The Official [H]orde "Get to Know Each Other" Thread

Finally updated my post with a picture...

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

3rd post on the first page

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Name: Randy
Job: Bridge Design Engineer, WV Div. of Highways District 4
Location: Fairmont, WV
Hobbies: DCing, aquariums, sleeping

This is about the most recent pic you can get of me... Taken about a month ago at Hatteras, NC
Beach Sunday.jpg

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

For the lazy....Nice pic, Randy.
See... now you ruined it... you mods take ALL the fun out of making people work for things LOL :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
See... now you ruined it... you mods take ALL the fun out of making people work for things LOL :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

You look like 'Pig Vomit' from the Howard Stern Movie.... Kenny....
hmmm... me thinks I'm going to have to watch that movie again.... I don't remember much about it.....

"Pig Vomit" the boss?

Wow... I never thought I looked anything like him

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
hmmm... me thinks I'm going to have to watch that movie again.... I don't remember much about it.....

"Pig Vomit" the boss?

Wow... I never thought I looked anything like him

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I agree...I don't see the resemblence
Hmmm... a bridge engineer... you guys are the bane of my existence!

You and all your crappy beam design software packages and such... evil evil designers... bad...

They have beam design programs??? do tell!! LOL

We don't use any programs.... just hand calcs and Excel.... and Microstation.....

Iplot is what drive our IT guy nuts... it no likey Server 2003... So it's on the sole NT box left in the district LOL

You should see the 2.5 MB Excel file I have for all my quantities.... let alone the LRFD design spreadsheets..... All of which are a work in progress.......

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Name: Luke
Job: Technical Service Rep for
Age: 21
Interests: Guns, Paintball, Cars, Audio, CS:S
Hobbies: CS:S, project car (z24), autobody work.

Yeah Folding!

Yes yes, hobbies and interests are sort of the same.

No picture yet, once I have some of my z24, there will be some of me ;)

OSUguy98 said:
They have beam design programs??? do tell!! LOL

We don't use any programs.... just hand calcs and Excel.... and Microstation.....

Iplot is what drive our IT guy nuts... it no likey Server 2003... So it's on the sole NT box left in the district LOL

Geomath, Conspan, Consys, all products of Leapsoft
Merlin-Dash, University of Maryland
PCBM & PCBM LRFD, Purdue I believe it is

At least that's most of our users go with. Microstation of course, and IPlot problems on a 2k3 box?!? I've got it running on a 2k3 box with no problems (Digital Interplot right?). :D

Yup... our IT guy isn't the best IT guy....... He's too busy teaching people how to print, every day... I swear the people I work with are morons...

Well... here's my new car.... 2005 Nissan Altima
Altima_ 001.jpeg

And what it replaced :D ....... 1994 Ford Tempo
94_Tempo_ 001.jpeg

Big difference... isn't it? LOL

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Since we are posting pics of rides are mine. :D


Me and my Landie at Paragon last year.



No, no more pictures of cars, you're making my Vibe and Cavalier feel inadequate! :p

Name: Stephen
Job: US Military (Army)
Age: 22
Interests: PC Gaming, Guns, PC's
Hobbies: Learning to DJ, Fixing Computers, Xbox,, Clubbing, Gaming

Will post a picture later

Tormond said:
Real men drive Elements :)

Real (married) men drive what their wives let them! :p (and it sucks too)

p[H]ant0m said:
Real (married) men drive what their wives let them! :p (and it sucks too)

Hehe when I bought my element my wife hated it but since she has seen how useful it is she wants one too :) The trick for me was showing her how I can put all my computer crap in it and still have teh baby seat in there :)

And I posted a pic damnit! ;)

machwireless said:
let me gussy up first

I thought you were picking your nose for a second lol.

Name: Kyle
Job: Sitting on my ass all day
Age: 14
Interests: Computers (obviously), Cars, pr0n
hobbies: Fixing computers. Price:

Repair: 25$
If you watch: 50$
If you help: 100$
machwireless said:
are some of you ashamed of how you look or do you have warrants?

As long as you promise not to watch America's Most Wanted, I might be convinced to post a picture.

Me mourning the loss of my beard. (It came halfway down my chest. And then I lost a bet that forced me to shave it off)
I only have like 5 WUs done, but hey, I just started in the middle of this month. Might as well:

Name: Nick (duh.)
Job: None, I'm 14
Location: Southern California
Hobbies: Computers, video production

No pictures at the moment.
Hehe well if you look at my pic you will see me mourning the ability to grow a beard. That was me after not shaving for a week at the beach. After about a month all I accomplish is looking like redneck trailer trash.

Name: Les
Wife: Cherie
Job: Installer, Tech Support for CLEC
Title: Level 2 Tech
Location: Blum, TX (if you can find it on your map, it is a good one)
Age: 32
Hobbies: Computers, computers, any hands-on project that I can get into, farming, guns
Kids: 4 (3 girls, 1 boy)
My dad grew up here and graduated from the High School in 1961. The town is actually a little smaller now then it was then.
My parents live in Eagle Pass TX (also not exactly a metropolis) and I think if I get one more call from my Dad from Wal-Mart (the only "big" store in town with a computer related question I may have to issue a jihad!

marty9876 said:
edit: mage less talk more fix shitux thing
Track 01: 8 of 10 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 100%] 4.1x.

I'm working on it, all I have is a slow cdrw (disk).

And do you plan to keep referring to it as "shitux"? :rolleyes: Maybe I'll make it not accept "marty9876" as a username or something, in your honor... :p

unhappy_mage said:
And do you plan to keep referring to it as "shitux"? :rolleyes: Maybe I'll make it not accept "marty9876" as a username or something, in your honor... :p

Is that the definition of "pwed"?
unhappy_mage said:
Track 01: 8 of 10 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 100%] 4.1x.

I'm working on it, all I have is a slow cdrw (disk).

And do you plan to keep referring to it as "shitux"? :rolleyes: Maybe I'll make it not accept "marty9876" as a username or something, in your honor... :p
I think it is shitux because Unix is teh suck.. and do I need to ship you a faster CDRW or some faster CD-Rs? 4.1X blows ass
marty9876 said:
Huh, I can see the crappers I shipped him on the side of the road.... that can't be good.

Only if you shipped USPS, everything else delivers just fine. Pony Express out here loses too many things off the horse.