The New Thief Is Highway Robbery?

you can turn it all the way hardcore. It has options, which is what games should have.
Since seeing that I've become more interested, and they somehow reward you for playing it on the highest difficulty? No quick-saves seems like hell... I remember having to spam that feature in the original
I was planning on buying this game .... not now. Just fucking great.

I don't want easy.
Unsubscribed from Total Biscuit because he locked his comments, has the Reddit page being actively moderated etc

Basically he likes the game, and is made that "Everyone else dislikes it!" and trying to tell people they are wrong.

Remember when opinions, were, well, OPINIONS TB? What, now we're not allowed to have opinions, only YOU'RE allowed to have opinions?

I think this popularity has gone completely to his head.

Seems like you didn't understand anything he said in his latest video.
Yeah, Dark Souls is kinda like that *hard*
LMAO, I'm aware of how difficult it is...I was playing it on PS3 for like a year before they even thought about porting it to PC. I just thought it was funny he was using that as an example of a difficult title without being aware that it was a console first title (or even, as he wondered in his post, whether it was hard on consoles :D)
I was planning on buying this game .... not now. Just fucking great.

I don't want easy.

The lack of research people do staggers me, combined with the elitist attitude that if something has an easy option it must be bad. The game has all kinds of difficulty adjustment. A stupid amount. If you want hard, it'll give you that, it just doesn't REQUIRE it. So some of the options you can turn on:

--No quick saves.
--No reticule.
--No healing potions.
--Slower movement.
--Disable the new "focus" abilities.
--No killing or knocking out enemies, stealth takedowns only.
--Any damage taken causes you to fail the mission.
--Being detected AT ALL causes you to fail the mission.
--Ironman mode, where a mission failure results in having to completely restart the game.

You get more points for turning those kind of things on, if you want to be a toughguy.

Also, outside of the tons of difficulty settings, you can change a bunch of UI things that make it tougher. You can turn off things like navigation markers, threat markers, the light gem, health bars, the mini-map, pickup notifiers, ammo meter and so on.

So you want ultimate fucking badass mode? Sure, crank that shit up. Make it so you fail and have to restart if you ever get seen, and you can't kill enemies, and you have no HUD/UI help in the game, and so on. On the other side you can go ultimate ez-mode and have a game that is a breeze to play if you don't like a challenge. Or, and here's the best bit, anywhere in between. You customize it.

People need to do less of the whines, more of the researches. It annoys me to hear people crying about a game being bad because it can be easy. Some people suck at games. Some people just don't want a lot of challenge. That is nothing wrong with a game catering to that and yet still offering options to be hard for those that want it.
Gotta admit that it's quite cool that you can customize the difficulty like that instead of a plain "easy, medium, hard" setting.
You are totally welcome.

It is likely because console gamers are usually much more casual and just do not have the time for massively sadistic games. I know that I do not. Games that force massive grinding(FF series) are also a huge turn off.

All of the grinding you have ever done in all of the FF games does not compare to the grinding you have to do in Forsaken World.

Trust me.
--No quick saves.
--No reticule.
--No healing potions.
--Slower movement.
--Disable the new "focus" abilities.
--No killing or knocking out enemies, stealth takedowns only.
--Any damage taken causes you to fail the mission.
--Being detected AT ALL causes you to fail the mission.
--Ironman mode, where a mission failure results in having to completely restart the game.

Your enemies are still like a blind hound with allergies. The levels are still dull and utterly predictable predictable, they were carefully designed to prevent the game from surprising you. The frame rate still plummets on PS4 to the point of rendering it a slide show.

And the best defence of this cluster fuck is that "If you crank up the difficulty it's almost a proper game"?

Nah, this thing is a testament to bad design.
I like having variable difficulty. It's not always a question of skill, sometimes it's a question of what you're in the mood for.

There are times I enjoy going through the same level many times trying to get it perfect - beating a mission in a FPS game without taking damage or something like that, approaching each encounter with a quick save, figuring out how to beat it with as many tries as it takes, then saving only after getting it perfect.

There are plenty of times where I like it to be easy. Especially non quick-save games. I get tired of repeating the same 3 minute drive at the start of the GTA mission because I have a hard time with the mechanics of shooting and driving and I didn't kill the bad guy in the allotted time before he "got away" no matter how close you are to him.

My favorite set of difficulties has been Starcraft 2. Each mission lets you select the difficulty at the start. If you're not in the mood for struggling, you can set it easy. Then they put in bonus objectives and achievements to reward you for doing more than the minimum. I like being able to go easy and advance the story and have fun without frustration, while still having the option to challenge myself.

Sounds like this game is doing it right, even if discussion has turned to "My NES game was harder than yours" e-peen measurement.
Your enemies are still like a blind hound with allergies. The levels are still dull and utterly predictable predictable, they were carefully designed to prevent the game from surprising you. The frame rate still plummets on PS4 to the point of rendering it a slide show.

And the best defence of this cluster fuck is that "If you crank up the difficulty it's almost a proper game"?

Nah, this thing is a testament to bad design.

I hear ya, but to some a nice difficulty can make up for bad AI/levels/story... I'd love to read a review of someone who played it through on the highest difficulty
One of the developers said that with the hold system getting caught could kill you and that is was very "unforgiving".

The developer was trying to avoid players getting frustrated by the potential for failure.

Modern AAA games: Spoon feeding brain-damaged dude-bros so hard that getting killed once knocks them clean out of their flip flops.

I know what you wrote is funny... but honestly at over 30yrs old with a family, If the game is not progressing in 10 minutes I am out... and yes I have gotten 'very bad' at gaming.. I really don't care about 'getting better', I would rather watch a movie... Its really not fun to play online shooter with other gamers that just kill you the second you re-spawn.. tried it years ago after not being able to move a few steps with out getting instantly killed, i just gave up, pretty much forever.
I know what you wrote is funny... but honestly at over 30yrs old with a family, If the game is not progressing in 10 minutes I am out... and yes I have gotten 'very bad' at gaming.. I really don't care about 'getting better', I would rather watch a movie... Its really not fun to play online shooter with other gamers that just kill you the second you re-spawn.. tried it years ago after not being able to move a few steps with out getting instantly killed, i just gave up, pretty much forever.

I hear you, sometimes I just want to be entertained.
I just finished Dead Space 3, and I played all 3 on easy, because I like to experience the story and enjoy the dark mood of the game. For me, nothing ruins that experience more than repeated multiple deaths because of you need to play though a sequence a certain way.
Though most of the time, I like to work at a game to get the most out of my experience, like, RTS, some FPS and Racing games I like to play on hard or extreme because its not about the story, its about winning and or surviving. RPG’s are kind of in the middle.
I haven’t played online in years either. But I was part of a clan that only excepted vets and active military. So for the most part, spawn killing wasn’t an issue. Online, is better with like minded people for sure.
Rock Paper Shotgun has a good writeup of their playthrough of Thief, doesn't make it sound half-bad, but doesn't hold back on what they think is wrong either.

I hear ya, but to some a nice difficulty can make up for bad AI/levels/story... I'd love to read a review of someone who played it through on the highest difficulty

Check my previous post, the guy at RPS played it at the highest difficulty as he mentions in his writeup.
As expected. Ken Levine rolled his eyes when he heard some crap studio was using the IP to make a thief titled game.

Pretty sure Eidos Montreal developed Thief, which is the same studio that did Deus Ex: Human Revolution...generally considered to be a pretty good game.

That said, it does sound like this latest title is a disappointment.
Unsubscribed from Total Biscuit because he locked his comments, has the Reddit page being actively moderated etc

Basically he likes the game, and is made that "Everyone else dislikes it!" and trying to tell people they are wrong.

Remember when opinions, were, well, OPINIONS TB? What, now we're not allowed to have opinions, only YOU'RE allowed to have opinions?

I think this popularity has gone completely to his head.

You know, I watched his Thief video and basically unless you went 30 minutes in (50 minute long video) there was zero criticism of the game. I think he needs to do some sort of summary closer to the beginning rather than just sounding like a rabid fanboy over the options menu for like 15 minutes. If you didn't watch the entire thing you would never even know he had issues with it. To be perfectly honest, too, most of the gameplay he showed looked incredibly monotonous and boring. Maybe he was avoiding spoilers, but still, if you are going to show gameplay you might as well show typical gameplay and not just fluff...if that actually was the typical gameplay, then I am extremely disappointed.
Additionally, after having watched TB's "Stop liking things that I don't like" video, I think he does make a good point. He's not saying that people can't have opinions, but what he is saying is to not immediately dismiss those opinions if they don't agree with your own. Of course there are always times where someone just says "Well, I don't like it" and then you disagree with them, so essentially you are disregarding their opinion. But, with no real explanation behind it, it's not an opinion you should really care about anyway. And that's mostly what TB is saying...use opinions with actual explanation to gauge whether or not you will like something, based on your own personal preferences. He basically says to disregard the idiotic "opinions" that are just insulting the game/developer/whoever with no real reasoning behind it...and I agree with that.