The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

the gamer said:
dude it isnt its just for cpu how cant u see that its a ps job.
LOL looks photoshopped at first look.. some people are suckers " If I saw it with my own eyes It must be true" sorta thing:p
guys guys, it is photochopped and if it is not then it is just set on there, that HS is way way to big to even think about putting it on a GPU
My DIY 9800pro cooling and I only have to give up 2 pci slots :)




Dudeyourlame said:
LOL looks photoshopped at first look.. some people are suckers " If I saw it with my own eyes It must be true" sorta thing:p
yeah jr PS job.. lol the HSF is like 10x the size of the card... couldnt close case... someone need to get some PS lessons and a life

btw wanna know what eles is funny.. that pic is called 6600gt.jpg..... ponder that a bit..
mwhx1 said:
My DIY 9800pro cooling and I only have to give up 2 pci slots :)[/IMG :D ]
[IMG][/IMG :]
[IMG][/IMG :D ]
[IMG][/IMG : ][/QUOTE]
that mod is nice a sleek! very nice i bet its quiet too ;)
Calis said:
thats a cpu heatsink, thermalshit if i remember correctly

sonic tower or something...

i wasnt aware that it was avaliable for cards, it wouldnt surprise me if that was just a ps job
... in reality, it will rip the gpu off the pcb lol. :p
you almost killed the thread.. ill start it up again showing my beast...

to lazy to clean it.. or take it out of case.. and btw this is a 2 month old pic... this card is in RMA right now... :rolleyes:

Calis said:
thats a cpu heatsink, thermalshit if i remember correctly

sonic tower or something...

i wasnt aware that it was avaliable for cards, it wouldnt surprise me if that was just a ps job

Holy Shazbot,,, you would have to Rig up a Butt load of I Beam type supports
to keep it from Ripping the PCB apart lol.

But it is missing one thing though,,, A 120MM Fan ROFLMAO

JaiQwan said:

Holy Shazbot,,, you would have to Rig up a Butt load of I Beam type supports
to keep it from Ripping the PCB apart lol.

But it is missing one thing though,,, A 120MM Fan ROFLMAO

well with that kind of cooling.. the point is that it dosnt need a fan.. its just passive...
Warrior said:
you almost killed the thread.. ill start it up again showing my beast...

to lazy to clean it.. or take it out of case.. and btw this is a 2 month old pic... this card is in RMA right now... :rolleyes:


YOU SMOKED THAT POS :D what up BIG WAR.? when the next LAN bro?
omg.. anouther thread crapper...
thanx for telling me my FREE 6800GT is a POS....
Warrior said:
omg.. anouther thread crapper...
thanx for telling me my FREE 6800GT is a POS....

You really need to take more advil, and create a chill pill and take about one a hour, and take the stick out of you ass, and and and....OMG it was a JOKE ;)
OLD School

Vision Tek G3 Ti200 64mb. My rig is 4 + years now lol. I am hoping to buy new guts by the end of this month.

This card has been taking massive abuse. Stock = 199/460, The card is OC'ed @ 250/525 right now. a true testament to the former glory of VisionTek. ;)


I am thinking about tearing those ram sinks off and sticking them onto my new card with some artic silver :)
R!P13y said:
You really need to take more advil, and create a chill pill and take about one a hour, and take the stick out of you ass, and and and....OMG it was a JOKE ;)
"create a chill pill" ...... you tell me a good brand of chill pill and ill smoke it.... but from here on.. please stop crapping the threads
Diablo said:
OLD School

Vision Tek G3 Ti200 64mb. My rig is 4 + years now lol. I am hoping to buy new guts by the end of this month.

This card has been taking massive abuse. Stock = 199/460, The card is OC'ed @ 250/525 right now. a true testament to the former glory of VisionTek. ;)[/IMG : ]

I am thinking about tearing those ram sinks off and sticking them onto my new card with some artic silver :)[/QUOTE]

Poor geforce 3!.. btw nice OCs! :p .. is this not your main system?... or is it? :D
when you get that thing out of the case when you get your new stuff.. throw some pictures on here: [url][/url]
I have that same card, yet I glued an old pentium 1 heatsink onto it, I really should try to overclock it.
yeah thoes card are nice.. a few of my friends were passing around a Ti200 ( cause it was better then what they had).. i wonder where it is now.. i would like to OC the hell out of...
Warrior said:
Poor geforce 3!.. btw nice OCs! :p .. is this not your main system?... or is it? :D
when you get that thing out of the case when you get your new stuff.. throw some pictures on here:

My main rig lol, my car has been draining the funds for the past few years, I am doing a full internal swap out of my case by the end of this month, I told myself, as soon as I can find a game that will not run on my current system, I am buying new stuff. Along came bf2 .... lol. You can't really see it, but their is a slot fan right below in the case, it helps with cooling a lot. not to mention my cases side panal window fan is right besdie the card as well. I will most definately immortalize the card later on and place pics of it in that thread. I bet this thing could wipe the floor against any x300, 5200, 9200 etc :D it has gotten me threw so much. best bang for the buck card I have ever used. :)

refresh of the picture for this page if anyone needs to see.
Diablo said:
My main rig lol, my car has been draining the funds for the past few years, I am doing a full internal swap out of my case by the end of this month, I told myself, as soon as I can find a game that will not run on my current system, I am buying new stuff. Along came bf2 .... lol. You can't really see it, but their is a slot fan right below in the case, it helps with cooling a lot. not to mention my cases side panal window fan is right besdie the card as well. I will most definately immortalize the card later on and place pics of it in that thread. I bet this thing could wipe the floor against any x300, 5200, 9200 etc :D it has gotten me threw so much. best bang for the buck card I have ever used. :)

refresh of the picture for this page if anyone needs to see.

That is good spend money on the car and forget the computer, but what car do you have, better be something good or it does not stand up for having a bad computer and car. :D
Here is just a few humble pics of my stock XFX 6800GT. I was more than willing to replace the stock cooler but it overclocks extremely well as is (420/1100).


R!P13y said:
TIMING to see how long it will take Warrior to post in here again, tick tick tick*** :D

Nice card, way to keep it cold

well if you notice it says R. I. P.

.. that means its dead.. LOL.. sorry it took so long :D
Yeah, it died after I went from the Koolance setup to a DD Maze4, it still ran but for some reason it would crash to the desktop whenever AA was utilized.

With the Koolance setup I was getting 530core/990mem on the OC's and actually had the no.1 spot in the ORB (Futuremark's) for a 5900U with a P4 @3ghz in '03 with a 7100+ score for a while.
Warrior said:
well if you notice it says R. I. P.

.. that means its dead.. LOL.. sorry it took so long :D

Yeah I know it died and yeah i know what RIP means, but thanks for letting me know just incase right ;) ,, and i was making fun of the cooling, because he said he cooled it and now it is dead :eek:

The Koolance had nothing to do with it dying, it ran with a max temp of 68*C under load. It died when I put the Maze4 GPU block on it or can you not read?
madmat said:
The Koolance had nothing to do with it dying, it ran with a max temp of 68*C under load. It died when I put the Maze4 GPU block on it or can you not read?

I can read DUDE!!! but I was saying that is what i thought happened from your original post, not your second one, sorry to confuse a small mind
This thread is supposed to be about showing off your video cards, not argueing about what RIP means, please stop crapping
hes jus covering up the fact that he didnt see that it said RIP :D

and everyone eles did... sorry about the Maze 4 block busting your card.. the koolance blocks are nice...
R!P13y said:
I can read DUDE!!! but I was saying that is what i thought happened from your original post, not your second one, sorry to confuse a small mind
well maybe you should read on after he made his post.. and not just jump to feeble minded conclusions.... cause he clearly made his statment before you posted
hye everyone first post in show your videocard im resently brought an sapphire radeon x850xt pe 256mb dual dvi vivo pci-e videocard and im going to show u some pics in about 4weeks.

also is anyone going to show off they new ati card like the new fudo core card (x900xt)name mad up just going from ati names i know there not out yet but when they do
nighthawk8k said:
Are you serious??? How can you afford that? :eek:

I am 45 years old and its my hobby I had her shipped to my store. I cant wait to get it home. I wont be able to play with it until Sunday night since I am too busy but oh well it in my hands


If you want black they charge you for the plare ($8.00 on their site)
HOLY FUCK you win o_O :eek:

hmm i may need to do an upgrade sooner then i had hoped lol oh well this fall 4400+ X2 and 7800GTX here i come lol
Whats the black box in the blastic bag in the bottom right for, like HDTV or something?
oh and ok, I guess since you're 45, lol but its still a lot for a video card ;)