Steaming Poo.

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OH mmy GOD..what is it doing now...I'm on the server and it has to update something for hl2. It's going to take about 20 minutes. I bought the freaking game because I have a 56K MODEM! what am I being forced to download just to play this.

I really hate soundling like a bitcher I know I know..SHUT UP ;)
But people who hate the bitchin, you have to realize that there are a LOT of people with problems. This is a REALLY bad idea to release games like this
RoyLuv said:
Piss off.

I am sitting here looking at the screen, trying to login and waiting for the grass to grow. All this after getting 3 different errors during the create account process.

I just want to play this freaking game!!!!
Nomad said:
Piss off.

I am sitting here looking at the screen, trying to login and waiting for the grass to grow. All this after getting 3 different errors during the create account process.

I just want to play this freaking game!!!!

Uhmmm so quit posting and just sit there and let it work......derr! :rolleyes:
Nomad said:
Piss off.

I am sitting here looking at the screen, trying to login and waiting for the grass to grow. All this after getting 3 different errors during the create account process.

I just want to play this freaking game!!!!

You know this authentication crap by Valve should be addressed by Our fearless leader. After all he takes on other injustices. The buying of a game that can't be played because Valve wasn't prepared to handle the load is BS and just wrong to US as gamers and consumers. If Valve can't support their customer base they need get the F#$k out of the game business. I will be returning this can't be played game to my local SAMS Club despite their no return policy tommorrow.
I put the first CD in the drive over an hour ago and I still cannot play the game.

After locking up a number of times, it now tells me that it is unlocking HL2 Game files. It has been on this screen for the last 10 minutes.....
i can log into steam finally, but it tells me my cd code is invalid when i try to register it there. What a waste of a night
AKTHOR said:
F@ck all you pre loaders downloading the game I don't give a rats ass, I paid $54.99 for the f@cking game at the game store came home installed the CD's and it doesn't work that is f@cking BS. I hope you go spend $60 on something that doesn't work and then have others tell you you are the idiot and "you should have expected it not to work u r a dummy" F@CK YOU!!!
Banned 24 hours
1:43 minutes after putting the first CD in the drive........

I know see a loading screen with a fuzzy background city scape.
That is awesome. That is about the time no actually it´s much shorter it takes for me to start up HL 2 on my comp :D

Though one time in five it actually manage to validate my DVD within the time limit

That can´t be STEAM though :p
This thread is going nowhere fast... I suggest you take the time working on installing the game rather than posting here.
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