The official ARMA 2 Thread, Watch these Videos and join the Hype!

Okay, so apart from the gameplay although i don't quote get what you mean about patience level being different.

How does the aiming, ballistics and damage system compare with RO if anyone knows. Is there a free aim system, do bullets lose speed and damage as they travel(i have read they do drop but not sure of speed and relative damage properties).

From what i have read you can be affected differently depending where you are hit but is it a constant thing or does it vary.

The video's show a crosshair type system so am i to assume the aim is fixed to the centre of the screen and just uses a random cone of fire approach rather than a proper bullets go where the gun points system?

Trajectories are probably the same as OFP and ARMA. That is, very accurate to real life trajectories (fall at a distance, lose speed, etc).

The aiming depends. If the host plays on easy you'll get those on-screen crosshairs and iron sights are optional. If not, you have to use the good ol' iron sights.

What we mean about patience level is that... well, the best way to describe it is to Warcraft III. OFP and ARMA can be played on a map-by-map basis. I think I joined an ARMA server that had a GTA style mission on the entire island. I didn't download anything extra and I got this functionality just by doing a server download of the map. Most reasonable and regular ARMA\OFP missions have you walking a total of 3km. The most exciting part about the game is the engine, not the content, in my opinion. - AH-1Z assault - Making hamburgers


I'll add another one later once it is finished encoding into H.264 and uploaded to YouTube. F-35's flew in and kicked some Tunguska ass. A-10s didn't stand a chance without the F-35. It is creepy as hell too hearing them fly over head with NV googles. :p

Air on Station! AWESOME!,

your videos look great, what are your specs? i take it you got the german version with english mod?

Did you call in the air support yourself with that marking device?
i am sooo buying this game when it's released. looks phenomenal.
What's with the ability to zoom your vision without aid of a scope? I love realistic games, but that annoys me. Is it supposed to be like squinting or something?
Air on Station! AWESOME!,

your videos look great, what are your specs? i take it you got the german version with english mod?

Did you call in the air support yourself with that marking device?

Just units with way points on the editor.

Core i7 920 at 3.8 Ghz
GTX 285
They already released a patch that fixed most German first reports complained about.

Most reviews need to be updated to reflect that.

And remember, MOST of the bugs those people report are all SINGLE PLAYER.

Who the hell plays singleplayer in a game like this.

Massive joint ops with friends or bust.
If anyone can't wait this guy found a place you can purchase the game from in germany and download it. The there is an english patch mod to convert it to english.

Yes, i am living in the USA, I bought it off of the German Peter Games website, I filled in all my credit card info and all that (Wit hthe help of a translator) And there is a unofficial patch that converts the ENTIRE game to english

Go here: (This is where I bought mine)

Click Senden>Konto Erstellen>Then fill in the form

*Art: Privat (Use this, it says Private)
*Titel: Herr(Mr) Frau (Mrs)
* Name: (I think this is first name, i put my firs name here)
* Vorname: (Last Name)
* E-Mail: (Email)
* Bestätigungs E-mail: (Confrim Email)
* Adresse: (Address, can be a PO box too)
* Postleitzahl: (ZIP COde)
* Ort: (Town/City)
* Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika(United States of America)
Beruf: (Occupation)
* Passwort: (Passowrd)

Then after you fill that it, youll be logged in, pick your payment(Paypal or Debit/Credit Card). After you choose payment, and go pay, you wil lget a new page with all the info, also containing your game CD Key(This is also used for online activation) Then go to your email(You'll get a email from them), and click "Download", you can either download the game in one click, or you can download it separatly in 12 parts, in which there is a self-extracting .exe which will extract the game to your PC, then you can install. Then install the patch 1.01, and insert your CD-key when prompted and when asking to activate online. Then you can use a English patch to convert it to all english.

If there's any German words you don't understand, use Google Translator, it will do an acceptable job of translating(Its not the best but you can understand it)
ArmA was my primary game. But I've been giving it a break, waiting for the American release of this.
I made a DIY track cap used with the FreeTrack software and it gave me a headache. :p

I have a question: is there any way to turn off that stupid motion blur when you turn your head/view in ARMA II?
I made a DIY track cap used with the FreeTrack software and it gave me a headache. :p

I have a question: is there any way to turn off that stupid motion blur when you turn your head/view in ARMA II?

post proscessing set to low i presume
I made a DIY track cap used with the FreeTrack software and it gave me a headache. :p

I have a question: is there any way to turn off that stupid motion blur when you turn your head/view in ARMA II?

How are you guys playing?
This game is very buggy but it has loads of potential. It's much better than ARMA 1. I just finished the first campaign mission; the atmosphere is not as good as OFP, but it's closer than ARMA 1 ever was.