Teen Dials 911 After Parents Take Xbox 360

There are way to many of you arguing this point who don't have kids.

Until you have one, or 2, this isn't an argument you have very much value in. Sure, we were all kids once, but every generation is different. All I am saying is if you are 25 with no kids and are responding to this thread with some thought that you actually have some value to add, you are lying to yourself.

Oh, I have 2. I have spanked, but discipline lifestyles and quality communication is a very good alternative. HOWEVER, sometimes you just need a whoopin to right the ship.
There are way to many of you arguing this point who don't have kids.

Until you have one, or 2, this isn't an argument you have very much value in. Sure, we were all kids once, but every generation is different. All I am saying is if you are 25 with no kids and are responding to this thread with some thought that you actually have some value to add, you are lying to yourself.

Oh, I have 2. I have spanked, but discipline lifestyles and quality communication is a very good alternative. HOWEVER, sometimes you just need a whoopin to right the ship.

But we all remember how our parents raised us, right? So we each have at least one example to add to the discussion.
I wonder how many people wouldn't have a problem with, provided they wouldn't get in trouble with the law, locking the kid in a room, on a chair, and teaching him a lesson using a few sharp or very hot objects.

I'm sure it'd be far more effective than just beating alone - hell, the kid would probably have a few visual reminders to go with it as well. And if it works better, why the hell not?

But the government has to ruin everything for everyone. :rolleyes:
Remember that kid who ran away to punish his parents for taking his xbox and was found dead in a ditch? I lol so hard when I heard that and now this. Would have been better if the cops shot the kid. Just a flesh wound nothing life threatening. What else can you do though? You can not beat your kids any more, if you yell you are "emotionally abusive" and its all your fault when they turn out fucked up. He was 15 too! If I pulled a stunt remotely like that my father would have punched me in the mouth, allowed the cops to arrest him and then smile about it as I whent to the foster system to learn how good I really had it.


This is pathetic. Calling 9-1-1? Good gosh.

Reminds me of the guy who threw his 2year old daughter against the wall because she knocked his 360 off the desk. Pathetic.. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Between the people that hit and the ones that don't how about a compromise, make your kids do community service the hard labor kind.
Wow. The cops should have taken the kid for a ride or confiscated his x-box 360 and sold it at auction. Either way, the kid gets a much needed reality check. :eek:
TreyShadow said:
There are way to many of you arguing this point who don't have kids.

Until you have one, or 2, this isn't an argument you have very much value in. Sure, we were all kids once, but every generation is different. All I am saying is if you are 25 with no kids and are responding to this thread with some thought that you actually have some value to add, you are lying to yourself.

Oh, I have 2. I have spanked, but discipline lifestyles and quality communication is a very good alternative. HOWEVER, sometimes you just need a whoopin to right the ship.

why aren't the 25 year olds helpful in this discussion? They are only ten years off from what most of this discussion is about. They were raised more recently then you and might have valuable insight. Perhaps the world has changed since you were raised, guessing 60s? The 25 year olds are still very much a part of the generation we are discussing, and probably have a more accurate view of teenage life as it currently stands then some people like you.

Between the people that hit and the ones that don't how about a compromise, make your kids do community service the hard labor kind.

I kinda like this idea, for the really out of control kids I know.
There are way to many of you arguing this point who don't have kids.

Until you have one, or 2, this isn't an argument you have very much value in. Sure, we were all kids once, but every generation is different. All I am saying is if you are 25 with no kids and are responding to this thread with some thought that you actually have some value to add, you are lying to yourself.

Oh, I have 2. I have spanked, but discipline lifestyles and quality communication is a very good alternative. HOWEVER, sometimes you just need a whoopin to right the ship.

What a childish, pathetic argument. Seriously. By that bout of half-witted reasoning you can have no opinion on:

1) Murder laws (You've probably not commited murder)
2) Rape laws (You're probably not raped anyone)
3) Abortion (You've probably not had one)
4) Gay marriage (You've probably not been in a gay marriage)
5) Incest (You've probably not done it)

Need I go on? I'm 25 and childless, and my opinion on the issue is just as valid as anyone else's. There are rules and laws governing what you can and cannot do to other PEOPLE in our society, and children are PEOPLE. Beating your wife is illegal, and beating your kid is illegal. A childless 25 year old has just as much a right to vote for leaders who make policies regarding child abuse as you do. If you don't like it, leave.
With spankings, I think a big difference is the control.
A spanking is a limited number of swats on the butt cheeks whereas a beating isn't set on the number of strikes and all parts of the body are fair game.
What a childish, pathetic argument.

Beating your wife is illegal, and beating your kid is illegal.

Um, hello, pot to kettle! You are implying that disciplining your kid is on the same level as "beating." In this day in age, many people will consider or define beating as a much more violent action, possibly even with the intention of causing some level of negative harm, physical and/or psychological. Parents who apply mild spanking or the like are not even remotely in the same league, as your statement implies. Yeah, taking a baseball bat (as an example) to your kid is going too far. And yes, in the interest of full disclosure, I got paddled/spanked as a young kid (70's). I was not beat down, permanently injured, scarred or anything like that.
Um, hello, pot to kettle! You are implying that disciplining your kid is on the same level as "beating." In this day in age, many people will consider or define beating as a much more violent action, possibly even with the intention of causing some level of negative harm, physical and/or psychological. Parents who apply mild spanking or the like are not even remotely in the same league, as your statement implies. Yeah, taking a baseball bat (as an example) to your kid is going too far. And yes, in the interest of full disclosure, I got paddled/spanked as a young kid (70's). I was not beat down, permanently injured, scarred or anything like that.

I think you're digging for something that isn't there. A lot of people say "your ass is going to get a beating" when referring to spankings.

Hell, sometimes that's even enough. I know it used to terrify me when my dad told me my ass was going to get the belt 30 years ago. Sometimes he never follows through because my behavior changed for the best at the mere mention of getting the belt.
Um, hello, pot to kettle! You are implying that disciplining your kid is on the same level as "beating." In this day in age, many people will consider or define beating as a much more violent action, possibly even with the intention of causing some level of negative harm, physical and/or psychological. Parents who apply mild spanking or the like are not even remotely in the same league, as your statement implies. Yeah, taking a baseball bat (as an example) to your kid is going too far. And yes, in the interest of full disclosure, I got paddled/spanked as a young kid (70's). I was not beat down, permanently injured, scarred or anything like that.

You need to go back and read my other posts. I am not opposed to spanking a young child very occasionally, nor am I opposed to using restraint or non-violent physical force against your children or teen. Sometimes they just need to be wrestled into their rooms, I get that. But, like I said earlier, there's a fine line between the legitimate use of force, and the use of force that only serves to satisfy the parent.

I was not responding to "discipline." I was responding to this.

HOWEVER, sometimes you just need a whoopin to right the ship.

What if he was talking about his wife? Seriously, what's the difference here? It's wrong. Regardless of what people might think, it's illegal to strike someone unless its in self-defense. That's just the way it is. Deal.
You need to go back and read my other posts. I am not opposed to spanking a young child very occasionally, nor am I opposed to using restraint or non-violent physical force against your children or teen. Sometimes they just need to be wrestled into their rooms, I get that. But, like I said earlier, there's a fine line between the legitimate use of force, and the use of force that only serves to satisfy the parent.

I was not responding to "discipline." I was responding to this.

What if he was talking about his wife? Seriously, what's the difference here? It's wrong. Regardless of what people might think, it's illegal to strike someone unless its in self-defense. That's just the way it is. Deal.

what? You've never spanked your wife before? :D
Said child needs a swift boot in his ass. However since the parents are pussies they allow the child to do whatever they want.
Bunch of spoiled-ass brats. What's sad is I bet that a lot of the 'adults' commenting here would like to do the same if someone took away their xBox.
Since I can't edit, I'm 34.5 years old and have a 12 year old at the house. She has been her fair share of trouble but she knows that I rule the roost, and she doesn't cross me. She messes with my wife constantly, who basically lets her get away with murder most of the time. With the wife it's lots of threatening etc. With me its a two strike and your out rule. She messes up once, ok. She does it again warning 2, strike 3 she's in deep shit.
Bunch of spoiled-ass brats. What's sad is I bet that a lot of the 'adults' commenting here would like to do the same if someone took away their xBox.

Sorry, but I don't own an xBox.
If someone tried to take away my Xbox360, they'd better be able to out-talk and out-run my pistol LOL.
Hum... Only in this country.......Christ.

What the cops should do is give the parents a huge ticket for fake 911 calls, which they can make the kid pay off.....
Hum... Only in this country.......Christ.

What the cops should do is give the parents a huge ticket for fake 911 calls, which they can make the kid pay off.....

Who's to say they didn't? The article doesn't go on to describe what did or didn't happen after the parents got him alone so...
i have a fix for all of this, if my child ever called the cops on me for something as silly as this!

I would take a family vacation to a country where you are able to teach your child that they are suppose to respect you. hmm maybe a nice island Cuba perhaps... then I would show them why you don't bite the hand that feeds you! And you damn straight they would come back with a new found respect for me after getting five across the eyes.
I wonder how many people wouldn't have a problem with, provided they wouldn't get in trouble with the law, locking the kid in a room, on a chair, and teaching him a lesson using a few sharp or very hot objects.

I'm sure it'd be far more effective than just beating alone - hell, the kid would probably have a few visual reminders to go with it as well. And if it works better, why the hell not?

But the government has to ruin everything for everyone. :rolleyes:

I can't really tell what side you're on here - your sarcasm is very subtle if it exists - but this brings me to my main point:

In my opinion, if you have to use physical pain as a "reminder" to get you kid not to misbehave, you're doing it wrong. Sure, the fear of getting a beating might be an effective way to make your kids think twice about disrespecting you (at least some kids; as I said, this didn't really work on me). But this method of enforcing does not teach the child the proper lesson. The child learns, "if I do something wrong, I get a spanking; I do not want a spanking, therefore I should not do something wrong." This reasoning may keep the child out of trouble for a while, but eventually, as the child grows older and your ability to control and physically dominate him diminishes; the threat of corporal punishment goes away and the child becomes free to act like the bastard he's always wanted to be.

You cannot just take the easy way out like that. Instead, you need to spend time with your child and gain his trust; make him want to obey you because he likes and respects you. Teach him from an early age to view you as a wise friend from whom he can learn life lessons of increasing importance with age. Raise him to want to do good out of kindness and character, not our of fear of punishment. Show your child love such that the fear of disappointing you is punishment enough. The advantage of this attitude is that it will last far into the adult years without any increasing burden on the parent to find new, effective disciplinary threats. Of course, this won't work perfectly - there will still be times when a loss of privileges (such as Xbox 360) or "grounding" is appropriate - but I'm not certain physical contact is ever the best choice except in cases where a child's actions may result in self-injury.
I can't really tell what side you're on here - your sarcasm is very subtle if it exists - but this brings me to my main point:

In my opinion, if you have to use physical pain as a "reminder" to get you kid not to misbehave, you're doing it wrong. Sure, the fear of getting a beating might be an effective way to make your kids think twice about disrespecting you (at least some kids; as I said, this didn't really work on me). But this method of enforcing does not teach the child the proper lesson. The child learns, "if I do something wrong, I get a spanking; I do not want a spanking, therefore I should not do something wrong." This reasoning may keep the child out of trouble for a while, but eventually, as the child grows older and your ability to control and physically dominate him diminishes; the threat of corporal punishment goes away and the child becomes free to act like the bastard he's always wanted to be.

You cannot just take the easy way out like that. Instead, you need to spend time with your child and gain his trust; make him want to obey you because he likes and respects you. Teach him from an early age to view you as a wise friend from whom he can learn life lessons of increasing importance with age. Raise him to want to do good out of kindness and character, not our of fear of punishment. Show your child love such that the fear of disappointing you is punishment enough. The advantage of this attitude is that it will last far into the adult years without any increasing burden on the parent to find new, effective disciplinary threats. Of course, this won't work perfectly - there will still be times when a loss of privileges (such as Xbox 360) or "grounding" is appropriate - but I'm not certain physical contact is ever the best choice except in cases where a child's actions may result in self-injury.

I was following you on this you made some good points, but when you said the part about being a wise friend to the child u lost me.

Do you know what usually happends when the child looks at you as a friend an not as parent?

This sounds like its straight out of a text book and not based on real life ;)
the main point of the "if you don't have kids, stay out of this" argument is that people never really know what will happen when confronted by a certain situation, they may say "this is what I WOULD do", really...? that's what you THINK you would do, but you never know what will really transpire if that situation arises until you are there, the rest is just conjecture...

some people really might do what they think they would do, but I guarantee you that there are those that won't, and there are a myriad of factors involved that can affect the same situation but on different days where different moods may come into play, I think spankings are okay, I used to spank my kids because I got spanked (not beaten :rolleyes:), now I don't spank my kids because I saw my niece and nephew grow up and how they turned out in a spankless home and have since rethought my position on that matter, but there is no way in hell that I would criticize anyone for spanking their child as a form of discipline because I can now see both sides, I have just chosen a path that I believe will work out best, will it...? only time will tell, but my son has responded to the "new" approach very well and I am now an advocate of not spanking, but would never try to impose my methods of discipline on another parent...

we all have to make our own choices in life to live and learn, but you can never say what you would do in a certain situation until you've lived it...

just my .02...
Of course, this won't work perfectly - there will still be times when a loss of privileges (such as Xbox 360) or "grounding" is appropriate - but I'm not certain physical contact is ever the best choice except in cases where a child's actions may result in self-injury.

so no matter what physical contact is never necessary...? interesting, so if the child is "grounded" and the parent goes to unplug the xbox and the kid pushes the parent away, what then...? how effective is that "grounding" if he's still playing the xbox because any type of physical contact is a no no...? there is no "self-injury" involved with him playing the xbox when he isn't supposed to...

what then...?
This is just turning into an argument between different paradigms. Overgeneralizations and mis-interpretations are killing it. I think we ALL agree that spanking your 4 year old and grabbing your 15 year old and throwing him into a wall, or punching him in the stomach are two VERY different scenarios.

You cannot just take the easy way out like that. Instead, you need to spend time with your child and gain his trust; make him want to obey you because he likes and respects you. Teach him from an early age to view you as a wise friend from whom he can learn life lessons of increasing importance with age. Raise him to want to do good out of kindness and character, not our of fear of punishment. Show your child love such that the fear of disappointing you is punishment enough. The advantage of this attitude is that it will last far into the adult years without any increasing burden on the parent to find new, effective disciplinary threats. Of course, this won't work perfectly - there will still be times when a loss of privileges (such as Xbox 360) or "grounding" is appropriate - but I'm not certain physical contact is ever the best choice except in cases where a child's actions may result in self-injury.

Everything you said here is 100% spot on. Except you slipped up and said "friend." All the e-hard asses will jump on that. I think it's quite clear what you really mean: A parent should be in a respected leadership role, and kids, even teens, should at least most of the time not want to make the parent too upset. Good parents never need to hit their kids, it just isn't necessary. Of course there are times when physical force (not hitting them) is necessary, but its cannot be the main device that should be used in disciplining children.
so no matter what physical contact is never necessary...? interesting, so if the child is "grounded" and the parent goes to unplug the xbox and the kid pushes the parent away, what then...? how effective is that "grounding" if he's still playing the xbox because any type of physical contact is a no no...? there is no "self-injury" involved with him playing the xbox when he isn't supposed to...

what then...?

I think by then you can realize that you have fucked up BEFORE this, by bringing your child to the point where it will physically resist you.
I think by then you can realize that you have fucked up BEFORE this, by bringing your child to the point where it will physically resist you.
Is this the old argument where the only thing that dictates how a child acts is how it was raised? I mean, its a great rule of thumb, but there are plenty of exceptions to the rule.
Its called testing boundaries, to further elaborate, and kids will do it all the time. I suppose its possible to shame them into not doing it, but I'm not sure if that's plausible.
Its called testing boundaries, to further elaborate, and kids will do it all the time. I suppose its possible to shame them into not doing it, but I'm not sure if that's plausible.

ok, then to answer your original question, you take your kid aside, explain why you are taking away its ______, then go and take it. Your kid is not stronger then you if you have the option of spanking it, as such you can just push him out of the way, or hold it out of the way until it calms down enough to be reasoned with. Once you have reasoned with it and explained why you are taking its _____ you take it.
I predict all these kids stay living at home 5-10 years longer than the previous generation of kids. It's super awesome to be friends with your kid, makes you feel great about yourself. BUT anyone who's been a real parent knows your supposed to be spending your time protecting them and preparing them for the real world. All this coddling is great for the one instant where it's being done, but when you compound it over 18 years you end up raising a sissy teenager who crys when their toys are taken away and they can't get work cause they think they're the boss and then no one understands how brilliant they are. And the next thing you know we're passing socialized health care.

The worst part for these kids is that the 10 years it takes them to figure out their shit is 10 years they could have been actually learning and growing and becoming that leader and the boss they thought they were already.
I predict all these kids stay living at home 5-10 years longer than the previous generation of kids. It's super awesome to be friends with your kid, makes you feel great about yourself. BUT anyone who's been a real parent knows your supposed to be spending your time protecting them and preparing them for the real world. All this coddling is great for the one instant where it's being done, but when you compound it over 18 years you end up raising a sissy teenager who crys when their toys are taken away and they can't get work cause they think they're the boss and then no one understands how brilliant they are. And the next thing you know we're passing socialized health care.

The worst part for these kids is that the 10 years it takes them to figure out their shit is 10 years they could have been actually learning and growing and becoming that leader and the boss they thought they were already.

I can't even tell what you are arguing here.

beating/spanking children makes them better in every way and if you don't do this they are going to become failures?

I mean your main point appears to be that if you coddle your kids non-stop and pretend they are always right, they aren't going to be prepared for the real world. no shit.

does this mean that you have hit your kids to make them succeed? a bit of a gap in logic there.

I am not even going to bother going into the socialized healthcare argument here though.