The Official GTX980/970 OC & Benchmark Perf. Thread

My ASIC quality is 66.1%. (Poopy!)

I've had good success today at 125/250 (also ran memory up to 400 and seemed fine). Custom fan profile now that runs fan at 75% at temps above 60c.
Yea i got a 65.3% ASIC, but I honestly don't think it matters at this point. (will check my 2nd card here when I find one of my SLI bridges) *edit* 2nd card is 72.1% ASIC

This is the first time I have ever been so baffled at overclocking a video card.

I can do 1541MHZ on the core with no voltage bump at all (memory at stock). For some odd reason it will throttle at the VERY end of Valley and Shadows of Morder everytime.

Power usage is showing 76% max overall when overclocked to 1541mhz. It does not throttle at stock settings.

What I am totally baffled by, it does not matter how much +mv i add to the card will not go past 1541......doesn't seem right to me.

Also if I leave it at stock volts @ 1541mhz it uses 1.225v. If I max out to +87mv it shows me using 1.25v....

You are telling me .025v wont even give me 10 more mhz for overclocking?.....really?...I am starting to think Lord and Goldentiger is right, There is something wrong with these drivers.
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Yea i got a 65.3% ASIC, but I honestly don't think it matters at this point. (will check my 2nd card here when I find one of my SLI bridges) *edit* 2nd card is 72.1% ASIC

This is the first time I have ever been so baffled at overclocking a video card.

I can do 1541MHZ on the core with no voltage bump at all (memory at stock). For some odd reason it will throttle at the VERY end of Valley and Shadows of Morder everytime.

Power usage is showing 76% max overall when overclocked to 1541mhz. It does not throttle at stock settings.

What I am totally baffled by, it does not matter how much +mv i add to the card will not go past 1541......doesn't seem right to me.

Also if I leave it at stock volts @ 1541mhz it uses 1.225v. If I max out to +87mv it shows me using 1.25v....

You are telling me .025v wont even give me 10 more mhz for overclocking?.....really?...I am starting to think Lord and Goldentiger is right, There is something wrong with these drivers.

I've had a lot of weird issues in SLI , running one card with no issues. I'll take the power of the 2 cards thou, I can only benchmark Heaven and 3dmark if I plug in a different moniter because with the Rog Swift connected Gsync is staying on. When it throttles what is it dropping your clocks down to?
I need to mess around with my reference 980 more... On Monday I am going to do the power limit mod, but I really need unlocked voltage to have real fun, but at least the card shouldn't throttle and be more stable.

So, I installed my Kraken G10 on Friday. Maxed out at about 50C, given that's only one of the two fans and the radiator isn't getting fresh air yet since I need to make some case mods. Changing nothing but core clock I was able to increase my firestrike score by about 6% to a little over 13k.

The peculiar thing to me - is my voltage is rock solid at 1.25V as long as my card stays under 50C. With the reference cooler it was at 1.225V 99% of the time. I don't care for the card tweaking whatever it wants. Makes me almost want to do the voltage hard mod, but I'll give those BIOs mod guys another week or two. :)
I think the drivers need some work. Have to remember this is a brand new architecture. Not like going from 680 to 780.
Its very similar to Kepler plus there have been lower end Maxwell desktop and laptop gpus out for a quite a while.

I have to agree with this for the issues we're complaining about. Kingpin didn't even see the need to rewrite his instructions for the power limit mod the system is so similar...
Yea i got a 65.3% ASIC, but I honestly don't think it matters at this point. (will check my 2nd card here when I find one of my SLI bridges) *edit* 2nd card is 72.1% ASIC

This is the first time I have ever been so baffled at overclocking a video card.

I can do 1541MHZ on the core with no voltage bump at all (memory at stock). For some odd reason it will throttle at the VERY end of Valley and Shadows of Morder everytime.

Power usage is showing 76% max overall when overclocked to 1541mhz. It does not throttle at stock settings.

What I am totally baffled by, it does not matter how much +mv i add to the card will not go past 1541......doesn't seem right to me.

Also if I leave it at stock volts @ 1541mhz it uses 1.225v. If I max out to +87mv it shows me using 1.25v....

You are telling me .025v wont even give me 10 more mhz for overclocking?.....really?...I am starting to think Lord and Goldentiger is right, There is something wrong with these drivers.

+87mV isn't getting me a whole lot on my 980 SC. It lets me benchmark at +139, or makes +127 stable. With 0mV, +127 works for quite a while before crashing but +139 won't work at all. If I drop my memory back to stock and add 87mV, +152 will run with bad artifacting for a short time before crashing, where it will insta-crash with 0mV. I don't think 87mV is really that much to work with, so I'm not surprised that for some people it has no tangible benefit.

Also, the max boost speed varies depending on the game / what's happening in the game. For example, the same settings yield 1519MHz in heaven, 1519MHz in Crysis3 4xMSAA, but only 1493MHz in Crysis3 DSR-enabled and 3dmark.
I think that clockspeed variation you're seeing is likely due to the card running into the TDP wall.
Yea i got a 65.3% ASIC, but I honestly don't think it matters at this point. (will check my 2nd card here when I find one of my SLI bridges) *edit* 2nd card is 72.1% ASIC

This is the first time I have ever been so baffled at overclocking a video card.

I can do 1541MHZ on the core with no voltage bump at all (memory at stock). For some odd reason it will throttle at the VERY end of Valley and Shadows of Morder everytime.

Power usage is showing 76% max overall when overclocked to 1541mhz. It does not throttle at stock settings.

What I am totally baffled by, it does not matter how much +mv i add to the card will not go past 1541......doesn't seem right to me.

Also if I leave it at stock volts @ 1541mhz it uses 1.225v. If I max out to +87mv it shows me using 1.25v....

You are telling me .025v wont even give me 10 more mhz for overclocking?.....really?...I am starting to think Lord and Goldentiger is right, There is something wrong with these drivers.

I tested a bunch of the 7950s and 7970s a couple years ago all with varying ASIC scores and there never seemed to be a correlation with a higher score/ better overclock. In fact it was mostly the opposite if anything.

Of course this was on AMD hardware so I am sure it could be totally different now and on Nvidia, but I wouldn't doubt if the ASIC score really didn't mean shit honestly.
I've settled (for the moment) at around +125/250, which appears to be stable in most games (I have case Shadow of Mordor into the fires of mount doom). I can play BF4/Titanfall without any issues at these settings. I have bumped the core voltage a smigeon by .25mv.
I was thinking the same thing. +125 or +235 etc.. means nothing since all cards behave differently.

We should all say 1520/8000 etc.. :)

Yep this is true (cards behaving differently). When I first got my MSI 970 Gaming I plugged in the OC settings from Brent's [H] review of the card, and ended up with completely different results. Whereas brent was able to plugin +140 core into Afterburner with no additional voltage and hit 1500Mhz, I have to go +197 to achieve same.

No complaints though. It runs 1500/8000 @ stock volts (1.205v I believe) all day long and no benchmark or game can crash it. I've run it up to 1572 but did have to go +87on voltage to run it at 1.225v, but 1500 core is all I cared about hitting so rounded back down to that for 24/7.

Most satisfying GPU purchase ever.
I think that clockspeed variation you're seeing is likely due to the card running into the TDP wall.

TDP means temperature to me, and I solved that with a custom fan profile. It's running out of power budget- it's at 122% power most of the time in the OSD, with max reported as 125%.

Here's what I'm getting at 1493MHz to 1519MHz / 8192MHz.




Heaven 1080p - 77.9 FPS

Heaven DSR 25x14 - 46.4 FPS
FYI everyone If you haven't realized this I noticed that On screen display in afterburner and precision X can cause a game to crash or a blank screen hardlock etc..

Since our cards are new and we're tweaking, testing, and monitoring I thought I'd share my findings because we may think an overclock is not stable when it is, it could just be that rare OSD induced crash/freeze. Now that I'm settled on a clock for core/vram i make sure it's running there at the start of the game and then disable my osd via a keyboard command I set. Things are super stable now.
TDP means temperature to me, and I solved that with a custom fan profile. It's running out of power budget- it's at 122% power most of the time in the OSD, with max reported as 125%.

That's what I meant by TDP, the power limit.
Also like to add my Gigabyte 970 GAMING card have a different bios on each card.

Not sure whats that about.
It's Gigabyte. I dunno what they do to their bios's but there are always tons of revisions to bios's on their cards.
Yea. Been trying to run any benchmark with ANY overclock settings is crashing my computer.

Even if I do +25 on the core it crashes over time.

Then I had booted into windows now, and at least 2-3 times crashed just trying to load windows.

Starting to get a lil annoyed.....We need new drivers.
I am getting +150 / +350 stable on my STRIX cards in SLI. I haven't touched the gpu voltage slider yet either... +400 on the memory I saw some shimmering in the fog in firestrike so I backed it off to 300 just to be safe. I'm going to keep pushing the core here... it boosts to 1448mhz with my current setting.

ASIC on both cards 67 - not the best but oh well.

I got 11k in firestrike with my 770s at max OC and got 14,700 with the 970s. It feels low, but that's about a 33% increase.. still seems like SLI scaling isn't working great on that test. I have no gsync to disable, I have checked everything.. both gpus are hitting 99% work load while running the test. I enabled pci-e 3.0 with the hack, that actually gave me good boost. Running the test in SLI performance mode with surround disabled yields the best results. I'm going to OC my cpu some more and see how that affects things.. I think my overall score is being held back from my CPU.

I have a z97 setup in my shopping cart at the egg though.. lol. I'm not going to pull the trigger yet but I've been wanting to build a new rig for a while now in a corsair 540 case... might be time for that. :)

edit: playing games my clocks stay at boost almost constantly and everything is smokin fast and buttery smooth. my 770s were struggling with Wolfenstien and these 970s carve it up like nuthin. I think my cpu oc is holding the bench test scores lowish.
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Damn this makes me worried about my Gigabyte 970s. But all indications point to premature drivers, since I haven't seen anyone running a single Gigabyte 970 complain about this.

Maybe I should just put one card in, then SLI it when a new driver gets released lol.

Do you see throttling in games as well?
Damn this makes me worried about my Gigabyte 970s. But all indications point to premature drivers, since I haven't seen anyone running a single Gigabyte 970 complain about this.

Maybe I should just put one card in, then SLI it when a new driver gets released lol.

Do you see throttling in games as well?

I think single card is still fine. Just a matter of fine tuning.

SLI....your mind will go crazy.
I have the exact same problem. It shows the same low TDP in AB for me as well.

I think I may have solved the mystery. I'm not sure but while off the forums I do my best thinking. LOL

It's possible when your cards are showing low TDP in SLi your seeing total TDP divided by the number of cards. E.G.

Marcdaddy and I have dual GTX 980s. We set TDP to 125% so 60 TDP on card 1 and 65 TDP on card 2.

I dunno but I thought of this while offline and figured I'd throw it out there.

Edit: Question- does anyone know if ASIC score is worse while in SLI. One card shows asic just over 80, the other is just over 60. Since SLI down clocks and under-volts a card wouldn't that affect ASIC measurement?
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I Edit: Question- does anyone know if ASIC score is worse while in SLI. One card shows asic just over 80, the other is just over 60. Since SLI down clocks and under-volts a card wouldn't that affect ASIC measurement?

Pretty sure ASIC is supposed to be a static number.

I think single card is still fine. Just a matter of fine tuning.

SLI....your mind will go crazy.

Do you see this in games as well or just benchmarks? Maybe I really should just put these cards aside until nVidia releases a proper driver...
Pretty sure ASIC is supposed to be a static number.

Do you see this in games as well or just benchmarks? Maybe I really should just put these cards aside until nVidia releases a proper driver...

My games are playing fine, no throttling. My core and memory remains constant and dies not drop At all. I'm having problems in 3dmark and Heaven but that is a issue with my Gsync not disabling even thou it says it is I'm not getting the Fps jump. On a Whim I plugged my old moniter in and my problems were solved. As fast as the TDP thing is maybe Lord is right, my cards never go above 65 and usually hover in the 40s
OK thanks for the info. I'll give mine a go when they get here and whenever I finish installing my Steam library lawl
My games are playing fine, no throttling. My core and memory remains constant and dies not drop At all. I'm having problems in 3dmark and Heaven but that is a issue with my Gsync not disabling even thou it says it is I'm not getting the Fps jump. On a Whim I plugged my old moniter in and my problems were solved. As fast as the TDP thing is maybe Lord is right, my cards never go above 65 and usually hover in the 40s

You know whats funny, just played a good solid hour of BF4 @ 1529 boost clocks with +57mv with no issues.

I am starting to think its heaven and 3dmark as well, those are the 2 benchmarks crashing on me.

I will test more tomorrow. TGIF!!!
Here is a kicker for ya guys. In SLI my top card voltage is 1.168v, and my bottom was 1.225. (stock volts)

So I diabled SLI since Shadows of Mordor doesnt work with SLI all that well.

When I run the benchmark the top card volts is 1.23v.....

This could explain why when I try to SLI and run benchmarks I keep crashing since it LOOKS like it undervolts one of the cards in SLI.
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1.68v :eek:

How in the what the fuck HOW HAS YOUR CARD NOT BLOWN UP YET

fake drama aside, I'm going to assume you meant 1.18v or 1.08v?
Well one of cards reports 1.25 and the other cards 1.186. This whole thing is one big mess!

Anyone wanna try flashing the same BIOS to both cards and see if that helps any?
LOL Yea I mean 1.168.

After seeing that happen. I now know for sure the drivers are fucked up.