The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

I've been in the game now for a couple of days using the trial. It's pretty fun, but I can see why some people find it daunting...lots of depth. It's definitely not a game for those with ADHD or those without patience in general. It will be interesting to see how the rest of my time on the trial goes.
Day 1-14 (or 1-21 if you have the Steam trial: Sit in station and train learning skills
Day 15/22 - unsub
Day 1-14 (or 1-21 if you have the Steam trial: Sit in station and train learning skills
Day 15/22 - unsub
Day 16/23 - resubscribe on a 3 month plan

Fixed that. I joined in February and had 4 months inactivity before coming back and playing since. I'm at the point where I can tank level 3 missions, participate in sleeper fights, and win pvp battles. Things don't happen over night.

I guess that the trial period really is a filter of sorts.
so they finally updated the planets eh? most players I know go thru a cycle where they would be very active and then very inactive in eve. I quit like a few months back and sold my char. A friend of mine been trying to get me to go back tho....
Fixed that. I joined in February and had 4 months inactivity before coming back and playing since. I'm at the point where I can tank level 3 missions, participate in sleeper fights, and win pvp battles. Things don't happen over night.

I guess that the trial period really is a filter of sorts.

I thought ccp patched it so you couldn't gain sp on an inactive acc anymore....
I thought ccp patched it so you couldn't gain sp on an inactive acc anymore....

Right, you can't. Besides, no way to go in and add more skills anyways. I'm just saying, the itch was there for me to return after a 4 month hiatus.
right now if I go back I would have to borrow some isk from my friend to buy another char I dunno if I would have the patience to start another from scratch....heh maybe I shouldn't of sold my toon off but I figure I would never go back...still might not tho
Fixed that. I joined in February and had 4 months inactivity before coming back and playing since. I'm at the point where I can tank level 3 missions, participate in sleeper fights, and win pvp battles. Things don't happen over night.

I guess that the trial period really is a filter of sorts.

Sorry to be dense, but you can explain to me the reasoning behind waiting a day to subscribe after the trial ends?
Out of that blob, 6 of them are the ones who got me.
They were all in multiple faction corps but all in one alliance corp named Dead Terrorists.

The 6 ships that got me were:

1 - Legion
Someone actually fielded a Legion, that's impressive in so many ways, the Legion is a perfectly useless T3 ship.

Just thought I'd throw that out there in case you guys have any further advice of things I could have done to avoid them. :)
Pretty simple, stop missioning in lowsec. Whatever cash you make is already eaten up by the losses you had thus far and future losses you will have. There's really no good reason to run level 3 missions in lowsec.
Pretty simple, stop missioning in lowsec. Whatever cash you make is already eaten up by the losses you had thus far and future losses you will have. There's really no good reason to run level 3 missions in lowsec.

Straight and Forward.....Got it. :)

5 times was enough for me to learn my lesson. :D .........(maybe):rolleyes:
I think you should continue to mission in low sec. What system do you mission in btw?

U trollin me mister???

Doesnt matter anyway, low-sec is off limits to me.......for now. If you had read back a bit, you, will see where im missioning :), so if your a pirate tryin to set me up ;), you going to have to do your own research to get me :p:p

On another note.....I finally got my Electronics Upgrades V and skilled up Hacking to 3. Ive been looking forward to being able to hack into some complexes n stuff. However, I had read some rather conflicting comments about plexs.

One side of the fence was saying that the plexs in high-sec and most of the upper low-sec systems have had their plexes taken already and/or are camped for respawns, so for new players, its hard to find one that isnt constantly being raided.

The other side of the fence says that there are plenty out there that arent bombarded by more advanced players, you just have to search for them a little deeper in space. Same thing goes for plexes and sleepers in WH space.

So, my question is....which is it? Can I still have fun and possibly still make a bit of side isk doing these things from time to time or would I just be wasting my time? Note: I would be doing these things in High-sec, if that makes a difference.

I figure it would give me some good practice on my probe scanning, get it done quicker for later on when I do venture down into low-sec for some pirating of my own....not to mention, hopfully, some vengence (thats right sukers, I know when your online, ya bloody bastards)

Also, to Danny, Mashie, Thuelman, Mr. Egg, Atech and everyone else helping me with my shield vs. armor issue. Ive read thru that link a few more times along with another guide, of sorts...That whole issue makes a lot more sense to me now. To really understand "EVE", you kinda have to give RL logic some slack and leave room for """EVEs""" game mechanics....which I wasnt doing.

EVE is very much a situational game. That may be blatantly obvious to some of you guys, to others, well, heh, it takes 8mths into the game before it really sinks in.
One side of the fence was saying that the plexs in high-sec and most of the upper low-sec systems have had their plexes taken already and/or are camped for respawns, so for new players, its hard to find one that isnt constantly being raided.

The other side of the fence says that there are plenty out there that arent bombarded by more advanced players, you just have to search for them a little deeper in space. Same thing goes for plexes and sleepers in WH space.

So, my question is....which is it?
Both. :D

Most of the ones in high-sec or near the "highway" systems are most likely camped. The further out you go the more likely you are to find one. Just like finding a good trade route... They are out there but no one is going to tell you where they are. ;)
WTB: Your Mom. Offering 5m.

And target painters, I need some target painters.


[edit] The reaction to the latest dev blog on caps is hilarious. I'm not sure how to take it but I don't recall seeing anything pre-blog that supported the proposed mothership changes. However, if you read the posts on the dev blog thread there was 'near universal positive feedback' about the changes.

Usually I'm good at spotting bullshit but this one has me puzzled.
At least now they're skipping Super Carriers in Dominion instead of making a half-assed version that would either break the game or get nerfed to hell and back two patches later.

Was this expansion called EVE: Dominion or EVE: Abomination? :D
I know... 40 pages & counting.

CCP Nozh just proves time and time again he knows nothing about the game he's making drastic changes to.
WTB: Your Mom. Offering 5m.

And target painters, I need some target painters.
Truly classic! ;)

On the topic of plexing in hi-sec I can only offer one analogy. When I started to place buy orders for T1 loot in popular systems many I talked to at the time said that it will never ever work because everyone else is doing it already. That opinion doesn't prevent me from making approximately 25% return on my investment while I am not logged into EVE. 25% isn't that much, but the point is that just because everyone and their child says that something won't work doesn't make it so.

There are tons of backwater systems in EVE that are underpopulated, scan there and you will find your plexes just fine.
I'm 12 days into my 21-day trial and I'm enjoying the game so far. I'm very tempted to subscribe, but what I've been reading on the test server feedback forum has me worried. I don't expect to be piloting capital ships anytime soon, of course, but with CCP mass-deleting posts and censoring player discontent it's pretty disconcerting.
^^ HaHaha.....You guys.
I bet it would be one hell of a night to meet up with Thuleman and Mashie in game. I would have to exercise my screen shot finger, haha.

Ive moved out away from Jel now. Got sick of having to decline every other mission that would take me into low-sec. So, I moved back to Aunia. Built up "another" Thorax the way I had it previously. However, im still having problems tanking missles. Im using 4 hardeners. 2 are Kinetic, 2 are Thermic. Armor Rep I (not quite able to use AR II yet). Those missles though....Im just having a real hard time with them. What can I do to soften the blow from them?

The only thing I can think of is to either use some armor plates or to use some sort of tracking disruptor. The only problem with the disruptors is that I can only use them on one ship/silo at a time, which doesnt do me any good if there are 4 silos. So, I thought using some armor plates might help, but then I thought...well, it says it gives you more armor, but reallly, all its doing is giving you more armor HP's. Thats great and all, but I dont really really need more HP's per se, I need something that actually "resists" those damn things.

Ive tried to aggro the actual ships and stay out about 70-100km away from the silos, but they still hit me for heavy dmg.

Ive tried increasing my speed and agility. That still doesnt help much. I "WAS" going to try to use those FoF missles, but I recall you guys saying they dont work for shit and besides, I cant fit missles onto a Thorax anyways. Oyyyyy.

How do YOU guys tank missles?

What I have been doing in other missions that had silos was to take them out first and then the mission rats were easy pickens.....However, this becomes not such a good idea when in particular missions, all the rats are grouped together near those silos. My fitting is good, has earned me lots of isk and lots of completed L3's, but my ship is NOT good enough to tank so many hits all at once. Seriously speaking....when I get mobbed like that, its as if I have no armor tank at all.

Ive even gone as far as to include 2 Med AR's and 3 Kinetic hardeners. Mann, ive tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to really work. <----This worries me.

It worries me about my eventual endeavours into low-sec for some pirating of my own. I know full well that Drakes and Ravens are the buzz. Everyone seemingly has one that PvP's and brags to no end about how good of a missile boat they have. I however, have always been the type of person to go against the norm. I dont want to do what everyone else is doing, even if its a harder road to go down, so be it. But, if im having this much trouble with 4 silos plus rats in a given mission, how THE hell am I going to compete against a ship which has 7 or more missile launchers? <---Just dont fight against people flying those ships??

The only other option I can think of which I have not tried out yet is being in real tight orbit near the silos and using blasters instead of rails. The only problem with that is getting close. During the time it takes me to get in close enough to use blasters, I will get hammered.

Im real curious to hear what YOU guys do against missile boats and silos. I hate to use this term here, but it fits so well......I am the EPIC FAIL when it comes to tanking missiles. Please help.
It's all relative, some folks can do level 3 missions in a cruiser, and some can't. Some of that depends on skillpoints (i.e. armor compensation skills trained up, fitting skills, etc.) but in your case part of the problem is that you are out of range of the target for a long time while the target has you in range and is firing.

One solution would be to upgrade to a Battlecruiser, or if your gunnery skills are good "downgrade" (in hullsize) to an Assault Frigate. The BC will provide more resists and buffer to tank stuff. The AF essentially speed tanks, BUT the last time I took an AF to a L3 mission was a Harpy years ago, so I am not sure whether AFs are still viable for L3.

The reason most people prefer to fly a Drake or a Raven into missions is that for one you can pretty much kill everything from warp-in, everything is most often in range right there, and the other reason is that you can vary your damage type to use the type of ammo that hurts the rats the most. Those two combined make for the most missions run per time unit.

Missile boats are often fail-fits for PvP, mainly because of missile flight time and the target having a bunch of time to get out of the way (or simply outrun) the incoming damage. However, Drakes have become pretty popular in fleet PvP where you know the enemy is committed to the fight and won't leave just because you happen to bring missile boats. If you face 100 Drakes, then it can be quite challenging to take them out with a normal PvP fleet because the Drake tanks well and operates at about 60-80 km out, which is a meh range for many gunships unless they are set up for it. Historically the setups are either close range (~20km) or long range (180km+). Mid ranges can be a pain if folks have no ships handy which are fit for them.
Yeah Drakes can take a ton of damage. In fact, they're usually bait in many of the PVP ops I've been in. But in general, most of the FC's I've flown generally prefer the Ferox over the Drake. If there is a Drake, it's bait :)

Anyway, Saw, Thuleman is right: Go back to a BC. My Myrm did pretty damn well with L3s. That extra low slot is where you ought to use a DCII. Oh and make sure that your hardeners match the kind of damage being given.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Well guys, heh. Going back to a BC is kinda what the problem is atm. Ive burned thru a Myrmidon and a Brutix and countless Thorax's and Vexors, but mainly, the loss of the 2 BC's I did have is what really hurt me the most. I was unable to recoup the cost I put into them before they were destroyed, regardless of insurance, cause, well, as you guys know...a lot of the time, the mods put into a ship can end up costing much more than the ship itself.

Spending 52mil on a Brutix and mods, from what Ive read, is a fairly cheap build, yet for me, that took quite a huge chunk outta my wallet....But, thats behind me now, nothing I can do about it. I just chalk that up to being stupid and paying a "Stupid" Tax for not scouting that gate before I entered it.

Anyhooooo....With all those "Stupid" Taxes ive paid for recently, I am without choice in the matter of getting a BC to do L3 missions, which is why I am in my Thorax.

I have ALL of the Armor Compensations "type" skills up to level 3 atm. Am currently getting all Drone associated skills up from level 3 to 5. But, just came to the realization that if I continue along that path, it wont be until Dec 31st they will be done....Oyyy!!! I might cut some of that down to just level 4.

Anyhoooo again......Its back to L2's and "some" L3's till I earn enough to get back into a BC.

Good thing this game is fun, otherwise I would have left long ago, heh.
SAW, you can speed tank missiles. However, it is a factor of how fast you are going relative to the explosion velocity of the missile. I can significantly cut down on incoming damage from a torp even doing just 138m/s in my BS. However, in order to speed tank cruise missiles or other smaller missiles, you must go significantly faster. I'd say your Thorax should do 500m/s-2km/s in missions depending on your tank. This should cut down a lot on incoming damage.

Definitely move to a BC though. There is really little reason not to. More low slots means more tank, and more high slots means more DPS. Depending on your skills you can also get a bit creative. My favorite lvl 3 setup for the Brutix has 7x250mm rails, 2 targeting computers, 3xmag stabs and a single small armor rep and EANM II for a tank. Note that it works best against gun ships and it needs a rig or two for PG to fit the guns. Hella fun though, since your engagement range is 30-45 km and most enemies don't deal damage til 20km.
Signed up at that EveBoard Let me know what ya think.

Devnull - Yeah, ive seen that add up there from time to time. Oddly enough, I only see it when im actually inside this thread. Someone out there making money off my thread :( booo......But, whatcha gonna do, ya know.....mehh. Im not going to click on it and neither are you I assume or most anyone else I would think.

Mad Cat -
Definitely move to a BC though. There is really little reason not to.
You mean, little reason not to, unless you dont have the isk to do it, right, hehe :)
Saw... how is your rep with Caldari? If its not at shoot on sight status yet shoot me (Yaznag) a mail in game and I will hook you up with some work that will pay for your battlecruiser upgrade in no time at all.
Saw... how is your rep with Caldari? If its not at shoot on sight status yet shoot me (Yaznag) a mail in game and I will hook you up with some work that will pay for your battlecruiser upgrade in no time at all.

According to his link on Eve Board, his Caldari standing is "-2.02". Definitely above the KOS status.
Mad Cat - You mean, little reason not to, unless you dont have the isk to do it, right, hehe :)

Yeah, true. I guess by that logic we should all be flying officer fit marauders. ;)

In all honesty, I'd spam lvl 2s until you have the isk to get a properly fit BC rather than struggle through lvl 3s since you don't want to lose a cruiser and get set back further.
According to his link on Eve Board, his Caldari standing is "-2.02". Definitely above the KOS status.

I thought -2.5 or -5.0 was KOS. Cant verify right now.. damn websense :( Anyhow.. you should definitely bash 4s with Mashie in Galente space for a bit. That should get you in the cash in no time at all. Otherwise I need a cleanup crew for my personal LV4 bashing which will not adjust your standings ether way. You can have 100% of the loot, my main mission is to build some cash and some sec status… so close to being a positive number again lol.
Saw, open up your log and see what type of missile is hitting you to make sure you have the correct hardeners fit. Serpentis can have Sansha(EM) silos. Mercs will use EM also. Angels use mostly explosive.
Mr. Goat and Mashie....Thats very kind of you guys to allow me to do clean up. <--heh, odd, any other job and I would be offended by someone telling me I can clean up after them, heh.

If I see ya online when Im online, I'll give you guys a shout. Another [H]'er allowed me to do some clean up for his L4's a few times and if you guys' loot was anything like his, then I would probably only have to salvage a few of your missions, then I could get another BC and NOT go into low-sec with it, regardless of the isk.

Powerslave - Would you believe that I had actually wrote down what I was being hit with in full intention on coming here and posting about it, but I'll be damned if I can find that 3x5 card I was using for notes. <--- needs to just get a notepad. And I cant remember jack about this game when Im not actually inside the game playing. The names I wrote down for the missles elude my thoughts atm. If its not a measurement for cutting wood and building something, I usually have a hard time remembering it..dunno why though. But, to the best of my recollection, I was getting hit with something named Firefox......Maybe it was or it was Fire........? But, those were just the ones I recall seeing on the screen display as I was getting hit by them.

When I talk to the agent about getting a mission, before I hit accept, I alt-tab out and look that mission up on that Mission Survival guide. Id say about 80% of the time, Im fighting against Serpentis. In all the times Ive gone up against them, I do not recall reading in the Survival guide that Serpentis using anything other than Kinetic and Thermal damage dealing weapons, which is why I always have those fit. What you say about "Serpentis can have Sansha(EM) silos" is complete news to me. I wonder why its not mentioned in the survival guide? I will have to pay closer attention to that next time for sure.
Missile boats are often fail-fits for PvP, mainly because of missile flight time and the target having a bunch of time to get out of the way (or simply outrun) the incoming damage. However, Drakes have become pretty popular in fleet PvP where you know the enemy is committed to the fight and won't leave just because you happen to bring missile boats.

True, for larger fleets. Just wanted to defend my precious HAM Drake in smaller gangs (ie: < 20) Missile flight time is irrelevant and can't be speed tanked. Anyone sans dual prop inty or assault frig fitting an AB (needed for mitigating missile damage) is a fail fit and will die horribly once webbed anyway.

Properly flown and fit Drake is by far the best small gang BC in the game. By far. Only BC that comes close is a triple rep exile Myrm. High skill HAM Drake face rapes any other BC. I would know I fly one, HAM and HML spec 5 on my alt FTW.

Throw in a couple of Scimitars and a couple dictors mixed with HAM and HML Drakes fit with a mix of TD's, damps and painters and holy rape fest batman.
Saw, if I remember right, you're usually flying around pretty close to me. I run L3 missions out of Adrallezoen for RSS, so If you want to tag along, you're welcome to.