Steaming Poo.

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Aug 18, 2004
I just bought half life on DVD.

I can`t create an account with Steam, its slow as hell going between the screens, and when I start getting anywhere, it gives me unhelpful error messages and quits(normally after the email address field).

Then, when I start creating a new account from stratch, it tells me I already have an email account set up, yadda yadda.

What a pile of wank.

Sorry, I`m annoyed, been doing this for the last hour.
List all your problems and tell me if people are going to die because of them.

Its still poo.
What he said! I'm having so much trouble doing the mandatory registration. It's slow, keeps giving me errors, and Valve's troubleshooting is damn near worthless.
well i was obviously exagerating, but this does really suck, ive been waiting all day to play hl2 and now steam just fails to work, ggs.
I bought a retail copy of the game, and it will not work, this is unnacceptable.
its working for me....hmmm
In valve's defense, my HL2 experience thus far has been very smooth. I was playing the game by 10 minutes after it was released last night
Yeah, does`nt look like we can do much until they sort it out.

Hope this is a lesson to game producers who want to force us to register games online.
probably due to their reg servers getting hammered ...just wait a couple weeks when things slow down a bit and you'll prolly be able to register like buttah'
take it back. tell em you cant play because the thriced damned validation doesn't work.
valve will get the message, and then promptly ignore it
ThreeDee said:
probably due to their reg servers getting hammered ...just wait a couple weeks when things slow down a bit and you'll prolly be able to register like buttah'

Waited this long, who cares about another couple of weeks? :p
It may have something to do with having the correct ports open.
Over and over Steam would give me error messages after entering
an email address. I turned off my firewall stuff and it starting working instantly.

Also, i'm postive i selected DSL in the registration stuff but during the
actual download process it defaulted itself to 56k. I know this because after
waiting 10 hours i was like wtf is taking so long
Funny thing about steam though, gonna suck when someone trades the game and someone else buys it and wants to play. How's that going to work with the key?

And I don't know if it requires the dvd..cuz..i...can' *different issue not steam or connections more personal* but you can back it up and have a working copy

Dunno...but seems like it's stupid and potentially very hackable and more of a problem for legit users.

I just want my cd/dvd checked
Can't even get into steams forums to bitch about it. I would think that if you made online registration mandatory, that you would damn sure your network could handle the load. The delays and other stuff, to me, are forgivable, but this is unacceptable.
ThreeDee said:
probably due to their reg servers getting hammered ...just wait a couple weeks when things slow down a bit and you'll prolly be able to register like buttah'

see..I see that as a problem. People who bought the cd should be able to play right away.

Don't know if this is the issue. but I see it as a potential problem
It´s really inexcusable. I mean they must have known that there will be a lot of HL 2 buyers on launch date :rolleyes:

It works for me but it´s really buggy.

After a lenghty upgrade process which I don´t understand why I would need when I have a DVD on my hand. Why would Valve like to screw all no broadband users over anyway?

But that went quite smooth except on my 100 mb broadband connection took far longer than you thought would be needed.

But now that I start the game I have to wait three minuts for a "Correct cd not find within time limit" message to retry and then it launch up okay.

What a lot of unnecessary hazzle. Now I am going to try to disconnect from my internet connection and if it don´t run without an internet connection I will write hate letters to Valve.

And no freaking manual not even pdf. So god damn cheap it doesnt exist. Thankfully I got the game quite cheap for 50$ or something.

Game itself? Shows promise I am sure I will enjoy it more or less.
at least you have the game, steam wont even let me download it

"steam is too busy to accept any more preloads of halflife2, try again in a few hours"

ok i have been trying every few hours for the past week you whores :mad:
if piracy wasnt a problem ...I'm guessing that steam would'nt be a problem either ..
Lets stop and think about this: How many ppl want to play HL2? How many ppl probably purchased it and/or started a new Steam account today. I think we could safely assume millions. I think thats your answer. Im sure their just bogged down. Yeah it sucks what can you do. Ive been Downloading HL2 since yesterday afternoon cuase Im an idiot and forgot to precache......So we all ahve problems. Steam is fine.....its just overworked rigth now.
1st Sgt. Burke said:
Lets stop and think about this: How many ppl want to play HL2? How many ppl probably purchased it and/or started a new Steam account today. I think we could safely assume millions. I think thats your answer. Im sure their just bogged down. Yeah it sucks what can you do. Ive been Downloading HL2 since yesterday afternoon cuase Im an idiot and forgot to precache......So we all ahve problems. Steam is fine.....its just overworked rigth now.

Don`t defend the scapegoat :p
This is the reason I refuse to buy any games that use Steam! Steam has had problem after problem. They have been very inconsistant with getting connected and there customer Service is nonexistant. Eversense I was not allowed to play CS 1.6 on steam because I forgot my account password and I had moved so I nolonger had my old E-Mail to get a new password, and I couldn't creat a new account to play the game, and they simply refuse to reset my CD-Key I consider them right up there with Comunism!

STEAM CAN KISS MY ASS, I will never buy one of there games no matter how good it is!
1st Sgt. Burke said:
Lets stop and think about this: How many ppl want to play HL2? How many ppl probably purchased it and/or started a new Steam account today. I think we could safely assume millions. I think thats your answer. Im sure their just bogged down. Yeah it sucks what can you do. Ive been Downloading HL2 since yesterday afternoon cuase Im an idiot and forgot to precache......So we all ahve problems. Steam is fine.....its just overworked rigth now.

Absolutely unacceptable. I was fortunate in downloading it weeks ago and authenticating it this morning at 5:30 A.M. If I was one of those people who went to the store, bought the game for fifty plus dollars, brought it home and couldn't play it, I would be mad as hell. Valve and VU are the ones who made everybody authenticate it. As such, they should have been ready. What a bunch of crap.
I've had steam for ... well since it came out. Was planning on getting retail, but ended up just saying f* it.. and ordered offline. Everything ran through pretty fast on my 150kb/sec connection. But now I have to get "Ready to Play" in (as of right now) 205 minutes. Wait, 216. OHH just got 1 piece of the download bar :D Can't wait to play it at 5 hours later @ 9pm. :D
retardedchicken said:
at least you have the game, steam wont even let me download it

"steam is too busy to accept any more preloads of halflife2, try again in a few hours"

ok i have been trying every few hours for the past week you whores :mad:

Delete your clientregistry.blob file in the steam folder. This happed to me too and that's how I fixed it. well, and is serving as a trailblazer in the future of game content delivery. :D
Sorry to be a jackass, but really you knew this was going to happen. All the people that dislike Steam said sh!t would hit the fan on release. Well it did, so now you people can say "I told you so." Well say it and fsck off.


Other people that did not do the pre loads and have an account already? WTF were you thinking? Did you not read anything at all about how HL2 authentication was going to work? All I can say is, that is what you get for procrastinating. You knew a steam account was going to be needed, why wait until the last minute? I just don't get it.


If a mod has a problem with this post, pm me and I will edit. I just feel that people are being really dumb about this game release.
all of you need to shutup and excercise your consumer rights.

You KNEW you had to use steam to play half life 2, so if you don't like Steam... excercise your rights! don't buy it.
is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Has worked flawlessy for me all the time. Activated my HL2 files last night and was up playing early before work. Steam Kicks Ass!!!
MrWoot said:
all of you need to shutup and excercise your consumer rights.

You KNEW you had to use steam to play half life 2, so if you don't like Steam... excercise your rights! don't buy it.
I couldn't agree more!
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