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It is out on steam 30th June I believe, I may well pick it up myself.

Perhaps if a demo was also released, perhaps with only 1 type of vehicle each and a small map, say 5x5.

Rumor over on the BIS forums is that there is going to be a demo soon, before the U.S. release.
It is out on steam 30th June I believe, I may well pick it up myself.

Perhaps if a demo was also released, perhaps with only 1 type of vehicle each and a small map, say 5x5.

Nah, there are no "maps" in OFP\ARMA. There are islands. If memory serves me correctly the OFP MP demo featured a very stripped down version of an island and ARMA demo, the same?

I'm managing to play/watch gameplay ARMA II at a friend's house (he got the german copy) and I must say, this is the best looking game I've ever played with the settings cranked.
The last time we at least had the demo to hold us over until it hit here. So i hope the demo is release soon!
Anyone who has got it already prepared to give some performance feedback, looks like it doesn't like CrossFire or SLI very much. thanx
how is this game running on your systems?

Runs decent on my machine when I convinced my friend to come over with the CD.
30fps nearly everywhere. HD4770 kinda slow. But it is at stock clocks.

Definitely a game for the HD4780 1GB and-up club. Marek Spanel has been quoted as saying this game utilizes multi-core processors, but I'm not sure how this affects performance. :confused:

Also bear in mind that the game isn't optimized yet. People with bleeding edge video cards have been reporting problems. Games of this scale tend to be system intensive by nature anyway (got to crank that view distance to 5km, hell yeah)
How is the AI in the game? How many human players can be on a server at once?

The AI is smarter apparently, I haven't had much exposure to give you a good answer. I assume like the other games or any other game, the AI is sometimes dumb as nails.

I just checked the multiplayer menu. I don't think there is a limit to how many human players can play (the limit for cooperative campaign is 4, but a cooperative mission is the same as CTF/Warfare/etc -- unlimited) but realistically the limit should be about 128 players and even that is relatively generous of an estimate. The problem with OFP was there was no join-in-progress. Everyone had to join then the host could launch. Also known sync issues (sucks playing an hour game only to get out of sync). Can't comment on ARMA's multiplayer, never bought it (never had a rig to run it until now). Hopefully the netcode for ARMA II is improved triple fold to allow 128 players plus.
Anyone know what Super AI in the diffuclty options does? I'm annoyed that the AI can spot through obstacles. It makes it impossible to sneak up on people.
So this game can be setup to play as a CoOp multiplayer ? So my two brothers and I can install the game on our systems, and play with each other on same squad against the enemy AI ?
So this game can be setup to play as a CoOp multiplayer ? So my two brothers and I can install the game on our systems, and play with each other on same squad against the enemy AI ?

Yes. The entire campaign can be played with 4 or alternatively you can play with how many people you want with cooperative missions against the A.I.

Anyone here play Flashpoint and remember the one mission where you had to sneak into a village as a saboteur with nothing but silenced MP5s, 3 magazines, and a few satchel charges, all while on a tight time limit? Good stuff. :D

Is anyone in this thread a ARMA\OFP modder? I'm curious to know how difficult it is to port all the ARMA addons to ARMA II.
Anyone know what Super AI in the diffuclty options does? I'm annoyed that the AI can spot through obstacles. It makes it impossible to sneak up on people.

there is going to be AI improvements with the next patch.
Anyone here play Flashpoint and remember the one mission where you had to sneak into a village as a saboteur with nothing but silenced MP5s, 3 magazines, and a few satchel charges, all while on a tight time limit? Good stuff. :D

That mission was hard as fuck. BMPs and tanks swarmed the area the second you blew up the convoy. Then you could hide in the houses, but the tanks would just sit outside waiting for you like 3 feet away. Soon as you stepped out, BLAM; machine gun to the face.

So frustrating, but so fun. :cool:
Seems like the single player campaign is broken until they release a few patches, prone to being glitchy considering the complexity. MP looks like fun though. hopefully there will be a demo, else might have to wait for Op Flashpoint -Dragon Rising.
Seems like the single player campaign is broken until they release a few patches, prone to being glitchy considering the complexity. MP looks like fun though. hopefully there will be a demo, else might have to wait for Op Flashpoint -Dragon Rising.

The way the devs at CM have it is that they're dumbing down OFP:DR. It has nothing to do with OFP or military simulation and everything to do with like... Call Of Duty.

But if you're into that kinda thing, that's your hat.

I hope they do venture into the realm of run and gun, just means BIS will have the military sim market cornered.
The way the devs at CM have it is that they're dumbing down OFP:DR. It has nothing to do with OFP or military simulation and everything to do with like... Call Of Duty.

But if you're into that kinda thing, that's your hat.

I hope they do venture into the realm of run and gun, just means BIS will have the military sim market cornered.

What is the release date for this OPF2 ? Si that coming anytime soon ? Any in-game videos ?
Does the game really look like that ? Sure thats not a cut scene ? Those sky shots and huge distance views at the shoreline look amazing :eek:

Is that an actual game map, or just a test demo showing off the engine ?

he made that from in game footage.
Dang, that is pretty spiffy game engine did not know it looked that good. That is maxed in-game settings, or special mod to enhance texture or draw distance ?

The draw/view distance can be set in video options but OFP/ARMA/ARMA II (all based on the same engine) eat most systems for lunch when you try to crank it. View distance is adjustable in meters.

Here is the setting in-game.

The limit is from 500 (meters) to 10000 meters (10km).

If you aren't in it for the eye candy in multiplayer, 2km view distance should suffice, but higher is always better. ;)
man the in-game videos and screen shots are totally amazing

I had no idea the game engine was so good. Can the game actually be played at these screen shot settings ? Or will it be a slide show ?

Also I hope the game is "FUN" ? And not just pretty like too many games lately with cool graphics but boring or shit gameplay.

Again I would be happy as a pig in mud if it plays like a mix of Raven Shield 1 + Joint Op's
Can the game actually be played at these screen shot settings ? Or will it be a slide show ?

Also I hope the game is "FUN" ? And not just pretty like too many games lately with cool graphics but boring or shit gameplay.

Again I would be happy as a pig in mud if it plays like a mix of Raven Shield 1 + Joint Op's

performance of this game is a mixed bag. some people are reporting good fps at high settings with mainstream rigs, others are reporting terrible fps at high settings with high-end rigs. some say SLI and CF work, others say it only utilizes one card. i want to upgrade for this game, but really there's not much to upgrade to. if the game supported multi gpu's *for sure* i'd upgrade right away, but that's a big risk if it does not support it. also there's only really one benchmark out and it seems a little sketchy.

hopefully better info will be available after the demo is released.
performance of this game is a mixed bag. some people are reporting good fps at high settings with mainstream rigs, others are reporting terrible fps at high settings with high-end rigs. some say SLI and CF work, others say it only utilizes one card. i want to upgrade for this game, but really there's not much to upgrade to. if the game supported multi gpu's *for sure* i'd upgrade right away, but that's a big risk if it does not support it. also there's only really one benchmark out and it seems a little sketchy.

hopefully better info will be available after the demo is released.

people are saying the 4890 1GB is the best card.

I am using a 9800GX2 so I hope I don't have SLI problems.
performance of this game is a mixed bag. some people are reporting good fps at high settings with mainstream rigs, others are reporting terrible fps at high settings with high-end rigs. some say SLI and CF work, others say it only utilizes one card. i want to upgrade for this game, but really there's not much to upgrade to. if the game supported multi gpu's *for sure* i'd upgrade right away, but that's a big risk if it does not support it. also there's only really one benchmark out and it seems a little sketchy.

hopefully better info will be available after the demo is released.

Well the next gen of VideoCards is due out very soon per the rumor mill. I read that nVidia will have their GTX-380 out in August/September and it is supposed to be a killer, maybe twice as fast as a GTX-280.

And ATI will have their next gen the 5800 series around the same time before Fall. The 5870 single card should be close to twice as fast as the 4870 single card. The 5870 single card will be about the performance as a 4870x2.

So I would imagine either single card the GTX-380 or 5870 will rock this game. I say for sure hold off on any upgrading for the next couple of months until these arrive. They are not too far away now.
I say for sure hold off on any upgrading for the next couple of months until these arrive. They are not too far away now.

Theres always something around the corner.

Upgrade now, or hold off forever.

*spin of a quote from one of my favorite movies*