The Fallout New Vegas Thread * will contain spoilers *


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 3, 2007
Unlocked at Steam!

So, thoughts, opinions?

(Also, please use proper spoiler tags when posting.)
My first impression is;

It doesn't handle Eyefinity portrait mode worth a damn. Half the nested UI options are off screen when I'm running 3600x1200. I've tried the 4:3 / 5:4 mode, 16:9, 16:10, nada. The splash screens scale fine, but the subsequent menu options do not.

Gotta love the launch system telling me what resolutions are available to me and all of them are single monitor resolutions.

I guess I'll have to go trundle around .ini files to see if I can find a fix. Then go to bed. ;)
Yeah, wow, this is going to take some adjusting. Right now, after literally ten minutes of play, my only impression is that the world kind of doesn't feel post apocalyptic. I'm sure that as I advance that feeling will begin to grow - but honestly, I thought the first game pretty much nailed that.

Also, I'm a third person guy, and I thought that pulling out a weapon was going to send me into iron sights. That didn't happen.

I'm also seeing weird flashes on the screen. Not sure what that's about?
hm played for about 30mins and i like introduction of game and process of character creation a lot more than fo3.
i can't say much about game play yet but work in the morning zzzzz
Care to post up some screenies of that? All I've seen are console shots, and they don't entice me to buy the game.
I'm also seeing weird flashes on the screen. Not sure what that's about?

I was getting the same thing. They looked like little white circles. I was able to replicate them too. Not sure what that's about.
played 2 hours, first impressions:

Feels right at home if you are familiar with FO3
NPCs look much better in conversations
Walking/Running animations are funny. Fortunately, I play 1st person view, so it doesn't bother me much
Iron Sights FTW
There's a lot more "stuff"
There's a lot of old "stuff" also
No crashes or glitches or anything for me.
I shot dynamite out of someone hand and it blew them up... awesome!

Bed for a couple hours I think...
I'm a third person guy so I've spent the past two hours trying to build a beautiful female. Okay, so I'm shallow. I want my female character to look good since I'm going to be spending so much time with her - okay, now I'm freaking myself out.
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I woke up at 3AM (CST) to play and had no problems getting in. I left the PC running so I assume it decrypted by itself as there was no time spent unlocking the preloaded content. I figured giving it an extra hour after the unlock wouldn't hurt anything and seems I was right.

I enjoyed the start to the game so far and have done the little side quest with the chick from the bar with the water wells - saved some settler there at the end of that quest which garnered me some cred in goodsprings. Now I am exploring the town and fixed the radio in the bar and found out about the guy in the gas station. Think I am going to help him asthe gunfight sounds cool. I already shot him in the face and looted him - nothing special except a nice 9mm handgun that looks just like my real Browning Hi-Power. I reloaded after looting him and that is where I left off. Looking to play more when I get home from work. I did see the New Vegas strip from the graveyard on the hill at night and man it looks cool off in the distance.
The review at Ars bitches about long load times. Is this a console problem? How are the Steam versions working in this regard?

Any duo vs. quad comparisons regarding load/gameplay would be appreciated as well.
Playing in hardcore mode and I highly recommend it. There are plenty of vendors selling water, prickly pear fruits to harvest for water, animals to kill and grill for food, places to sleep etc., but it really makes this feel more in depth as an rpg. Also, Caravan rocks for making lots of caps once you figure it out -- really helping me stay alive as I need to buy up all the stims/ammo/water/doctor's bags I find.

Give hardcore a shot -- I think some of you might like it.
Playing in hardcore mode and I highly recommend it. There are plenty of vendors selling water, prickly pear fruits to harvest for water, animals to kill and grill for food, places to sleep etc., but it really makes this feel more in depth as an rpg. Also, Caravan rocks for making lots of caps once you figure it out -- really helping me stay alive as I need to buy up all the stims/ammo/water/doctor's bags I find.

Give hardcore a shot -- I think some of you might like it.

I'll be on it (hardcore mode). Is the survival skill important? or just something to put up partways?
What are the main features of hardcore? I take it you suffer from radiation a lot worse and take more damage, is there anything more unique or is it just a stat modifier?
I'll be on it (hardcore mode). Is the survival skill important? or just something to put up partways?

I dumped some points in it early, but am now regretting it. I feel like those points would have been better spent elsewhere (for me specifically, guns or speech). Crafting helps early on, but once you get a good credit base and have explored several towns there are plenty of merchants selling better items.
What are the main features of hardcore? I take it you suffer from radiation a lot worse and take more damage, is there anything more unique or is it just a stat modifier?

You need water, food, and sleep. Ammo has weight. You cannot heal limbs with stims (require doctor's bag or visiting the doctor). Those are the main highlights. Requiring food/water/sleep really changes things up compared to the way I played Fallout 3.

edit: Also stims heal over time.
Ah that sounds interesting, what about quick travel and things like that, has that been removed?

I might give that a go, I'll be ages completing fallout 3 though, have to restart :/
Everything sounds great so far. Can't wait to play it later today! :)
You need water, food, and sleep. Ammo has weight. You cannot heal limbs with stims (require doctor's bag or visiting the doctor). Those are the main highlights. Requiring food/water/sleep really changes things up compared to the way I played Fallout 3.

edit: Also stims heal over time.

that sounds good, reminds me of what I enjoyed about Stalker and Stalker mods. Is the world still all greenish yellow looking? I wonder if Fellout would work for this.
that sounds good, reminds me of what I enjoyed about Stalker and Stalker mods. Is the world still all greenish yellow looking? I wonder if Fellout would work for this.

I'm betting mods like that get "ported" over pretty fast.
I figure everything is more red and orange, but I have to wait until after work and the kids go to bed before I find out.
Fast travel still works in hardcore mode.
I read somewhere that there is a perk that lets you fast travel while encumbered. Win!

Anyways. the [H]ardcore mode sounds cool but what's the benefit? I'll probably still play it anyways but it would of been nice if there was a change to the game other than just being more difficult.
I read somewhere that there is a perk that lets you fast travel while encumbered. Win!

Anyways. the [H]ardcore mode sounds cool but what's the benefit? I'll probably still play it anyways but it would of been nice if there was a change to the game other than just being more difficult.

Probably nothing except that it prevents boredom you might get after too much running around shooting without variety. You feel like a survivor in a wasteland. Role play satisfaction, etc...

Wabe, did you use this? You're not a true RPG player if you didn't :p
I don't mind the water/food thing but the needing sleep thing just annoys me. I don't want to sit and watch a timer countdown and at the same time if there wasn't a timer there really wouldn't be a point it making the character sleep. So I could just do without that on HC.
Anyone figured out how to play caravan yet - I tried with the guy in the gas station for like 5 minutes but I could never do anything but discard...have to check this out more later.
Thinking about going for a melee character. How does that hold out? Weak compared to guns? is shooting decent with low gun skill?
Probably nothing except that it prevents boredom you might get after too much running around shooting without variety. You feel like a survivor in a wasteland. Role play satisfaction, etc...

Wabe, did you use this? You're not a true RPG player if you didn't :p

Yup. If you aren't using Gothic, excuse me, hardcore difficulty you aren't playing an RPG.

Anyone figured out how to play caravan yet - I tried with the guy in the gas station for like 5 minutes but I could never do anything but discard...have to check this out more later.

Yeah -- that got me the first time too. Your first 3 turns you have to put down the base cards for your 3 stacks. I recommend using your highest and lowest cards here. Your stacks are against the opposite opponent stacks. When you are putting down the next cards (recommend one close to the value of your base card, lower if you started w/ a high card, higher if you started w/ a low card), make sure to push down a bit if you are playing with a controller. The card spots are tiered and almost stair stepped, and when you push down a bit on the stick it will click into place and turn green. That is to say you play your next card in the slot below the base card, not on top of it (where a face card is played). As far as face cards go -- Kings double the value, Queens reverse order, Jacks remove cards. You can place face cards on your opponents cards to screw up their stacks as well.

Thinking about going for a melee character. How does that hold out? Weak compared to guns? is shooting decent with low gun skill?

They were pretty powerful later in the game in FO3 (when you can tank), I would assume that holds true here too.
Thinking about going for a melee character. How does that hold out? Weak compared to guns? is shooting decent with low gun skill?

You could totally do this in Fallout 3, I started a game of that with a friend a while back during a LAN party, we named our character "The Russian" after the large Russian bad guy from Painkiller the movie, the large dude with a red and white striped t-shirt.

We put strength and endurance at max, and intelligence and charisma at 1 and went around shouting stuff like, "I'm the Russian, Huuuurrr" *PUNCH*, and things like "BOOLETS DON'T HURT DE RUSSIAN" and just charging in punching everyone to death.

I actually ran into megaton straight from the vault, became enraged at the sherrifs tone and started a fight with him, ended up just killing the whole town with my fists, had to shoot guys on the battlements above the gate. Didn't get too far with that character, got bored but definitely a viable play style right from the get go, I ran straight from megaton into a band of 3-4 guys in power armour and with miniguns/laser rifles and killed them all no problem, so after 30 mins in game already had powerful armour and large minigun :D
Here's the PC Gamer review - wow, is it ever brief.

And here's there hardcore survival guide. They're not recommending hardcore mode for first timers - and we're all first timers right now, though I suspect that within a matter of hours people will be claiming to have 'beaten' the game.

I'm going to pass on this. It just doesn't sound appealing. Your companions will die unless you instruct them not to enter into battle with you, so what's the point? The difficulty also remains the same, so it seems to me that Obsidian is only slapping on extra layers of frustration. I like to take things nice and slow, so having to eat and drink is a pain for me. I hated that in the Stalker games.

Still, this is the type of game that will stay on my hard drive for years, so likely, one day, I will try it out. Just not today.

Apart from that, I'm worried about my character. I gimped her Charisma down to 1 so that I could pump up my strength skill, and the skill that's associated with guns. Guns are such a huge part of Fallout that you'd be crazy not to max out that skill set. I also like switching to melée weapons every now and then - but maybe I should have just left that for a second playthrough.

Difficult decisions.
"I'm a third person guy so I've spent the past two hours trying to build a beautiful female. Okay, so I'm shallow. I want my female character to look good since I'm going to be spending so much time with her - okay, now I'm freaking myself out."

It's not freaky until you start dragging & dropping clothing from her ... one handed.
I'm going to pass on this. It just doesn't sound appealing. Your companions will die unless you instruct them not to enter into battle with you, so what's the point?

You realize it was the same in Fallout 1 and 2, right? Despite retarded AI, it made you care about them a lot more since they weren't just invulnerable bullet sponges.