The Evil Within

Nice! I actually put it aside for a bit to play some other games, and work on a few projects. Good to know there have been improvements for when I pick it back up.
I'm using a pad and I think it's pretty smooth now. Before it was borderline unplayable. It's still not quite right, but it's at least a good experience.
I'm using a pad and I think it's pretty smooth now. Before it was borderline unplayable. It's still not quite right, but it's at least a good experience.
60 or 30 FPS?

I'm also playing with a pad. I'm currently playing through Stick of Truth, wondering if I should set Evil Within back to 60 FPS when I get back to it. I'd be interested in checking out the opening area (outside the asylum) but I'm not sure if my save will get killed; that area was rough at 60 FPS regardless of graphical settings.
Running this game in 60fps makes my computer's fans ramp up like crazy, even with all the graphical options set to low. This is one fucked up port.
So, I discovered a way to smooth things out for this game. I was hunting for a borderless windowed setting (since it was smoother in a window) and found this program which not only solves the issue with this game, but just about every other one, too.

After giving this program a go, the game now runs rather smooth. No more weird hitching when looking around and no more unusual stutter points. The program works for a few other games that had issues in fullscreen vs. windowed (like Crysis 1) as well.
So, I discovered a way to smooth things out for this game. I was hunting for a borderless windowed setting (since it was smoother in a window) and found this program which not only solves the issue with this game, but just about every other one, too.

After giving this program a go, the game now runs rather smooth. No more weird hitching when looking around and no more unusual stutter points. The program works for a few other games that had issues in fullscreen vs. windowed (like Crysis 1) as well.
It runs exactly the same for me in windowed as it does in fullscreen with no change in the hitching.
I can only assume your issues are different than mine. Their recent patch improved things a lot (90% fixed) and this seemed to finally get things to perfect...or at least damn close.
I've had similar issues with other games in fullscreen vs. windowed but most of them had command line or option menu ways to toggle it. This is the first recent game I can think of that didn't have that option anywhere.
Kind of funny - after trying to play at 30fps, I just couldn't take it. It just feels too "slow" and even just graphically not as good even though it's the same speed and the visuals are the same.
I can only assume your issues are different than mine. Their recent patch improved things a lot (90% fixed) and this seemed to finally get things to perfect...or at least damn close.
I've had similar issues with other games in fullscreen vs. windowed but most of them had command line or option menu ways to toggle it. This is the first recent game I can think of that didn't have that option anywhere.
Kind of funny - after trying to play at 30fps, I just couldn't take it. It just feels too "slow" and even just graphically not as good even though it's the same speed and the visuals are the same.
The recent patch helped the framerates quite a bit and I can stay well above 60 fps everywhere now but it changed nothing about how stuttery it still looks at 60 or the hitching. The only way it looks remotely smooth is if I go completely unlocked and lower the res to where it stays well over 100 fps. I have never seen any game act like this before.
I've been playing this on the PS4. It's pretty brutal. Very different from most games I play, but slowly getting the hang of it. Now that PSN is back up, I can use the codes that came with the game.
I cannot wait for the DLC content for this game to be released. I really enjoyed the story.
I got 9 hours into this and uninstalled it. Tried so hard to like the game, but just couldn't.
Is anyone excited about the DLC tomorrow. I know alot of people thought the game sucked, but I really liked this game and the story and look forward to getting a different look at the storyline.
Is anyone excited about the DLC tomorrow. I know alot of people thought the game sucked, but I really liked this game and the story and look forward to getting a different look at the storyline.

The game got decent reviews and I really enjoyed it. Being a PC player we haven't had many AAA survival horror games aside from the Dead Space series. If it gets good reviews I'll pick up the dlc. On a side note, Resident Evil Revelations 2 is actually good, although it's not AAA.
I want to get this game...liked the demo a lot but didn't like the $60 price tag...price has gone down a lot over the past few months but I still haven't bit...are all the performance issues ironed out as far as 60 fps, full screen etc?
I want to get this game...liked the demo a lot but didn't like the $60 price tag...price has gone down a lot over the past few months but I still haven't bit...are all the performance issues ironed out as far as 60 fps, full screen etc?

I played it again recently (month ago) and the performance issues were pretty much gone. You can remove the black bars,etc. I still used a 3rd party program for the FOV and that helps a lot. The game is much smoother now. The menus are still shit with a mouse but in-game is fine.

I just wish the game wasn't so bad. Something about it, maybe the Asian quirkiness or story, not sure just comes off as cheap and cringe worthy. The sections where you team up with your partner, middle portion of the game, are particularly cringe inducing.

If this DLC is somewhat standalone to rest of the game I might try again to get into it, as I love the atmosphere and horror elements, but the story and voice acting are so awful.
I want to get this game...liked the demo a lot but didn't like the $60 price tag...price has gone down a lot over the past few months but I still haven't bit...are all the performance issues ironed out as far as 60 fps, full screen etc?
it can still feel choppy when panning around at 60 frames per second. I found that I need to have afterburner disabled and then it's much smoother. and then turning on black bars and then turning them right back off seems to get rid of all the stutter or you can just play it with black bars and you should not get any stutter. it's not a question of performance on my end as even with the black bars off I am NOT pushing my GPU to the fullest anyway but it is a very demanding game.
With mine, I have to have everything up and running (afterburner overclock, borderless fullscreen, etc.) before I launch the game or it's messy and as choppy as launch. The game is temperamental performance-wise and I'm not sure why. It looks good, but there are definitely better looking games out there that run much better.
I've had a hard time getting into it. It's compelling for a few minutes and then I lose interest. I loved RE4 and Outlast, but this one isn't grabbing me in the same way.
I want to get this game...liked the demo a lot but didn't like the $60 price tag...price has gone down a lot over the past few months but I still haven't bit...are all the performance issues ironed out as far as 60 fps, full screen etc?

Not full screen.
Still some struggles with framerate, but honestly this game is a creepy, slow moving game that FPS don't really matter.
The game plays smooth natively in my opinion.
It's a good game, but I thought it was very difficult. To be honest, I had to cheat it and dial in extra ammo or I would have simply stopped playing......and it was still hard.:eek:
IMO, the slower paced a game is, the more performance issues show themselves. In a quicker game I don't really noticed FPS drops as I'm busy driving, running, shooting, etc.
This one shows its issues very clearly because it's slow enough where you can't miss the weird stutter and performance spikes.
It's a good game, but I thought it was very difficult. To be honest, I had to cheat it and dial in extra ammo or I would have simply stopped playing......and it was still hard.:eek:
There were a few frustrating boss fights but it was just a matter of trial and error to beat them. I did rage quit a few times but never gave up. :) I would have preferred less shooting and more stealth.
Where the hell is the difficultly setting in the DLC? I just want to play on "causal" but when I go to save the first time it saves as "survival" and i see nothing in the options.
Where the hell is the difficultly setting in the DLC? I just want to play on "causal" but when I go to save the first time it saves as "survival" and i see nothing in the options.

i finished chapter 1 and i can tell you that difficulty option is pointless ( at least for chapter 1)
There were a few frustrating boss fights but it was just a matter of trial and error to beat them. I did rage quit a few times but never gave up. :) I would have preferred less shooting and more stealth.

I have only played chapter 1 of the DLC and it seems like it was all about stealth and being avoided. Not sure if that is the direction they are going with this DLC or it will open up with more shooting and killing.
how is the new DLC- The Assignment??...anyone finish it?...I definitely plan on picking this game up soon
I have only played chapter 1 of the DLC and it seems like it was all about stealth and being avoided. Not sure if that is the direction they are going with this DLC or it will open up with more shooting and killing.
That's what I've been seeing from other players which is good. The main game was just a bit too action oriented for me but was still awesome.
how is the new DLC- The Assignment??...anyone finish it?...I definitely plan on picking this game up soon

yeah, im very interested in too but i saw this: "The expansion is called "The Assignment," and it represents the first in a two-part story that will be followed by "The Consequence" sometime this spring." now i dont know if i get this now or wait to get both.
yeah, im very interested in too but i saw this: "The expansion is called "The Assignment," and it represents the first in a two-part story that will be followed by "The Consequence" sometime this spring." now i dont know if i get this now or wait to get both.

yeah this is becoming a trend...multiple part DLC...Bioshock Infinite did it, Assassins Creed 3,'s probably better to wait for all the parts to be released but I haven't purchased the base game yet so if a good deal on the game comes up I'll bite (under $20)...I think Part 2 will probably be out in May, so not too long of a wait
oh wait, who am i kidding, after i finish my second run on far cry 4 i'll be getting it, imagine if i can resist, duh
yeah this is becoming a trend...multiple part DLC...Bioshock Infinite did it, Assassins Creed 3,'s probably better to wait for all the parts to be released but I haven't purchased the base game yet so if a good deal on the game comes up I'll bite (under $20)...I think Part 2 will probably be out in May, so not too long of a wait

lol we posted at the same time. but they're supposedly non-related different stories on this case
lol we posted at the same time. but they're supposedly non-related different stories on this case

it's a 2-part DLC so I think they're related to each other...might be different cases but they'll probably connect together since you're playing the same Juli Kidman character
it's a 2-part DLC so I think they're related to each other...might be different cases but they'll probably connect together since you're playing the same Juli Kidman character

i saw that on the second part you play as the executioner! :eek:
it's a 2-part DLC so I think they're related to each other...might be different cases but they'll probably connect together since you're playing the same Juli Kidman character

oh, you're right, is a two-part Juli Kidman then the executioner, sorry. guess i'll wait too then ;)
it's a 2-part DLC so I think they're related to each other...might be different cases but they'll probably connect together since you're playing the same Juli Kidman character

finished dlc, yes they are connected...
can't wait for next one

p.s can't see shit in kurayami mode (unlocks after beating it)
The Consequence, part two of The Evil Within's Juli Kidman DLC, comes out on April 21st

"If you've already completed part one of Juli Kidman's adventure and are dying to know what happens next," Bethesda teased, "we're happy to inform you won't have to wait long to see her story through."...

gameplay teaser...