Technet 25% off deal on now

Mr. Cranky thanks you.


My pleasure... (sorry about yelling before btw -I just was so excited I got
in after being quite bummed initially. :eek: It was more like a '*no!* don't give up!!!'
type of yell)

I thought about biting the last time that this came around...but didn't
and to add (what I thought would be) insult to injury, once I'd finally
decided to go ahead and do it earlier....the main code wouldnt take.

At any rate, Thanks Again! to all the contributors in this thread (and the last)
about how the Technet subs work, and for making it...well, an easier
and much more informed decision!

Now, if only they'd run the same price (deal) with physical media... :D
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am I missing something or couldn't we burn these downloads to disks in order to have physical media? Is there some limit I'm not aware of?
How many licenses do you get for each program? Like windows 7?

nm, you get alot of em

download is SLOW like 8k a sec.. wtf. restarted.. at 600k a sec now.. better at least.
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This information is like, all over the place, so simple searches can answer the questions:

- 10 keys per product, retail-class licenses (means the key is the same level as the one in a retail boxed product)

- 1 key per server product (Server 2003, 2008 R2, Windows Home Server)

- download ISOs (with hashes provided to verify integrity) or choose to have the physical media shipped to you, but not both - it's one or the other

Keys do not expire, just as retail boxed product keys don't. Licensed for personal use only in terms of testing and development which means technically just anyone grabbing a subscription isn't "allowed" to use these products or the keys for their own personal use as a day-to-day OS on their own hardware.

But that doesn't stop people from doing it, of course, nor does Microsoft actively enforce the TechNet subscription EULA by the letter of it.
Subscribe to technet and get all MS software, think its 10 licence for Windows 7 ultimate

well worth it imo, the price for me is just a little more than buying one retail boxed windows 7 ultimate, this way I get the library plus 10 ultimate keys

(wish i'd known about this sooner, hence the post)

I like the free E-courses they provide as well... well, free if you have a subscription which is paid.... oh wait, that's not free anymore.. Anywho, GREAT deal.
This information is like, all over the place, so simple searches can answer the questions:

- 10 keys per product, retail-class licenses (means the key is the same level as the one in a retail boxed product)

- 1 key per server product (Server 2003, 2008 R2, Windows Home Server)

- download ISOs (with hashes provided to verify integrity) or choose to have the physical media shipped to you, but not both - it's one or the other

Keys do not expire, just as retail boxed product keys don't. Licensed for personal use only in terms of testing and development which means technically just anyone grabbing a subscription isn't "allowed" to use these products or the keys for their own personal use as a day-to-day OS on their own hardware.

But that doesn't stop people from doing it, of course, nor does Microsoft actively enforce the TechNet subscription EULA by the letter of it.

To add some information that I received from a TechNet representative...

10 keys per non-server product with 10 activations each
1 key per server product with 500 activations each

From what I understand "activation" means activated on different hardware. Also, if you use up all your activations you can request more. I love TechNet. :D
I might have forgotten what account I registered technet with.

Either that or I can't find the correct download page anymore, I'm trying this:

but the downloads and key link is grayed out.

Any suggestions?.... what kind of email should I have received when I signed up for technet?

NOTE: I was able to use technet fine the first time I tried to get what I wanted.. now for some reason I'm having problems... I can't even find the "Thanks for Joining Technet" email.

you may have signed up on a different account then.
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Well.. would someone mind finding the "welcome to technet" type of email... I have looked but I can't seem to find it and I'm not really sure what I'm looking for as a confirmation of having paid for it.

I did this last time they had this kind of deal.... hmm.... was able to download windows 7 just fine. Not sure how I did it last time.

so tempted... i just spent $300 on a deck though,... this spending money thing never ends does it?
so tempted... i just spent $300 on a deck though,... this spending money thing never ends does it?

Nope, not unless I run out of money. ;)

Love my Technet! One of the best purchases I have made.
Full retail Windows 7 versions available? The list only mentions the RC
office 2010 would be nice to have... i really dont need any win7 keys. ... i might just wait till windows 8. 2012 will be here sooner then later:D
I hate to bring it up again... but could someone please post their "confirmation" email or at least what it might look like? What email address it came from? ...

Thanks, I really can't figure out which email I setup my account with.
I bought this about a month ago, first logged in today because I am trying to set up a new machine and wanted to get Win7 on it. I can't get the download links to work at all :( I tried both IE and Firefox and both of them when I click on Win7 I either get a blank page or get stuck in some weird infinite loading loop where the page keeps loading itself again.
You have to install that file transfer app, should pop up a click through confirm add on in IE.
Man, I haven't gotten any E-mails from them, but my CC was charged.

Has it been a week? In my experience they're slow once they're flooded with orders, but they will come thru. In any case you can call or email to ask for a status update. Also, if for any reason your subscription started on the CC charge date and you didn't get it activated for a bit, you can call them to get your subscription end date adjusted for that. My friend had that issue and they fixed it with no complaints.
What's better to get, MSDN or TechNet ?

What's the difference in price?

MSDN costs more and is focused on software development. Technet is focused on IT and has lots of OS and Server software as well as Office.
MSDN costs more and is focused on software development. Technet is focused on IT and has lots of OS and Server software as well as Office.

Does MSDN cost more but gives everything TechNet does plus more? Or does it give the same or less but with more software related to software development?

Is the subscription for MSDN longer then a TechNet sub?

And thanks for the response.
why do i need each pc backed up over my network? all my main files i use reside on my server.... all my network pc's never have anything important on them. the server backs up those important files it has too....

seriously, the backup features are the only reason i could see wanting to use WHS. but since i dont need that, and i DO need tv recording capability, vista is best in my case. i appreciate the feedback though, if there are any other reasons to switch i do want to know, im just at a total loss onto the pro's of it for me,.

I think it's great if you have a family under a single household where three or more people have PCs and you want to greatly simplify the backup/sharing process for everyone (almost indispensable if your family is anything like mine), or if you have a huge media collection that's starting to creep beyond the scope of an HTPC that you actually want to keep in the living room... But for many single-users it seems like more hassle than it's worth imo.

With only a desktop and a netbook myself I haven't felt a need for it... I like the concept, but not being able to backup the main WHS drive would bug me, having to re-configure it if the OS drive ever takes a dive kinda defeats the purpose of having a central/automated backup system if you ask me.

I just have one big external drive w/several OS image backups of my desktop/netbook as well as mirror file backups of my media (which is kept separate from the OS on the desktop, since the OS is on a SSD). I still would've jumped on this TechNet deal if I hadn't gotten in on the $20 ACM / MSDNAA deal for Win7 (before they took it down). Eight Win7 keys is plenty for me tho, heh...

But $280 for a whole bunch of Win7 keys, Office 2007/2010, and WHS if I ever decide to experiment w/it, wouldn've been well worth it. (no Office or WHS on MSDNAA, tho it does have Server 2008) I'm still using Office 2003 here, no big deal tho, the one thing I most wish I had from 07 is the math/equation writing functions. :eek:
well I tried to bite, it took the code but it kept saying my CC info was incorrect so I will try again in a few days.
it kept saying my CC info was incorrect so I will try again in a few days.

Are you using Symantec Client firewall? It did the same thing to me. Called my CC company and the nice lady said there was no activity. I turned off the privacy control and ad blocking and it went right through.
Hey thanks...My subscription was coming up for a renew and the code dropped the renewal down from $249 to $179.28. :D

Does anyone know if this can be used to renew an existing account that isn't up for renewal yet? Thanks.