Teen Dials 911 After Parents Take Xbox 360

There is no way you should be hitting a 15 year old....

There are many acceptable reasons for doing so. It's called corporal punishment. It has its place, and has been demonized. Lack of discipline leads to stories like in the OP.

So yes, there is a 'way' to be hitting a 15 year old.
Agreed fear of pain is a very good way to keep those little punks in line.
My 15 year old has pulled that crap on me... "Slap me, and I'll call the cops" unfortunately, that's the sad state of affairs we live in. Sorry, but sometimes a slap or spank IS approriate. I'm NOT condoning abuse in any way shape or form. But some kids just don't respond to anything else. Hell, Schools can't give out push-ups now for kids doing stupid stuff because "it's embarrassing" When I was late to class, drop and give me 20.... Didn't take to many times to realize being late wasn't acceptable. We as a society need to take back our parental rights from the children and "Experts" who have usurped them

I 100% agree. There is a HUGE difference between discipline and a beating. My parents would take the belt to my behind probably once a year. Few smacks and it's over. How is that abusing a child? And show me one real person in their 30's that never had a smack on the butt in their life and I'll show you a real liar. (hell, we all got a pat first thing out of the womb..)

There is no way you should be hitting a 15 year old....

You must not have kids... Especially today... Or yours are just the perfect gift from god... Ya right... If you knew what they did behind your back, you'd beat that butt. Every 'perfect' child I know, I've seen them out on the street when mommy and daddy aren't around... A few were so bad I taped... They quickly changed their opinions on not spanking their kids.

Again, huge difference from spanking to beating. Anyone who beats a child should be shot in the personals and thrown into shark infested waters. But a spanking is more than not justified if not even required to get any respect from children. That's the problem today, children do not respect anyone. I did... Holy crap if my grandfather even looked at me wrong, I'd start to shake just cause I'd lose his respect. He never beat me once but... the threat was there.

I also got paddled in school twice. Talk about embarrasing. And everyone will tell you to this day, the time in 5th grade that I got one smack on the butt was the day my attitude changed and I wasn't such a turd anymore. Today, in my late 30's, (though also seriously permanently disabled which also changes one's outlook on life) I'm the nicest, kindest, sweetest and most trustworthy person many of my friends know. And they've said that to my face even (which surprised me). But my daughter (living with her mother out of state who... well.. .isn't much of one) is every bit the worst of me. Turning 16 today, she's had a thread of being spanked by the Judge even. Torn from the home as unruly three times now. Spent a year in an institution which didn't do anything but get her a few different (3 if I remember) sexually transmitted diseases. Even the 'professionals' can't control these kids... They released her and said 'we can't help her'. Next step was foster care (they wouldn't let me have a shot cause I'm across the country... how stupid is that..). I'm almost afraid to take her now cause I probably would spank her... though now she'd probably just kick my disabled butt anyhow...

Timeouts, taking away your xbox, etc. just does not work on children. I seriously think they have to remove all of these limitations on parents. My new wife and I were considering having children but then it's like, if she's anything like my other daughter, why would we go through all that with our hands completely tied and shoved up our butt... Granted, we'd be better parents right off the bat but still, it's like going to a gun fight with only a pack of chewing gum... And the biggest problem: People say you can spank your kids as long as there is no mark. A visable mark means you've abused the kid. I'm good with that even. Sounds viable (though when I was paddled, I couldn't sit down for a few hours... Still...). Anyhow, it doesn't matter. Kids call the cops, say 'daddy hit me', GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT... Instantly, you'll have 5 cop cars at the door, arrested aggressively as if holding a grenade, and thrown into jail without bail until the hearing. I've SEEN IT HAPPEN. In that case, the kid came forward and said he made it all up... Even then no punishment to the kid... Sure the guy got off but it's even on his record now (still trying to fix that) as a child abuser... So really, WTF...

They need to change those laws, and it has to happen soon... Take a real good look at any city high-school today... Go sit out there and watch the kids after school. Truely... I'm not talking about PleasantVille small-town whatever, I'm talking about city America... It would scare ya. I think about what highschool was to me... I look at these kids today, it scares the heck out of me truely. 2012 might actually be the end of the world just based on what our kids are doing.
Kids think they are smarter than their parents. They read something on the internet and think it's true so they try to pull the same stunt and find out it isn't. Had the kid been slapped a round a bit before this it would have taught him to behave and do what his parents say.
People don't understand that you can't reason with a child. they don't think like adults. What they do understand is 5 across the eye.

To be the Devil's Advocate, I was "correct" more often than my parents I'd say.

Of course being "correct" has no bearing when you're living under their roof. But hell...some parents are immature. Some parents are too strict, some are too soft. They're humans too.
To be honest I think most of this is caused by inconsistent parenting. I am sure these parents imposed limits on their kid. However they never enforce them consistently, at which point the limits imposed mean nothing because they can be bent. I have seen this many times first hand.
My mother used to actually cut the power cable off the TV. Did it like 5 times. It was less than a foot long and needed an extension cord by the time gurls, drugs, alcohol and parties were more important than game consoles.
My 15 year old has pulled that crap on me... "Slap me, and I'll call the cops" unfortunately, that's the sad state of affairs we live in. Sorry, but sometimes a slap or spank IS approriate. I'm NOT condoning abuse in any way shape or form. But some kids just don't respond to anything else. Hell, Schools can't give out push-ups now for kids doing stupid stuff because "it's embarrassing" When I was late to class, drop and give me 20.... Didn't take to many times to realize being late wasn't acceptable. We as a society need to take back our parental rights from the children and "Experts" who have usurped them

If my child attempted to pull anything like that when she hits 15, she would find my foot up her ass. Then she would find herself in her room for the next 3 months with nothing but a bed and desk for studying.

There is no way you should be hitting a 15 year old....

You are either extremely clueless, or don't have kids. Spanking != abuse. Some people need to get that little fact through their heads. Not every situation calls for a spanking of course, as anything it boils down to the situation. On the average when my daughter was very young the overwhelming majority of punishments consisted of Stern no's and timeouts. However on those rare times that she did something extremely dangerous like "Attempt to grab something on the stove" or something that we wanted to make sure she never even considered attempting. Then it was immediate spanking to drive home the point without having to repeat. However even though timeouts and all work on the average, there are times when "ALL" kids try to push their boundries and a simple timeout doesn't work. Hate to break it to the anti spanking crowd, but when you have exhausted all other forms of punishment and the kid is still attempting to be defiant you don't simply give in. That only results in them turning into half the completely useless adults and parents today.
I didn't even realize slaps were used as punishment these days. The only time I feel a slap is appropriate is when a woman in a bar tosses her cosmopolitan at another. That's a cat fight move.

Just cut to the spanking. Slaps, as a punishment, will typically cut the lines of communication even further. Shooting back to my relatively well-behaved 16 year-old self...I would not take a slap.
My 15 year old has pulled that crap on me... "Slap me, and I'll call the cops" unfortunately, that's the sad state of affairs we live in. Sorry, but sometimes a slap or spank IS approriate. I'm NOT condoning abuse in any way shape or form. But some kids just don't respond to anything else. Hell, Schools can't give out push-ups now for kids doing stupid stuff because "it's embarrassing" When I was late to class, drop and give me 20.... Didn't take to many times to realize being late wasn't acceptable. We as a society need to take back our parental rights from the children and "Experts" who have usurped them

This is unfortunately the state of most of the US these days. This incident with this totally ignorant, disrespectful to his parents/authority figures (calling 911 over your gaming console being taken away?!) is just another example of how far the pendulum has swung.

There are times when a 15 y/o needs a smack. You have to get their attention and talking just doesn't seem to do it anymore. All they hear is the adult voice from Charlie Brown (myah myah myah). I swear my cat is better behaved and listens better than most of the kids in my neighborhood.

There is a big difference between punishment and abuse, be it mental, emotional or physical.

This kid was probably trying to play the mental and emotional abuse angle. ZOMG, they took my toy, how dare they, I'll be scarred for life!

BULL. I'm a bit older (in my 50s) and clearly remember getting wailed on in school by teachers and even the principal and that was public school. Won't even go into what Catholic schools and the nuns were like.

And yes, I was abused growing up. Got beat every single day at least once a day by both my mother and stepfather. To the point the neighbors did finally, after years, actually see my mother in action and called 911. We had to go to see a social worker who just looked at me and her, said I was bigger than her and I should be able to take care of myself. You didn't do that in the 60s and early 70s. Back then if a kid put their hands up to try to defend themselves (not hit back, just try to not be hit), the kid was the one who ended up in trouble with the law. We were almost "property" and parents could pretty much do whatever as long as they didn't completely maim or gods forbid kill us.

Now? You can't look at your child cross-eyed without them saying they'll call 911 and report you for abuse - and you'll be taken away in handcuffs.

I totally am against abuse obviously. It leaves scars, and not always ones you can see. But I think we've gone way too far the other way and now kids are ruling parents, teachers, any and all authority figures. They have a sense of entitlement that if something isn't done soon, we're going to have quite an interesting generation of adults exhibiting mild sociopathic behavior ... "gimmee, gimmee more" ... or else.

I'm with the person who said that after the police left I'd have taken a hammer to the xbox and then made the kid clean up the mess. Yeah, it's money out of mom and dad's pocket and yeah it's probably some kind of "abuse" - I call it justifiable and reasonable punishment. In my house that kid wouldn't be able to walk for at least a week pulling a stunt like that. And the xbox would be gone along with all the games on top of that.
There is no way you should be hitting a 15 year old....

You dont hit a 15 year son as a father. You fight that little bastard. Almost every son at some point in time squares off with the old man. Its the way it is. Let him get the first shot in and game on from there. I am not saying to beat him down like a grown man but if you act like one than its time for some hard lessons to be taught. It is unfortianate that this is only acceptable in a few communitys now. A whole generation of young men are in for some very tough times in there lives.
If I had called 911 over something like this as a kid, I would've needed them when my parents got done with me.
Whats the difference between spanking and beating exactly? They were synonymous when I was coming up.
You dont hit a 15 year son as a father. You fight that little bastard. Almost every son at some point in time squares off with the old man. Its the way it is. Let him get the first shot in and game on from there. I am not saying to beat him down like a grown man but if you act like one than its time for some hard lessons to be taught. It is unfortianate that this is only acceptable in a few communitys now. A whole generation of young men are in for some very tough times in there lives.

My uncle once cussed out my grandma when he was like 17 or something so my grandfather up and coldclocked him, when his younger brother said you can't hit him grandpa decked him as well then turned to my dad and asked if he had anything to say on it. Needless to say all 3 of them never once disrespected them like that again. Uncle Tom still tells the story and has never once, when he realized what he had done, thought ill of grandpa for doing what he did.

I've never once thought ill of my dad for spanking me when I was younger and now that I can look back objectively I'm thankful he took the time to explain to me why I was getting punished and what he wanted me to learn from it. I remember when he caught me drinking in high school, he didn't spank me or anything. He took me down to the liquor store and bought so much tequila, vodka, and beer and made me drink until I got sick then made me drink more. To this day I don't touch the stuff hahaa, well I do but on a rare occasion.

Kids are pussies nowadays either that or their all emo which is just as bad.
Whats the difference between spanking and beating exactly? They were synonymous when I was coming up.

imho from my own experience growing up:

spanking - giving kid a few swats on the tush, open hand only, nothing else (i.e.: belt, etc.) used; cause child perhaps minor discomfort but not pain or bruising or other physical injuries. Hurts "pride" more than anything and gets the attention of child and point across.

beating - parent/authority figure using hands, fists, feet, "weapons" - broom, belt, switch, shoe - anything other than just open hand and a swat, causing physical pain, impairment, bruising, bleeding, black eyes, broken bones, etc.

For example: one time my mother was going crazy (usual for her) and was beating the crap out of me with a telephone receiver around my head and neck - and yes she did break the receiver over my head (1960s wall phone folks); stepfather decides to get involved, runs into kitchen, grabs me, throws me head-first down the basement stairs breaking my nose, then proceeds to beat with fists and kick me as I try to crawl away. Had to stay home from school for about a week that time and could not walk without assistance. And just for the record? I'm a female so I was I think around 13 y/o girl when this incident happened.

The kid in this incident? No not a beating, but honestly? after calling 911 and wasting the officers' time and embarrassing himself and his family and being imho defiant, self-absorbed and overly-entitled, he would definitely have gotten a few smacks (read spanking).
It's ridiculous that you aren't allowed to discipline a child, even verbally, nowadays without being ostracized if not having legal action taken against you. Spankings are considered taboo, and if the child cries or whines (they ALL do, always) you are looked at as though YOU did something wrong. What people seem to have forgotten is that children's brains are NOT fully developed until their early 20's generally per many scientific studies. The age varies a little of course. The whole "blame the parents for everything, but don't let them do anything to discipline their children and make/steer them in the right direction" thing has got to stop.

It has been proven time and time again that spanking does not have the desired effect on a child. It only encourages fear, anger, and bitterness. When I was a kid, my parents spanked me any time I did anything wrong, but that knowledge did nothing to improve my behavior. Not once did I stop and think, "I really want to do this bad thing, but I'm not going to, because I know I'll get a spanking for it." Instead, the threat of spanking simply encouraged me to think of more ways to misbehave without getting caught.
Whats the difference between spanking and beating exactly? They were synonymous when I was coming up.

Spanking should be done out of love and with the purpose of breaking or bending a childs will to more acceptable behavior. Beating is done out of anger with the general intent of breaking the child's spirit. Very much so like breaking a wild horse in...break the will not the spirit.

Spanking or corporal punishment done correctly is done to hopefully teach while the other alienates and generally causes bitterness and resentment.
They need to change those laws, and it has to happen soon... Take a real good look at any city high-school today... Go sit out there and watch the kids after school. Truely... I'm not talking about PleasantVille small-town whatever, I'm talking about city America... It would scare ya. I think about what highschool was to me... I look at these kids today, it scares the heck out of me truely. 2012 might actually be the end of the world just based on what our kids are doing.

No... They don't need to change those laws.

They need to change pretty much every fucking thing about our conception of "parenting" in society today. If you think you're disgusted at the way today's youth acts... Can you imagine what the few, moral minority of said age group feels :eek:
Hmm I don't think I can remember a time when I was punished without some implement used. As I said, synonymous.
I think a spanking, or the occasional snap of the belt is acceptable. I mean, just so long as the intention isn't to actually physically hurt the child, but rather to hurt their pride, then it's all good. Of course, spankings will physically hurt sometimes, but that's just how it is. I got spanked and occasionally hit with a belt when I was being a little dipshit, but I'm thankful for it. I think it's stupid that kids can threaten their parents for a form of punishment that has been totally acceptable up until recent years. I mean, I understand if a parent really beats the child - but shit, like someone said already, every son squares off with his pops at least once during their teens, and I was no exception...

...I flat out got my ass handed to me...and yes, I deserved it. My Dad showed me how much of a tough guy I really was. :D
You have to treat kids at a young age like animals, when they do bad you instill fear and pain into them, but not hatefully. By doing so they learn to associate that fear or pain into something bad. Just like if you were to touch a hot handle on a stove, you would learn not to touch it after a few times.
It has been proven time and time again that spanking does not have the desired effect on a child. It only encourages fear, anger, and bitterness. When I was a kid, my parents spanked me any time I did anything wrong, but that knowledge did nothing to improve my behavior. Not once did I stop and think, "I really want to do this bad thing, but I'm not going to, because I know I'll get a spanking for it." Instead, the threat of spanking simply encouraged me to think of more ways to misbehave without getting caught.

and to be honest I think all of those studies miss the point, as there is a proper way to discipline and I've yet to see a test expalin that factor in their findings, and they have never proven time and time again that spanking doesn't have the desired effect. Like the one which claims that spanking lowers IQ. I mean seriously? I tested at 139 on the Stanford-Binet 5 a few years ago. I could only begin to wonder what my IQ would have been if I had not been spanked.

Coporal punishment is used in the military with great effect. Does it have the desired effect on 100% of people? Nope. It did with me as opposite of you I did stop and think about my actions the majority of times, especially if it was something that I had been spanked for before. However, everyone is different and while there really isn't a guide to how to be the best parent in the world and what to do in each situation parents make mistakes. Parents are just as falliable as their children are so yes mistakes are made, but after discipline the onus of the parents should be to explian why punishment was necessary and what they hope their kids take away from that experience. At least IMO.
It has been proven time and time again that spanking does not have the desired effect on a child. It only encourages fear, anger, and bitterness. When I was a kid, my parents spanked me any time I did anything wrong, but that knowledge did nothing to improve my behavior. Not once did I stop and think, "I really want to do this bad thing, but I'm not going to, because I know I'll get a spanking for it." Instead, the threat of spanking simply encouraged me to think of more ways to misbehave without getting caught.

I can show you just as many studies proving other wise. Hey you can raise your children to how ever you want. Just dont cry to me or on tv when they suck cock for blow.:p
My favorite is the parents who do the "Countdown" you know 5. 4. 3. 2 .1 , its so stupid and I laugh every time I hear someone do it at a store or social gathering because the kids just eggs them on, and waits till one to do anything.
If you're to the point where you need to hit a kid to get them to behave, you've already failed as a parent. A child should not want (at least most of the time) to disappoint the parent. I was spanked very rarely as a chald, but was never struck later on in childhood, or as a teen. I really see no point to it, since all it does is make them feel like shit and probably just hate the parent more.

Don't get me wrong, parents should be able to be physical with a child if necessary. Physical restraint, physcally moving a child, etc is all fair game. I recall a couple instances as a teen where my father simply wrestled me into my room and locked the door. But really, there's no need to strike someone. It just tells the kid that hurting other people is OK. I would bet that most abusive husbands were themselves beaten as children. It may lead to fights in school, or later getting into bar fights and getting arrested.

Also, I'm very suspicious that some parents enjoy hitting their kids for misbehaving, because it makes them feel powerful and righteous. "Yeah, that'll teach you. You can't fuck with ME." I find that very morally gray. All that serves to do is further divide the parent and child and harm your relationship.
My favorite is the parents who do the "Countdown" you know 5. 4. 3. 2 .1 , its so stupid and I laugh every time I hear someone do it at a store or social gathering because the kids just eggs them on, and waits till one to do anything.

I do that but randomly smack the shit out of my kid so they have no idea when or were it is coming from. Very rarely do I have to raise my voice. I do on occasion let them get away with things. Cant be a hard ass all the time.
If you're to the point where you need to hit a kid to get them to behave, you've already failed as a parent. A child should not want (at least most of the time) to disappoint the parent. I was spanked very rarely as a chald, but was never struck later on in childhood, or as a teen. I really see no point to it, since all it does is make them feel like shit and probably just hate the parent more.

Don't get me wrong, parents should be able to be physical with a child if necessary. Physical restraint, physcally moving a child, etc is all fair game. I recall a couple instances as a teen where my father simply wrestled me into my room and locked the door. But really, there's no need to strike someone. It just tells the kid that hurting other people is OK. I would bet that most abusive husbands were themselves beaten as children. It may lead to fights in school, or later getting into bar fights and getting arrested.

Also, I'm very suspicious that some parents enjoy hitting their kids for misbehaving, because it makes them feel powerful and righteous. "Yeah, that'll teach you. You can't fuck with ME." I find that very morally gray. All that serves to do is further divide the parent and child and harm your relationship.

Wish I could edit my above post. Anyways, do you have kids? My wife was all about the not hitting and such. That lasted oh about ten seconds. Some times they need it and others you just need to give them some attention. I have three children ranging from 6 to 6 months. It is tough, they dont have instructions and really you only want them to turn out better than you have. With all the out side influence in this world the cards are already stacked against you. In the end you just let them know you love them, that they are your whole world and every now and then let them know there will be a reaction for every action.
Wish I could edit my above post. Anyways, do you have kids? My wife was all about the not hitting and such. That lasted oh about ten seconds. Some times they need it and others you just need to give them some attention. I have three children ranging from 6 to 6 months. It is tough, they dont have instructions and really you only want them to turn out better than you have. With all the out side influence in this world the cards are already stacked against you. In the end you just let them know you love them, that they are your whole world and every now and then let them know there will be a reaction for every action.

No, I do not have kids. I'm not opposed to spanking or maybe lightly slapping a child under, say, 5-10, for doing something really bad. I was talking more about kids in the 11-18 range. At that point they no longer see you as "god the arbiter of justice, the one who must be obeyed." They no longer see their parent's as infallible.
No, I do not have kids. I'm not opposed to spanking or maybe lightly slapping a child under, say, 5-10, for doing something really bad. I was talking more about kids in the 11-18 range. At that point they no longer see you as "god the arbiter of justice, the one who must be obeyed." They no longer see their parent's as infallible.

At 15 I was still afraid of my Dad hitting me. I'm not so "afraid" of him now (though he'd probably kick my ass if we got into a fight) but I have enough respect for him not to even drive him to that point and have since I was a child because my parents were loving but they didn't take any shit. I got many an assbeating growing up and I appreciate my parents for it.
No, I do not have kids. I'm not opposed to spanking or maybe lightly slapping a child under, say, 5-10, for doing something really bad. I was talking more about kids in the 11-18 range. At that point they no longer see you as "god the arbiter of justice, the one who must be obeyed." They no longer see their parent's as infallible.

Got you I misunderstood. Yes I agree. 11-18 is different. More of a mutual respect should be established but it is your house and the rule of that house hold is up to the parent. I was raised by my father. My mother was an abusive bitch. The old man sat me down when I was 13 and told me man to man. Do not ever bow up to me. Made it very clear I was a young man, capable of making big boy desiscions and if I crossed the line there was hell to pay. I challenged him twice as I remember. Once I was getting a piece and he called me home to do my chores when I was 15. I maned up and was promptly grabed by my throat, lifted off my feet and slamed agaist the door 4 or 5 times.
I did my chores.

The next time I was 16. I was on a roof rolling trusses and decided it was time to quit. He said I couldnt. I dropped my nail bags and said f you. He dropped his and we faught. I think he only hit me once lol. I put my bags back on and got to work. He appologised both times and explained to me exactly why it needed to be done. I suppose I am driving at everything must be done out of mutual respect. Young men run wild now because there fathers allow them to. They failed them and honestly the system failed them.
No, I do not have kids. I'm not opposed to spanking or maybe lightly slapping a child under, say, 5-10, for doing something really bad. I was talking more about kids in the 11-18 range. At that point they no longer see you as "god the arbiter of justice, the one who must be obeyed." They no longer see their parent's as infallible.

If by then they haven't learned that's when you cut them off and change the locks.
All I'm saying is that there's a fine line between justifiable physical force in disciplining a teen and force that will result in absolutely no change in the teen's behavior (and will only result in the satisfaction of the parent).

I generally don't think it's right for a father or mother to strike their son or daughter. If I had a sixteen year old boy, and he was being really mouthy and swearing at me and posturing at me, I'd probably just restrain him, not hit him. It has the exact same effect, hurts his pride and shows him that he couldn't take me, WITHOUT hurting him. That's just my opinion, but I feel like it's morally superior.
I wonder how many people reading this right now are thinking, "What did he do wrong???".
This sounds more like a case of a parent's hands being tied by "It's abuse if you punish the kids" groupthink of our society these days and kids thinking they have the playing field in their advantage and that they can go to the authorities for ANY reason if they think their parents are mistreating them

What a bunch of horseshit
When the kid does not respond to anything else other thank slapping and spanking or any other form of (even mild) violence, then it's not the kid's fault.

It's your fault. You did it wrong from the beggining and now try to force sense into his mind.

Sorry, but taking the easy way out (slapping etc.) ain't smart or correct. My parents never once laid a hand on me, never once forced me to stay home and study. They just made me want to do it.

Understanding is key. Being a sociologist and dealing with tons of social working situations, I trully believe it is the only real key.
You have to treat kids at a young age like animals, when they do bad you instill fear and pain into them, but not hatefully. By doing so they learn to associate that fear or pain into something bad. Just like if you were to touch a hot handle on a stove, you would learn not to touch it after a few times.

Or you could try positive reinforcement with your pet, I have never really had to instill fear and pain into my dog.

Also, on the note of beating fifteen year olds, they are generally smart enough to be reasoned with.
When the kid does not respond to anything else other thank slapping and spanking or any other form of (even mild) violence, then it's not the kid's fault.

It's your fault. You did it wrong from the beggining and now try to force sense into his mind.

Sorry, but taking the easy way out (slapping etc.) ain't smart or correct. My parents never once laid a hand on me, never once forced me to stay home and study. They just made me want to do it.

Understanding is key. Being a sociologist and dealing with tons of social working situations, I trully believe it is the only real key.

I agree with you 100%.
When the kid does not respond to anything else other thank slapping and spanking or any other form of (even mild) violence, then it's not the kid's fault.

It's your fault. You did it wrong from the beggining and now try to force sense into his mind.

Sorry, but taking the easy way out (slapping etc.) ain't smart or correct. My parents never once laid a hand on me, never once forced me to stay home and study. They just made me want to do it.

Understanding is key. Being a sociologist and dealing with tons of social working situations, I trully believe it is the only real key.
Exactly. I'm not going to single out people in this thread, but if you're hitting your 15 year-old kid, you are seriously a shitty parent and a failure as a human being. If you treat your kids like animals, they're going to act like animals.

My parents never laid a hand on me growing up, they treated me like an adult and expected me to act like an adult. I sat there, I shut up, and I spoke when appropriate. I got my first job when I was 12 and now I'm in medical school. No hitting, sure there were word exchanged, but I turned out fine and I owe my life to my parents.
When the kid does not respond to anything else other thank slapping and spanking or any other form of (even mild) violence, then it's not the kid's fault.

It's your fault. You did it wrong from the beggining and now try to force sense into his mind.

Sorry, but taking the easy way out (slapping etc.) ain't smart or correct. My parents never once laid a hand on me, never once forced me to stay home and study. They just made me want to do it.

Understanding is key. Being a sociologist and dealing with tons of social working situations, I trully believe it is the only real key.

Sadly is true this is what you get when half america have their home TV parenting their kids.