The Altcoin Thread

Yeah, is your pool still up? I might point 1 rig to CASH... are you also doing DOGE?

They're all still up yes. They're not going anywhere barring any disasters.

No, I'm not doing doge at this time. There's far too many other pools out there, and frankly I can't compete with the likes of pools like fast-pool and dogehouse which have pool hashrates of 15GH/s+.
oh my doge! So glad i held,going to hold for longer until its worth a stupid amount.
oh my doge! So glad i held,going to hold for longer until its worth a stupid amount.

I only left have maybe 15,000 doge to my name, mined it a while ago. I'm only half tongue-in-cheek joking when I said I'm not selling until it's over 9000. :p
Here's a sign of the times...

Coinwarz took MtGox off their exchange rate ticker completely.
I only left have maybe 15,000 doge to my name, mined it a while ago. I'm only half tongue-in-cheek joking when I said I'm not selling until it's over 9000. :p
I have 1.7 million doge so im sitting pretty good right now. Alfready made my ROI and them some. now its all profit minus power cost.

Here's a sign of the times...

Coinwarz took MtGox off their exchange rate ticker completely.

Good,hopefully they can go away for good and stop manipulating the btc market and screwing over everyone.
Good,hopefully they can go away for good and stop manipulating the btc market and screwing over everyone.

Agreed. They were the first to really establish exchange traded BTC and the go-to for pricing, but have long since fell off the wagon with their liquidity issues. You're far better averaging the pricing of BTC-e, Bitstamp, and Coinbase to figure out the value of bitcoins. I, for one, will be glad if they cease to exist.
Gox was the first to alert everyone of the transaction malleability problem, the very same exploit that ALL exchanges are being attacked with. But as always the clueless bandwagon sheep and those with an agenda have to open their mouths to bleet :D
I do have to thank everyone's collective panic selling and aimless flip flopping from every flavor of the week coin. It's like catching fish in a barrel with a fishing net and the fish have learned to barbecue themselves :)

I'd forgotten how much fun it was to play in these waters, glad to be back.

P.S: A small tip. You do not want to be caught holding double spent coins that will go poof in the next few hours ;)
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In case it has not been mentioned bitstamp also suspended withdrawals

This is a serious problem. I would think all alt-coins are also affected by it.

Basically there is no way to guarantee a transaction id because it is not encoded and can be forged.
so i sent a few coins towards and i think i got hosed.. :-/

No coins have shown up
first email was bounced back
second email was not responded too.
Man its hard to decide which coin to mine, I kind of want to mine DOGE until the halving but also wanna get in on some CASH... decisions decisions, splitting up my rigs might be an option...

I just use, they have the massive hashing power to get all the block rewards and generate good profitability. I've been getting about .015 BTC per 1mh the last couple days. Normal is .010 per mh, but it seems to be higher more often the last few weeks since they tipped over 20 gh.
All you need is 4Gb but i'm using 8gb sticks anyway since they're $7 each. Working on converting them all to linux and going to build my own monitoring software.

I paid $15 each. Oh well - just more profits to write off in the future. :p

I also plan to have my miners dual boot Windows and Linux. Just for those releases where one or the other operating system isn't supported... so I can always mine early on.
Btw modified bios for 290x/290s are up Going to try this when I got back home need to get more KH/s per kw.

good stuff -- my 290 (non-X) mines at 830khash stock... havent tried the "unlock to 290X" trick yet on either my reference cards....

830 is enough for me, as it is my primary gaming machine anyway, I have two stubborn ass 7970s that refuse to hash above 580khash even after my bios modding. GRRR
Here's a blast from the past old schoolers might remember, BTCGuild recently launched a scrypt version of their pool. It's PPLNS and they currently have 0% fees during the alpha/beta phases which will last for at least 4 more weeks.

Back in the day the 3 major pools were Deepbit, Slush's pool and BTCGuild. Good times.
So glad I held. I have 175, 000 dodge to my name. This going to pay for my new wheels on my fr-s
I wonder if there's any way to alter existing Scrypt coins to include some of those parameters that would keep them GPU only, rather than having to come up with new ones. So far, I'm most interested in LTC (though I've not mined it much..wondering if it is worthwhile to do so), DOGE (What I've mined the most and I'm pleased with its success) and ANC (AnonCoin - also solidly profitable and unlike many scrypt clones of ltc, it actually has additional features built in such as i2p and Tor darknet support. Even better, it will be implementing the Zerocoin protocol which is basically a built-in distributed mixer right in the blockchain, for even greater anonymity without giving up the security of the currency itself). I've been keeping my eyes on WDC (WorldCoin) but the Scharmbeck foul up is really annoying...seems like a big bloody scam there perhaps, but the idea behind WorldCoin is sound and the coin itself seems viable, but there needs to be a public (perhaps even non profit) managed financial services operation, to get WDC going in terms of actual transactions and exchanging for goods and services besides commodity markets!

Has anyone been following coins (maxcoin? Though I hear that's a nightmare now... ) that utilize something other than SHA256 or Scrypt? I hear some use SHA3 etc...and I wonder if any of them would be resistant to ASIC even better than Scrypt.

I think I'm going to build a proper mining rig for a bit of supplementary income. Looks like GPUs are still the place to be. I'm aiming for 3-5+ Mh/s, which I understand should be able to make a tidy profit monthly. I just need to decide on a couple of things.

Has anyone used an "add2psu"? I was wondering if a combination of this Corsair HX1000 + a Corsair HX620 would be satisfactory for my mining rig, planning for 4-6 GPUs? I know they are a bit older, but they've always been quality power for me and I figure 1620w should be more than enough

Next, what sort of case or chassis are you using? Everyone on an open test bench? I have this Corsair 800D that I could use for this mining build if it would work, but if I really need something else I'll have to see. I know that some are offering pre-fab mining platforms/testbenches made specifically for mining... anyone have a link to some of the better ones? Ideally, I'd like to have some way to enclose the rig if at all possible just to protect it, but if having it completely open is the only way to go then so be it. I did have the crazy idea of buying a CaseLabs Magnum TX10-D and run my main rig out of one side and my mining rig on the other, but I doubt that's a good idea ultimately.

Another big choice is trying to decide on a platform - Intel, AMD AM3+, or AMD FM2+ ? On the Intel side, has anyone tried that ASRock BTC mining-designed motherboard? I rather like the idea that someone made a board specifically for mining - wish they'd offer one for FM2+ as well. AM3+ looks kinda promising because perhaps some of its components can be found used and perhaps things will be cheaper than Intel. FM2+ seems like another promising setup, cheaper than Intel overall, but I'm still poking around for what would be the best way to go. I don't suppose using a FM2+ kit with a APU and AMD cards would provide some sort of boost thanks to hybrid crossfire?

GPU wise, I'm wondering if it is better to go with 270/270x, versus 280x or 290/290x. I've heard everything from "its actually cheaper to build 2 whole rigs loaded with 270/270x , than a single rig with 4-6 280/x or 290/x series cards" . Likewise, I am guessing that getting ahold of 7950/7970 is good if you can get them at a major discount, but with current prices even used they seem to be expensive. At start, I'm going to leave my rigs air-cooled most likely...unless I'm doing really, really well financially I can't see the justification for liquid cooling, but perhaps as things tend towards summer that will change.

For an operating system, I'm thinking of running either BAMT or SMOS linux mining OSes. Seems like the best way to go. Anyone have an experience running one of these sort of distros versus another, or vs a more "full featured" linux distro?

So now one step closer to making a ~$3000 investment...

I started all this pretty recently, just a few weeks ago, so I went through a lot of the same questions.

I started mining in my gaming computer, which just had an MSI 7950. I added another 7950 once I started mining, and heat became a problem. I wanted more, but clearly wouldn't be able to do it in my main computer.

The key is to get good parts for good prices. I found the least expensive ASUS board (I think ASUS makes good products so I buy them when I can) which fit an AMD Sempron 145 chip, which is low power and cheap. The board is an M5A97 which I got on clearance for $20 (was pretty excited about that, my fiancé found it at Fry's electronics on the sale table) and the chip was only $35 from newegg. No need for Crossfire for mining, isn't necessary and can even cause issues.

I built the case based on specs from this page:

It worked out pretty well but was a pain in the ass to build and doesn't really fit the board right - then again I'm a computer guy not a fabrication guy, so maybe you would be better at making it. While this is quite a bit more expensive, going forward I'm going to order one of these from this guy:

Just so I don't have to deal with it anymore.

I've been building this rig with an extra 7950 I had, and a couple 270x cards I got and so far I'm really happy with the results. The 270x works well and are easy to get, and are priced right. The downside is to get up into higher hash rates you need to build multiple rigs as you'll be getting less hash rate per slot.

I'm also using SMOS on my rig and love it. Got a handful of $5 SONY 4gb USB sticks from Fry's and installed SMOS on each one with different settings, so I have one for my normal scrypt coins, one for scrypt-jane coins (Ultracoin at the moment), one with ATIFLASH on it so I can undervolt my cards (by the way, definitely undervolt your cards), and one that has an install that I'm always screwing with to test stuff. That way when I mess it up I can just put the script USB back in and be back in business.
So glad I held. I have 175, 000 dodge to my name. This going to pay for my new wheels on my fr-s

hmm i have about a similar amount -- and when converted, 175k DOG is maybe worth 300-400 dollars (DOGE at 290)

i dunno how much nice rims for a Scion go for -- but I'd imagine you might be able to get one rim for 400 dollars.

Either way -- yay money!

Very tempted to sell at 300, wanting to see what happens after the block split in 2 days. The fact the price is pushing towards 400 is good, just don't want to be trapped when lots of people start dumping DOGE after the block halving.
I guess I've finally given in to the whole DOGE fiasco. Turned off the auto exchange on it to hold whatever I mine before Friday. Only have about 10k right now so it's no big deal either way, but still....never thought it would turn out so well.

In fact if the price continues to go up after the block split, I might start getting a little nervous about my ltc holdings.
hmm i have about a similar amount -- and when converted, 175k DOG is maybe worth 300-400 dollars (DOGE at 290)

i dunno how much nice rims for a Scion go for -- but I'd imagine you might be able to get one rim for 400 dollars.

Either way -- yay money!

Very tempted to sell at 300, wanting to see what happens after the block split in 2 days. The fact the price is pushing towards 400 is good, just don't want to be trapped when lots of people start dumping DOGE after the block halving.
Sorry I should say help pay. Total costs are about 800$ after shipping. Plus I have .4-5 sitting coinbase waiting for BTC to back up.
I only got 25k Doge. Got on the train far too late. :(

But I'll soon have 10k POT. Hope those take up. :D
Cryptsy is now dead to me. Some server error happened and now I have a negative DOGE amount in my balances, so They are putting all my withdraws on hold. The fuck?

First Mt.Gox, now this site... UGH I hate these fucking exchanges!

Edit: Well shit... It just got resolved.
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I actually have had email responses from Cryptsy when I contact them lately.
Which only means there is a warm body on the other end......but that's better than I expected :)
i said screw it and sold my 180K of DOGE @ 286. May regret it, may not. Either way it's free cash so I can't really complain.

Looks like (for now) i sold at the right price, its stalled and flat at 280, 12 hours to go till block split, we will see :)

I saw someone dumping something like 20 million DOGE on virucex last night if there are a handful of whales on each of the big sites, doesn't take much to hit the price hard when they cash out en masse.
Anybody on here buying 280x's? I'm going to sell 3 of them to make room for 290's that are finally ready to ship.

All purchased right after turkey day or first week of december.

Diamond: R9280xD53GXOC
Gigabyte: GV-R928XOC-3GD
XFX: R9-280x-TDBD

I have 3 others but the Asus has a busted fan blade and the HIS pair are in a rig that I just don't want to touch.
Anybody on here buying 280x's? I'm going to sell 3 of them to make room for 290's that are finally ready to ship.

All purchased right after turkey day or first week of december.

Diamond: R9280xD53GXOC
Gigabyte: GV-R928XOC-3GD
XFX: R9-280x-TDBD

I have 3 others but the Asus has a busted fan blade and the HIS pair are in a rig that I just don't want to touch.

pm sent ;)
i said screw it and sold my 180K of DOGE @ 286. May regret it, may not. Either way it's free cash so I can't really complain.

Looks like (for now) i sold at the right price, its stalled and flat at 280, 12 hours to go till block split, we will see :)

I saw someone dumping something like 20 million DOGE on virucex last night if there are a handful of whales on each of the big sites, doesn't take much to hit the price hard when they cash out en masse.

Well, guess I sit corrected... I originally read a post somewhere stating that the split would be on Feb. 14 sometime so that's the date I've been using for awhile now... but it's in like 10 hours from the time I write this. Here's hoping the split causes a bit of a jump. It seems people are letting things slide again and the price is slipping. At this rate, it won't make my target of between 300 and 400 Satoshis... but whatever. Even if I sold at 250 I still made out like a bandit.
Well, guess I sit corrected... I originally read a post somewhere stating that the split would be on Feb. 14 sometime so that's the date I've been using for awhile now... but it's in like 10 hours from the time I write this. Here's hoping the split causes a bit of a jump. It seems people are letting things slide again and the price is slipping. At this rate, it won't make my target of between 300 and 400 Satoshis... but whatever. Even if I sold at 250 I still made out like a bandit.


It's called "block halving", where the block reward gets reduced by half.

Anybody on here buying 280x's? I'm going to sell 3 of them to make room for 290's that are finally ready to ship.

All purchased right after turkey day or first week of december.

Diamond: R9280xD53GXOC
Gigabyte: GV-R928XOC-3GD
XFX: R9-280x-TDBD

I have 3 others but the Asus has a busted fan blade and the HIS pair are in a rig that I just don't want to touch.

I would love to take one or more off your hands, but unfortunately "too rich for my blood". You'll get far better offers from anyone BUT me.
It's called "block halving", where the block reward gets reduced by half.

Well, if you want to get really anal about it, actually "block reward split" or "block reward halving" conveys the meaning better. Because you're, you know, not actually solving half blocks from then on (as implied by "block halving"), you're receiving half the reward for solving a full block.

I know, sometimes I get lazy and call it "block split" or "the split"... oh well. The message still got across, didn't it?

OK then. ;)
Anybody on here buying 280x's? I'm going to sell 3 of them to make room for 290's that are finally ready to ship.

All purchased right after turkey day or first week of december.

Diamond: R9280xD53GXOC
Gigabyte: GV-R928XOC-3GD
XFX: R9-280x-TDBD

I have 3 others but the Asus has a busted fan blade and the HIS pair are in a rig that I just don't want to touch.

Might be interested shoot me a PM with your price for 3.