are dissapointing. Give me a minute to get some links here.

One other shows prescott doing good in games. I have to assume the Anandtech story here.

that it scales more on a upward curve per mhz than linear.

Please show me where "everyone is reporting different". That is what you said. Please show me what is different exactly. And please give me a list of everyone.

I am not really sure what your 3 undelivered CPUs have to do with my results, but if you think having three on order gives you insight to their performance, I would have to disagree with you.

You are making a lot of general statements.....and some of your sentences I really don't even understand.
Originally posted by FrgMstr
Please show me where "everyone is reporting different". That is what you said. Please show me what is different exactly. And please give me a list of everyone.

I am not really sure what your 3 undelivered CPUs have to do with my results, but if you think having three on order gives you insight to their performance, I would have to disagree with you.

You are making a lot of general statements.....and some of your sentences I really don't even understand.

I dunno what he means? Maybe the other guys reviewed different appz and stuff. I truely dont think he is trying to start something though, Kyle.

However, I would be interested in o/c'd benchmarks, is their a chance of anything of that nature occuring?
Originally posted by USMC2Hard4U
Since I am selling my computer (in sig) I dunno weather i should get a prescott or a A64 now.....

now im lost :confused:

just wait, your comp is fine as it is.
Whoa this is always big when the man himself gets

OCP's review looks good to me, still wished I would've seen OC'd procs, ES or not its always fun. I imagine the floodgates will open tomorrow.

Is it true the review sites have been getting earlier samples than the retail ones and may overclock very differently?
Well, to be truthful, if our results ARE different from everyone else's then apparently something is wrong with our results and I need to look into this. I ran every single benchmark myself for this article and I would be very surprised if all of my work turned out to be wrong.

I feel very good about the review and the results as being spot on.

I too want to see more OCed results, but I really want to use retail CPUs for this. I am just hoping that retail CPUs will possibly run a bit cooler. Will they be any different than engineering sample results? I don't know, but I always feel more comfortable with that. I don't think lots of folks are going to buying $300 3.2s to clock with though. Now a $180 2.8 is a different story. :)
Originally posted by FrgMstr

I too want to see more OCed results, but I really want to use retail CPUs for this. I am just hoping that retail CPUs will possibly run a bit cooler.
Just to confirm, did the motherboard actually use a core voltage of 1.5v for Prescott as you mentioned in the review?
If I can get a 2.8@3500Mhz, stock voltage, I'm happy. I can get my 2.4C to 3.2Ghz on stock so 300Mhz more is enough to get me to most likely buy.

BTW isn't the super bowl on? lol
yeah the superbowl is on

however prescott is more important than people smashing into each other
Originally posted by USMC2Hard4U
yeah the superbowl is on

however prescott is more important than people smashing into each other

I'm sitting at my computer and watching it lol. I guess my attempt at hinting "don't we have better things to do than worry about a cpu and how accurate some retarded benchmark is or isn't"

Raw Mhz (or Ghz for that matter) is whats going to matter the most for a P4.
Originally posted by SLee
Just to confirm, did the motherboard actually use a core voltage of 1.5v for Prescott as you mentioned in the review?

Yes, that is what mine defaulted to.
I've read over 10 reviews so far and yours does seem the best and the one i want to go by.

There's just so many mixed numbers on every site. Most are dissapointed. And if you read through most of the prescott thread in this very fourm people are dissapointed by it's performance.

Some is a good amount lower, some is even, and on reading, some are on line with your numbers.

yours seemed the first that has good even numbers showing it isnt a P3 to willamette like chip.

If my email of xtremesystems makes it seem like im attacking your review im not I've been in the SI forums for longer than most here. And if you check i help here more than anyone!!! Notice my Date under my Name!!!

I have 3 chips coming of each tuesday, I do reviews in here alot if you visit the SI forums much. And quite a few people are waiting on my results than believing websites which you can read in most of the other fourms im in.

nothing is crazy with your numbers, Im guessing since your using intel's board, and others were using asus it seemed, maybe intel had it together on yours.

here's a big list of reviews, some good some bad. along with the list you posted on the front page.

Im not even going to list tom's gayware review which was the first and their numbers are low and the first review out. Dont bother going there.

The 3 retail chips that will be here tuesday AM . Im assuming yours the 1st stepping prescotts sent out for review, And retail are the 3rd stepping prescotts. So you have to be just as interested in this.

A lot of review sites do get those "ringer" chips and boards. yours is not one. But you know it does happen. Your just as interested in the retail versions as everyone else.

As you noted in your Overclocking/conclusion, you are waiting for the retail for Overclocking results. And your conclusion on the chip is dead on, It is still too hot for the public.

Prescott is a good thing either way, It's driving the P4 prices down across the board for everyone. people that couldnt afford that 3.0 or 3.2 last month can now!!!

I've been asked to do reviews for places in the past. But i dont, too much work and i like forum reviewing better. Plus i ramble too much when talking and typing as everyone notices.

And a smile on the end of one of Fragmaster's sentances above!! must be a first!! :D

So kyle are you going to buy a retail?? or would you like to wait for my review in here??
Originally posted by batotman
I'm sitting at my computer and watching it lol. I guess my attempt at hinting "don't we have better things to do than worry about a cpu and how accurate some retarded benchmark is or isn't"

Raw Mhz (or Ghz for that matter) is whats going to matter the most for a P4.

Super bowl is today isnt it. Me runs downstairs. Jkidding. Running next to me.
:confused: Now what do i buy. It seems like the prescott isnt performing as well as the northwood core. I am guessing you are going to tell me to get the a 2.8-3.0ghz prescott because it will o/c better :). Well Should I or should i not even bother and just get a Northwood?
Originally posted by FrgMstr
Please show me where "everyone is reporting different". That is what you said. Please show me what is different exactly. And please give me a list of everyone.

I am not really sure what your 3 undelivered CPUs have to do with my results, but if you think having three on order gives you insight to their performance, I would have to disagree with you.

You are making a lot of general statements.....and some of your sentences I really don't even understand.

Comeon Kyle don't get heated over something so silly.
See im lost on what to buy, becuase I am selling this computer, accually its already sold... so i dunno weather to get a presscot, or jump ship to Athlon 64....

I like my Hyperthreading, but I dunno.. does it accualy make that big a difference?
Originally posted by kur1j
:confused: Now what do i buy. It seems like the prescott isnt performing as well as the northwood core. I am guessing you are going to tell me to get the a 2.8-3.0ghz prescott because it will o/c better :). Well Should I or should i not even bother and just get a Northwood?

As noted in the review, wait till some people get some retail cpu's to see if they run cooler. If your planning on overclocking you better be able to cool it.

There will be people with retails Monday, They are in the Back @ Fry's they will be put out tomorrow. Till then just wait, since you waited months to see about prescott, couple more days wont kill you.

What im most anxious to see, is how all the prescotts Overclock. I do buy around 100 CPU's per year. AMD and intel. I see duds, just as much as wonder chips, but no pattern.

if the prescotts OC more on the average, you have a better chance at getting the MHZ you want and of course if you can cool it.