The Evil Within

why are all Bethesda games $59.99 out of the gate?...I can understand the Elder Scrolls games at that price but c'mon Evil Within should be $39.99 or max $49.99
why are all Bethesda games $59.99 out of the gate?...I can understand the Elder Scrolls games at that price but c'mon Evil Within should be $39.99 or max $49.99
The may have not gotten the memo that charging the same for a PC game as a console game doesn't fly anymore. They did get away with it for a few years during the last console generation...
It is OpenGL 3.2 ~Dx 9

There are plenty of issues currently with OpenGL if you try to go for a higher version. There was a blog post this year detailing the sorry state of OpenGL in general talking about Vendor A, B and C (Nvidia, AMD, Intel) and a big part of it was how anything above 3.2 was prone to just not working unless you attempted specific workarounds for each one that even then wouldn't guarantee stability nor performance (and could even be broken from driver to driver).

That blog post had nothing to do with OpenGL on Windows - which this game uses - or different OpenGL versions being "problematic". That's a different topic altogether. It was about Valve trying to improve OpenGL support in SteamOS (moreover, Linux) by getting AMD and Intel to improve their linux drivers, while Nvidia had the best support of the three.
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So the game is going to be capped on PC at 30 FPS? Hopefully we can mod that out or I wont be getting it.

Pretty pissed off about that.
So the game is going to be capped on PC at 30 FPS? Hopefully we can mod that out or I wont be getting it.

Pretty pissed off about that.

That would be stupid. I'm fine with a 60FPS cap (I know others aren't,) but 60 looks good to me in most games. The Tech 5 engine games I've played so far are capped at 60. It would be odd in my mind if these guys chopped that in half. Not saying they wouldn't, but it would be added effort to make it not as cool.
why are all Bethesda games $59.99 out of the gate?...I can understand the Elder Scrolls games at that price but c'mon Evil Within should be $39.99 or max $49.99

Nearly every AAA game is $59.99 these days, isn't it?

This is one of the very few I'll buy at full price. Most games I just wait about a year or two and then pick them up during Steam sale for $5. If you can't wait that long, I'm sure it will be cheaper during the Winter sale.
Nearly every AAA game is $59.99 these days, isn't it?

This is one of the very few I'll buy at full price. Most games I just wait about a year or two and then pick them up during Steam sale for $5. If you can't wait that long, I'm sure it will be cheaper during the Winter sale.

in the past moreso but nowadays PC release prices have gone down...Alien Isolation was $49.99...I always buy games I'm really interested in on Day 1 regardless of price but over the past year AMD/Nvidia have bundled free games with their video cards so I was able to snag really great deals on AAA titles from people selling the game codes on forums like [H] (Bioshock Infinite, AC: Black Flag etc)
So the game is going to be capped on PC at 30 FPS? Hopefully we can mod that out or I wont be getting it.

Pretty pissed off about that.

Has this actually been confirmed yet?
Bethesda is dancing around the question on twitter, it's not looking good considering....
Has this actually been confirmed yet?
Bethesda is dancing around the question on twitter, it's not looking good considering....

Some guy supposedly in the know on GAF confirmed that the game is in fact capped at 30fps on PC. If we cant mod that out then i'm not going to get it. 30FPS is terrible and I cant deal with it.
Some guy supposedly in the know on GAF confirmed that the game is in fact capped at 30fps on PC. If we cant mod that out then i'm not going to get it. 30FPS is terrible and I cant deal with it.

Wow, why would they do this? I thought the id Tech engine was designed expressly for pumping out higher frame rates with high res textures.

Is locking 30fps a common thing for Japanese developers porting to PC?
Supposedly, the developer heavily modified the engine to output at 30 fps in order to get better lighting effects and that ID tech 5 engine ties frame rate to speed of the game.
Supposedly, the developer heavily modified the engine to output at 30 fps in order to get better lighting effects and that ID tech 5 engine ties frame rate to speed of the game.
Wont be playing that until I get a gsync monitor then...
I was pretty interested in this until there was talk about a 30fps cap. I'm out if that can't be changed, too much hassle for no real pay off (I'm not hungering to play).
I was pretty interested in this until there was talk about a 30fps cap. I'm out if that can't be changed, too much hassle for no real pay off (I'm not hungering to play).

Looking like a $30 purchase. $1 for every fps. :)
Another polished turd like the Alien game. This genre needs some help.
I was considering getting it as well until I heard the 30fps thing. Now I will also wait and see if it can be fixed before picking this up. Lame...
Cause Alien: Isolation is quite a good game and runs fine for most people.

The game runs fine but it's unbelievably boring and tedious combined with a bulldozer god Alien. Cumbersome gameplay mechanics at best.

Let me see what you think of it when the honeymoon phase with the atmosphere and production values wears off.

I wouldn't try to defend AC:M. I definitely agree with you there.
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Honestly at this point, i wouldn't touch a preorder of The Evil Within with a 10 mile pole.

We shall see what do the tech websites report once it is released, because the PR clusterfucks and the fact that it comes from iDTech5 modified by a japanese team makes it not safe at all IMHO...

Can I run it on a card with less than 4 gigs of VRAM?

Yes. Please refer to the minimum requirements above. You won’t be experiencing the game at 1080p and you’ll likely need to turn off some features, but you will still be able to have a great experience with the game.

So.... wow...
A response by Bethesda on PC frame rate,

What's the status on the game's framerate and aspect ratio?

Shinji Mikami and the team at Tango designed The Evil Within to be played at 30fps and to utilize an aspect ratio of 2.35:1 for all platforms. The team has worked the last four years perfecting the game experience with these settings in mind. For PC players, we&#8217;ll provide debug commands on how you can alter the framerate and aspect ratio, but these commands and changes are not recommended or supported and we suggest everyone play the game as it was designed and intended for the best experience.

More info at

Seems like we should be able to lift the cap to 60 and remove the black bars.
Like 95% of players (maybe even more) won't have the amount of VRAM this game wants and I'm deeply afraid of them supposedly designing it to be 1920x1080/30 with letterboxing.
No way am I buying this without at least a few real reviews hitting the streets first.
Everything about it is a giant red flag, which is sad because it looks really cool, IMO.

Can I run it on a card with less than 4 gigs of VRAM?

Yes. Please refer to the minimum requirements above. You won&#8217;t be experiencing the game at 1080p and you&#8217;ll likely need to turn off some features, but you will still be able to have a great experience with the game.

So.... wow...

I wouldn't be so sure yet - this German guy is running the game at 1440p on PC and it looks great except for the letterboxing: (seems creepy as hell, especially that brain autopsy puzzle)

No idea about his rig, but not too many cards have 4GB VRAM.
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Wow - glad I completely missed all the hype on this game. Guess I'll continue to ignore it 'till the user reviews are out. At this point I'm completely ok with waiting 'till it hits the $10 sale price.
the game didn't really impress me all that much from the start so this latest news about 30 fps cap etc has just confirmed my hunch that the game won't be anything special...a fun, gory Halloween game sure but not worth $60
The 4gb VRAM is idiotic, however the frame rate and black bars could be for artistic reasons.

If you wanted to make a horror game feel like a horror movie, than sure locking it at movie/tv like frame rates, applying black bars to lock an aspect ratio, throwing a grainy filter on it, twisting the colors, are all completely valid artistic and design choices.

Those aren't uncommon things to do, nor is locking things to 60fps for say Street Fighter because of how the frames work to enable certain combos.

Keep in mind that the game is coming from a Japanese developer. The Japanese really don't do PC centric gaming outside of cartoon dating simulators, console is where the hardcore are there. Not only that, but they don't really give a crap about benchmarks and how many frames you can throw a second. When it comes to games like this they care much more about artistic direction, atmosphere, immersion, mood, and gameplay. There's a huge value placed on playing the game and being taken on the story ride the artist wanted you to be on, to see the vision exactly as it was intended.

It's a cultural difference really. The idea of hardcore gaming on a PC and tweaking everything would get just as bad a reaction there as people here are having over frame locks and black bars. They'd wonder what the hell was wrong with you and why you wanted to game on a PC, just to ruin the artists vision.

Give it a chance, hell the Demons Souls franchise had all sorts of locks and cultural quirks, it's Japanese as hell and people here seem to like that. It's not as if someone can't change these things down the line.

This just seems like Japan being Japan, rather than someone deliberately trying to screw people over.
The 4gb VRAM is idiotic, however the frame rate and black bars could be for artistic reasons.

If you wanted to make a horror game feel like a horror movie, than sure locking it at movie/tv like frame rates, applying black bars to lock an aspect ratio, throwing a grainy filter on it, twisting the colors, are all completely valid artistic and design choices.

Those aren't uncommon things to do, nor is locking things to 60fps for say Street Fighter because of how the frames work to enable certain combos.

Keep in mind that the game is coming from a Japanese developer. The Japanese really don't do PC centric gaming outside of cartoon dating simulators, console is where the hardcore are there. Not only that, but they don't really give a crap about benchmarks and how many frames you can throw a second. When it comes to games like this they care much more about artistic direction, atmosphere, immersion, mood, and gameplay. There's a huge value placed on playing the game and being taken on the story ride the artist wanted you to be on, to see the vision exactly as it was intended.

It's a cultural difference really. The idea of hardcore gaming on a PC and tweaking everything would get just as bad a reaction there as people here are having over frame locks and black bars. They'd wonder what the hell was wrong with you and why you wanted to game on a PC, just to ruin the artists vision.

Give it a chance, hell the Demons Souls franchise had all sorts of locks and cultural quirks, it's Japanese as hell and people here seem to like that. It's not as if someone can't change these things down the line.

This just seems like Japan being Japan, rather than someone deliberately trying to screw people over.

Yeah, don't know much about how these things work, but I suppose it's possible they created some special particle effect that just looked weird at 60fps or something.

After watching the gameplay videos, it still seems very strange why they would want black bars on top and bottom. Even if 21:9 displays are more common in Japan, if you connect your PS4 to one of these bad boys, would it even use all of the screen? I'm sure it would look blown up and ugly as hell since the console can barely render 1080p at 30fps.

Maybe they added black bars to reduce the total number of pixels rendering per frame?
black bars are fine for me...Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed etc all had it and you don't even notice it (16:10 monitor)...there's other issues with the gameplay, graphics and pricing that are most likely making this a Steam sale game for me
black bars are fine for me...Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed etc all had it and you don't even notice it (16:10 monitor)...there's other issues with the gameplay, graphics and pricing that are most likely making this a Steam sale game for me
You are going to have huge black bars running 21:9 on a 16:10 screen.
You are going to have huge black bars running 21:9 on a 16:10 screen.

that might be an issue then :D ...usually the black bars are barely there in the games I've played which makes it pretty much unnoticeable...if takes up too much screen real estate then it'll definitely be annoying
Yeah, don't know much about how these things work, but I suppose it's possible they created some special particle effect that just looked weird at 60fps or something.

After watching the gameplay videos, it still seems very strange why they would want black bars on top and bottom. Even if 21:9 displays are more common in Japan, if you connect your PS4 to one of these bad boys, would it even use all of the screen? I'm sure it would look blown up and ugly as hell since the console can barely render 1080p at 30fps.

Maybe they added black bars to reduce the total number of pixels rendering per frame?

It ain't about the display they have at all dude, it's about the aspect ratio the artist wants ;)

Loads of Japanese games take portions of the screen estate out because they want a narrow vert and wide horizontal playing field or aspect ration... some times they reverse it. It's a choice done either for artistic vision or because they want a set playing field. This has been common since arcade days there.

For shooter games like say Ikaruga, bitching about this is a sign you're bad at games because the entire point of constraining the field is to make the game play a certain way, artificially enforcing tight corridor gameplay. For artistic reasons it means you lack the taste to truly appreciate the artists vision and thus shouldn't be playing atmospheric games.

It seems odd to people who don't play a lot of those games, just as people thought Demons/Dark Souls were hard rather than typical, but it's a very different audience there and they want different things.

You're free not to like it, but this is much more Japan doing their own thing the way they like it rather than conspiring to screw over resolution and frame rate chasers... they don't care about that at all and wouldn't even think to give a rats ass. Ultimately if the game draws you in, you won't notice these things and will either be sucked into the experience, or frantically trying to dodge shit in a constrained space you forget about it.
It ain't about the display they have at all dude, it's about the aspect ratio the artist wants ;)

Loads of Japanese games take portions of the screen estate out because they want a narrow vert and wide horizontal playing field or aspect ration... some times they reverse it. It's a choice done either for artistic vision or because they want a set playing field. This has been common since arcade days there.

For shooter games like say Ikaruga, bitching about this is a sign you're bad at games because the entire point of constraining the field is to make the game play a certain way, artificially enforcing tight corridor gameplay. For artistic reasons it means you lack the taste to truly appreciate the artists vision and thus shouldn't be playing atmospheric games.

It seems odd to people who don't play a lot of those games, just as people thought Demons/Dark Souls were hard rather than typical, but it's a very different audience there and they want different things.

You're free not to like it, but this is much more Japan doing their own thing the way they like it rather than conspiring to screw over resolution and frame rate chasers... they don't care about that at all and wouldn't even think to give a rats ass. Ultimately if the game draws you in, you won't notice these things and will either be sucked into the experience, or frantically trying to dodge shit in a constrained space you forget about it.

Ah, I see what you mean. You must admit, however, the letterboxing has got to have a massive effect on improving performance because there is simply a hell of a lot less to be rendered.

I'm not familiar at all with Japanese games or consoles, but I lived in Japan for a while and 16:9 TVs were a standard there many years before they were adopted in the US. Very few Japanese owned 4:3 sets at a time when most Americans were still using them for watching TV and console games.

However, perhaps even the trend you describe with letterboxing in older Japanese games had less to do with 16:9 displays and more to do with a shortcut to make games playable on weak consoles without optimizing too much.
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But yeah this rather unique and very 'special' game won't be special. You hunched it based on false information.

It isn't false information. Even the devs stated they would provide a way to get 60fps but isn't recommended and may cause issues.

I don't care what anyone says about 30fps for games being a 'cinemaatic' choice. 30FPS is terrible for gaming, especially using a mouse. I don't want my games to be at 24 fps like my movies -- that are a passive experience unlike gaming.

Of course I think most people see right through this 30FPS cinematic bullshit for what it really is.:rolleyes:
Why is it idiotic? If people can take advantage of it and use it.. I see no problems. Turn down your settings if you can't handle high res textures.
lol looking at videos I would say this game has no real high res textures. Hopefully it will have a VT Compress setting like Wolfenstein did to enable so you dont have to eat your vram up while still getting ass ugly textures.
LA Noire ran at 30 fps and was fine. With that said, I don't trust the ID Tech engine at all as I've had texture pop in within all of those games.