The last game that gave you a lasting impression?


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
I'm going to go out with Rift by Trion games basically the last game that left me wanting a sequel. The gameplay didn't suck the grind wasn't bad but the environments mounts world bosses were really memorable. It's the reason why I hope Ashes of Creation is similar.

2nd up was Duke Nukem Forever just the Multiplayer not the single player.

3rd runner up is Wartales which came out last year but the ability to focus on menial tasks while exploring the overworld is similar to old Ultima and Final Fantasy games turn based games. I have 140 hours in that game last game to do that were the above two games.
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Elden Ring. Finished first playthrough after 150 hours two years ago as mage. Started a new run as knight a couple of weeks ago as preparation for the new expansion, and can't put it down.
FF7 Remake, Cyberpunk 2077, Metro Exodus. One of those games is around 5 years old already. I'll have to think more if there were some others, but generally most games do not really grab me that much anymore. Too derivative, task-based rather than experience based, and many just blend together.

I've certainly liked many other games over the past few years but the ones that give me a lasting impression are obviously fewer and further between.

Edit: Thought some more, going to add some to the list.

Red Dead Redemption 2
Horizon Zero Dawn

Honorable mention to A Plague Tale Requiem, although weak in the gameplay department it does an excellent job at telling an emotional story.
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Battle Brothers (I feel Wartales could be fun in the same style, bought it and will try it at some point),
Vampire Survivor,
Slay the Spire,

I imagine those 3 have a lot of similar predecessor, copy cat, etc... but they were the first like that a personally played

Manor Lords, unlike the other 3, played Banished before and Anno before that, so just a small evolution on a vary common game dynamic, the way we feel less the grid system and most building end up custom sized.
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Fallout Series. I fire up one of the games about once a week. Currently configuring (modding) Fallout 3 for a new playthrough with mods I've never tried before.
Disco Elysium!

It has a quality that makes it utterly unique and the depth of world building is insane. You never get to explore it physically, but it's an entire fleshed out world with it's own countries, politics, history and cultures. Started playing it again recently, so absorbing if you're prepared to give it your time. The music and background ambience complete its distinctiveness.
Disco Elysium!

It has a quality that makes it utterly unique and the depth of world building is insane. You never get to explore it physically, but it's an entire fleshed out world with it's own countries, politics, history and cultures. Started playing it again recently, so absorbing if you're prepared to give it your time. The music and background ambience complete its distinctiveness.

I also came here to say this.

I've been wanting to do a replay as a completely different character, but wanted to wait for it to fade from memory a bit, However, even after a couple of years many of the details are still pretty vibrant in my mind.

Also, it's the only game I've ever bought the soundtrack for. A track kicks in while on random play and I can see the scene.
Batman Arkham games by far #1. Tales that will be told long after I am gone and live forever hit different when you grew up watching them in cartoons and reading them in comic books. Looking to get a big Batman realistic tattoo half sleeve sometime in the future.

Fallout games for that post apocalyptic world feeling. I remember Fallout 3 being one of my favorite gaming experiences.

Battlefield games for the semi realistic but fun war genre games. Have hundreds of friends in these games over 20 years.

Overwatch for the hero shooter games. Crazy intense memories with friends for years.

These are games that I still play to this day no matter how long ago they were released.

There is more but this is a small list.
Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty. I still think about it, still listen to the OST and consider replaying. I would like to replay it but on a newer PC so I can use those graphic mods for photo realism. Trying to hold on the replay until then.
Hmm, the games that kind of defined me as a gamer,

Dune 2, got a megadrive for this one
Duke nukem 3D loved the action hero attitude also mp was fun with the weaponry like the trip mines etc..
Baldurs gate, my first western made RPG and on the pc nonetheless, great memories
World of warcraft, granted most people I palyed with when it launched have long gone, and the community does not feel as tight anymore, still holds me entertained and have some friends left.
Borderlands series, even though I think the first one is pretty meh, the rest are my jam.
The last game that left an impression on me?

Yeah, I'm not the most modern gamer. Probably 1 vs 100 on Xbox Live.
Cyberpunk 2077 and the Borderlands games except Tiny Tina's. Not that I didn't enjoy it, the story and end game content was just a bit too shallow for me.
most recent for me was alan wake 2. the atmosphere of that game was just incredible.

do know that this is a horribly biased opinion...i love everything remedy makes. they could push out a dog turd and i'd probably still tell you it's wonderful.
maybe...Bioshock 1...was a great example of story driven gameplay (character driven)...very cinematic
Hmm a tough one for me. Just going to go with the first few games that come to mind.

THQ/AKI wrestling games on N64. - So many hours spent playing with friends or playing solo. Haven't found a wrestling game I liked since and it is always the controls that kills the game for me.
Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2 - Ghoul damage model plus random NPC dialogue if you listened in. Multiplayer was great fun with same damage model and back in the day of player made skins and maps.
Original DOOM - My friend had it and the first time I saw it I was hooked. Bought a $3,200 "Zeos" Pentium 66 simply to play this game.
Fallout 3 - I had nothing to do one Saturday night when I was younger and single and found myself at Walmart looking for a game, came home with Fallout 3. Well, I played that game till probably 8-9am the following morning and couldn't put it down. Still my favorite Fallout game by far.
Skyrim - Amazing depth and graphics when it first came out.
WOW - just the sheer amount of content and thought that went into this game blew my mind.
I know there's more, but that's enough for now.
The last was Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Considering it is far longer than some complete games I think it counts as its own thing, despite being an expansion and not a stand alone game.

That said newer impressions always feel stronger, but only time will tell how lasting they are.

I can safely say that my most lasting impression is of DeusEx. Despite being 25 years old soon, I still think of it almost daily. Because it is still relevant. Not only for the gameplay innovations that many games try to copy to this day (and most fail). But the story also seems to align with real world events still from time to time. When the pandemic and lockdowns were in full swing, I couldn't help but think gray death.
None, I pretty much forget about them within a week of completing them
Games aren't yet at the level of say novels or films in terms of being memorable art
One game that gave me a lasting impression was Flight Unlimited in 1995.
It was the first flight sim that used real aerial imagery as ground textures, technically giving the game photo realistic graphics. It was extremely impressive for 1995.


Of course today even google earth has better "graphics"
None, I pretty much forget about them within a week of completing them
Games aren't yet at the level of say novels or films in terms of being memorable art
Still remember the ending of Mafia or of the Gabriel Knight saga. I imagine many that played Papers Please still remember putting their kids drawing on their workplace wall or not.

I think I still remember some Mortal Kombat move sequences (and for sure all character names), watching Dune 2 this weekend, remembered Dune 2 units from playing that game around 1993.

First Mario Bros, Wolf 3d avatar grin when he got a big gun, Gran Turismo, Finish him, Triforce-Ganon-Zelda theme, the Tetris music or game mechanic, I feel you would remember more about the game you played has a kid than you think. You do remember the Final Fantasy victory fanfare:

Unreal Tournament 2004

It was the last great game which brought so many things together. I was part of a great community that connected multiple times a week. I had multiple LAN parties with it which brought a ton of family members and friends together. Onslaught was a mechanic which constantly had a tug of war back and fourth between the cores and sometimes needed great planning to get right. It brought about so many hilarious moments like the time a tanker shot a truck up in the air while I flew right under it in a hovercraft, hiding behind structures causing interference, having multiple players on top of the hovercraft, etc. The game is so fast paced that I remember sweating just playing it. I've never found a game with such variance ever again. Yeah, Serious Sam 4 is fun as hell with baddies everywhere which amps up the excitement, but it still isn't something I can enjoy with others.

Bioshock and Infinite are also great favorites for bringing am ambience which made me feel like I was there. I love games like RDR2, Cyberpunk 2044, and the Horizon Zero Daw/Forbidden West for their open world and detail. But....I always think about the good old days with UT2k4.
Its a few years old now. But, I only recently played Outer Wilds (not to be confused with Outer Worlds).


Its a really fantastic video game, which emphasizes being a videogame. You are meant to explore, try things out. There isn't a bunch of hand holding or close guidance. However, the game also isn't too obtuse. Everything can be understood fairly easily. But, you have to go and find it. And in doing so, you find more than you bargained for!
Some things about the way the game plays, reminds me of good game experiences from ~2002. The core of the game also doesn't rely on a bunch of combat and violence. Its nice to be reminded there are more ideas out there than how can I make this gun work good. Its a gem and is really easy to run. Play it if you haven't.

Super Mario Wonder: Super Mario Bros. 2 is no longer the weirdest Mario game. Wonder allows a sort of new freedom to the developers, as it gets away from the Mushroom Kingdom. Its packed full of ideas and weirdness. Its fantastic, colorful, and weird.

Alan Wake 2 emphasizes some of the unique experiential possibilities of an interactive medium. Some of its ideas would still work in a movie. But, they are doubly effective in an interactive experience. Its trippy and often plays with your senses and expectations.
It does also have some combat. And while decent------I wish the game was actually married with Control. Gimme Alan Wake writing and scenarios, with Control combat, and you would have a hell of a game. Its still a very interesting experience worth playing.
Disco Elysium!

It has a quality that makes it utterly unique and the depth of world building is insane. You never get to explore it physically, but it's an entire fleshed out world with it's own countries, politics, history and cultures. Started playing it again recently, so absorbing if you're prepared to give it your time. The music and background ambience complete its distinctiveness.
Great choice. Disco looks and feels classic. But, under the hood, its a masterclass in game writing. Too bad the IP is now sunk in legal issues. Hopefully most of the team can re-form and make a spiritual successor.
The game that I always look back and wish I could experience again was the first Subnautica. Navigating that world was just incredible.
What a great choice. Subnautica is fantastic (with food and water survival resources disabled). I first played it in 2019 and loved it.
Idk about the "last". but the Zero Escape series is a mind fuck and a half. I studied STEM at a top tier school, and until it I bought the dogma of "settled science" in regards to biology, neurochemistry, etc. Didn't realize there's a whole world of research in consciousness and quantum physics that basically quantifies religious allegory.
All from a couple 3ds games I pirated on a lark...
Great choice. Disco looks and feels classic. But, under the hood, its a masterclass in game writing. Too bad the IP is now sunk in legal issues. Hopefully most of the team can re-form and make a spiritual successor.

What a great choice. Subnautica is fantastic (with food and water survival resources disabled). I first played it in 2019 and loved it.
DE is probably the best written game I've ever played. It felt to me like it was on the same level as a good novel.
Its a few years old now. But, I only recently played Outer Wilds (not to be confused with Outer Worlds).


Its a really fantastic video game, which emphasizes being a videogame. You are meant to explore, try things out. There isn't a bunch of hand holding or close guidance. However, the game also isn't too obtuse. Everything can be understood fairly easily. But, you have to go and find it. And in doing so, you find more than you bargained for!
Some things about the way the game plays, reminds me of good game experiences from ~2002. The core of the game also doesn't rely on a bunch of combat and violence. Its nice to be reminded there are more ideas out there than how can I make this gun work good. Its a gem and is really easy to run. Play it if you haven't.

Super Mario Wonder: Super Mario Bros. 2 is no longer the weirdest Mario game. Wonder allows a sort of new freedom to the developers, as it gets away from the Mushroom Kingdom. Its packed full of ideas and weirdness. Its fantastic, colorful, and weird.

Alan Wake 2 emphasizes some of the unique experiential possibilities of an interactive medium. Some of its ideas would still work in a movie. But, they are doubly effective in an interactive experience. Its trippy and often plays with your senses and expectations.
It does also have some combat. And while decent------I wish the game was actually married with Control. Gimme Alan Wake writing and scenarios, with Control combat, and you would have a hell of a game. Its still a very interesting experience worth playing.

There have been claims that "The Outer Wilds" is the best video game ever. "Skill Up" who is arguably the most notable game reviewer out there claims this also.

He named it 2019s GOTY and still claims it the best game ever made


"Named Game of the Year 2019 by Giant Bomb, Polygon, Eurogamer, and The Guardian,"

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None, I pretty much forget about them within a week of completing them
Games aren't yet at the level of say novels or films in terms of being memorable art

I disagree. Though games are becoming increasingly forgettable for me. I often have difficulty remembering what new games I played over the past year. It has to do with games just not being as good anymore and games becoming more bland. So many games are open world now, when most shouldn't, and they all have the same underdeveloped gameplay loops. Things like junk collecting. When 30-40% of your play time is menial tasks and side quests that put you to sleep it is easy for them to all blend together.

And then there is lame story writing, not wanting to make a truly new and interesting theme or make something not feel cheesy. This spills over to movies as well. Lets take a look at any space based game where ships are involved. Everything is essentially an unoriginal, bland Star Wars knock off. The whole concept is an odd thing. People own their own space ships, that somehow have weapons, and the galaxy/universe is run like the wild west with bank robbers, pirates, and random Joes flying their personally owned ships around. It isn't realistic. That is not how the future will look. It will be much more regulated. And the whole idea of being a pilot/trader/foot soldier/commerce/negotiator all in one is just odd. Why does every space game have to be the same boring Star Wars setting? Can't someone make a game with a good story, setting, lore, and make it based around actual space flight and combat, and not playing as a guy who hops in a ship for a few minutes as a mini game and and that otherwise plays the same style game that we play on Earth? Take Starfield as an example. Not a horrible game, but unoriginal and the space aspect is just tacked on at the last minute. It is clearly designed around walking around on foot, with ship mini games tossed in.