Teen Dials 911 After Parents Take Xbox 360

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Dialing 911 because your parents took your Xbox 360? You better think twice unless you like being tasered after the cops agree with your parents. Okay, the kid wasn’t tasered…that was just the parent in me wishful thinking.

Police traced the call and sent an officer to the house where the teen inquired whether his parents had a legal right to take away his system. Police then "advised him that he needed to listen to his parents," police reports said.
Yeah he went from being in trouble with his parents to being in trouble with the law for abusing the 911 hot line. Not exactly smart there, McFly.
Yeah he went from being in trouble with his parents to being in trouble with the law for abusing the 911 hot line. Not exactly smart there, McFly.

I was SOOOO hoping this turned into a "Don't tase me bro!" story... :D
He went from being in a little trouble, to being in a lot. Kids sure aren't very bright these days.
just another story of people taking gaming WAY too seriously.. actually its more like an addiction, you take away someones drugs and they explode and become irate and irrational.. you take away someones games and what happens... same thing
I can't wait to hear the 911 tape when it gets out. :p
My parents took my bike............same punishment.

No 911 when I was a kid.

Kid needs to get over it........my take...........he'll sue his parents................and win.:eek:
just another story of people taking gaming WAY too seriously.. actually its more like an addiction, you take away someones drugs and they explode and become irate and irrational.. you take away someones games and what happens... same thing

No, this is an example of gaming making some people too stupid. Well I don't plan gaming, just that this kid probably needs to hit the books, on his head. Probably the only way this kid will learn something.
No, this is an example of gaming making some people too stupid. Well I don't plan gaming, just that this kid probably needs to hit the books, on his head. Probably the only way this kid will learn something.

I don't think you can just blame the games. Ultimately the parents have to be responsible for letting the kid get that damn attached to games in the first place. There are parental controls on the 360 to help with this. Also, when I got too damn attached to my NES/SNES growing up, my parents got me a damn fourwheeler to get me outside, lol. It definitely worked and I suggest these parents do something similar.
Remember that kid who ran away to punish his parents for taking his xbox and was found dead in a ditch? I lol so hard when I heard that and now this. Would have been better if the cops shot the kid. Just a flesh wound nothing life threatening. What else can you do though? You can not beat your kids any more, if you yell you are "emotionally abusive" and its all your fault when they turn out fucked up. He was 15 too! If I pulled a stunt remotely like that my father would have punched me in the mouth, allowed the cops to arrest him and then smile about it as I whent to the foster system to learn how good I really had it.
when i was a kid, i lived inside the games. i dont mean all the time, but when i played zelda it felt as if i was actually link. thats how your imagination works when youre young, although when mom started counting simple numbers i knew it was time to put down the controller.
when i was a kid, i lived inside the games. i dont mean all the time, but when i played zelda it felt as if i was actually link. thats how your imagination works when youre young, although when mom started counting simple numbers i knew it was time to put down the controller.

haha, now everyone has gone through that
I don't think you can just blame the games. Ultimately the parents have to be responsible for letting the kid get that damn attached to games in the first place. There are parental controls on the 360 to help with this. Also, when I got too damn attached to my NES/SNES growing up, my parents got me a damn fourwheeler to get me outside, lol. It definitely worked and I suggest these parents do something similar.

time limits set from the very beginning are best. when theyre 4 years old and they want to play video games, set a timer for 1 hour and when that goes off make them get off. then you have a tool to use against them- raise or lower their timer time for video games :D
Remember that kid who ran away to punish his parents for taking his xbox and was found dead in a ditch? I lol so hard when I heard that and now this. Would have been better if the cops shot the kid. Just a flesh wound nothing life threatening. What else can you do though? You can not beat your kids any more, if you yell you are "emotionally abusive" and its all your fault when they turn out fucked up. He was 15 too! If I pulled a stunt remotely like that my father would have punched me in the mouth, allowed the cops to arrest him and then smile about it as I whent to the foster system to learn how good I really had it.

Dear mstersmith,

I would like to shake your hand, and buy you a beer.
Did the kid throw a tantrum, flop around on his bed and try to shove a remote up his ass?
I can't wait to hear the 911 tape when it gets out. :p

Sadly the article reported it as a hang-up call... where the caller hangs up after dialing 911. But, the cops still checked it out to see what was going on, in case the person calling 911 was suddenly unable to continue the call after dialing.
This is sad... Really sad... I mean, if the parents had BEATEN him with his XBOX 360, then I could possibly see the need for the 911 call..
Kids these days .... what a sickening sense of entitlement.
The kid was probably playing MW2 every day for the last week or something. That'd get an Xbox taken away.

And yes, as stupid as this kid was for dialing 911 about it, at least that is all he did. He probably hung up after realizing it was stupid. Then when they showed up he had some explaining to do. If anything this makes me happy to know that the police force will respond to even the most minor of issues when called upon.

I definitely like the police response too "Listen to your parents."
Kids have no sense of punishment these days, with the fear of being locked up over something stupid it's becoming alot harder. When i was little and i messed up, there was a very good sense of fear in my mind. Now it's a whole different story.
Remember that kid who ran away to punish his parents for taking his xbox and was found dead in a ditch? I lol so hard when I heard that and now this. Would have been better if the cops shot the kid. Just a flesh wound nothing life threatening. What else can you do though? You can not beat your kids any more, if you yell you are "emotionally abusive" and its all your fault when they turn out fucked up. He was 15 too! If I pulled a stunt remotely like that my father would have punched me in the mouth, allowed the cops to arrest him and then smile about it as I whent to the foster system to learn how good I really had it.

The cops should have just shot him and eliminated this waste of a human from the gene pool.
inquired whether his parents had a legal right to take away his system.

This is the money quote for me. The fact that he has zero consideration for his parents as a means to inquire on the legal ramifications of whether they can exert their will over him to take something away from him tells me how far we as societies of have gone to back-breakingly shift the onus of authority from parent to child. Why would a kid ask if his parents have a legal right to do something like this unless he is looking for a way to divest them of their authority over him. At least in this regard.
What's up with the statement "Parents can't discipline kids anymore? Are you saying I can't slap my kid when he does something wrong"??
I would have stayed calm through the entire incident until the police left and then made the kid watch me smash that stupid ass xbox with a big fucking hammer. I would make him clean up the mess. His stupidity of calling 911 for taking away his xbox would earn him 6 months working around the house. Kids these days have no regard for anthing except themselves.
"The Xbox, along with other up-to-date video game systems, include parental controls which can lock the system and prevent a child from playing"

Hmmm, wouldn't that it be a "BrickBox" then?
This is the money quote for me. The fact that he has zero consideration for his parents as a means to inquire on the legal ramifications of whether they can exert their will over him to take something away from him tells me how far we as societies of have gone to back-breakingly shift the onus of authority from parent to child. Why would a kid ask if his parents have a legal right to do something like this unless he is looking for a way to divest them of their authority over him. At least in this regard.

Kids think they are smarter than their parents. They read something on the internet and think it's true so they try to pull the same stunt and find out it isn't. Had the kid been slapped a round a bit before this it would have taught him to behave and do what his parents say.
People don't understand that you can't reason with a child. they don't think like adults. What they do understand is 5 across the eye.
how bad parenting can affect the police.

just wow.

kid needs to be locked up imho.
Kids think they are smarter than their parents. They read something on the internet and think it's true so they try to pull the same stunt and find out it isn't. Had the kid been slapped a round a bit before this it would have taught him to behave and do what his parents say.
People don't understand that you can't reason with a child. they don't think like adults. What they do understand is 5 across the eye.

It's ridiculous that you aren't allowed to discipline a child, even verbally, nowadays without being ostracized if not having legal action taken against you. Spankings are considered taboo, and if the child cries or whines (they ALL do, always) you are looked at as though YOU did something wrong. What people seem to have forgotten is that children's brains are NOT fully developed until their early 20's generally per many scientific studies. The age varies a little of course. The whole "blame the parents for everything, but don't let them do anything to discipline their children and make/steer them in the right direction" thing has got to stop.
I am sadly and suddenly forced to quote the lyrics from a song...
We are we are, the youth of the nation
We are we are, youth of the nation
We are we are, the youth of the nation
We are we are, youth of the nation
It's ridiculous that you aren't allowed to discipline a child, even verbally, nowadays without being ostracized if not having legal action taken against you. Spankings are considered taboo, and if the child cries or whines (they ALL do, always) you are looked at as though YOU did something wrong. What people seem to have forgotten is that children's brains are NOT fully developed until their early 20's generally per many scientific studies. The age varies a little of course. The whole "blame the parents for everything, but don't let them do anything to discipline their children and make/steer them in the right direction" thing has got to stop.

My 15 year old has pulled that crap on me... "Slap me, and I'll call the cops" unfortunately, that's the sad state of affairs we live in. Sorry, but sometimes a slap or spank IS approriate. I'm NOT condoning abuse in any way shape or form. But some kids just don't respond to anything else. Hell, Schools can't give out push-ups now for kids doing stupid stuff because "it's embarrassing" When I was late to class, drop and give me 20.... Didn't take to many times to realize being late wasn't acceptable. We as a society need to take back our parental rights from the children and "Experts" who have usurped them
My 15 year old has pulled that crap on me... "Slap me, and I'll call the cops" unfortunately, that's the sad state of affairs we live in. Sorry, but sometimes a slap or spank IS approriate. I'm NOT condoning abuse in any way shape or form. But some kids just don't respond to anything else. Hell, Schools can't give out push-ups now for kids doing stupid stuff because "it's embarrassing" When I was late to class, drop and give me 20.... Didn't take to many times to realize being late wasn't acceptable. We as a society need to take back our parental rights from the children and "Experts" who have usurped them

There is no way you should be hitting a 15 year old....