Steam Summer Sale 2011

Decided to check out the King Arthur game...can't really go wrong for $3.
You needed a big arrow pointing to the next quest update, and Stalker didn't have one, so you gave up. I like how you thought you were "supposed" to go somewhere. Did it ever occur to you to decide for yourself what you were going to do next? Neither Borderlands or Mass Effect are open world. They're almost totally linear, plot based games that hold your hand at every stage, especially the Mass Effect series, which is essentially "playing" a movie script. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy those games, but they are nothing like STALKER.
I like how you ridicule me for having a different opinion on video games and not enjoying the same type of games as you. I do enjoy some linearity in games because running around aimlessly for hours on end with no idea if I'm advancing in the game or not just doesn't bring me any sort of excitement. Another poster asked for people's opinion of the game and I gave my honest opinion. Obviously a lot of people enjoy the series because it spawned two sequels and continues to draw new people in. I'm sorry I didn't enjoy your favorite game, I will now commit seppuku to save my family's honor.
I'm planning on getting the Stalker Series (SoC through the THQ Pack, and the rest through today's Daily Deals). Should I start playing with the Complete mod from the get-go?

I would. The Complete mod does not change the core game play, but fixes a lot of bugs, updates the graphics, and adds very little to alter the game play from it's intended original release. You won't miss anything from the vanilla version and overall playability is much better.
I like how you ridicule me for having a different opinion on video games and not enjoying the same type of games as you. I do enjoy some linearity in games because running around aimlessly for hours on end with no idea if I'm advancing in the game or not just doesn't bring me any sort of excitement. Another poster asked for people's opinion of the game and I gave my honest opinion. Obviously a lot of people enjoy the series because it spawned two sequels and continues to draw new people in. I'm sorry I didn't enjoy your favorite game, I will now commit seppuku to save my family's honor.

It wasn't ridicule, it was also an observation of the type of people that dislike STALKER. Didn't you read my post? I said I also like the games you said you liked. You said little about why you disliked Stalker, only that you couldn't figure it out because the world was too big and you couldn't figure out where to go. That's not an opinion, that's a lack of willingness to learn or figure things out for yourself. If you can't do that stuff, or don't want to in gaming, you won't enjoy the series. You took it personally, when it was merely, like your post, a personal opinion.
im looking for something worth getting but nothing yet. those indie games might be great but thats not what im looking for.

Yeah, I keep hoping for something to catch my eye but it's either DRM infested or just not what I am looking for.
Defense Grid and Magicka are definitely indie games worth buying. You just have to TRY them, I'm pretty sure you'll be hooked after giving them an actual go.

Defense Grid is making me play it nonstop, it's so great when you can just get a simple yet complex game like DG and just fire it up and play it, then stop when you want to, and have fun all the while.
I would. The Complete mod does not change the core game play, but fixes a lot of bugs, updates the graphics, and adds very little to alter the game play from it's intended original release. You won't miss anything from the vanilla version and overall playability is much better.

Agreed 100%. Stalker was nothing short of superb with the Complete mod.
I'm gonna pick up King Arthur complete pack when I get home, I've never played a true wargame before, there used to be this guy who wrote for PC magazine, ALL he did was review wargames, I guess I kinda owe it to him to try one out, I always did read his column for some reason even if I never did buy the games he reviewed.
thanks to this thread gonna pick up defense grid.

You won't regret that, it's simple to learn, and extremely fun to set up all your turrets/towers and figure out how to crush those swarms!

It's definitely one of those games that are outside the norm that you just happen across and exclaim,"This is a fucking good game!".
bit on the first stalker game thanks to all of you.

I have recently found a love for FPS type games again after a foray into MMOs
If it comes up again and you didnt get it, BUY JUST CAUSE 2. I've been like a crackhead playing it religiously.

Tropico 3 is also SOOOO GOOD. Very good recommendations in this thread.

DG is also good, I can't get into it as much as I did Tropico. DG is fairly slow paced, at least in the beginning. I hope the levels get longer and more intricate.
If it comes up again and you didnt get it, BUY JUST CAUSE 2. I've been like a crackhead playing it religiously.

Tropico 3 is also SOOOO GOOD. Very good recommendations in this thread.

DG is also good, I can't get into it as much as I did Tropico. DG is fairly slow paced, at least in the beginning. I hope the levels get longer and more intricate.

They definitely get more intricate and there are levels that give you a lot of freedom.

I never thought the game was slow though, just hold F.
If it comes up again and you didnt get it, BUY JUST CAUSE 2. I've been like a crackhead playing it religiously.

Tropico 3 is also SOOOO GOOD. Very good recommendations in this thread.

DG is also good, I can't get into it as much as I did Tropico. DG is fairly slow paced, at least in the beginning. I hope the levels get longer and more intricate.

They do, and if you want to speed up the combat, after you've BUILT your defense and are just waiting on the waves to arrive, you can hold F on your keyboard, it will speed up combat untill you release F, that should help you with the pacing issue.
They do, and if you want to speed up the combat, after you've BUILT your defense and are just waiting on the waves to arrive, you can hold F on your keyboard, it will speed up combat untill you release F, that should help you with the pacing issue.

Oh, sweet. I hated the waiting on waves. I'd just minimize it and come back to the game 20 minutes later to see if I won or lost... lol.
Oh, sweet. I hated the waiting on waves. I'd just minimize it and come back to the game 20 minutes later to see if I won or lost... lol.

It's weirdly fascinating to watch the waves go towards your towers to their deaths, I suppose that's the catch to it, and you feel like an evil genius plotting their deaths.

One thing you should know is that once your base defense is up and running, you need to upgrade the towers at the choke points ASAP, that makes them even MORE effective, and if you do it correctly, the waves shouldn't even make it to where your cores are, and if they do, they probably won't make it back to the exit, they will more than likely be stopped halfway there.

Red upgrade towers do an astounding amount of damage, even the machine gun ones, get red cannons, and it's over for them.

In the later missions, your success will depend not just on how you deploy your towers, but which ones you upgrade and how quickly you upgrade them.

I'd say the first couple of missions are there to just get you acclimated to the game, but the later ones are a real challenge and are probably the most fun.

I also own all the DLC for the game (4 DLC for 25 cents each, $1, yes please!) I can't wait to try those out once I beat the game.

I will also do the special challenges.

This game is more than just what it appears to be, it's the real total sum of it's parts, the fun really is in the plotting, and then it gets more fun when you're hectically trying to upgrade your towers to stop the fast waves and kill those bad ass boss aliens. (Hint, upgraded towers will take those bad boys down.)

I find laser weapons to be bad, especially Tesla towers, I put more stock into red tower Gun, cannon, and Inferno towers.

I'm fond of Meteor towers too, but don't build too many of those.
Does anyone know if the sale for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit contains the limited edition cars or not? Also noticed the game is cheaper for AU regions is it possible to purchase a game at international prices through Steam with an account that is not created within the region?

US is 17.99
AU is 11.99

Both use USD currency.
Fail, I don't know how far along you are but lasers become incredibly effective once upgraded to yellow or red, esp. against those floating things that can steal tons of orbs. They remind me of the floating boss guy in HL2E2, the one that killed Eli Vance.
I find laser weapons to be bad, especially Tesla towers, I put more stock into red tower Gun, cannon, and Inferno towers.

I'm fond of Meteor towers too, but don't build too many of those.

I'm not sure how long ago you quit using tesla towers, but there was an update recently that increased it's damage vs. shielded and non-shielded units. Those towers were instrumental in completing the out of bullets achievement.
To be honest, I tried out the Tesla towers but never upgraded them, they just seem like they are very undependable, and did subpar damage, the laser weapons were great against the fast movers, but I did upgrade those in that one mission where the map looks like the hammer and sickle of Communist Russia. I am probably on mission 13-16, I have my Command tower. I'm near the end of the game, I heard it has 20 levels, after that, it's on to the DLC.

I really enjoy this game, and I WILL give those Tesla towers another shot. I don't even bother with concussion towers, they seem weak too.
It wasn't ridicule, it was also an observation of the type of people that dislike STALKER. Didn't you read my post? I said I also like the games you said you liked. You said little about why you disliked Stalker, only that you couldn't figure it out because the world was too big and you couldn't figure out where to go. That's not an opinion, that's a lack of willingness to learn or figure things out for yourself. If you can't do that stuff, or don't want to in gaming, you won't enjoy the series. You took it personally, when it was merely, like your post, a personal opinion.
i LOVE open world games, and prefer them to the linear games but something about stalker (with the complete mod installed) just didn't keep me interested. It was rather boring to me, and well I didn't have any interest to continue playing. Keep in mind I own all three and have played all three, i've give it chances with each release just never could keep me motivated to play.
i LOVE open world games, and prefer them to the linear games but something about stalker (with the complete mod installed) just didn't keep me interested. It was rather boring to me, and well I didn't have any interest to continue playing. Keep in mind I own all three and have played all three, i've give it chances with each release just never could keep me motivated to play.

That's not really as odd as you think.

I hated Mass Effect, I loved Dragon Age, everyone knows the similiarities between the two and everyone knows the reasons that one might not like one of those, but prefer the other.

Stalker is just a lesser known example.
Not sure if it's posted yet but Stalker Call of Pripyat is $3.74 right now...I just bit
I don't even bother with concussion towers, they seem weak too.

Wait till you start doing the Grinder challenges. Those Concussion Towers are your best friends... especially when you mix them with a few Flame and Temporal towers at key positions. Then you just sit back and watch those Walkers melt away.
Its actually 7 bucks but if you own vanilla and cs, you get the loyalty discount.

Thought I was going to go a day without buying a game, but your post made me double check that I had Clear Sky and it turns out I don't. These sales are sabotage sometimes.
I'm thinking of Deus Ex and Monkey Island. Never played either and don't now much about them.
I'm thinking of Deus Ex and Monkey Island. Never played either and don't now much about them.

If you can get past graphics, the original Deus Ex is arguably the best PC game ever made. For some people, revisiting classics can be hard due to the graphics and the way controls/interfaces have changed or been perfected. For it's time it was extremely open, with methods of beating the game without firing a shot or things like that.

The sequel is fun, but not nearly as amazing as the first. I enjoyed it, but some people hated it.
I'm thinking of Deus Ex and Monkey Island. Never played either and don't now much about them.

Let's just say that every time Deus Ex is mentioned, about 10 people reinstall it to play it again, even after all these years.
I only own shadow of chernobyl and it cost me $3.74
Yeah just re-read it, own either or it seems.

Buy S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat Loyalty Promo

Loyalty Promo grants a discount off Call of Pripyat if you already own the Steam Version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. Please note that you need to have Clear Sky or Shadow of Chernobyl registered to your Steam account before purchasing Call of Pripyat to receive the discounted price.
Quick question for those that loved the original Monkey Island series...and who have bought the "reissues" of the first two.

I bought the "Tales of Monkey Island" (complete pack), and was somewhat disappointed/dismayed at their final interpretation. So I'm somewhat leery of another dive into a reissue. How do you like the "new version" of MI series that's on sale today??
(I know there's a supposed 'classic mode'...but still curious as to others thoughts.)
Just bit on STALKER series after much thought through out the day, and mostly due to the comments on here. No idea when I'll play it... but now I'm cool?