The official "clean desktop" club.

I was wondering if there is any way to have the windows taskbar always hidden. Thank you all for your help. I'll be putting a screenshot of my desktop soon.
After paging through this, I felt I had to join in.


FYI - the only icons not supposed to hide are the 'volume' and 'network status'


Quite possibly the best part about having a wide screen display - multitasking! :D

Considering that the other icons (organized by type) and the recycle bin are sidebar apps, I think it qualifies as a clean desktop. I love mandolux (direct picture source).
My Gaming and Testing Rig


I also have Linux on here but I just really just use this for gaming and SQL queries. My laptop is mainly used for Ubuntu 7.10 x64. It handles everything besides gaming and SQL. I'll post that up later.
Basic enough for me... Cropped out the 30in 2nd monitor ... since it is just the background.

Hey Cele-CT I was wondering if that was foobar you were using and if it is, where could I find that skin. Thanks!
Hey Cele-CT I was wondering if that was foobar you were using and if it is, where could I find that skin. Thanks!

I am using mediaMonkey 3 (since foobar was giving me issues before) with the "CD art display" program has my coverart on my desktop.
I'm getting a bit bored of Mac-ish skins, so here's something a little different.

Click for full-size. (Warning: 2880x1800)

Some nice desktops in here... Thought I would throw my Lappy into the mix, think this is the most awesome pic!!
